What do Republicans want?

What do repugs want? Top 10.
1. Rich people to pay no taxes.
2. 10 year old rape victims to carry their rapist's spawn to term.
3. Ability to overturn any election that doesn't go their way.
4. Trump Emperor for life.
5. Throw gays off roofs.
6. Theocracy.
7. No pollution control.
8. End to birthright citizenship.
9. Hang RINOs, Mike Pence, Dr. Fauci, political opponents, Hunter Biden.
10. Guns in schools.
We'd like an energy policy that's pragmatic.
We'd like our borders to be secure.
We'd like our streets to be safe.
We'd like a military that's strong.
We'd like our kids to learn real life skills in school not woke nonsense.
We'd like our vote to be protected.
We'd like our leaders to understand economics.
We'd like a Main Stream Media that reported the news instead of trying to influence the news.
Do they want good government, peace, tranquility and democracy - or do they want chaos? Why wouldn't anyone want democracy?


You should really ask the Democrats that question, as they are the ones who have spent decades violating the Constitution, violating the rule of law, violating the Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, attempting failed coups and criminal Impeachments, sewing massive division, threatening USSC Justices, inciting political assassination attempts, butning / destroying over 140 churches, usong COVID and zero science to mandate economy-destroying children-harming lockdowns, mask mandates, forcing Americans to take experimental drugs, etc...
Do they want good government, peace, tranquility and democracy - or do they want chaos? Why wouldn't anyone want democracy?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Republicans want the voters to vote the democrats out of office in local, state and national elections in fair, honest and peaceful elections.

To most people allowing people to vote for the candidate they chose and seeing fair results is democracy.

In just two short years the democrats have managed to screw things up so badly that it looks like they will lose in the midterm elections and the results will be historic.

I sincerely hope that will happen. I have already voted by mail.
We'd like an energy policy that's pragmatic.
We'd like our borders to be secure.
We'd like our streets to be safe.
We'd like a military that's strong.
We'd like our kids to learn real life skills in school not woke nonsense.
We'd like our vote to be protected.
We'd like our leaders to understand economics.
We'd like a Main Stream Media that reported the news instead of trying to influence the news.
Most people want these things. But without the additional fascism, racism, xenophobia, hawkishness, book banning, election denial, borrow and spend trickle down economics, and gaslighting.
Most people want these things. But without the additional fascism, racism, xenophobia, hawkishness, book banning, election denial, borrow and spend trickle down economics, and gaslighting.
Yet you progressives haven't done a THING to provide the American people with any of them, Borillar! Which is why you're about to have your asses handed to you in the mid-terms!
Most people want these things.

So why are the dems fighting them?
We'd like our borders to be secure. By building a useless wall that Mexico is going to pay for? Or by utilizing technology to improve security in our ports of entry?

We'd like our streets to be safe. Then why are you trying to make guns so easily available to anyone including crazies?

We'd like a military that's strong.
It is strong. It's the strongest military in the world by a long shot. We're paying around 800 Billion dollars a year for it.

We'd like our kids to learn real life skills in school not woke nonsense.
In other words, pretend that slavery, Jim Crow, and discrimination never existed and doesn't impact people today.

We'd like our vote to be protected.
By being able to overturn elections that don't go your way?

We'd like our leaders to understand economics.
Republicans cut taxes, and then spend like crazy running up the deficit and national debt. They don't have any greater grasp of economics than anyone else.

We'd like a Main Stream Media that reported the news instead of trying to influence the news.
They do report the news. Maybe the truth has a liberal bent.
Laziness and conservatism go hand in hand? LOL Did you really just make that claim,
Yes. Conservatives are the most intellectually lazy people on the planet. This is why you guys hate everything and see whatever comes next as a threat.
Candy? Wow...talk about having your head stuck up your ass!
Even your insults are lame.

How you feel about solar? Against.
Electric Vehicles? Against
Opening trade with Cuba? Against.
Gays in the military? Against
Transgender equality? Against
Gay marriage? Against
I could go on for hours listing everything you're against.
I agree! Does anyone know what they're at war about? Is it based on reality - or just Trump's lies and their ignorance?
Decades of manipulation, starting with Limbaugh, by voices they trust. Trump is merely the one who is shameless enough to fully tap into it.

