What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an Americans means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life we a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true, you are a white woman and you guys get all kinds of special consideration. Like the way you married upward mobility and can get half of what your husband created just because you wash his clothes.

Your party is not color blind and it doesn't offer a level playing field. Your party ignores the uneven field it helped create and doesn't want to do anything to fix it.

I've done better than you. I have a college degree, built 3 organizations and now I don't really have to work. To accomplish this, I had to endure things that would have made you quit living. I didn't have the option of marrying my way into comfort or living off my partner. I built what I have. You haven't done shit.

The republican party offers nothing to blacks. And your hot air doesn't change that.

So shut the fuck up.

All white women get some special "marry rich" option that minority women don't? Who knew! (eye roll)

Didn't you get the memo, IM2? You didn't build that! Barry said so...
Ah...because 60 years of liberal policies have turned areas controlled by the left into disgusting feces and syringe covered skid rows? Duh?

A better question is why should blacks take anything you progressives say seriously at this point!
because the left is for solutions, not propaganda and rhetoric from the Age of Iron.

What "solutions" are you referring to, Daniel? Show me a Democratically controlled city and I'll show you a city with serious issues that aren't being solved by those in power.
healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is left wing.

Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
because the left is for solutions, not propaganda and rhetoric from the Age of Iron.

What "solutions" are you referring to, Daniel? Show me a Democratically controlled city and I'll show you a city with serious issues that aren't being solved by those in power.
healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is left wing.

Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true........

I cut you off right there. Everything I said is 100% true.

You asked: What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

My answer is 100% true: The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.
why should blacks take the right wing seriously about economics?

Why do you ask the same question, over and over, and refuse to accept the answer?

Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever
by JOHN CARNEY 6 Sep 2019

The unemployment rate for African-Americans fell to the lowest level ever recorded in August, dropping from 6 percent to 5.5 percent.

One result: the persistent gap between white and black unemployment also narrowed to its smallest on record.

The unemployment ratio has averaged around 2 to 1 or so for decades, meaning the black unemployment rate is typically twice the white unemployment rate. In good times, the unemployment rate of whites and blacks falls but the gap remains. And in bad times, the unemployment rate for whites and black rises, but black unemployment typically remains around twice that of white employment.
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

Given the reductions started under a democrat...

Trump can brag when the black unemployment rate is equal to the white unemployment rate.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true........

I cut you off right there. Everything I said is 100% true.

You asked: What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

My answer is 100% true: The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.

No your post is inaccurate. Your party offers nothing you claim and opposes all attempts to level the playing field. So just go cook your husband dinner so he will give you his credit card to let you go shopping. When you can say you have graduated from college and built 3 organizations and did so while battling obstacles put in front of you by ignorant racist losers such as yourself, come talk. Don't just repeat the standard white racist lies you tell yourselves hoping to derail a conversation.

Because I have done what you so ignorantly accused me of not doing. And you could never have done it. Yet racism still exists against blacks and the republican party is the prime cause of it continuing. The republican party offers nothing for blacks. I think I would know. I am black and live in a republican state. So you grow up and learn to face the truth.
So what? My dad paid his 30 year mortgage off in 5 years and enjoyed 25 years of 10% interest on his savings.

This is one of the problems blue collar Americans are experiencing. They don’t have 401ks. My grandmother didn’t have a 401k but she got 10% on her savings and was able to retire with that savings and social security.

That's a lie. We have never had a thirty-year period in which interest rates for savings accounts were 10% or above. Never.
I’m just saying when I was young my dad and grandmothers all got good interest on their savings accounts.

If you want to Maga for blue collar, we need to give them better return on their savings.
Liberals think they are ground braking pioneers but instead are like somebody's old grandma scolding us and then dictating to us what we are supposed to think...And well, fuck that.
Listen dummy. Since 1970 the middle class hasn’t gotten a raise. But since then the rich have gotten a 300% raise. Are you really expecting republicans to fix this problem?

And do you really not understand that republicans created this wealth gap?

This is why the American middle class doesn’t deserve the $ the baby boomers fought and won for themselves but now say we can’t afford for future generations to have it as good?

Are you a baby boomer with a pension Mary?.

