What do think about Byron Donalds for Speaker?

Our Country is a mess because both party's PUT party before Country for waayyy too long!

In fact, our Constitution NEVER MENTIONS Democrats AND Republicans!!!
And they will continue to put party before country.
The GOP is almost 100% composed of Rinos which is why our country is such a mess.
That is just ignorant. The definition of a "RINO" is a Republican in name only. It is not someone that doesn't kiss Trump's ring. Trump is the original RINO, which makes it all the more comical that his supporters sling the moniker around like a monkey slinging shit. And he is sure not a "conservative".

This whole speaker of the house shitshow is no surprise. It was easy to tell that the Republican party had turned to complete shit when Liz Cheney was replaced by Stefanik. Cheney voted with Trump's position 93% of the time and has a real conservative pedigree. Stefanik only voted with Trump 78% of the time. But she kissed his ring.

The reality is that everything Trump touches turns to shit. Multiple bankruptcies, dozens of failed businesses. My personal favorite, Trump Steaks. What the hell does someone that eats his steak well done, with ketchup no less, know about fine steaks? I mean if your idea of good eats is McDonald's you probably need to stay out of the food business. But hell, even Trump water failed. If you can't sell water you probably need to close up shop and find something else to do.

But true to form, Trump has turned the Republican party to sheer shit. Of course he got help from the so called Tea Party caucus, which name all alone displays their ignorance. I have explained the Boston Tea Party at least a half dozen times here, suffice it to say, it was not about the damn tax and was all about corporate control of the legislature. Hell, those taxes on all that tea that was dumped in the harbor WERE PAID. And yet we have a bunch of corporate whores claiming to be the tea party caucus. Insulting to anyone that has even a minimal level of historical intelligence.

Look, you Trump supporters are just stupid. Stupid, racist, and scared. Real leaders stand up to that, they don't suck up to it to keep their position of power. When will the Republican party grow the gonads to tell Trump to take a hike. Hell, if I was in a leadership position, like Cheney, I would be working my ass off to get his sorry ass convicted and thrown in Butner where he can work on his tennis game and tell stories about how gloriously beautiful he was.
That is just ignorant. The definition of a "RINO" is a Republican in name only. It is not someone that doesn't kiss Trump's ring. Trump is the original RINO, which makes it all the more comical that his supporters sling the moniker around like a monkey slinging shit. And he is sure not a "conservative".

This whole speaker of the house shitshow is no surprise. It was easy to tell that the Republican party had turned to complete shit when Liz Cheney was replaced by Stefanik. Cheney voted with Trump's position 93% of the time and has a real conservative pedigree. Stefanik only voted with Trump 78% of the time. But she kissed his ring.

The reality is that everything Trump touches turns to shit. Multiple bankruptcies, dozens of failed businesses. My personal favorite, Trump Steaks. What the hell does someone that eats his steak well done, with ketchup no less, know about fine steaks? I mean if your idea of good eats is McDonald's you probably need to stay out of the food business. But hell, even Trump water failed. If you can't sell water you probably need to close up shop and find something else to do.

But true to form, Trump has turned the Republican party to sheer shit. Of course he got help from the so called Tea Party caucus, which name all alone displays their ignorance. I have explained the Boston Tea Party at least a half dozen times here, suffice it to say, it was not about the damn tax and was all about corporate control of the legislature. Hell, those taxes on all that tea that was dumped in the harbor WERE PAID. And yet we have a bunch of corporate whores claiming to be the tea party caucus. Insulting to anyone that has even a minimal level of historical intelligence.

Look, you Trump supporters are just stupid. Stupid, racist, and scared. Real leaders stand up to that, they don't suck up to it to keep their position of power. When will the Republican party grow the gonads to tell Trump to take a hike. Hell, if I was in a leadership position, like Cheney, I would be working my ass off to get his sorry ass convicted and thrown in Butner where he can work on his tennis game and tell stories about how gloriously beautiful he was.
What are his qualifications? I mean I will admit, being a former drug dealer and pleading guilty to bribery is probably good experience for herding the cats of the Tea Party caucus. But just what are his qualifications, other than he is "black", and that helps the party's image? Which would make him the consummate token black.

