CDZ What Does This Photo Mean To You?

One day I'll be able to tell my grandchildren of how a citizen was welcome in the Capitol. There were no fences, no barricades. You could walk right up to the building and stroll on in. You didn't walk through a metal detector or wait on some line.

It was similar at the White House, where you could walk up to the visitor center and take a tour. Now you need to request a tour through your congressional representative.

Interesting note. Biden is apparently doing away with the current 6-foot fence at the White House and is having it replaced with a 13-foot fence...
I don't walk into an airport without thinking how families used to say their goodbyes at the gate. How can they call this "civilized society?"
One day I'll be able to tell my grandchildren of how a citizen was welcome in the Capitol. There were no fences, no barricades. You could walk right up to the building and stroll on in. You didn't walk through a metal detector or wait on some line.

It was similar at the White House, where you could walk up to the visitor center and take a tour. Now you need to request a tour through your congressional representative.

Interesting note. Biden is apparently doing away with the current 6-foot fence at the White House and is having it replaced with a 13-foot fence...
I don't walk into an airport without thinking how families used to say their goodbyes at the gate. How can they call this "civilized society?"
Difference is that the airport security thing evolved from actual Muslim terrorism.
The capitol fence is a just democrat straw man scam.

Yep, the fence is still up and even the National Guard is getting sick and tired of this shit.

"National Guard’s presence in Washington, D.C., got extended last week when Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin approved the Capitol Police’s request for 2,300 troops to remain in place for approximately two months. Americans heard about threats from QAnon devotees on Inauguration Day, during the impeachment trial, and on March 4th. Exactly nothing happened. Perhaps this is why not everyone agrees with the extension for the National Guard: "

"National Guard Bureau Chief Dan Hokanson had questioned the extension because it was not rooted in specific threats. Instead, it was to give Capitol Police more time to fill staff and training gaps. In a memo obtained by Fox News, Hokanson wrote on March 4:"

"I am concerned that the continued indefinite nature of this requirement may also impede our ability to man future missions.
Efforts to date have not secured enough volunteers among supporting states to meet the USCP request of 2,280 soldiers, nor Option B of 1,000 soldiers."

Mr. Biden....TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!! "Come on man!!"
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For me, it means our government fears We The People.

Democrats hate firemen, the rule of law, and knowledge so they walled off the fire department's access to the hydrant right in front of the library of Congress and US Supreme Court. For those who are unfamiliar, that fence is a good hike from the actual Capitol building
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For me, it means our government fears We The People.
It’s to keep the hillbillies out. Like the ones who attacked the Capitol.
You’re a bigot.
Just calling a spade a spade. And you know that I’m right, don’t you?
No, you’re wrong and you’re a bigot. You need to get out more.
Ok, now go back to your 'shine.
To me the fence means the same as this one that's been up for quite a while. The days of trusting people to act with common sense keep coming to an end.


To me the fence means the same as this one that's been up for quite a while. The days of trusting people to act with common sense keep coming to an end.
Yeah the Biden administration are not about common sense.
I think it means our gov't fears some of the people. And given the recent history, it is hard to argue with that.
But why? No one hurt anyone in DC in that incident. In fact, the only one killed by gunfire was an unarmed women shot by DC police.
I think it means our gov't fears some of the people. And given the recent history, it is hard to argue with that.
But why? No one hurt anyone in DC in that incident. In fact, the only one killed by gunfire was an unarmed women shot by DC police.

There were injuries.

But the fact that a crowd of angry people were able to invade the US Capitol in an effort to try and stop legislative work from being done opened some eyes.

There is a lot of anger and frustration out there. Who knows when the next attack would take place and how it would turn out.

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