What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
i know better than listening to you.
The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

A higher minimum wage results in more poverty...not less. You'd understand why that is if you read Sowell but I think we both know that you're happier spouting meaningless rhetoric than really coming up with solutions that help the poor!
i am not the one appealing to ignorance of economics under our form of capitalism.

With all due respect, Daniel...I don't know of too many people on this board that are more ignorant of economics than you are! I've yet to see you post something about the subject that was in any way well informed. What is your background in economics? Have you ever taken a single course in the subject?
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

A higher minimum wage results in more poverty...not less. You'd understand why that is if you read Sowell but I think we both know that you're happier spouting meaningless rhetoric than really coming up with solutions that help the poor!
i am not the one appealing to ignorance of economics under our form of capitalism.

With all due respect, Daniel...I don't know of too many people on this board that are more ignorant of economics than you are! I've yet to see you post something about the subject that was in any way well informed. What is your background in economics? Have you ever taken a single course in the subject?
simply claiming that is a fallacy. you need a valid argument not more gossip.
Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little

Wages have increased and are increased faster now that we have full employment and more jobs than we have workers.

Companies are competitive. How is that being greedy? Do you deny that there is good greed and bad greed? Without good greed, we would not be the greatest country in the world.

We are all paid our exact worth. How can you disagree?
Given the reductions started under a democrat...

Trump can brag when the black unemployment rate is equal to the white unemployment rate.

That's up to blacks is it not?
The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
i know better than listening to you.

And that's why you never advance, never learn, never change, only repeat the same failed cliches over and over.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

As always, you continue to live in your own fantasy world. What poverty problems did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama solve?

In contrast to that:

US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy
By Marcy Kreiter @marcykreiter
09/10/19 AT 11:17 AM

The 2018 U.S. poverty rate is at its lowest point since 2001 and middle-class income is at an all-time high, but a growing number of Americans are without health insurance, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Census’ Income and Poverty: 2018 report found median household income at $63,200, about the same as in 2017, with real earnings for men working full-time, year-round up 3.4% to $55,300 and for women up 3.3% to $45,100.

The number of full-time employees working year-round increased by 2.3 million from 2017 to 2018.

Middle-class Americans now earn more in inflation-adjusted terms than they did in 1999. Women, however, were still earning less than 82 percent of their male counterparts.
US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy

My highlights above.

Now deal with the FACTS.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true........

I cut you off right there. Everything I said is 100% true.

You asked: What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

My answer is 100% true: The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.

No your post is inaccurate. Your party offers nothing you claim and opposes all attempts to level the playing field. So just go cook your husband dinner so he will give you his credit card to let you go shopping. When you can say you have graduated from college and built 3 organizations and did so while battling obstacles put in front of you by ignorant racist losers such as yourself, come talk. Don't just repeat the standard white racist lies you tell yourselves hoping to derail a conversation.

Because I have done what you so ignorantly accused me of not doing. And you could never have done it. Yet racism still exists against blacks and the republican party is the prime cause of it continuing. The republican party offers nothing for blacks. I think I would know. I am black and live in a republican state. So you grow up and learn to face the truth.

I am just thankful that most blacks are like most whites, good decent people, and not disgusting racist whiners like you. You're a disgrace to your own race.

Could that be because most blacks are just people like most whites, asians, latinos and others? And not lifelong obsessed race-baiters with a deep inferiority complex and self-hatred just because of the pigment of their skin?
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

A higher minimum wage results in more poverty...not less. You'd understand why that is if you read Sowell but I think we both know that you're happier spouting meaningless rhetoric than really coming up with solutions that help the poor!
i am not the one appealing to ignorance of economics under our form of capitalism.

With all due respect, Daniel...I don't know of too many people on this board that are more ignorant of economics than you are! I've yet to see you post something about the subject that was in any way well informed. What is your background in economics? Have you ever taken a single course in the subject?
simply claiming that is a fallacy. you need a valid argument not more gossip.

It's a "fallacy" to state that you don't seem to know anything about economics?

It was a simple question, Daniel...what's your background in economics? What courses in the subject have you taken? What's your favorite school of economic theory?
Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little

Wages have increased and are increased faster now that we have full employment and more jobs than we have workers.

Companies are competitive. How is that being greedy? Do you deny that there is good greed and bad greed? Without good greed, we would not be the greatest country in the world.

We are all paid our exact worth. How can you disagree?
Alot of our labor is worth more than what we are paid.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
i know better than listening to you.

And that's why you never advance, never learn, never change, only repeat the same failed cliches over and over.
yet, you have Only fallacy instead of Any valid rebuttal.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

As always, you continue to live in your own fantasy world. What poverty problems did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama solve?

In contrast to that:

US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy
By Marcy Kreiter @marcykreiter
09/10/19 AT 11:17 AM

The 2018 U.S. poverty rate is at its lowest point since 2001 and middle-class income is at an all-time high, but a growing number of Americans are without health insurance, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Census’ Income and Poverty: 2018 report found median household income at $63,200, about the same as in 2017, with real earnings for men working full-time, year-round up 3.4% to $55,300 and for women up 3.3% to $45,100.

