What do liberals want the US to be?

The statement was not that some Republicans agree with Any Rand, that I would have agreed with.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

I agree, but the Jake "Republicans" outvoted the fiscal conservatives, just showing again that "the Republican party" does not worship Ayn Rand.

True, just a portion of GOPers worship Randiazn bullshit, the rest just put it at the top of the myths they believe in. Who the GOPers worship is the terrorists funder, abortion signing Ronnie Reagan
The statement was not that some Republicans agree with Any Rand, that I would have agreed with.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.
The statement was not that some Republicans agree with Any Rand, that I would have agreed with.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

I agree, but the Jake "Republicans" outvoted the fiscal conservatives, just showing again that "the Republican party" does not worship Ayn Rand.

they have never claimed to worship Rand, just to worship freedom like Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Lock Friedman. Liberals worship govt so spied for Hitler and support single payer.
The statement was not that some Republicans agree with Any Rand, that I would have agreed with.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

I agree, but the Jake "Republicans" outvoted the fiscal conservatives, just showing again that "the Republican party" does not worship Ayn Rand.

they have never claimed to worship Rand, just to worship freedom like Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Lock Friedman. Liberals worship govt so spied for Hitler and support single payer.

You're mixing discussions. I think the only thing we're disagreeing on is that I don't see anything about the Republicans as a party that worships government any less than Democrats, they just want different things.

We certainly agree there are Republicans who worship freedom. I just don't think there are enough of them. Which is why I left the party two and a half decades ago and haven't come back.
The statement was not that some Republicans agree with Any Rand, that I would have agreed with.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?
If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.
Republicans seem to agree with all the major figures in human history who supported freedom from liberal government. Those figures are Aristotle Cicero Jesus Luther Locke Jefferson Madison Rand Friedman, and many many others. To narrow it down to Rand is just an indication of illiteracy.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

I agree, but the Jake "Republicans" outvoted the fiscal conservatives, just showing again that "the Republican party" does not worship Ayn Rand.

they have never claimed to worship Rand, just to worship freedom like Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Lock Friedman. Liberals worship govt so spied for Hitler and support single payer.

You're mixing discussions. I think the only thing we're disagreeing on is that I don't see anything about the Republicans as a party that worships government any less than Democrats, they just want different things.

We certainly agree there are Republicans who worship freedom. I just don't think there are enough of them. Which is why I left the party two and a half decades ago and haven't come back.

If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

I agree, but the Jake "Republicans" outvoted the fiscal conservatives, just showing again that "the Republican party" does not worship Ayn Rand.

they have never claimed to worship Rand, just to worship freedom like Aristotle Cicero Jefferson Lock Friedman. Liberals worship govt so spied for Hitler and support single payer.

You're mixing discussions. I think the only thing we're disagreeing on is that I don't see anything about the Republicans as a party that worships government any less than Democrats, they just want different things.

We certainly agree there are Republicans who worship freedom. I just don't think there are enough of them. Which is why I left the party two and a half decades ago and haven't come back.

dumbto3, a typical stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?
If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

Debate what? Your stupid posit, ignoring my post and arguing the usual distortions, MYTHS and lies? ? Seriously?
Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.

I don't know if dumbto3 should be ignored since be perfectly represents or exposes the ignorance on which liberalism is based. Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is in his cut and pastes.
True, just a portion of GOPers worship Randiazn bullshit,

how is freedom BS?? A liberal is against the very principle of America. Why not go to Cuba?
Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.

Why would ANYONE put forth bills that would die? YES, WHY DID THE GOPers put forth dozens and dozens of bills to reject Obamacares? lol

Of course as usual, the libertarian thinks things should be free. Shocking
Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.

I don't know if dumto3 should be ignored since be perfectly represents or exposes the ignorance on which liberalism is based. Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is.

"Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is."

True. TRUTH. Not a right wing myth, distortion or lie like you right wingers use!
All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.

I don't know if dumto3 should be ignored since be perfectly represents or exposes the ignorance on which liberalism is based. Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is.

"Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is."

True. TRUTH. Not a right wing myth, distortion or lie like you right wingers use!

yes I see, thanks to the big letters!!
a typical stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument

Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is in his cut and pastes.

I believe the guy is trying to help you out there Ed. He uses a level of communication that is necessary to communicate with people like you. Kinda like communication with young kids.

Cartoons and simple words written large font have been shown to help in the learning process, again, for people like you.

So while I understand the frustration that you people must feel when shown the truth and haven't the ability to process the truth. Hang in there. Study the cartoons. Study the big letters and simple sentences.

Dad23 is trying to help you. And you are making it hard on him to show progress. And he has broken the message down to it's simplest form. Help a Dad out dude. Show some understanding. It's Christmas.
a stupid liberal will think a cartoon is a meaningful argument. Why doesn't the stupid liberal find a debate site where people post cartoons to each other as a form of debate?

It's what they do.

I have this moron on ignore.

His questions make far to many assumptions.....

Like asking who put forth bills to pay for the wars.

Why would anyone put forth a bill that they know isn't going to make it.

Not sure if there were any democrats who put forth those kinds of bills.

I don't know if dumto3 should be ignored since be perfectly represents or exposes the ignorance on which liberalism is based. Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is.

"Today he's using cartoons. Usually he uses big letters or colors to point out where the truth is."

True. TRUTH. Not a right wing myth, distortion or lie like you right wingers use!

yes I see, thanks to the big letters!!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson
"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

so then dummy we must get rid of unions so 30 million can have their jobs back!! You walk right into the swinging door 100 times and have no idea the door is coming the 101st time. What does that teach you? See why we have to be positive the liberal will be slow?

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