What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

i would simply be wrong, to believe you.

IOW, you've never bothered to even look up anything I've told you, because you refuse to think you could be wrong. And you will never grow as a result.
i resort to the fewest fallacies and can honestly tell myself that every time i look in any mirror.

You're so full of crap, Daniel it's almost farce at this point! You post some of the most nonsensical stuff I've ever seen on this board and any time you're called upon to explain what your gibberish means...you respond with more gibberish!

You know nothing about the things you seem to think you're an expert at...and you embarrass yourself every time you come here!
i don't believe you.

And therein lies your problem. When no one supports anything you say, it may just be you.
lol. who cares what the right wing says in this frivolous venue.
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
equality is about, enabling Individual Liberty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States under our form of Capitalism.

What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an Americans means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life we a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true, you are a white woman and you guys get all kinds of special consideration. Like the way you married upward mobility and can get half of what your husband created just because you wash his clothes.

Your party is not color blind and it doesn't offer a level playing field. Your party ignores the uneven field it helped create and doesn't want to do anything to fix it.

I've done better than you. I have a college degree, built 3 organizations and now I don't really have to work. To accomplish this, I had to endure things that would have made you quit living. I didn't have the option of marrying my way into comfort or living off my partner. I built what I have. You haven't done shit.

The republican party offers nothing to blacks. And your hot air doesn't change that.

So shut the fuck up.

Well that's awesome that you took advantage of the opportunities to attend school and build organizations. THAT is what the Republicans stand for! Taking advantage of the opportunities that ALL Americans have.

You know there are countless stories like yours about poor Americans. A LOT of them were white. So being white dies not mean the road is easy. I too grew up poor. But I obtained a good education and through hard work moved up the ladder if success. I didn't go so far as to not have to work, but I make a good living and will do fine when I retire.

I'm curious as to how the Republicans created the uneven field for you and how did the Democrats help level out that field.
I did.
And now your trying to import new employees so you don't have to pay more for them.

Then you're being paid exactly what your worth. Thank you!

You're confused. Shocking, I know.

WE are the party that demands a wall/fence be completed, as Democrats demanded just a few ÿears ago in order to stem the flow of illegal aliens, human trafficking, weapons, and other contraband.

You want open borders. Why?
Nope I want the wall and voted for Trump so that every American job worth doing pays a living wage. tariff the shit out of those who pay their civilians slave labor wages so our people can make living wages.

What's a living wage and why is anyone entitled to one?
So you believe the dead, the meek, the poor should starve to death in the streets or worse be arrested as vagrants and worked to death in prison labor camps perhaps?

Everyone willing to work for a living should be able to earn a living. We start for Americans only and then let it spread.

Please let us know how many are starving to death in the streets of America. How many are worked to death in the labor camps in America?

Every job in America is not worth the same. Please give an EXACT number of what a living wage should be and show us economically exactly how that works for all our society.
I did.
And now your trying to import new employees so you don't have to pay more for them.

Then you're being paid exactly what your worth. Thank you!

You're confused. Shocking, I know.

WE are the party that demands a wall/fence be completed, as Democrats demanded just a few ÿears ago in order to stem the flow of illegal aliens, human trafficking, weapons, and other contraband.

You want open borders. Why?
Nope I want the wall and voted for Trump so that every American job worth doing pays a living wage. tariff the shit out of those who pay their civilians slave labor wages so our people can make living wages.

What's a living wage and why is anyone entitled to one?
So you believe the dead, the meek, the poor should starve to death in the streets or worse be arrested as vagrants and worked to death in prison labor camps perhaps?

Everyone willing to work for a living should be able to earn a living. We start for Americans only and then let it spread.

Please let us know how many are starving to death in the streets of America. How many are worked to death in the labor camps in America?

Every job in America is not worth the same. Please give an EXACT number of what a living wage should be and show us economically exactly how that works for all our society.
the left is about equality and equal protection of the law; something right wing bigotry cannot handle.
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Don’t blame Clinton for it then defend it too. Then why don’t you love Bill Clinton? What exactly did he do and should we undo those things?
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would
And that's why you never advance, never learn, never change, only repeat the same failed cliches over and over.
yet, you have Only fallacy instead of Any valid rebuttal.

I've given you rebuttal. I've shown you where you are wrong. I've educated you. It's your problem that you remain ignorant.
i would simply be wrong, to believe you.

IOW, you've never bothered to even look up anything I've told you, because you refuse to think you could be wrong. And you will never grow as a result.
i resort to the fewest fallacies and can honestly tell myself that every time i look in any mirror.

You're lying to yourself.
IOW, you've never bothered to even look up anything I've told you, because you refuse to think you could be wrong. And you will never grow as a result.
i resort to the fewest fallacies and can honestly tell myself that every time i look in any mirror.

You're so full of crap, Daniel it's almost farce at this point! You post some of the most nonsensical stuff I've ever seen on this board and any time you're called upon to explain what your gibberish means...you respond with more gibberish!

You know nothing about the things you seem to think you're an expert at...and you embarrass yourself every time you come here!
i don't believe you.

And therein lies your problem. When no one supports anything you say, it may just be you.
lol. who cares what the right wing says in this frivolous venue.

Anyone who wants to grow and learn the truth.
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?

Don’t blame Clinton for it then defend it too. Then why don’t you love Bill Clinton? What exactly did he do and should we undo those things?

I point out the reason for the way executive pay skyrocketed. Former President did some good things for our country because he was forced to not because it was his goal.

Bill Clinton tried to limit executive pay. Here’s why it didn’t work.
By Dylan Matthews
August 16, 2012
$2.6 million in total compensation. By 2011, that number had risen to $9 million. What you probably don't know is that this rise occurred in spite of changes in the tax code meant to stop it.

In 1993, Bill Clinton signed into law his first budget, which created section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The provision stated that companies could only deduct the first $1 million of compensation for their top five (later top four after changes by Bush's SEC) executives from their corporate taxes. The idea was to discourage companies from paying in excess of $1 million, as any additional compensation would be taxed. So why didn't it work?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

Walmart and other retailers have lines of people hoping to go to work for them. How is that a bad thing? Just because they're billionaires, how is that wrong and how does that justify paying employees more?
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
yet, you have Only fallacy instead of Any valid rebuttal.

I've given you rebuttal. I've shown you where you are wrong. I've educated you. It's your problem that you remain ignorant.
i would simply be wrong, to believe you.

IOW, you've never bothered to even look up anything I've told you, because you refuse to think you could be wrong. And you will never grow as a result.
i resort to the fewest fallacies and can honestly tell myself that every time i look in any mirror.

You're lying to yourself.
you are worse.
i resort to the fewest fallacies and can honestly tell myself that every time i look in any mirror.

You're so full of crap, Daniel it's almost farce at this point! You post some of the most nonsensical stuff I've ever seen on this board and any time you're called upon to explain what your gibberish means...you respond with more gibberish!

You know nothing about the things you seem to think you're an expert at...and you embarrass yourself every time you come here!
i don't believe you.

And therein lies your problem. When no one supports anything you say, it may just be you.
lol. who cares what the right wing says in this frivolous venue.

Anyone who wants to grow and learn the truth.
with nothing but fallacy?

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