What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.
John McCain a war criminal, not a war hero - Liberation News
Fake news for retards. Are your bone spurs acting up?
McCain represents zero conservatives, he is 100% progressive
Everyone looks left wing to nazi wannabes.
Says the douchebag who claims to be a conservative Republican.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
None of your choices is correct.
You don't become a hero by being blown out of the sky on your first mission. He was unlucky. He survived it. That doesn't make him a hero. It makes him a man who did his duty.
And he was a horrible Senator.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.
John McCain a war criminal, not a war hero - Liberation News
Fake news for retards. Are your bone spurs acting up?
McCain represents zero conservatives, he is 100% progressive

You realize your link is to a far left, Socialist website. :rolleyes:

About - Liberation News

About the PSL
The Party for Socialism and Liberation is comprised of leaders and activists, workers and students, of all backgrounds. Organized in branches across the country, the PSL brings together a new generation of revolutionaries alongside veterans of the people’s movements with decades of experience.

The PSL is deeply involved in a wide range of struggles, from local battles over affordable housing and racist police brutality, to the fight for a higher minimum wage and union rights, to the global issues of imperialist war and environmental destruction.

We are united in our belief that capitalism—the system in which all wealth and power is held by a tiny group of billionaires and their state—is the source of the main problems confronting humanity today. It must be replaced by socialism, a system where poor and working people have power and the wealth of society is used in a planned and sustainable way to meet people’s needs.

Our mission is to link the everyday struggles of oppressed and exploited people to the fight for a new world. Join us!
Best thing that could have happened to America is if this piece of shit went down with his plane in 1967.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

That if anyone is a douche of a human being, it's you.

McCain was the guy who tried to save the GOP from itself.

He failed.

He was the guy trying to do the humane and decent thing while the rest of the GOP was pandering to the worst instincts of their base.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

That if anyone is a douche of a human being, it's you.

McCain was the guy who tried to save the GOP from itself.

He failed.

He was the guy trying to do the humane and decent thing while the rest of the GOP was pandering to the worst instincts of their base.
McCain stabbed the GOP in the back. He'll be stain on the history of America forever.
McCain was a good pilot. However, he is part of the elite class trying to undermine a POTUS not part of the club

I think McCain is the epitome of "The Swamp". I think Obama getting elected over him was a blessing in disguise for the US. A bullet was dodged there.
The OP almost certainly agrees with 90% of McCain's voting record. But 90% ain't good enough.

You should know after what you did to Joe Lieberman. Leftists just down own mirrors, do you?
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

That if anyone is a douche of a human being, it's you.

McCain was the guy who tried to save the GOP from itself.

He failed.

He was the guy trying to do the humane and decent thing while the rest of the GOP was pandering to the worst instincts of their base.
McCain gave new meaning to the term RINO. He never “saved the GOP from itself.” The Republicans are ready for a big win in 2018 and the average American voter spoke loud and clear with the revolution of 2016 against the liberal elitist establishment that runs the federal government and our schools. People are sick and tired of a small group of loudmouth liberal assholes fucking up our country and getting all the media attention.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end.

He was honorable in the military. But he was completely self absorbed as a Senator wanting his ego constantly fed. Only a complete leftist would say what you did

McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Riiiggghhhhtttttt, that's why you voted for Hillary. Mirrors. Leftists need to invest in mirrors ...
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.
John McCain a war criminal, not a war hero - Liberation News
Fake news for retards. Are your bone spurs acting up?
McCain represents zero conservatives, he is 100% progressive
Everyone looks left wing to nazi wannabes.

And everyone looks right to authoritarian leftists. Again, a mirror, buy a mirror ...
Being a pilot in the military in combat was honorable service.

Being a POW is not necessary being a "hero".

Being a Liberal RINO is despicable.

Being an egotistical asshole is despicable.

Running for President against a worthless affirmative action extreme Left unqualified asshole and not winning pretty well makes you a loser.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
McCain paid a heavy price for the Viet Nam War as a POW.

The other POW's pulled together and saved his life.

But the stupidest thing he ever said is what cost him the Presidency:

"The fundamentals of the economy are sound!" just 2 weeks before it crashed in 2008.

I don't think that cost him the Presidency, but it sure didn't win it. He was just a horrible candidate who appealed to no one but establishment Republicans
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
None of your choices is correct.
You don't become a hero by being blown out of the sky on your first mission. He was unlucky. He survived it. That doesn't make him a hero. It makes him a man who did his duty.
And he was a horrible Senator.

Actually, he was shot down on his 23rd mission.

I think you know that isn't why I'm saying he's a war hero either. He didn't need to go to combat at all, like Al Gore didn't. He could have left the Hanoi early early out of turn and refused. It was very inspiring to a lot of people
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

That if anyone is a douche of a human being, it's you.

McCain was the guy who tried to save the GOP from itself.

He failed.

He was the guy trying to do the humane and decent thing while the rest of the GOP was pandering to the worst instincts of their base.

Yes, Joe. You want two Democrat parties. That way you can't lose
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

That if anyone is a douche of a human being, it's you.

McCain was the guy who tried to save the GOP from itself.

He failed.

He was the guy trying to do the humane and decent thing while the rest of the GOP was pandering to the worst instincts of their base.
McCain gave new meaning to the term RINO. He never “saved the GOP from itself.” The Republicans are ready for a big win in 2018 and the average American voter spoke loud and clear with the revolution of 2016 against the liberal elitist establishment that runs the federal government and our schools. People are sick and tired of a small group of loudmouth liberal assholes fucking up our country and getting all the media attention.

Keep in mind that Joe advocates a Republican party that is the same as the Democrat party. He's right in that McCain was that
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