What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

An opportunity to step outside the false victim tent and move forward as a respected equal with other communities. For as long as they are with the democrats that will not happen.


There is no false victim tent. After this last election cycles performance by republicans a black person must have a serious mental disorder to became a republican. So your comment is just going to be placed in the idiot file.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:

So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?
You have no clue what me and IM2 agree on. That much is obvious.

I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

I think thats already been pointed out to you. Black people dont just go around spitting on people unless they are mentally ill or you did something to them.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?
Not really sure why you think we disagree or why its important to you if its true?

This question is called a informal fallacy. Tidy it up if you want a serious answer.
Do you oppose black racism? Asian? Native American? Religion? Color?
No such thing. I've told you white boys before. People that dont own the resources, systems, and opportunities cant practice racism.

You and people like IM2 spew this nonsense about how only people who own the resources, systems or have the authority can practice racism and yet you call me racist without knowing whether I have any resources or authority or anything. Funny how that works.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:
A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

An opportunity to step outside the false victim tent and move forward as a respected equal with other communities. For as long as they are with the democrats that will not happen.

No one cares what you respect. You call yourself offal. What kind of fool that does that thinks anyone wants his respect? :rolleyes:

And I totally do not give a shit if that is your position...trust me on this. I didn't ask for your respect...don't need it...don't even want it.

If you didnt give a shit you wouldnt have begged me not to be a dem. The sad thing for you is that even though I am not a dem I would never be a member of your retarded political party. :rolleyes:
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

An opportunity to step outside the false victim tent and move forward as a respected equal with other communities. For as long as they are with the democrats that will not happen.


There is no false victim tent. After this last election cycles performance by republicans a black person must have a serious mental disorder to became a republican. So your comment is just going to be placed in the idiot file.

Au contraire...the only victim tent out there is the false one...if you have an idiot file at your house...that's fine with me....nothing I can do about it or care to do about it.

There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

An opportunity to step outside the false victim tent and move forward as a respected equal with other communities. For as long as they are with the democrats that will not happen.

No one cares what you respect. You call yourself offal. What kind of fool that does that thinks anyone wants his respect? :rolleyes:

And I totally do not give a shit if that is your position...trust me on this. I didn't ask for your respect...don't need it...don't even want it.

If you didnt give a shit you wouldnt have begged me not to be a dem. The sad thing for you is that even though I am not a dem I would never be a member of your retarded political party. :rolleyes:
What is that party?
No such thing. I've told you white boys before. People that dont own the resources, systems, and opportunities cant practice racism.

You and people like IM2 spew this nonsense about how only people who own the resources, systems or have the authority can practice racism and yet you call me racist without knowing whether I have any resources or authority or anything. Funny how that works.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:
A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.
No such thing. I've told you white boys before. People that dont own the resources, systems, and opportunities cant practice racism.

You and people like IM2 spew this nonsense about how only people who own the resources, systems or have the authority can practice racism and yet you call me racist without knowing whether I have any resources or authority or anything. Funny how that works.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:
A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?

Yep ... that's the foolish rule of racism that the left practices.... remember for them " IT"S DIFFERENT "...

There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

An opportunity to step outside the false victim tent and move forward as a respected equal with other communities. For as long as they are with the democrats that will not happen.

No one cares what you respect. You call yourself offal. What kind of fool that does that thinks anyone wants his respect? :rolleyes:

And I totally do not give a shit if that is your position...trust me on this. I didn't ask for your respect...don't need it...don't even want it.

If you didnt give a shit you wouldnt have begged me not to be a dem. The sad thing for you is that even though I am not a dem I would never be a member of your retarded political party. :rolleyes:
What is that party?
You dont know what party you are a member of? :rolleyes:
You and people like IM2 spew this nonsense about how only people who own the resources, systems or have the authority can practice racism and yet you call me racist without knowing whether I have any resources or authority or anything. Funny how that works.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:
A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

Bwahahaha.....you can't seriously think that anyone is going to credit that pile of BS with any sort of
legitimacy can you? If you are that afraid of performing equally....I suggest you see a professional....sounds like you need to.

You and people like IM2 spew this nonsense about how only people who own the resources, systems or have the authority can practice racism and yet you call me racist without knowing whether I have any resources or authority or anything. Funny how that works.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:

So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.[/QUOTE]
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:

So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?
You have no clue what me and IM2 agree on. That much is obvious.

I know enough to know that the two of you disagree on this one point. I've been debating with the both of you for months and in that time I've learned that you think blacks can be racist - which you just said in this thread - and that IM2 thinks blacks can't be racist at all.

I think thats already been pointed out to you. Black people dont just go around spitting on people unless they are mentally ill or you did something to them.

So young black men will join gangs and murder other black men for control of drug territory but spitting on people is morally beneath them?

You just said in this thread that blacks can be racist but it never occurred to you that he might have spit on me for that reason?

