What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over ...

No, he doesn’t, you lying sack of shit.

The pathological liar’s lies aside, a real difference is that I do more than just gas on about it on the internet.
You don't do shit loser.

Wrong again, selfish, racist hypocrite. I have devoted my professional life to working with and for people of all backgrounds and circumstances. I put my money where my mouth is EVERY day, while you spew lies and racial epithets on the Internet.

...you are a teacher because you can't do. ...

It is possible to work hard to support your family and still have principles, not be a hypocrite or a coward, and to walk the proverbial walk. It is possible to give a shit about people and offer more than empty words on the internet.

Maybe not for everyone.
What do Republicans have to offer blacks?


We've learned that all over America.

If I were black, I wouldn't want anything from a nearly all white party.

Think Trojan Horse.
As soon as Republican realize it is no longer beneficial to trash blacks, they will start to woo blacks back to the party and blacks will join because they are very conservative people religiously.

Republicans have done major damage to the black community over the course of the last century, blacks just aren't going to join the republican party unless they do something really major that surpasses Johnsons signing the civil rights and voting rights acts.
What line of work are you in?
You should already know what I do. I’ve shared that info several times.

Are you trying to avoid answering another simple question?

I've explained what I did and my current status numerous times. I've never avoided answering your questions, and am answering this one in the manner you answered mine.
Let’s switch to something that might be easier for you.

Can you tell us how your life has been negatively impacted by Trump?

We'll make this real easy for you since my OP is about republicans and not just Trump.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
You’re nuts if you think I’m going to waste any time trying to educate someone of your caliber. lol

You can't educate me because I know more than you do.
I'm retired. Do you know what that means? It means I was working before you were thought about.


Plenty of time to bitch and moan online, I suppose. You have it so hard. Meanwhile, some people actually have to work ...

I worked for 43 years. That's 15 years longer than your ass has been alive. I earned this.

Then quit begging already.

You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference
I'm surprised you ain't crying about the India Indian population here, and how you never see them working as Laborers etc... Instead we are seeing them coming here instantly owning businesses or being worked by their own, and (not by Americans), for whom they are truly against other than the usery they have found so easily to get by with while here.

You're own Joe Biden said it himself, but it mattered not to the crats even though Biden spoke the truth about it all that day when he said "you can't go into a convenient store these days without an Indian accent".

People from India are considered Asians.
Plenty of time to bitch and moan online, I suppose. You have it so hard. Meanwhile, some people actually have to work ...

I worked for 43 years. That's 15 years longer than your ass has been alive. I earned this.

Then quit begging already.

You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference
I'm surprised you ain't crying about the India Indian population here, and how you never see them working as Laborers etc... Instead we are seeing them coming here instantly owning businesses or being worked by their own, and (not by Americans), for whom they are truly against other than the usery they have found so easily to get by with while here.

You're own Joe Biden said it himself, but it mattered not to the crats even though Biden spoke the truth about it all that day when he said "you can't go into a convenient store these days without an Indian accent".

People from India are considered Asians.

you are quibbling semantics. More accurately, people from India
are----"south-east Asians" Asia is a very big continent. Siberia is in
NORTH ASIA------ ("NORTH ASIA ACCENT") ---the terminology is
very vague----and just means what it COMMONLY means
I’m thinking you and Asclepias are just looking for attention, IM2.
if this is true why are you giving it to us? Obviously you are seeking our attention. :rolleyes:
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.
I worked for 43 years. That's 15 years longer than your ass has been alive. I earned this.

Then quit begging already.

You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference
I'm surprised you ain't crying about the India Indian population here, and how you never see them working as Laborers etc... Instead we are seeing them coming here instantly owning businesses or being worked by their own, and (not by Americans), for whom they are truly against other than the usery they have found so easily to get by with while here.

You're own Joe Biden said it himself, but it mattered not to the crats even though Biden spoke the truth about it all that day when he said "you can't go into a convenient store these days without an Indian accent".

People from India are considered Asians.

you are quibbling semantics. More accurately, people from India
are----"south-east Asians" Asia is a very big continent. Siberia is in
NORTH ASIA------ ("NORTH ASIA ACCENT") ---the terminology is
very vague----and just means what it COMMONLY means

Seems that you are the one quibbling. SE Asia is still Asia. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I’m thinking you and Asclepias are just looking for attention, IM2.
if this is true why are you giving it to us? Obviously you are seeking our attention. :rolleyes:
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

how do you know what other people have "been thru..." ??? Your belief that white kids live like DICK JANE AND SALLY ----is as idiotic
as the grinning, banjo playing, cotton picker of the south
Then quit begging already.