The number of full-time employees working year-round increased by 2.3 million from 2017 to 2018.

Middle-class Americans now earn more in inflation-adjusted terms than they did in 1999. Women, however, were still earning less than 82 percent of their male counterparts.
US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy

My highlights above.

Now deal with the FACTS.
equal protection of the law was not the issue, then.

it is now.
Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little

Wages have increased and are increased faster now that we have full employment and more jobs than we have workers.

Companies are competitive. How is that being greedy? Do you deny that there is good greed and bad greed? Without good greed, we would not be the greatest country in the world.

We are all paid our exact worth. How can you disagree?
Alot of our labor is worth more than what we are paid.

How? If I can hire another worker to do your job, for what I'm paying you, why would I pay you more, how are you worth more.

If you believe you are worth more, quit and take that higher paying job.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

As always, you continue to live in your own fantasy world. What poverty problems did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama solve?

In contrast to that:

US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy
By Marcy Kreiter @marcykreiter
09/10/19 AT 11:17 AM

The 2018 U.S. poverty rate is at its lowest point since 2001 and middle-class income is at an all-time high, but a growing number of Americans are without health insurance, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Census’ Income and Poverty: 2018 report found median household income at $63,200, about the same as in 2017, with real earnings for men working full-time, year-round up 3.4% to $55,300 and for women up 3.3% to $45,100.

The number of full-time employees working year-round increased by 2.3 million from 2017 to 2018.

Middle-class Americans now earn more in inflation-adjusted terms than they did in 1999. Women, however, were still earning less than 82 percent of their male counterparts.
US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy

My highlights above.

Now deal with the FACTS.

equal protection of the law was not the issue, then.

it is now.

That non-sensical group of words has what to do with this thread or my post? A little deep in the sauce or drugs already?
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
i know better than listening to you.

And that's why you never advance, never learn, never change, only repeat the same failed cliches over and over.
yet, you have Only fallacy instead of Any valid rebuttal.

I've given you rebuttal. I've shown you where you are wrong. I've educated you. It's your problem that you remain ignorant.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

As always, you continue to live in your own fantasy world. What poverty problems did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama solve?

In contrast to that:

US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy
By Marcy Kreiter @marcykreiter
09/10/19 AT 11:17 AM

The 2018 U.S. poverty rate is at its lowest point since 2001 and middle-class income is at an all-time high, but a growing number of Americans are without health insurance, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Census’ Income and Poverty: 2018 report found median household income at $63,200, about the same as in 2017, with real earnings for men working full-time, year-round up 3.4% to $55,300 and for women up 3.3% to $45,100.

The number of full-time employees working year-round increased by 2.3 million from 2017 to 2018.

Middle-class Americans now earn more in inflation-adjusted terms than they did in 1999. Women, however, were still earning less than 82 percent of their male counterparts.
US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy

My highlights above.

Now deal with the FACTS.

equal protection of the law was not the issue, then.

it is now.

That non-sensical group of words has what to do with this thread or my post? A little deep in the sauce or drugs already?
the right wing appeals to ignorance of the law.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
i know better than listening to you.

And that's why you never advance, never learn, never change, only repeat the same failed cliches over and over.
yet, you have Only fallacy instead of Any valid rebuttal.

I've given you rebuttal. I've shown you where you are wrong. I've educated you. It's your problem that you remain ignorant.
i would simply be wrong, to believe you.
Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little

Wages have increased and are increased faster now that we have full employment and more jobs than we have workers.

Companies are competitive. How is that being greedy? Do you deny that there is good greed and bad greed? Without good greed, we would not be the greatest country in the world.

We are all paid our exact worth. How can you disagree?
Alot of our labor is worth more than what we are paid.

How? If I can hire another worker to do your job, for what I'm paying you, why would I pay you more, how are you worth more.

If you believe you are worth more, quit and take that higher paying job.
I did.
And now your trying to import new employees so you don't have to pay more for them.
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

As always, you continue to live in your own fantasy world. What poverty problems did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama solve?

In contrast to that:

US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy
By Marcy Kreiter @marcykreiter
09/10/19 AT 11:17 AM

The 2018 U.S. poverty rate is at its lowest point since 2001 and middle-class income is at an all-time high, but a growing number of Americans are without health insurance, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.

Census’ Income and Poverty: 2018 report found median household income at $63,200, about the same as in 2017, with real earnings for men working full-time, year-round up 3.4% to $55,300 and for women up 3.3% to $45,100.

The number of full-time employees working year-round increased by 2.3 million from 2017 to 2018.

Middle-class Americans now earn more in inflation-adjusted terms than they did in 1999. Women, however, were still earning less than 82 percent of their male counterparts.
US Poverty Rate 2018: What The Latest Numbers Show About The Economy

My highlights above.

Now deal with the FACTS.

equal protection of the law was not the issue, then.

it is now.

That non-sensical group of words has what to do with this thread or my post? A little deep in the sauce or drugs already?
the right wing appeals to ignorance of the law.


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