What do think about Byron Donalds for Speaker?

Who the hell claims that it was good that Trump had no experience? His presidency was a total disaster, and he will inevitably be known as the worst president EVER. Buchanan will be glad to lose that title. Drain the swamp my ass, he only filled it with shit.

But here is the thing, a president doesn't have to have experience in government. I mean it can help, and the most respected experience is that of being a governor. But what a president does need to have is leadership skills. Trump has never been a leader, he has just been a bully.

The reality is that being speaker of the house requires more leadership skills than the presidency. And when your party has a razor thin majority the job becomes exponentially harder. Pelosi did one hell of a job. And while it is doubtful that McCarthy has the leadership skills necessary, Byron sure as hell don't.
Rustic said it back in 2016. I bumped the thread.

President Trump has no experience in politics…​

Didn't white people cause the Great Depression and the Great Recession? Didn't white men on Wallstreet fuck us all?
America was all white in 1929.
Democrats fucked us on Wall Street by forcing us to fund home loans for dark people.

Now, Biden is a white man and I'll agree he is proving he can run a country. You agree right Biden is white and successfully running the country?
Hahaha…that’s some funny shit….Biden has America so FUBAR’d it may never recover.
America was all white in 1929.
Democrats fucked us on Wall Street by forcing us to fund home loans for dark people.

Hahaha…that’s some funny shit….Biden has America so FUBAR’d it may never recover.
you don't think Blacks should have homes??
America was all white in 1929.
Democrats fucked us on Wall Street by forcing us to fund home loans for dark people.

Hahaha…that’s some funny shit….Biden has America so FUBAR’d it may never recover.
From Florida to Ohio, the only people willing to work for low wages is dark people. You idiots cheered as they sent union jobs overseas. Now those $30 hr jobs pay $15 and plants in Ohio can't find white people to work. Especially when McD pays $18 hr.

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