What do you remember about Sept 11, 2001?

What action got the USA that reaction, Neser?

US has been meddling in other countries affairs ever since WWII (before that as well, but they usually just stuck to their own backyard - Latin America). There has been a lot of anti-Americanism due to many of US policies around the world - especially in places such as the Middle East. To me, it really was just a matter of time when a bunch of extremists lashed out against American presence and intervention.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's stylish to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the Pentagon, too, given your position. I wonder why the Louvre didn't get it, considering the Frogs were the ones who got Israel started in nuclear weapons.

Given that so many foreigners are close-minded- crazy, and just plain stupid, it sure would be nice to be able to be an island. Unfortunately, however, I have a grasp on reality.
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Pre 9/11 I was a mom of a very active toddler and spent much of my time shopping and baking and blocking myself out from the current events happening around the globe and right here in our country. I occassionally watched the local news.

Post 9/11 I am still a mom of an active, energy-sucking 11 year old. I joined the message board forum community and started watching national news on a regular basis. I have become politically active and I taught myself how to veiw and interpret events in a right / left ... conservative / liberal ... republican / democrat way.

I woke up.
What action got the USA that reaction, Neser?

US has been meddling in other countries affairs ever since WWII (before that as well, but they usually just stuck to their own backyard - Latin America). There has been a lot of anti-Americanism due to many of US policies around the world - especially in places such as the Middle East. To me, it really was just a matter of time when a bunch of extremists lashed out against American presence and intervention.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's fad to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the pentagon, too, given your position.

Al-Quaeda is not a country, it doesn't have a government, it is a bunch of mass-murdering psycho fuckheads from a lot of different countries. So, comparing it with Russia just won't do. And just as you said - that is why it happened - because no country exists in a vacuum and even a country that has always presented itself as absolutely untouchable as the US, sooner or later will be attacked by someone or something because every action is followed by a reaction. I'm really just looking at it from cold logic perspective.
Actually, it was only recently I realized just how profoundly I'd changed on 9/11. Yes, I knew I'd changed. Nobody goes through that kind of shock and trauma without changing in some way. I think it made me realize how fragile and uncertain life can be, and made me examine my priorities in a way I hadn't done before. For me personally, pre-9/11 my life was all planned out, I knew exactly where I was going and what my future looked like. I had a string of events happen recently that made me realize just how much the loss of that certainty had changed me. I think I'm much less ambitious but more determined, and far more accepting and aware of the uncertainties in life. I'm definitely more conscious of the people around me, and I like to think wiser and stronger in a way that's hard to define. My politics really didn't change, but my life and the way I look at the world sure did.

You see, I didn't ... There are wars, death and suffering going on on daily basis - somewhere in the world. New York didn't feel any closer to me than did Kosovo. I see how can it have such an effect on a sheltered American that has never even seen real war on TV because your TV just doesn't show that shit, but to me, it was just yet another tragedy - in a long line of tragedies.

Not remarkable at all, in my eyes.

You're right about the American point of view. To many of us it was shocking to discover we weren't immune. Other than Pearl Harbor, which was a very different situation, there hadn't been a foreign attack on American soil in anyone's lifetime. For those with a personal connection to it, it was devastating in more ways than one. You might see it from your point of view as simply waking up to reality, but for many of us it created a whole new reality from anything we'd ever known. Different perspectives, different effects.
US has been meddling in other countries affairs ever since WWII (before that as well, but they usually just stuck to their own backyard - Latin America). There has been a lot of anti-Americanism due to many of US policies around the world - especially in places such as the Middle East. To me, it really was just a matter of time when a bunch of extremists lashed out against American presence and intervention.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's fad to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the pentagon, too, given your position.

Al-Quaeda is not a country, it doesn't have a government, it is a bunch of mass-murdering psycho fuckheads from a lot of different countries. ....
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
.... So, comparing it with Russia just won't do. And just as you said - that is why it happened - because no country exists in a vacuum and even a country that has always presented itself as absolutely untouchable as the US, sooner or later will be attacked by someone or something because every action is followed by a reaction. I'm really just looking at it from cold logic perspective.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's fad to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the pentagon, too, given your position.

Al-Quaeda is not a country, it doesn't have a government, it is a bunch of mass-murdering psycho fuckheads from a lot of different countries. ....
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
.... So, comparing it with Russia just won't do. And just as you said - that is why it happened - because no country exists in a vacuum and even a country that has always presented itself as absolutely untouchable as the US, sooner or later will be attacked by someone or something because every action is followed by a reaction. I'm really just looking at it from cold logic perspective.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.

there is no logic detectable in your pissy emoting. also, no style.
What action got the USA that reaction, Neser?