Now they are convinced that (a) only they know The Truth, and (b) anyone who dares to disagree with them on anything is evil, demonic, Satanic, communist and fascist. It's them against the world, them against the devil himself.

I went a long time before comparing this to a cult, and to a holy war. But this is right out in the open now.
Nope. And I also expect working stiffs to be making considerably more money doing the same jobs they did before. It's time and does nothing to prices.
Haven't democrat policies caused prices to increase far above pay raises. People are getting hammered. Pay HAS gone up, but it will never reach the break even point. Not even close. That is pure policy stupidity.
I've lived here all my life. There never was a "dream". That's a load. Workers are starting to understand it.
I know not all jobs and hard workers make money, but the American Dream was very real. Everyone has the opportunity to learn skills that will bring them success. It is one of the main flaws of the left. Their main ideology does not believe that people can become successful.
Want workers? Pay up. I'm always in the corner of the emoyee versus employer.
Wages HAVE gone up, AND people are still losing money. Wages simply cannot reach the threshold of increasing prices. Again, Bidenomics is toxic to working people.
I agree! Does anyone know what they're at war about? Is it based on reality - or just Trump's lies and their ignorance?
You censor information, cause the prices of everything to explode, allow repeat criminals to run wild, green light illegal immigration, and push a green agenda that can't work, even if the carbon footprint is reduced to zero. Forcing people to wear masks and get shots was pretty authoritarian as well. It was like saying if someone doesn't have an umbrella, it will make me get rained on. Nonsense. The stupidity and malice of this administration is breathtaking.
In other words - you want it YOUR way.
I agree with another poster who asked what was wrong with 2aguys answer to your question. You simply said he wanted it his way. To most republicans, those ideas are just common sense and pretty widely supported. This would clearly indicate that you want it YOUR way. You can't just say your way is the American Way.
You cannot govern a diverse nation with more that 335 million people, the world's largest economy, and more than one million people serving in the armed forces using "limited" or "focused government".

You want peace by threatening to destroy the rest of the world. You will never find peace while you threaten others.

Everyone in their place is the essence of fascism and racism.

And we don't trust autocracy or anyone who supports it. It never turns out well for the people.

Most people want these things. But without the additional fascism, racism, xenophobia, hawkishness, book banning, election denial, borrow and spend trickle down economics, and gaslighting.
Getting rid of remain in Mexico amnesty helps the border how? The war on fossil fuels helps us how? Censorship and forced vaccinations are not authoritarian? Who is dumping money into a non-Nato nation's war? Trickle down economics is just a nonsense term made up to denigrate the idea that the more successful a business is, the more jobs and prosperity the workers have. You can tax the crap out of 'the rich', but did you even notice that EVERYONE ELSES taxes go up as well. People are getting taxed for no results and paying more for necessities because progressive policies are nonsensical. Calling the other side all of the isms isn't going to cover up how much worse you are making everyone's lives regardless of party.
I agree with another poster who asked what was wrong with 2aguys answer to your question. You simply said he wanted it his way. To most republicans, those ideas are just common sense and pretty widely supported. This would clearly indicate that you want it YOUR way. You can't just say your way is the American Way.
Why not? Republicans say that their way is the American way all the time.
Decades of manipulation, starting with Limbaugh, by voices they trust. Trump is merely the one who is shameless enough to fully tap into it.

Now they are convinced that (a) only they know The Truth, and (b) anyone who dares to disagree with them on anything is evil, demonic, Satanic, communist and fascist. It's them against the world, them against the devil himself.

I went a long time before comparing this to a cult, and to a holy war. But this is right out in the open now.
Don't you think it is a bit arrogant to call conservatism and limited government a manipulation? Just because you don't agree with it does not mean you can summarily say everyone else is wrong, or part of a cult. The policies your buddies have implemented have made life more difficult for any working person on either side of the aisle. I find it hard to believe your ideology is successful when everyone has become obviously poorer.

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