What do you understand about FDR? Did FDR want a war with Japan? For answers, check here

But in those days everyone in my neck of the woods was FDR democrats
My entire family was Democrats to the point when I was able to vote, I was too. I just went with the family. I finally decided to study this issue. After several years of deep study. I became a Republican just in time to vote for Reagan. This man is our nations finest of all presidents. Bar none.

Democrats it seems to me refuse to actually evaluate why they are democrats and simply follow earlier leads. Generally I believe by their own families.
My entire family was Democrats to the point when I was able to vote, I was too. I just went with the family. I finally decided to study this issue. After several years of deep study. I became a Republican just in time to vote for Reagan. This man is our nations finest of all presidents. Bar none.

Democrats it seems to me refuse to actually evaluate why they are democrats and simply follow earlier leads. Generally I believe by their own families.
We are republicans after considering the options and making an educated decision

That's a far cry from the uneducated oafs libs tell themselves we are
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The economy started recovering within weeks of FDR getting sworn in, and by 1937-1938 GDP was back to pre-Depression levels. Unemployment was down from 25%-30% to 10%, still high but much better than under Hoover. FDR kept a lot of families fed and working, which of course Republicans hated for some reason; they loved it when Hoover had the Army shooting and bayoneting uppity proles who refused to quietly starve to death waiting for Wall Street swindlers and thieves to do something, but instead decided to just hide out on their estates behind private armies and whine a lot.

Not everything worked, but a lot of it did actually put food on peoples' tables while working out what worked and what didn't, despite all the current bed wetting from wannabee parasites and right wing morons.

And even better, the DEmocrat populists' anti-trust and anti-chain store policies after the war created the largest middle class in our history, another reason New Deal policies were hated by right wingers.
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My entire family was Democrats to the point when I was able to vote, I was too. I just went with the family. I finally decided to study this issue. After several years of deep study. I became a Republican just in time to vote for Reagan. This man is our nations finest of all presidents. Bar none.

Democrats it seems to me refuse to actually evaluate why they are democrats and simply follow earlier leads. Generally I believe by their own families.

You mean you found out trying to get rich via debt bubbles was easier than working for a living, which was a losing proposition at the time.
The truth is out there even though the winners write the history books. How many people are aware that FDR chose General George Marshall as COS over more qualified Officers who had a better record? Marshall was credited as having a near photographic mind in the vernacular of the time but he couldn't remember where he was on the evening before the "Day of Infamy". When he arrived uncharacteristically late for work on Dec 7 his staff frantically gave him a decoded message that indicated an imminent attack. Marshall read and re-read and re-e read the message until it was too late to alert Hawaii.
The economy started recovering within weeks of FDR getting sworn in, and by 1937-1938 GDP was back to pre-Depression levels. Unemployment was down from 25%-30% to 10%, still high but much better than under Hoover. FDR kept a lot of families fed and working, which of course Republicans hated for some reason; they loved it when Hoover had the Army shooting and bayoneting uppity proles who refused to quietly starve to death waiting for Wall Street swindlers and thieves to do something, but instead decided to just hide out on their estates behind private armies and whine a lot.

Not everything worked, but a lot of it did actually put food on peoples' tables while working out what worked and what didn't, despite all the current bed wetting from wannabee parasites and right wing morons.

And even better, the DEmocrat populists' anti-trust and anti-chain store policies after the war created the largest middle class in our history, another reason New Deal policies were hated by right wingers.
Wall Street was another victim but not of Hoover, it was a bank in NY City that caused the depression. FDR did not recover in a few weeks at all. The Depression was cured when he went to war. A good many Democrats did not want to be in a war. Depressions should never last nearly as long as FDRs did.
The truth is out there even though the winners write the history books. How many people are aware that FDR chose General George Marshall as COS over more qualified Officers who had a better record? Marshall was credited as having a near photographic mind in the vernacular of the time but he couldn't remember where he was on the evening before the "Day of Infamy". When he arrived uncharacteristically late for work on Dec 7 his staff frantically gave him a decoded message that indicated an imminent attack. Marshall read and re-read and re-e read the message until it was too late to alert Hawaii.
Hawaii had to be on full alert long before that stuff you blamed Marshall for. A military that size needs several weeks to do it correctly.
So you accept FDR made a hell of a mistake by waiting so long to go to war?

Triggered idiots can't make any rebuttals; the facts are easily available. It wasn't FDR that was 'waiting' it was your piece of shit Wall Street swindlers dragging their feet and blocking him. You can't fit those facts in your looney conspiracy theories, though.
Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.

Japan could not care less about Pearl Harbor. That was simply to slow down any response from the US for the territory they really wanted.

What japan wanted was the Western Pacific. China, Dutch East Indies, Philippines, and all the rest. They had no real interest in Hawaii or much of anything else, but they knew that if they did not seriously damage the US Fleet there, then they would soon have it on their own doorstep trying to hold the Philippines.

This is no real secret that was their goal, they wanted to gather up the entire region into their "Co-Prosperity Sphere". Then use the resources there for themselves.
Japan could not care less about Pearl Harbor. That was simply to slow down any response from the US for the territory they really wanted.

What japan wanted was the Western Pacific. China, Dutch East Indies, Philippines, and all the rest. They had no real interest in Hawaii or much of anything else, but they knew that if they did not seriously damage the US Fleet there, then they would soon have it on their own doorstep trying to hold the Philippines.

This is no real secret that was their goal, they wanted to gather up the entire region into their "Co-Prosperity Sphere". Then use the resources there for themselves.
FDR would not have been in WW2 had the Japanese not bombed Pearl Harbor.
The Japs didn't even complete the original mission; they left the fuel depot largely unscathed, a serious blunder. They had no idea where the carriers were, and feared being surprised by them and screwed up. If they had taken out the fuel depot, it would have been a big delay in U.S. operations in the Pacific. Midway could have been different if the carriers had had to refuel in the U.S.

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