US has been meddling in other countries affairs ever since WWII (before that as well, but they usually just stuck to their own backyard - Latin America). There has been a lot of anti-Americanism due to many of US policies around the world - especially in places such as the Middle East. To me, it really was just a matter of time when a bunch of extremists lashed out against American presence and intervention.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's stylish to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the Pentagon, too, given your position. I wonder why the Louvre didn't get it, considering the Frogs were the ones who got Israel started in nuclear weapons.

Given that so many foreigners are close-minded- crazy, and just plain stupid, it sure would be nice to be able to be an island. Unfortunately, however, I have a grasp on reality.

And that is also part of it. Before 9/11 my limited experience with Islam was more a matter of interest and curiosity than anything else. I knew there was radical Islam from the limited attacks from our past (the Iran hostage crisis, the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the attack on the Cole, the first attack on the World Trade Center, etc) but I saw these as more isolated incidents carried out by a few nuts. In the Israeli/Palestine conflict I gradually found myself siding with the Israelis when I realized they were hated not for what they did, but for who they are. But I still did not see Islam as my enemy or something to be wary of.

Now I do. Not the people. I still love my Muslim neighbors and I would still trust them with my house, my dog, my kids. But Islam overall I now see as a threat to human freedom and liberty and militant Islam will destroy whomever and whatever does not submit to it. And I hate that.
Actually, it was only recently I realized just how profoundly I'd changed on 9/11. Yes, I knew I'd changed. Nobody goes through that kind of shock and trauma without changing in some way. I think it made me realize how fragile and uncertain life can be, and made me examine my priorities in a way I hadn't done before. For me personally, pre-9/11 my life was all planned out, I knew exactly where I was going and what my future looked like. I had a string of events happen recently that made me realize just how much the loss of that certainty had changed me. I think I'm much less ambitious but more determined, and far more accepting and aware of the uncertainties in life. I'm definitely more conscious of the people around me, and I like to think wiser and stronger in a way that's hard to define. My politics really didn't change, but my life and the way I look at the world sure did.

You see, I didn't ... There are wars, death and suffering going on on daily basis - somewhere in the world. New York didn't feel any closer to me than did Kosovo. I see how can it have such an effect on a sheltered American that has never even seen real war on TV because your TV just doesn't show that shit, but to me, it was just yet another tragedy - in a long line of tragedies.

Not remarkable at all, in my eyes.

You're right about the American point of view. To many of us it was shocking to discover we weren't immune. Other than Pearl Harbor, which was a very different situation, there hadn't been a foreign attack on American soil in anyone's lifetime. For those with a personal connection to it, it was devastating in more ways than one. You might see it from your point of view as simply waking up to reality, but for many of us it created a whole new reality from anything we'd ever known. Different perspectives, different effects.

I totally get it. If I were an American, I would probably have the very same reaction. Not to mention having someone there when it happened ... then that's a whole new story.
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity..

I was almost not even surprised about what happened on 9/11. It just kind of made sense to me. You know ... the whole action--> reaction thing. Not that I thought it was right, not by a long shot. (For those that like to attack people for what they didn't actually say.)

How fascinating:

On the one hand Ozmar felt the world had become more peaceful.

On the other, Neser felt that the world was so full of turbulance, that 9/11 was unsurprising.

Apparently no two witnesses see the same thing the same way.

Or, at least, they watch different things: The February 1993 bombing in the basement of the WTC in 1993 is forgotten, as is the attack on the USS Cole seven years later in October 2000.
US has been meddling in other countries affairs ever since WWII (before that as well, but they usually just stuck to their own backyard - Latin America). There has been a lot of anti-Americanism due to many of US policies around the world - especially in places such as the Middle East. To me, it really was just a matter of time when a bunch of extremists lashed out against American presence and intervention.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's stylish to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the Pentagon, too, given your position. I wonder why the Louvre didn't get it, considering the Frogs were the ones who got Israel started in nuclear weapons.

Given that so many foreigners are close-minded- crazy, and just plain stupid, it sure would be nice to be able to be an island. Unfortunately, however, I have a grasp on reality.

And that is also part of it. Before 9/11 my limited experience with Islam was more a matter of interest and curiosity than anything else. I knew there was radical Islam from the limited attacks from our past (the Iran hostage crisis, the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the attack on the Cole, the first attack on the World Trade Center, etc) but I saw these as more isolated incidents carried out by a few nuts. In the Israeli/Palestine conflict I gradually found myself siding with the Israelis when I realized they were hated not for what they did, but for who they are. But I still did not see Islam as my enemy or something to be wary of.

Now I do. Not the people. I still love my Muslim neighbors and I would still trust them with my house, my dog, my kids. But Islam overall I now see as a threat to human freedom and liberty and militant Islam will destroy whomever and whatever does not submit to it. And I hate that.
I'm there, too.

