What do liberals want the US to be?

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.
That's correct, and why as a society we can't rely on just that. You're welcome.

Why not? All we have to do for those who can't afford it is to let you bleeding hearts prove you're compassionate rather than simply saying you care.

Since ALL of us live in the same society, I find it quit hypocritical that you expect some of us to do what you say is part of living in society while others are able to get by without doing it.
OK, lets step back a little. Can you cite or link the law that require government to buy bonds.

The fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities ...

Social Security Trust Fund - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hmmmmm . . . so?

How does that make the bonds it "buys" worth anything?

Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.
1) It's called INSURANCE dummy. Check out the meaning sometime

2) lmarog... Yeah, the one passing a $700+ billion tax cut AFTER Bill's first surplus

To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote. Prior to 1993, the debate over fiscal policy often revolved around a false choice between public investment and deficit reduction. The 1993 deficit reduction plan showed that deficit and debt reductions could be accomplished in a progressive way by slashing the deficit in half and making important investments in our future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. The plan included more than $500 billion in deficit reduction. It also cut taxes for 15 million of the hardest-pressed Americans by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

Wow BEFORE THE GOPers took over Congress???lol

"Clinton's 1993 (Dem Congress) budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

The Clinton Presidency Historic Economic Growth

I did check out the definition of insurance. If you think what we have is insurance, you're an idiot. With true insurance, a person wanting it approaches the person selling it and pays a price based on the risk the person poses using past history. If the person is a higher risk, they either pay more or they can be denied due to their risks potentially costing the one providing the coverage more than they can get from that person.

With Obamacare, we don't have insurance although idiots like you call it that.

'true insuance'???? lol

Fuckkking morons on the right. And NO, Obamacares ISN'T insurance dummy, it's called a LAW that GETS tens of millions more covered under insurance!

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.
That's correct, and why as a society we can't rely on just that. You're welcome.

Why not? All we have to do for those who can't afford it is to let you bleeding hearts prove you're compassionate rather than simply saying you care.

Since ALL of us live in the same society, I find it quit hypocritical that you expect some of us to do what you say is part of living in society while others are able to get by without doing it.

Some of US? So we AREN'T a society? You and your ilk haven't benefited from others? From generations of US as a society? You did it on your own? lol

Go to a 3rd world nation, like the US was before PROGRESSIVE POLICIES brought US into the light!

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
The fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities ...

Social Security Trust Fund - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hmmmmm . . . so?

How does that make the bonds it "buys" worth anything?

Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.
I did check out the definition of insurance. If you think what we have is insurance, you're an idiot. With true insurance, a person wanting it approaches the person selling it and pays a price based on the risk the person poses using past history. If the person is a higher risk, they either pay more or they can be denied due to their risks potentially costing the one providing the coverage more than they can get from that person.

With Obamacare, we don't have insurance although idiots like you call it that.

'true insuance'???? lol

Fuckkking morons on the right. And NO, Obamacares ISN'T insurance dummy, it's called a LAW that GETS tens of millions more covered under insurance!

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?
I did check out the definition of insurance. If you think what we have is insurance, you're an idiot. With true insurance, a person wanting it approaches the person selling it and pays a price based on the risk the person poses using past history. If the person is a higher risk, they either pay more or they can be denied due to their risks potentially costing the one providing the coverage more than they can get from that person.

With Obamacare, we don't have insurance although idiots like you call it that.

'true insuance'???? lol

Fuckkking morons on the right. And NO, Obamacares ISN'T insurance dummy, it's called a LAW that GETS tens of millions more covered under insurance!

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
Society is one thing. Government is another. How does the fact that I benefit from the activities of, say, Steve Jobs entitle government to anything I have earned?
The fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities ...

Social Security Trust Fund - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hmmmmm . . . so?

How does that make the bonds it "buys" worth anything?

Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.
That's correct, and why as a society we can't rely on just that. You're welcome.

Why not? All we have to do for those who can't afford it is to let you bleeding hearts prove you're compassionate rather than simply saying you care.

Since ALL of us live in the same society, I find it quit hypocritical that you expect some of us to do what you say is part of living in society while others are able to get by without doing it.