You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference
I'm surprised you ain't crying about the India Indian population here, and how you never see them working as Laborers etc... Instead we are seeing them coming here instantly owning businesses or being worked by their own, and (not by Americans), for whom they are truly against other than the usery they have found so easily to get by with while here.

You're own Joe Biden said it himself, but it mattered not to the crats even though Biden spoke the truth about it all that day when he said "you can't go into a convenient store these days without an Indian accent".

People from India are considered Asians.

you are quibbling semantics. More accurately, people from India
are----"south-east Asians" Asia is a very big continent. Siberia is in
NORTH ASIA------ ("NORTH ASIA ACCENT") ---the terminology is
very vague----and just means what it COMMONLY means

Seems that you are the one quibbling. SE Asia is still Asia. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Persons from South east Asia------are MOSTLY persons from India, and
Pakistan and Sri Lanka--------they SHARE a very LINKED mess of languages ------and similar modes of dress and cuisine.------IE ---they
are all culturally linked.---------Sorta like the descendants from Scottish and Irish and English settlers in the NEW WORLD-----along the Hudson valley. Ask your local Karachi Pakistani if he can TELL THE DIFFERENCE between a Dutchman and an Englishman in
SLEEPY HOLLOW. HOWEVER----it is no trick to discern a DIFFERENCE between a SIBERIAN-----and an emigree from MUMBAI
if this is true why are you giving it to us? Obviously you are seeking our attention. :rolleyes:
I was trying to understand why you two are whining. You both act like you don’t have the same opportunities everyone has.

I’m also trying to understand the hate you have towards a man who worked hard to make it easier for blacks to find a job. A man who is now respected and appreciated by a growing # of blacks.

Don’t you care about other black people?
Pointing out your racism isnt whining. Its an alert system. Stop trying to get my attention. I know you suffer from insecurity but get some help for it. :rolleyes:
While you two look to blame others for your failures, all I can do is wish you both the best. :)

The only people looking to blame others for their failures are you white racists. There are threads here full of examples that prove it. Both A and I have done better than you. If you had to go through what we did to get where we are today, your ass would have quit as a teenager, folded up and spent the rest of your life in a fetal position sucking your thumb.

how do you know what other people have "been thru..." ??? Your belief that white kids live like DICK JANE AND SALLY ----is as idiotic
as the grinning, banjo playing, cotton picker of the south

It's pretty simple actually. No matter how hard whites have had it, they do not face racism. Now since I grew up in a town that is 90 percent white and lived in a poor hood with whites, I am well aware that not all whites live on easy street. Again whites like you need to understand that we as blacks have had many interactions with whites, so you instructing me about whites like I have never seen any is stupid.
You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference
I'm surprised you ain't crying about the India Indian population here, and how you never see them working as Laborers etc... Instead we are seeing them coming here instantly owning businesses or being worked by their own, and (not by Americans), for whom they are truly against other than the usery they have found so easily to get by with while here.

You're own Joe Biden said it himself, but it mattered not to the crats even though Biden spoke the truth about it all that day when he said "you can't go into a convenient store these days without an Indian accent".

People from India are considered Asians.

you are quibbling semantics. More accurately, people from India
are----"south-east Asians" Asia is a very big continent. Siberia is in
NORTH ASIA------ ("NORTH ASIA ACCENT") ---the terminology is
very vague----and just means what it COMMONLY means

Seems that you are the one quibbling. SE Asia is still Asia. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Persons from South east Asia------are MOSTLY persons from India, and
Pakistan and Sri Lanka--------they SHARE a very LINKED mess of languages ------and similar modes of dress and cuisine.------IE ---they
are all culturally linked.---------Sorta like the descendants from Scottish and Irish and English settlers in the NEW WORLD-----along the Hudson valley. Ask your local Karachi Pakistani if he can TELL THE DIFFERENCE between a Dutchman and an Englishman in
SLEEPY HOLLOW. HOWEVER----it is no trick to discern a DIFFERENCE between a SIBERIAN-----and an emigree from MUMBAI

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Went over your stupid and Leftist head I see. LOL.
What did I miss? I think I fully got what you were trying to say and trust me you aren't that clever that there is some message you were trying to make that went over my head.

