What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

According to Randallflagg 100% of America's problem are caused by "evil libruls".

Conservatives have never done anything wrong ever. They have never started a war by lying to the American people about WMD's that didn't exist. They have never given away trillions of dollars in "tax cuts" to the wealthy and caused massive deficits as a result. Conservatives would never impeach a president over something as ridiculous as a consensual blowjob either. They would never have dreamed of passing the Patriot Act so that they could spy on Americans and deny them their right to a speedy trial.

It is only those "evil libruls" that do nasty things to harm this great nation.

6 years of your idiot's regime. What the hell has gotten better? Part time jobs? Gitmo closed? patriot act reversed? Jobs? Have the oceans actually receded yet? - That's what I thought.

In other words all you can do is spew stupid nonsense.

You are just a major part of the problem because you are incapable of ever being part of the solution.
I disagree. Here is why. The national debt has been out of control for some time. There are jobs...we're hiring high paying nursing, allied health care, and very high paying administrative positions. We're opening up new clinics. Our competitors are opening up campuses... It's simply not true that there are no jobs.

Louder spoken is that let's say there is some sort of second amendment solution where where there is armed insurgency or some sort of other non-electoral solution. Will that really correct anything as far as expanding the economy? Of course ne.

So, you believe that success in health care is defined by Administrators outnumbering and out earning doctors, with nurses providing the majority of care?

This is the vision of the left, and Obamacare.

Patient: Excuse me, before you amputate my arm to cure a flea bite, could you tell me what medical school you attended?

LVN: I have 43 hours on online videos as mandated by the office of administration. We do have one doctor on staff for our 450,000 patients, but there is a 17 year wait to see him. However an administrator will be happy to review your case before I proceed.

Yeah, you Communists are a dream come true....
Gee, I thought the government wasn't supposed to give you anything....it sounds as though the government is doing exactly what it should be doing..."we've gotten nothing".

Don't you have some young girls to proposition?

Don't you have some young men's cock to suck?

I hear you enjoy hanging out at the bus station these days....

I hear you enjoy masturbating to Ann Coulter's picture. That is one ugly dude.

Nope.....Hallie Berry does it for me....Probably you too, right?
I disagree. Here is why. The national debt has been out of control for some time. There are jobs...we're hiring high paying nursing, allied health care, and very high paying administrative positions. We're opening up new clinics. Our competitors are opening up campuses... It's simply not true that there are no jobs.

Louder spoken is that let's say there is some sort of second amendment solution where where there is armed insurgency or some sort of other non-electoral solution. Will that really correct anything as far as expanding the economy? Of course ne.

So, you believe that success in health care is defined by Administrators outnumbering and out earning doctors, with nurses providing the majority of care?

This is the vision of the left, and Obamacare.

Patient: Excuse me, before you amputate my arm to cure a flea bite, could you tell me what medical school you attended?

LVN: I have 43 hours on online videos as mandated by the office of administration. We do have one doctor on staff for our 450,000 patients, but there is a 17 year wait to see him. However an administrator will be happy to review your case before I proceed.

Yeah, you Communists are a dream come true....

Actually they don't out earn our medical experts--far from it.

I was indicating that there are more than admin assistants and clerks that we are hiring.
Actually they don't out earn our medical experts--far from it.


20 years ago, the CEO's of the major care providers were physicians, today none of them are. Want to bet the CEO of Blue Cross (A George Soros Company) pulls down what his top 30 physicians combined earn?

We were already on a downward spiral, but Fascistcare exasperates the fact that bureaucrats and apparatchiks, rather than trained doctors, determine the health care afforded to the proles.

I was indicating that there are more than admin assistants and clerks that we are hiring.

Of course, and you are most likely laying off doctors to free up resources to pay the bureaucrats with. Thanks to fascistcare, record keeping rather than health care is the primary goal.
In twenty years practically everyone here will be dead or quite elderly. I'm just guessing but the median age of the board is probably around 55, the reign of the boomers will be over along with their nostalgia for a 1950s world that never really existed. The world of the future is yet to be born, I expect some entirely transformative events to have occurred by then. Nuclear war between India and Pakistan comes to mind.
The discovery of extraterrestrial life.
The terrorist release of a genetically engineered plague.
Implanted I-phones serving users virtual worlds will create virtual zombies.
Vast, almost unimaginable refugee movement around the globe due to climate/war/hunger/disease.
Drinkable water WILL become the most precious and warred over commodity on earth.
Solar will be the main source of electrical power.
Yet somehow in spite of all this America will still be America. No party will have achieved totalitarianism and enslaved anyone. People will still fight over petty issues as if the world is at stake. And most importantly, perhaps, with the boomers dead maybe the world can finally move on into what it will be when no one longs for a golden age past and worry about making a golden age that is entirely possible with courage to face the future.

75 is "quite elderly" now.

In 20 years it won't be. You'll need to wait Another 20 years before you can become a trust-fund baby, and by then the money will have been spent. Most successful among your peers will be those that could not depend on their parents wealth: Asian and Hispanic immigrants will run government and business. You will most likely be working for them.