Some of US? So we AREN'T a society? You and your ilk haven't benefited from others? From generations of US as a society? You did it on your own? lol

Go to a 3rd world nation, like the US was before PROGRESSIVE POLICIES brought US into the light!

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
'true insuance'???? lol

Fuckkking morons on the right. And NO, Obamacares ISN'T insurance dummy, it's called a LAW that GETS tens of millions more covered under insurance!

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
Society is one thing. Government is another. How does the fact that I benefit from the activities of, say, Steve Jobs entitle government to anything I have earned?
Hmmmmm . . . so?

How does that make the bonds it "buys" worth anything?

Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.
That's correct, and why as a society we can't rely on just that. You're welcome.

Why not? All we have to do for those who can't afford it is to let you bleeding hearts prove you're compassionate rather than simply saying you care.

Since ALL of us live in the same society, I find it quit hypocritical that you expect some of us to do what you say is part of living in society while others are able to get by without doing it.

Some of US? So we AREN'T a society? You and your ilk haven't benefited from others? From generations of US as a society? You did it on your own? lol

Go to a 3rd world nation, like the US was before PROGRESSIVE POLICIES brought US into the light!

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
Pay to play here dumbass. The government is the reason you can make money here. Without it capitalism wouldn't exist. For that opportunity there is a price to be paid, in taxes.
No they don't

They have to demonstrate that they promote and hire regardless of race, sex or creed. If they can demonstrate they do not have qualified applicants, they are not forced to hire anyone
Prior to civil rights, it seemed only white male christians were qualified. That is why we needed affirmative action
ROFL what a load of horse manure. They are FORCED to hire based on race, sex, and creed to "correct" the NUMBERS based on some BULLSHIT ASSUMPTION that the people working for a company should have a certain percentage of each, and until you get their the people in the wrong group are screwed over.
White males no longer had exclusive access to skilled and management positions. affirmative action changed that
Federal contractors were forced to justify their lack of diversity or lose contracts

Affirmative Action was hugely successful
Yeah you can tell how successful it was by all of the how well our economy and companies are doing.. oh yeah NVM I guess putting shitty people in charge isn't working is it.

The number of women and minorities now occupying skilled positions and management is a tribute to affirmative action

That's not a tribute. It's a disaster. Affirmative action uses to benefit certain groups what, if used to deny those same groups, would be wrong. What it means is that some more qualified person didn't get a job.
What it does is deny exclusive access to those jobs for white males

Every family has benefitted from affirmative action
Hmmmmm . . . so?

How does that make the bonds it "buys" worth anything?

Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.

They do pay taxes, but none of taxes they pay goes into the funds they're currently drawing from.
'true insuance'???? lol

Fuckkking morons on the right. And NO, Obamacares ISN'T insurance dummy, it's called a LAW that GETS tens of millions more covered under insurance!

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?

Insurance comps are on the hook? Have you been paying attention Bubba? lol Record insurance comp stock prices. You mean Obamacare capped the amount of profit? Boo fkkking hoo
Same as EVERY other US backed bond. Is there a problem with them I'm unaware of? Is the US lacking people wanting to buy them? lol

I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.

They do pay taxes, but none of taxes they pay goes into the funds they're currently drawing from.

Weird, just like SS and Medicare (for most)???
I've already explained this about 1000 times on this forum, but I'll do it one more time for the morons: A bond a bank issues to itself is worth exactly zero to the bank. The same goes for government issued bonds that the government purchases. They are worth zero to the government and the taxpayers. They're nothing but an attempt to con you.

Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.

They do pay taxes, but none of taxes they pay goes into the funds they're currently drawing from.

Weird, just like SS and Medicare (for most)???

Not sure what you're asking.

I was referring to people on welfare and food stamps. Thats where they're drawing from and paying nothing to it.
Got it, you don't believe in good governance so no, you wouldn't accept US Gov't backing. Shocking, try going to a 3rd world nation. I have a 'friend' who moved to Panama, bought a house in a 'development' then the owner died before everything in the development was completed, and he's pissed at the dead mans wife, lol. Gawdddamn right wingers (he's as far right libertarian as you could go)...

But I bet like Ayn Rand, you'll accept the Gov't money via SS/Medicare, lol

Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.

They do pay taxes, but none of taxes they pay goes into the funds they're currently drawing from.