Or was there. Let me know what I'm not following here. LOL Other than you are happy to have a fan even if it is a retard name unkotare.

That I was kidding around and you took both literally and seriously.
Oh so you think Melania fell in love with Trump? HA! That's some funny shit.

And my 25 year old Belarusian girlfriend doesn't care that I have money or a boat. Suuuuure she doesn't. LOL. Even I'll admit that's ludacris.

Trump has dated numerous models. Part of his appeal I would guess is his personna. I have no idea what women fall in love with as I am neither one nor do I identify as one. Maybe you're just a good dude who treats her well. You make $hit money. That we already discussed. If I made what you make I'd be depressed.
All Trump knows how to do is go bankrupt.

Trump has never personally declared bankruptcy. But that's all irrelevant. What matters is whether or not he has delivered positive economic results - or not, and he most definitely has. Unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics have NEVER been lower. Based on your response, Trump could probably make every American a millionaire and you'd still oppose him because your loyalty is NOT to your fellow citizen, but to the Democratic Party. In other words, you're a partisan hack.

Until you remember that economists predicted that the tax cuts would have a TEMPORARY positive effect on the economy, but would ultimatetly be a net negative, mostly benefiting only the very rich. Guess what? We're still definitely in the "temporary" zone. If this economy is still going strong in a few years then maybe I'll become a believer.

I know what the economists said dumb ass kid. The republicans here are the ones who dismissed it. And while Trump ha s not filed for personal bankruptcy:

Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. But he has filed four business bankruptcies, which Bankruptcy.com says makes Trump the top filer in recent decades. All of them were centered around casinos he used to own in Atlantic City. They were all Chapter 11 restructurings, which lets a company stay in business while shedding debt it owes to banks, employees and suppliers.

Everything you want to know about Donald Trump's bankruptcies


Trump has not really delivered anything.

The America Donald Trump Is Inheriting, By The Numbers
Trump is lucky he inherited a good hand
Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don't Let Trump And His Rich Man's Tax Cut Steal The Credit | HuffPost
The truth about Obama's economic legacy and Trump's inheritance
A look at the economy Trump inherited, which he calls a ‘mess’

Trump policies have yet to take full effect. In February or March they will begin to. Then from that point on we can talk about what Trump has delivered.

If everyone was made a millionaire by Trumps policies, I'd be a millionaire so why would I oppose such an economic policy. But there is more to life than the economy so I don't have to like Trump because I made a few dollars more. When you grow up, maybe you'll understand that.

So what?
You beg the government so you don't have to pay your fair share. I oppose white racism. Learn the difference

Do you oppose black racism? Asian? Native American? Religion? Color?
You would know since the best you can do is work for tips. My suggestion would be to go back to school and get a better education and stop whining about how Black guys are taking your jobs. :)

What's wrong with working for tips? I worked for tips on my first real job back in 1960. We were paid below minimum wage at $0.85 per hour. I bagged groceries in a leading grocery store. I made great money. Servers in a good restaurant, make really good money. I was going to school and completed at the Univerisity of Miami with a huge help from a tournament I won. None the less, I started out working for tips. A great way to make a living!
I can understand why you choose not to tip or contribute towards the things you enjoy. I also don’t mind helping the people you stiff.

You can't shame a Progressive into paying for anything out of their own pocket. They have no morals or ethics that would compel them to pay for anything they believed they are owed simply because they exist.
In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent.
Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2014, US Department of the Census

I hate to awaken you but this is 2018. What is it today? 19%, quite an improvement, wouldn't you say?
What do Republicans have to offer blacks?


We've learned that all over America.

If I were black, I wouldn't want anything from a nearly all white party.

Think Trojan Horse.

What have you got to lose? What have the Democrats done for the blacks? Simple, continue to force the belief that blacks are inferior and that they could not survive without the handouts from them, the Democrats.
Republicans have done major damage to the black community over the course of the last century, blacks just aren't going to join the republican party unless they do something really major that surpasses Johnsons signing the civil rights and voting rights acts.

Republicans have done major damage to the black community? Wow! Sure doesn't look that way.


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