And whites have been practicing racist behavior consistently for over 400 years but that black man could not have spit on you because you said simethig racist or whites treated him like shit on that job.. The more you post the more I see that man had to endure a whole lot of white racism on that job. Because young white men join gangs and kill each other. On top of that, they provide the drugs to everyone else.
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:
A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

Bwahahaha.....you can't seriously think that anyone is going to credit that pile of BS with any sort of
legitimacy can you? If you are that afraid of performing equally....I suggest you see a professional....sounds like you need to.

I didnt ask for credit. You dont possess enough value to provide any credit. I was talking to Ghost not you. :rolleyes:
This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:

So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.
How do you know if we have never discussed this point before? Who told you we disagree? If we do disagree what made you think its something fundamental?
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A black property owner can practice racism by not renting to whites because of race. A black employer can practice racism by not hiring whites because of race. A black traffic cop can practice racism by writing white people tickets and black people warnings when he makes traffic stops. Not all control of "the system, its resources and opportunities" are in the hands of white people. There are lots of blacks that have the power to practice racism.
One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

Bwahahaha.....you can't seriously think that anyone is going to credit that pile of BS with any sort of
legitimacy can you? If you are that afraid of performing equally....I suggest you see a professional....sounds like you need to.

I didnt ask for credit. You dont possess enough value to provide any credit. I was talking to Ghost not you. :rolleyes:

You made a post on a public posting board....deal with it. You can of course exercise the ignore function or carry on a private conversation with whoever. But I believe you will find that the rules here do not forbid me from reading and responding. I have a habit of trying to stomp out STUPID when I see it....sorry.
Personally I have never used one of those....I have learned to deal with antipathy without trying to pretend it doesn't exist.

This is why I keep saying you are an idiot. Anyone can be a racist without owning anything. Clean the earwax out your ears. I said Blacks cannot practice racism because it requires control of the system, its resources and opportunities. :rolleyes:

So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.

This point is not a fundamental aspect of racial issues. That's why it doesn't come up between any of us blacks here.
So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.
How do you know if we have never discussed this point before? Who told you we disagree? If we do disagree what made you think its something fundamental?

His list of prepared talking points probably.....when they don't actually read and understand the point they usually use them like a dull butter knife on raw meat.
So then, the guy who spit on me was racist after all, contrary to what IM2 says that blacks can't be racist?
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.

This point is not a fundamental aspect of racial issues. That's why it doesn't come up between any of us blacks here.

Hate to break it to you but here you have no race...only a moniker.

One person doesnt make a system. There has to be a majority. For example If all the white banks decided to not loan to Blacks (sound familiar?) Black people would be severely affected. If all the Black banks decided not to loan to whites no one would even notice. If some whites did notice they could pass a law or put the Black banks out of business. Racism is the execution of power designed to provide benefits to the people that have the power and provide obstacles to the people that dont.

So then what you're saying is that if a white guy denies a job to a black person for a white person it's practicing racism, but if a black guy denies a white person a job in favor of a black guy, it is not practicing racism because the black guy's race doesn't have control of the system?
Bingo. The white guys actions fall in line not only with the control dynamic but also with the prevalence of denying Blacks a job in favor of whites.

Bwahahaha.....you can't seriously think that anyone is going to credit that pile of BS with any sort of
legitimacy can you? If you are that afraid of performing equally....I suggest you see a professional....sounds like you need to.

I didnt ask for credit. You dont possess enough value to provide any credit. I was talking to Ghost not you. :rolleyes:

You made a post on a public posting board....deal with it. You can of course exercise the ignore function or carry on a private conversation with whoever. But I believe you will find that the rules here do not forbid me from reading and responding. I have a habit of trying to stomp out STUPID when I see it....sorry.
Personally I have never used one of those....I have learned to deal with antipathy without trying to pretend it doesn't exist.

I dont care what you read or respond to. I just pointed out I wasnt talking to you and I didnt ask for credit. Youre a loser low hanging fruit white boy so you only make me laugh at you. :laugh:
Thats silly talk. There are a whole host of reasons that could explain why you got spit on. The primary one being you said or did something racist.

First let me point out that you and IM2 are apparently not in agreement as to whether or not blacks can be racist. So why you guys discussed this?

That said, why is the primary potential reason for his spitting on me is that I said or did something racist?

And what? We are supposed agree on everything?

Nope. That's not my point. The point is that the two of you disagree on a fundamental aspect of racial issues: the ability or possibility of blacks being racist. Now, if I were any less jaded than I am about how some blacks approach racial issues, I would wonder why this point never came up between you. But, being as jaded as I am from debating the two of you, I know exactly why it never came up.

You want to make a claim in order to build straw men based on false equivalences. But like I said, for you to even try making blacks racist, you have to deny whites have a continuing 400 year practice of racist behavior and that what blacks are doing is a reaction to that behavior.

This point is not a fundamental aspect of racial issues. That's why it doesn't come up between any of us blacks here.

Hate to break it to you but here you have no race...only a moniker.


That's a lie.

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