Weird, just like SS and Medicare (for most)???

Not sure what you're asking.

I was referring to people on welfare and food stamps. Thats where they're drawing from and paying nothing to it.


His posit:

"Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.["

True insurance would allow a carrier to say no to a person if they are too much of a costs risk.

Obamacare isn't insurance. It mandates that people have it and that a company providing coverage can't say no even if they know they'll lose money by doing it. It also mandates that those millions, if they can't afford it, have some honorable, hardworking person pay taxes to fund a subsidy so many of them can get yet ANOTHER handout.

If you're one that was able to afford coverage because of a subsidy, fuck you. I don't owe you a damn thing.

Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?

Insurance comps are on the hook? Have you been paying attention Bubba? lol Record insurance comp stock prices. You mean Obamacare capped the amount of profit? Boo fkkking hoo

What the fuck are you talking about? What does anything you posted have to do with my question? Why should insurance companies pay the bills of anyone who can't pay their premiums?
Moron. Insurance don't HAVE to accept anyone, if they don't want tto play, get the fuk out!

So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?

Insurance comps are on the hook? Have you been paying attention Bubba? lol Record insurance comp stock prices. You mean Obamacare capped the amount of profit? Boo fkkking hoo

What the fuck are you talking about? What does anything you posted have to do with my question? Why should insurance companies pay the bills of anyone who can't pay their premiums?

OK, You'll stick to the usual right wing bullshit, false premises, distortions and LIES. Shocking

PLEASE give me ONE example of ANY insurance comp paying a bill for ANYONE not paying their premiums? lol. Idiot
So, your answer is they have to cater to leeches or don't be in business?
Spoken like a true leech.

No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?

Insurance comps are on the hook? Have you been paying attention Bubba? lol Record insurance comp stock prices. You mean Obamacare capped the amount of profit? Boo fkkking hoo

What the fuck are you talking about? What does anything you posted have to do with my question? Why should insurance companies pay the bills of anyone who can't pay their premiums?

OK, You'll stick to the usual right wing bullshit, false premises, distortions and LIES. Shocking

It's a question, idiot. Try answering it.

PLEASE give me ONE example of ANY insurance comp paying a bill for ANYONE not paying their premiums? lol. Idiot

That's what Obamacare forces them to do, numskull. Those with low incomes have their premiums subsidized - meaning the insurance company makes up the difference. You aren't actually going to deny that, are you?
Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.

Right, those on food stamps or welfare NEVER paid taxes *shaking head*

You're a hypocrite. I'm not shocked.

They do pay taxes, but none of taxes they pay goes into the funds they're currently drawing from.

Weird, just like SS and Medicare (for most)???

Not sure what you're asking.

I was referring to people on welfare and food stamps. Thats where they're drawing from and paying nothing to it.


His posit:

"Accepting something that I was required to be a part of isn't wrong. If it is then those accepting food stamps and welfare are wrong because they get something funded by taxes they don't pay.

I'll take what comes my way from SS solely because I was required to put into it even if it means someone like you lives on the streets.["


When you say they paid fed taxes, you presume they paid all fed taxes. Would be too much to ask you to be honest? Well, what you said is not true. They don't pay federal income taxes, but they do draw from it.
No the leech part would be the con view, cherry pick the most profitable then leave the rest for society to pick up the cost
How does that equate to being a leeche? Why are insurance companies on the hook to pay the bills of anyone? Is the grocery store on the hook to provide them with free food?

Insurance comps are on the hook? Have you been paying attention Bubba? lol Record insurance comp stock prices. You mean Obamacare capped the amount of profit? Boo fkkking hoo

What the fuck are you talking about? What does anything you posted have to do with my question? Why should insurance companies pay the bills of anyone who can't pay their premiums?

OK, You'll stick to the usual right wing bullshit, false premises, distortions and LIES. Shocking

It's a question, idiot. Try answering it.

PLEASE give me ONE example of ANY insurance comp paying a bill for ANYONE not paying their premiums? lol. Idiot

That's what Obamacare forces them to do, numskull. Those with low incomes have their premiums subsidized - meaning the insurance company makes up the difference. You aren't actually going to deny that, are you?


And NO, US Gov't (tax payers) are subsiding the poor dummy! Grow up and grow a brain!

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