I told my dad it was easy for poor people in his generation because they got 10% inter st on their savings accounts. No shit my dad and uncle have $500,000 each wven though they never made more than $15 hr.

That’s when America was great. When anyone could get 10% on their savings without having to put their money in the scam we call 401ks
I remember 1970 and paying 35 cents a gallon for gas. I remember the weirdo Liberal Gorilla theatre and the National lampoon mocking the entire Vietnam War... And Nixon... then some of my brothers died and were left behind in rice paddys, and then it wasn't so funny anymore. And the liberals ran away to Canada to fight another day....That's the legacy of liberals, cowardice disguised as a higher calling...
lol. the right wing can't be honest. not enough moral fortitude.
I love idiot republicans who still defend Vietnam and iraq

Yeah, that damned Republican LBJ who started Vietnam, and that great democrat Nixon who ended it.

Do you drink heavily, Silly bonobo?

Smoke weed
How come blacks aren’t buying your bs? Why do they think you’re fos? It’s easy to say they are buying the liberal lie but that’s not it. They see your policies only benefit your white asses and you deny bias exists in the workplace.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.
A very small % of blacks voted for trump.
Actually, I believe he has more black support than any GOP in a long time! But what does that say about Blacks and Democrats when they all stick together across racial lines? The other big Dem voting blocks are illegals, Mexicans and young, and single inexperienced girls. Kinda proves my point.
That’s what I wanted to hear you say. You republicans think blacks are stupid.
No need to think. The data speaks for itself:
View attachment 277898 View attachment 277899 View attachment 277900 View attachment 277901

Your point was?

How does that argument work on you?
Very very well.
I think you are stupid for voting for trump, unless you are rich. Have you seen the debt?
Have you seen the debt after democrats like your Bernie is done with it with 16 trillion in free forgiveness of this, free college that, and free everything else?
Do you liv in a nice white neighborhood or a dangerous inner city? Your approach is never going to work on struggling blacks. You think they should vote along with white supremacy? Are you retarded? Do you think blacks are as stupid as you are?
But if the Dems are for self-empowerment, why hasn't voting democrat helped the blacks more? Funny how you are all for voting for the party that is full of low IQ, struggling people who never get smarter or more out of poverty voting that way but people who vote republican mostly all do better, and yet you call them "White Supremacists." Guess that answers the question. Now property conditioned and class victimized, you keep right on voting for democrats.

Us liberals made America great. High wages because of unions. Social security. Labor laws.

All these things offend republicans

Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little
As for RNC staffers who suddenly want to speak out about racist jackasses, if you truly gave a damn about racism, you would also condemn housing segregation, police brutality, work discrimination, and voter suppression.

These Republicans may not be running people over or shouting “Sieg Heil,” but they’re still making the lives of marginalized people harder by pushing racist policy. Their political stances, much like those Confederate statutes, are very much designed to keep the oppressed in their places. These Republicans want to make it harder for me to vote; they don’t mind that my life is endangered by trigger-happy cops; they are quick to stereotype anyone else who looks like me; they have absolutely no problem pretending my legitimate concerns about systemic racism are nothing more than a figment of my lazy black ass imagination.

Racism offered with subtly and innuendo is no less damaging than its louder counterpart. So why should any of us allow these Republicans who have banked on racism for half a century to act as if they are so much better than the overt racists on the streets of Charlottesville and their Confederacy-defending president?

What "solutions" are you referring to, Daniel? Show me a Democratically controlled city and I'll show you a city with serious issues that aren't being solved by those in power.
healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is left wing.

Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
As for RNC staffers who suddenly want to speak out about racist jackasses, if you truly gave a damn about racism, you would also condemn housing segregation
HORSESHIT. People who live in $40,000 homes don't pay the taxes to live in communities with $4,000,000 homes! Nor do the latter want to live with the former. By your own admission, that is not racism.
police brutality
HORSESHIT. There is no such thing as police brutality. If you are doing something to bring on the police and give them a hard time trying to do their job, that is on you. It has already been shown here that the data clearly shows that Blacks get away with 5X as much crap as Whites as it is.
work discrimination
TOTAL HORSECRAP. Not only is that a violation of federal law that will land any employer in deep water fast, but Blacks actually have an unfair advantage.
and voter suppression
Another total HORSESHIT FANTASY. How do you "suppress" anyone from getting up and voting? Ain't no person on this planet who can't produce some sort of ID to vote. It is a requirement of life to have ID to do 1,000 things and anyone can get it if they want it. If you're too plum STOOPID that you cannot get ID in the FOUR YEAR GAP between elections, then you are too damn dumb to be breathing air much less voting.
but they’re still making the lives of marginalized people harder by pushing racist policy. Their political stances, much like those Confederate statutes, are very much designed to keep the oppressed in their places.
The "oppressed." Too damn funny. There are no oppressed, and if there were, where are all your democrats freeing them? You are one lying slick racist MFer.
These Republicans want to make it harder for me to vote
What'd they do, take away your bus pass and welfare card? Move the voter location and cornfuse you, Drumstick?
they don’t mind that my life is endangered by trigger-happy cops
Listening to the crap you spew, I'd have my hand on my gun around you, too. Wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you.
they are quick to stereotype anyone else who looks like me
You mean just like you are quick to stereotype anyone who looks like a cop?
they have absolutely no problem pretending my legitimate concerns about systemic racism are nothing more than a figment of my lazy black ass imagination
You create your own concerns.
Racism offered with subtly and innuendo is no less damaging than its louder counterpart.
So subtle, implied racial views is as bad as chaining a guy to a truck and dragging him to hang from a tree? You are fucked in the head.
So why should any of us allow these Republicans who have banked on racism for half a century to act as if they are so much better than the overt racists on the streets of Charlottesville and their Confederacy-defending president?
Because you have no choice in the matter, so go back to your KKK Democrats who have enslaved your brainwashed ass for 200 years. They only want you for your vote anyway. Once they get that, they'll forget about you for another 4 years and let you ROT.
Last edited:
As for RNC staffers who suddenly want to speak out about racist jackasses, if you truly gave a damn about racism, you would also condemn housing segregation
HORSESHIT. People who live in $40,000 homes don't pay the taxes to live in communities with $4,000,000 homes! Nor do the latter want to live with the former. By your own admission, that is not racism.
police brutality
HORSESHIT. There is no such thing as police brutality. If you are doing something to bring on the police and give them a hard time trying to do their job, that is on you. It has already been shown here that the data clearly shows that Blacks get away with 5X as much crap as Whites as it is.
work discrimination
TOTAL HORSECRAP. Not only is that a violation of federal law that will land any employer in deep water fast, but Blacks actually have an unfair advantage.
and voter suppression
Another total HORSESHIT FANTASY. How do you "suppress" anyone from getting up and voting? Ain't no person on this planet who can't produce some sort of ID to vote. It is a requirement of life to have ID to do 1,000 things and anyone can get it if they want it. If you're too plum STOOPID that you cannot get ID in the FOUR YEAR GAP between elections, then you are too damn dumb to be breathing air much less voting.
but they’re still making the lives of marginalized people harder by pushing racist policy. Their political stances, much like those Confederate statutes, are very much designed to keep the oppressed in their places.
The "oppressed." Too damn funny. There are no oppressed, and if there were, where are all your democrats freeing them? You are one lying slick racist MFer.
These Republicans want to make it harder for me to vote
What'd they do, take away your bus pass and welfare card? Move the voter location and cornfuse you, Drumstick?
they don’t mind that my life is endangered by trigger-happy cops
Listening to the crap you spew, I'd have my hand on my gun around you, too. Wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you.
they are quick to stereotype anyone else who looks like me
You mean just like you are quick to stereotype anyone who looks like a cop?
they have absolutely no problem pretending my legitimate concerns about systemic racism are nothing more than a figment of my lazy black ass imagination
You create your own concerns.
Racism offered with subtly and innuendo is no less damaging than its louder counterpart.
So subtle, implied racial views is as bad as chaining a guy to a truck and dragging him to hang from a tree? You are fucked in the head.
So why should any of us allow these Republicans who have banked on racism for half a century to act as if they are so much better than the overt racists on the streets of Charlottesville and their Confederacy-defending president?
Because you have no choice in the matter, so go back to your KKK Democrats who have enslaved your brainwashed ass for 200 years. They only want you for your vote anyway. Once they get that, they'll forget about you for another 4 years and let you ROT.

