What do think about Byron Donalds for Speaker?

Never heard of the guy until yesterday

What has he proposed to unify his fractured party?
Fractured! We vote and vote some more, and the old RINOS are replaced with the new RINOS. We even got rid of many War Mongers however as we have seen many are still there although the Progs are not taking hold of that mantle.
Fractured! We vote and vote some more, and the old RINOS are replaced with the new RINOS. We even got rid of many War Mongers however as we have seen many are still there although the Progs are not taking hold of that mantle.

All I see is Gridlock
McCarthy is geared up to suck off the military industrial complex.

I have always hated him. He is a uniparty fuckstick.
All I see is Gridlock
In the last two years many people are a lot worse off than they were before it. There was some safety for many however the gap is closing or closed. There were no mandates. A fifty/fifty Congress with the Progs running amok with the help of RINOS. We have not even seen any of the roads started in improvements yet and in that legislation the money allotted was only 10% of the total. Progs paid all their privileged groups and Prog political state and local governments who ran their areas into the ground due to Covid.
McCarthy is weak and the more conservative Republicans can smell blood in the water. The GOP is infested by Rinos.
Seems like a much better choice than McCarthy...

McCarthy is clearly flawed and Byron would be a historic appointment for the GOP. We always say they only have token blacks in the party. Let's see them nominate someone black to the 3rd most powerful position in the country. Let's see if he can join Obama and Kamala.
McCarthy is weak and the more conservative Republicans can smell blood in the water. The GOP is infested by Rinos.
Who are the RINO's McCarthy or the others? Because I believe McCarthy is the establishment so he is the rino right?
McCarthy is clearly flawed and Byron would be a historic appointment for the GOP. We always say they only have token blacks in the party. Let's see them nominate someone black to the 3rd most powerful position in the country. Let's see if he can join Obama and Kamala.
What are his qualifications? I mean I will admit, being a former drug dealer and pleading guilty to bribery is probably good experience for herding the cats of the Tea Party caucus. But just what are his qualifications, other than he is "black", and that helps the party's image? Which would make him the consummate token black.

Look, the speaker of the house is an important job. Obviously, these "rookies" that are refusing to vote for McCarthy have no real understanding of what the job entails. While McCarthy has no spine, no balls, and wavers with the wind, there has to be a better Republican alternative than Byron Donalds. I mean I hate to say it, but my own representatives would make a much better speaker, Patrick McHenry. He has been in Congress for 20 years, was first elected at 29, has kept his head down, and understands the Congressional process and the job of Speaker.
McCarthy is clearly flawed and Byron would be a historic appointment for the GOP. We always say they only have token blacks in the party. Let's see them nominate someone black to the 3rd most powerful position in the country. Let's see if he can join Obama and Kamala.
Have dark people proven they can run anything successfully or should we pull a woke retard move and vote on skin color alone?
The GOP is almost 100% composed of Rinos which is why our country is such a mess.

Our Country is a mess because both party's PUT party before Country for waayyy too long!

In fact, our Constitution NEVER MENTIONS Democrats AND Republicans!!!

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