What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

What do Republicans have to offer blacks?


We've learned that all over America.

If I were black, I wouldn't want anything from a nearly all white party.

Think Trojan Horse.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

You sure you want to crawl into bed with that particular lying, racist hypocrite?
Drop the attitude white boy. Whites who voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump. That's what happened. 88 percent of blacks voted for Clinton. That's more than voted for her husband both times he won. Whites are why democrats lost buddy.

Black "liberals" forced whites make the changes they made. You white liberals sat on your hands from reconstruction until 1965. During that time blacks fought and fought. We fought for 100 years after slavery until whites decided to do the right thing. And even then the deeds were limited. AA only applies to government departments and government contracts. Private business can still discriminate on the basis of race if they do not receive government money. So what exactly did white liberals do?

Barely anything. The democratic party has done little for blacks. The republican party has done nothing. And we are mostly democrats because of the little democrats have done. So for you to say what you did is bullshit and the democratic party must be more aggressive in addressing the concerns of others besides whites or blacks will leave the party. It is why we left the republican party. Republicans thought blacks owed them eternal gratitude just like you and many while liberals do because you were forced to end something that never should have happened in the first place. Heed that warning.
Keep in mind the Democratic party does barely anything for us poor and middle class whites too. And the Republican party has done nothing for us. So really how can I disagree with you?

P.S. Did you see the Blackish where the father finally decided to call the police? The episode was about how black people don't call the cops. But he started liking having that power to call the police and used it a lot. But then the Air B2B was being rented by a black group and he wouldn't call the cops on them. At first you think it's because he's a racist but then the gist of the story is how differently things go for black people when the cops get called on them. The cops show up acting a lot differently towards black men than they do white men.

I don't watch blackish. I am black. I live blackish every day. You are neither poor or meddle class sealybobo. You have bragged about being wealthy.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over ...

No, he doesn’t, you lying sack of shit.

The pathological liar’s lies aside, a real difference is that I do more than just gas on about it on the internet.
You don't do shit loser.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

You sure you want to crawl into bed with that particular lying, racist hypocrite?

Wow another one of your posts where you say nothing but attack someone who actually does post their opinions and thoughts and does answer questions when asked.

What a loser you are little man.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

OMG STFU with all your whining, Marc. Geez.
Lets pretend yesterday didn't happen

Democrats Win Back The House Of Representatives
Their victory is a major loss for Republicans and for President Donald Trump’s agenda.
Does your black girlfriend read your posts?

I don't have a black girlfriend. I have a Belarusian girlfriend. Very white and sexy. 25 years old. I'm 47. Don't make fun of me then turn around and lick Trumps balls.

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania, his current wife, who he cheated on his second wife with. He’s 32 years older than Stormy Daniels, who he cheated on Melania with. Melania was 7 years old when his oldest child was born. Their age difference is the current age of his youngest daughter, Tiffany.

He’s 17 years older than Marla, his second wife, with whom he cheated on his first wife.

My girl and I are only 22 years apart in age. That's nothing to a guy like Donald.

Mail order bride?
I got her the same way trump got melania

You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:
I don't have a black girlfriend. I have a Belarusian girlfriend. Very white and sexy. 25 years old. I'm 47. Don't make fun of me then turn around and lick Trumps balls.

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania, his current wife, who he cheated on his second wife with. He’s 32 years older than Stormy Daniels, who he cheated on Melania with. Melania was 7 years old when his oldest child was born. Their age difference is the current age of his youngest daughter, Tiffany.

He’s 17 years older than Marla, his second wife, with whom he cheated on his first wife.

My girl and I are only 22 years apart in age. That's nothing to a guy like Donald.

Mail order bride?
I got her the same way trump got melania

You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?
Keep in mind the Democratic party does barely anything for us poor and middle class whites too. And the Republican party has done nothing for us. So really how can I disagree with you?

P.S. Did you see the Blackish where the father finally decided to call the police? The episode was about how black people don't call the cops. But he started liking having that power to call the police and used it a lot. But then the Air B2B was being rented by a black group and he wouldn't call the cops on them. At first you think it's because he's a racist but then the gist of the story is how differently things go for black people when the cops get called on them. The cops show up acting a lot differently towards black men than they do white men.

I don't watch blackish. I am black. I live blackish every day. You are neither poor or meddle class sealybobo. You have bragged about being wealthy.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over ...

No, he doesn’t, you lying sack of shit.

The pathological liar’s lies aside, a real difference is that I do more than just gas on about it on the internet.
You don't do shit loser.

Wrong again, selfish, racist hypocrite. I have devoted my professional life to working with and for people of all backgrounds and circumstances. I put my money where my mouth is EVERY day, while you spew lies and racial epithets on the Internet.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

You sure you want to crawl into bed with that particular lying, racist hypocrite?

.... does answer questions when asked.


You got a question, ask.
What do Republicans have to offer blacks?


We've learned that all over America.

If I were black, I wouldn't want anything from a nearly all white party.

Think Trojan Horse.
As soon as Republican realize it is no longer beneficial to trash blacks, they will start to woo blacks back to the party and blacks will join because they are very conservative people religiously.
Mail order bride?
I got her the same way trump got melania

You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Your conclusion was based on an assumption, moron. I don’t expect the likes of you to understand logic, but you could at least have enough sense to stfu and not make yourself look worse.
Define “fairly”? Everyone gets a trophy?