Look, the speaker of the house is an important job. Obviously, these "rookies" that are refusing to vote for McCarthy have no real understanding of what the job entails. While McCarthy has no spine, no balls, and wavers with the wind, there has to be a better Republican alternative than Byron Donalds. I mean I hate to say it, but my own representatives would make a much better speaker, Patrick McHenry. He has been in Congress for 20 years, was first elected at 29, has kept his head down, and understands the Congressional process and the job of Speaker.

Wait. So it was good that Trump didn't have experience but not Byron? See how you hold blacks to a higher standard?

And I'm not saying Byron is a good man. Doesn't surprise me he was a criminal before he was elected as a Republican.

Think about that. You guys thought it was great that Trump was new to politics and didn't know what he was doing. You wanted him to go there and do something different. Now you want experience? I guess Trump, and Biden, taught you experience matters.
The GOP needs to start opposing Democrat Party ideas instead of trying to get along with them. To the victor goes the spoils.
WRONG! Biden has got a lot done because he knows how to reach across the isle. You wacko Republicans who want a civil war need to just go die already.
Now tell blacks they should vote Republican like you do ya fucking racist prick.
Hahaha…I asked a simple question that you’re obviously scared as shit to answer.
You said we should elect a black man for his skin color and I gave you a reason why we shouldn’t.
Why would that piss you off LaQuan?
Wait. So it was good that Trump didn't have experience but not Byron? See how you hold blacks to a higher standard?

And I'm not saying Byron is a good man. Doesn't surprise me he was a criminal before he was elected as a Republican.

Think about that. You guys thought it was great that Trump was new to politics and didn't know what he was doing. You wanted him to go there and do something different. Now you want experience? I guess Trump, and Biden, taught you experience matters.
Who the hell claims that it was good that Trump had no experience? His presidency was a total disaster, and he will inevitably be known as the worst president EVER. Buchanan will be glad to lose that title. Drain the swamp my ass, he only filled it with shit.

But here is the thing, a president doesn't have to have experience in government. I mean it can help, and the most respected experience is that of being a governor. But what a president does need to have is leadership skills. Trump has never been a leader, he has just been a bully.

The reality is that being speaker of the house requires more leadership skills than the presidency. And when your party has a razor thin majority the job becomes exponentially harder. Pelosi did one hell of a job. And while it is doubtful that McCarthy has the leadership skills necessary, Byron sure as hell don't.
Who the hell claims that it was good that Trump had no experience? His presidency was a total disaster, and he will inevitably be known as the worst president EVER. Buchanan will be glad to lose that title. Drain the swamp my ass, he only filled it with shit.

But here is the thing, a president doesn't have to have experience in government. I mean it can help, and the most respected experience is that of being a governor. But what a president does need to have is leadership skills. Trump has never been a leader, he has just been a bully.

The reality is that being speaker of the house requires more leadership skills than the presidency. And when your party has a razor thin majority the job becomes exponentially harder. Pelosi did one hell of a job. And while it is doubtful that McCarthy has the leadership skills necessary, Byron sure as hell don't.
Trump supporters liked it that he was new and wasn't following the rules. They wanted him to get in and change things up. Same thing these 10 trumpsters or tea baggers are saying now. OMG how much experience did Paul Ryan have when he was made speaker.

Fact is, even if he's a uncle tom conservative rich republican black, he's still not good enough for you. I always knew that.

But hey, you even told me he's a scumbag in real life. I didn't know that.

Anyways, I"m hoping the Republicans challenge the 12 hold outs and do the nuclear option. Whoever has the most votes wins. So if they don't vote for McCarthy, a Democrat would be speaker. Do you think those 10 or 12 hold outs would dare?

2 of them voted for Trump today to be Speaker. I love it!!! Shit show. And Biden can do whatever he wants now. Until this is done, they House members are POWERLESS to stop him!!!!
Have dark people proven they can run anything successfully or should we pull a woke retard move and vote on skin color alone?
Didn't white people cause the Great Depression and the Great Recession? Didn't white men on Wallstreet fuck us all?

Now, Biden is a white man and I'll agree he is proving he can run a country. You agree right Biden is white and successfully running the country?

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