Yawn! STFU.
Some are. The rest are stupid like you.
A very small % of blacks voted for trump.
Actually, I believe he has more black support than any GOP in a long time! But what does that say about Blacks and Democrats when they all stick together across racial lines? The other big Dem voting blocks are illegals, Mexicans and young, and single inexperienced girls. Kinda proves my point.
That’s what I wanted to hear you say. You republicans think blacks are stupid.
No need to think. The data speaks for itself:
View attachment 277898 View attachment 277899 View attachment 277900 View attachment 277901

Your point was?

How does that argument work on you?
Very very well.
I think you are stupid for voting for trump, unless you are rich. Have you seen the debt?
Have you seen the debt after democrats like your Bernie is done with it with 16 trillion in free forgiveness of this, free college that, and free everything else?
Do you liv in a nice white neighborhood or a dangerous inner city? Your approach is never going to work on struggling blacks. You think they should vote along with white supremacy? Are you retarded? Do you think blacks are as stupid as you are?
But if the Dems are for self-empowerment, why hasn't voting democrat helped the blacks more? Funny how you are all for voting for the party that is full of low IQ, struggling people who never get smarter or more out of poverty voting that way but people who vote republican mostly all do better, and yet you call them "White Supremacists." Guess that answers the question. Now property conditioned and class victimized, you keep right on voting for democrats.

Us liberals made America great. High wages because of unions. Social security. Labor laws.

All these things offend republicans

Well look at wages since unions were broken.

Did I see today pilots want more of the profits? Every professional in every industry should demand profit sharing.

Something has to be done about corporate greed. Maybe we all need to organize into one big union. And fuck with any company who pays the ceo too much and the employees too little
the left is already on it. it is about equality and equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our first world economy.
healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is left wing.

Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true........

I cut you off right there. Everything I said is 100% true.

You asked: What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

My answer is 100% true: The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.

No your post is inaccurate. Your party offers nothing you claim and opposes all attempts to level the playing field. So just go cook your husband dinner so he will give you his credit card to let you go shopping. When you can say you have graduated from college and built 3 organizations and did so while battling obstacles put in front of you by ignorant racist losers such as yourself, come talk. Don't just repeat the standard white racist lies you tell yourselves hoping to derail a conversation.

Because I have done what you so ignorantly accused me of not doing. And you could never have done it. Yet racism still exists against blacks and the republican party is the prime cause of it continuing. The republican party offers nothing for blacks. I think I would know. I am black and live in a republican state. So you grow up and learn to face the truth.

I am just thankful that most blacks are like most whites, good decent people, and not disgusting racist whiners like you. You're a disgrace to your own race.
Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

A higher minimum wage results in more poverty...not less. You'd understand why that is if you read Sowell but I think we both know that you're happier spouting meaningless rhetoric than really coming up with solutions that help the poor!
Might I make a suggestion, Daniel? Before you jump on the $15 an hour minimum wage train...read Thomas Sowell's explanation as to why that hurts the poor instead of helping them! It will help you not appear to be as clueless as you usually are here! Just saying...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

You know better than that because I've educated you multiple times.
Nobody takes right wingers seriously under Any form of Capitalism.

the left has actual solutions not just right wing fantasy.

The reason that I wanted you to read Thomas Sowell, Daniel is that he was actually a Marxist in his younger days but when he studied economics he came to the conclusion that communism and socialism were not what he had been led to believe they were. He became the way he is...because he didn't see "solutions" coming from the left...he saw rhetoric.
He is claiming more capital is bad for the Poor under capitalism.
Stop posting gibberish, Daniel...go to the library and check out Sowell's seminal work on basic economics! Read it and you'll think twice about enforcing a $15 Federal minimum wage!
y'all only appeal to ignorance of the very field you claim to advance.

higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

the left is for solving simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner in our at-will employment States.

A higher minimum wage results in more poverty...not less. You'd understand why that is if you read Sowell but I think we both know that you're happier spouting meaningless rhetoric than really coming up with solutions that help the poor!
i am not the one appealing to ignorance of economics under our form of capitalism.

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