Sadly, I do not foresee much progress among the black community in the next 20 years. I base this on the trajectory of their progress during the PAST 20 years. Since 1994, we have placed a black male in the White House, but demographic indicators reveal that the aggregate black population has continued to lag behind other groups.

Well, let's see if I can manage to pull this thread back out of the sewer.

I'm afraid you're probably right about the progress of American blacks. Even if Political Correctness and Identity Politics magically (and mercifully) ended today, it will certainly take a couple of generations to mitigate and reverse the damage done.

They've now been victimized twice in this nation's history, and wounds like that don't heal quickly.

In twenty years practically everyone here will be dead or quite elderly. I'm just guessing but the median age of the board is probably around 55, the reign of the boomers will be over along with their nostalgia for a 1950s world that never really existed. The world of the future is yet to be born, I expect some entirely transformative events to have occurred by then. Nuclear war between India and Pakistan comes to mind.
The discovery of extraterrestrial life.
The terrorist release of a genetically engineered plague.
Implanted I-phones serving users virtual worlds will create virtual zombies.
Vast, almost unimaginable refugee movement around the globe due to climate/war/hunger/disease.
Drinkable water WILL become the most precious and warred over commodity on earth.
Solar will be the main source of electrical power.
Yet somehow in spite of all this America will still be America. No party will have achieved totalitarianism and enslaved anyone. People will still fight over petty issues as if the world is at stake. And most importantly, perhaps, with the boomers dead maybe the world can finally move on into what it will be when no one longs for a golden age past and worry about making a golden age that is entirely possible with courage to face the future.

75 is "quite elderly" now.

In 20 years it won't be. You'll need to wait Another 20 years before you can become a trust-fund baby, and by then the money will have been spent. Most successful among your peers will be those that could not depend on their parents wealth: Asian and Hispanic immigrants will run government and business. You will most likely be working for them.

Sadly, I do not foresee much progress among the black community in the next 20 years. I base this on the trajectory of their progress during the PAST 20 years. Since 1994, we have placed a black male in the White House, but demographic indicators reveal that the aggregate black population has continued to lag behind other groups.

Well, let's see if I can manage to pull this thread back out of the sewer.

I'm afraid you're probably right about the progress of American blacks. Even if Political Correctness and Identity Politics magically (and mercifully) ended today, it will certainly take a couple of generations to mitigate and reverse the damage done.

They've now been victimized twice in this nation's history, and wounds like that don't heal quickly.


Hope to assist in the Thread Management. Hopefully Poo Throwers will bring it to the flame zone whilst the rest of us can participate in an adult conversation.

20 years from now I predict we will eat much less. Food prices will skyrocket as production costs increase. Blacks may find their services are once again in demand as share croppers on small, self sustaining farms that grow crops at low cost for local consumption.
He went there first.

I doubt the nation will be much worse or much better in 20 years. The real threat, as I see it, is something I can't describe accurately except to call it the most unfortunate title; the "Wal-Mart-ization of America." It has nothing to do with the retail giant except their business model.

America used to be a place that valued labor (not meaning "big labor" but what one did to earn a living) and talent and would pay a premium for better service and product.

Now it's been "Wal Marted" to where the only thing that matters is price and if something were to break, it is just replaced. I don't know who shops at Wal Mart that reads this board but when you go there, just look at the customer service area at the baskets of items returned. Some may be the wrong size or color but I would wager a lot are defective.

Blaming anyone except the American consumer for this is mis-placed blame of course. But it goes deeper than that. It used to be that you could build some equity in the company. Now to many employers, you're just as disposable as the items in the cart at the customer service area. And for employees, employers are just as disposable.

The nation's tenants are going to be fine. The people and their willingness to forego anything except their pocketbook...that will probably change for the worse in my view.


Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


I disagree. Here is why. The national debt has been out of control for some time. There are jobs...we're hiring high paying nursing, allied health care, and very high paying administrative positions. We're opening up new clinics. Our competitors are opening up campuses... It's simply not true that there are no jobs.

Louder spoken is that let's say there is some sort of second amendment solution where where there is armed insurgency or some sort of other non-electoral solution. Will that really correct anything as far as expanding the economy? Of course ne.

So, you believe that success in health care is defined by Administrators outnumbering and out earning doctors, with nurses providing the majority of care?

This is the vision of the left, and Obamacare.

Patient: Excuse me, before you amputate my arm to cure a flea bite, could you tell me what medical school you attended?

LVN: I have 43 hours on online videos as mandated by the office of administration. We do have one doctor on staff for our 450,000 patients, but there is a 17 year wait to see him. However an administrator will be happy to review your case before I proceed.

Yeah, you Communists are a dream come true....

Man, you have a bad case of dipshititis.
Based on this forum, a bunch of pussy whipped politically correct wimps will be left cowering in their mothers basement describing the end of civilization as we know it.

Kinda like Pelosi did the other day
Collapse, partitioning and then reconstruction of several new, independent countries.
20 years from now I predict we will eat much less. Food prices will skyrocket as production costs increase. Blacks may find their services are once again in demand as share croppers on small, self sustaining farms that grow crops at low cost for local consumption.

Just the opposite.

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