Funny, a long time ago I sided with the Palestinians and supporters. Then their actions made it become degree of wrongs, and now I most often side with Israel because of that.
Eh, no country exists in a vacuum and almost all countries are involved in other country's affairs. I suppose because it's fad to be anti-American, other countries get a pass on being involved in the world while the USA gets their foreign policy called meddling.

I wonder why the Russians didn't fly planes into the WTC and the pentagon, too, given your position.

Al-Quaeda is not a country, it doesn't have a government, it is a bunch of mass-murdering psycho fuckheads from a lot of different countries. ....
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
.... So, comparing it with Russia just won't do. And just as you said - that is why it happened - because no country exists in a vacuum and even a country that has always presented itself as absolutely untouchable as the US, sooner or later will be attacked by someone or something because every action is followed by a reaction. I'm really just looking at it from cold logic perspective.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.

Haha, you reacted like a fourteen-year-old. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you react like that?

Ever heard of Paris bombing? Of course not.
Pre 9/11 I knew people died every day in many a manner, after 9/11 I knew people continued to die every day in many a manner.
Al-Quaeda is not a country, it doesn't have a government, it is a bunch of mass-murdering psycho fuckheads from a lot of different countries. ....
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
.... So, comparing it with Russia just won't do. And just as you said - that is why it happened - because no country exists in a vacuum and even a country that has always presented itself as absolutely untouchable as the US, sooner or later will be attacked by someone or something because every action is followed by a reaction. I'm really just looking at it from cold logic perspective.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.

Haha, you reacted like a fourteen-year-old. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you react like that?

Ever heard of Paris bombing? Of course not.

Oh God, I'm getting schooled in world affairs by you? :rofl:

I love folks who ask a question then assume that they know the answer. My neighbor's toddlers do just that.

But, you are stylish, and that's very important.
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity..

I was almost not even surprised about what happened on 9/11. It just kind of made sense to me. You know ... the whole action--> reaction thing. Not that I thought it was right, not by a long shot. (For those that like to attack people for what they didn't actually say.)

How fascinating:

On the one hand Ozmar felt the world had become more peaceful.

On the other, Neser felt that the world was so full of turbulance, that 9/11 was unsurprising.

Apparently no two witnesses see the same thing the same way.

Or, at least, they watch different things: The February 1993 bombing in the basement of the WTC in 1993 is forgotten, as is the attack on the USS Cole seven years later in October 2000.

I forgot nothing :)
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.

Haha, you reacted like a fourteen-year-old. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you react like that?

Ever heard of Paris bombing? Of course not.

Oh God, I'm getting schooled in world affairs by you? :rofl:

I love folks who ask a question then assume that they know the answer. My neighbor's toddlers do just that.

But, you are stylish, and that's very important.

ah, more logic.
You're fucking kidding me?

Damn, that changes everything. Bad USA, bad, BAD USA for being involved in the world.
So, why didn't the Frogs get it, eh?

They "meddle".


Hey, but I understand why it's more important to be stylish than logical, for some.

Haha, you reacted like a fourteen-year-old. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you react like that?

Ever heard of Paris bombing? Of course not.

Oh God, I'm getting schooled in world affairs by you? :rofl:

I love folks who ask a question then assume that they know the answer. My neighbor's toddlers do just that.

But, you are stylish, and that's very important.

Wow you're dense.
Come to think of it, before 911 I actually believed that the terrorism was shunned by mainstream Islam, and going out of fashion as the world embarked on an era of peace, cooperation and prosperity..

I was almost not even surprised about what happened on 9/11. It just kind of made sense to me. You know ... the whole action--> reaction thing. Not that I thought it was right, not by a long shot. (For those that like to attack people for what they didn't actually say.)

How fascinating:

On the one hand Ozmar felt the world had become more peaceful.

On the other, Neser felt that the world was so full of turbulance, that 9/11 was unsurprising.

Apparently no two witnesses see the same thing the same way.

Or, at least, they watch different things: The February 1993 bombing in the basement of the WTC in 1993 is forgotten, as is the attack on the USS Cole seven years later in October 2000.

Or the Marine barracks. Or Pan Am flight 103. Or TWA flight 847. Or TWA 707. Or Black September highjackings. Etc.

But, recalling all that interferes with being stylish.
Haha, you reacted like a fourteen-year-old. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you react like that?

Ever heard of Paris bombing? Of course not.

Oh God, I'm getting schooled in world affairs by you? :rofl:

I love folks who ask a question then assume that they know the answer. My neighbor's toddlers do just that.

But, you are stylish, and that's very important.

Wow you're dense.

Coming from you, that's an endorsement.

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