Here is what you white male Republicans refuse to admit.

We all have unconscious bias. The problem is that we often don’t know where our unconscious bias lies. The result of an unchecked unconscious bias at work could be detrimental to your team and organisation.

Affinity Bias
Confirmation Bias
Halo Effect
Cloven Hoof Effect

You white men are doing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd to blacks and women. You are in denial about it if you deny it.

Understand and stop doing this and things will be fair. Now, go look up what these things mean because I know you don't have a fucking clue.

How can one stop something that is unconscious
By making it conscious and stop doing it.

What??!?!?! LMAO. I don't know that I bite my lip but I should stop biting my lip even though I don't know I am doing it? Stop eating those retard sandwiches.
Clearly you guys don't know you are doing it. You think you are hiring "the most qualified person for the job" but really what you are doing is looking across at another white man and deciding you'd rather work with someone like you than someone who's not like you.

I'm sorry if this is confusing your retarded fucking ass.

Thats stupid. So I am going to hire someone who will not help my business thrive at its optimum because of some perceived racism? You're talking crazy.
Does your black girlfriend read your posts?

I don't have a black girlfriend. I have a Belarusian girlfriend. Very white and sexy. 25 years old. I'm 47. Don't make fun of me then turn around and lick Trumps balls.

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania, his current wife, who he cheated on his second wife with. He’s 32 years older than Stormy Daniels, who he cheated on Melania with. Melania was 7 years old when his oldest child was born. Their age difference is the current age of his youngest daughter, Tiffany.

He’s 17 years older than Marla, his second wife, with whom he cheated on his first wife.

My girl and I are only 22 years apart in age. That's nothing to a guy like Donald.

Mail order bride?
I got her the same way trump got melania

You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

I never said that. Don't really care. Not my marriage.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

OMG STFU with all your whining, Marc. Geez.
Lets pretend yesterday didn't happen

Democrats Win Back The House Of Representatives
Their victory is a major loss for Republicans and for President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Usually the opposing party takes Congress in this case they only took the House. Trump controls Senate and SC. 50/50 split.
Mail order bride?
I got her the same way trump got melania

You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Went over your stupid and Leftist head I see. LOL.
Here’s the difference between unkotare and me. He thinks racism is over and you need to get over it. You and I know it still exists and we think something should be done about it.

He thinks or wants to pretend everything’s fine and won’t address anything that proves otherwise. Stubborn idiot he is
Isn't that, like, ALL Republicans and/or rightwingers right here on USMB?

You sure you want to crawl into bed with that particular lying, racist hypocrite?

.... does answer questions when asked.


You got a question, ask.
How many times have you said that and turned out you are a liar who won't answer once I do ask? Fuck off fish. Idiot.
You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Your conclusion was based on an assumption, moron. I don’t expect the likes of you to understand logic, but you could at least have enough sense to stfu and not make yourself look worse.
Azog is your little bitch? At least he knows how to have a conversation. He's 1000x better person than you.

Easy. Don’t bring me into your debate just because you’re getting slaughtered. Need me to protect you?
You're a rich and famous billionaire?
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Went over your stupid and Leftist head I see. LOL.
What did I miss? I think I fully got what you were trying to say and trust me you aren't that clever that there is some message you were trying to make that went over my head.

Or was there. Let me know what I'm not following here. LOL Other than you are happy to have a fan even if it is a retard name unkotare.

That I was kidding around and you took both literally and seriously.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.
The business of business is to make money.
The business of our representatives is to prevent the economic destruction of our nation.

Also to make sure everyone is treated fairly and that means minorities and women.

Define “fairly”? Everyone gets a trophy?

Here is what you white male Republicans refuse to admit.

We all have unconscious bias. The problem is that we often don’t know where our unconscious bias lies. The result of an unchecked unconscious bias at work could be detrimental to your team and organisation.

Affinity Bias
Confirmation Bias
Halo Effect
Cloven Hoof Effect

You white men are doing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd to blacks and women. You are in denial about it if you deny it.

Understand and stop doing this and things will be fair. Now, go look up what these things mean because I know you don't have a fucking clue.
Does your black girlfriend read your posts?
i can't find any nice girls who are willing to simply fornicate me out of my Bad habits; not only for fun, but sometimes, simply for practice.
Thanks for admitting Melania doesn't love Trump one bit. As we suspected.

Now the mindless thinks it can read minds. :lol:

I said I got my girl the same way Trump got Melania. He said "You're a rich and famous billionaire?" So I didn't have to read his mind like I have to read your tiny little brain. He replied back and responded why he believes Melania married Trump. He believes it's because Trump was rich and famous.

Are you too stupid to follow along?

Went over your stupid and Leftist head I see. LOL.
What did I miss? I think I fully got what you were trying to say and trust me you aren't that clever that there is some message you were trying to make that went over my head.

Or was there. Let me know what I'm not following here. LOL Other than you are happy to have a fan even if it is a retard name unkotare.

That I was kidding around and you took both literally and seriously.
Oh so you think Melania fell in love with Trump? HA! That's some funny shit.

And my 25 year old Belarusian girlfriend doesn't care that I have money or a boat. Suuuuure she doesn't. LOL. Even I'll admit that's ludacris.
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