What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

It’s looking like democrats have some blacks thinking they’re still victims, but they can’t give one example of being denied an opportunity.

Try another play. That one is getting shut down.
It’s looking like democrats have some blacks still thinking they’re victims, but they can’t give one example of being held back.
I already told you the naive white boy routine is pretty played out. You can kinda bet that post wont work either. :laugh:
You still haven’t told us how you’ve been denied an opportunity to do something productive with your life.

Are you one of these lazy black people who paints a bad image on other blacks because you’re dumb and lazy?
If so, you’re hated by the professional black community who know better. They don’t appreciate people like you.
Last edited:
You're a racist loser who only made good money in the late 90's when IT first came out and every idiot with a Novell or MCSE could make $80K. Today those general IT guys do support desk work for $40K. You're a loser. Own it. Stop the victim mentality bullshit.
I make good money now and it’s obvious your logic is cloudy by anti-White racism.
I'm white idiot! I know right from wrong. I know what's fair. And so it's funny as fuck for you to tell me that my logic is clouded by anti white racism when I'm a fucking white man you fool!!! OMG.

Could it possibly be that you are the racist and you like the way things are because they favor you?

You know I've agreed with you on not shipping in indians to compete with Americans right? That has nothing to do with making sure the executive boardrooms all have about 20% minorities and 40% women.
Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.
I know tons of people who own their own businesses and they can’t financially be forced to hire and keep anyone who can’t do what they need to do when it needs to be done.
Women want equal pay so large businesses fire the men.
I totally agree small businesses struggling shouldn’t be saddled with this bullshit. This is Fortune 500s trying to do the right thing
Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

The problem with white men thinking as they do is they denied everybody but themselves the opportunity for 188 years overtly and still would be doing it if not for laws stopping them. Even with the laws, there are white men wo still practice this covertly. But they can't see the unfairness in that. If is nation was 100 percent white then whites should have all the jobs. But it is not and because white men refuse accept the fact this is a diverse nation diversity pledges became necessary. So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.
It was white people who created laws to give blacks the same opportunities as everyone. It’s why we now have many successful black professionals in this country.

Why are you still complaining? Did they miss something that prevented you from accomplishing something?
It was white people that created laws to deprive Blacks of the same opportunities as everyone.
Are you going to go through life hating whites for something that happened before you were born? Something that democrats applauded and republicans fixed?
It still exists and republicans deny it still exists
Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

The problem with white men thinking as they do is they denied everybody but themselves the opportunity for 188 years overtly and still would be doing it if not for laws stopping them. Even with the laws, there are white men wo still practice this covertly. But they can't see the unfairness in that. If is nation was 100 percent white then whites should have all the jobs. But it is not and because white men refuse accept the fact this is a diverse nation diversity pledges became necessary. So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.
It was white people who created laws to give blacks the same opportunities as everyone. It’s why we now have many black professionals in this country.

Why are you still complaining? Did they miss something that prevented you from accomplishing something?

It was blacks who forced whites to make those laws and they still don't follow them.
What opportunities are you complaining about? Can you give us an example?
Ceos admit their Vice Presidents aren’t diverse enough. Not enough minorities or women. You worship these CEOs now you’re going to argue with them?
Don't care. Call me a Nazi to my face, I break your arm. If you are a Nazi, I break both.

You're a Jew that subscribes to neo nazi ideology. You ain't breaking no arms here. I wrestled in college too. I don't think I am a bad ass. I'm a 57 year old man. All I know is if I have to fight, the person might whip me, but they will not want to try it again.

So we have 3 college wrestlers here. Unkotare, you and me. Interesting. I quit after the first year. Actually, I was a red shirt so technically I was never actually on the team but tell that to my nose and califlower ears. LOL.

Our assistant coach was olympic gold metalist Steve Fraser. He beat my ass for a year. I came out of that experience a much better wrestler and fighter. You'd have to be one big bad Jew Bear to beat me up. LOL.

Steve Fraser was a good one. A greco roman expert meaning he was very strong up top. Yeah, I don't see our jewish friend taking you with that kind of training. I watched him in the 84 olympics.


Whoa, take it easy there, champ. Don’t start badmouthing wrestling just because im2 is a racist douche. He was undoubtedly just a scrub hanger on anyway.
Don’t be racist towards blacks who stand up to white racists. It makes you look like the racist
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You're a Jew that subscribes to neo nazi ideology. You ain't breaking no arms here. I wrestled in college too. I don't think I am a bad ass. I'm a 57 year old man. All I know is if I have to fight, the person might whip me, but they will not want to try it again.

So we have 3 college wrestlers here. Unkotare, you and me. Interesting. I quit after the first year. Actually, I was a red shirt so technically I was never actually on the team but tell that to my nose and califlower ears. LOL.

Our assistant coach was olympic gold metalist Steve Fraser. He beat my ass for a year. I came out of that experience a much better wrestler and fighter. You'd have to be one big bad Jew Bear to beat me up. LOL.

Steve Fraser was a good one. A greco roman expert meaning he was very strong up top. Yeah, I don't see our jewish friend taking you with that kind of training. I watched him in the 84 olympics.


Whoa, take it easy there, champ. Don’t start badmouthing wrestling just because im2 is a racist douche. He was undoubtedly just a scrub hanger on anyway.
Don’t be racist towards blacks who stand up to white racists. It makes you look like the racist

YOU are the white racist, dumbass.
The nation is not fine. The middle class is suffering. THe working poor are being FUCKED.

Why do you not give a damn about your fellow Americans who are suffering?

But #45 says we are in a "Thriving Economy".....thanks to him.

I do not believe that you are stupid enough to not understand how good macro economic numbers can hide significant negative trends for significant populations.

So, knock that shit off, and if you have a point to make, make it for real.

Save it dude. I understand the ebb and flow of economic trends far better than you do. I've seen far more than you over time.

NO, your previous post showed that you do not.

#45 is thumping his chest on the coattails of the previous administration and when it is convenient to do so, you loyal sheep support him, but you are actually suffering in silence.

Your insults are not a supporting argument, libtard.

Trump economy is pretty good, relative to the last 40 years. But there are underlying issues, such as wage stagnation, that have been normal, and need to be changed.

His policies, if fully implemented, should reverse the reasons for that, and lead to long term wage growth.

What have YOU done to show your concern for those who are "suffering" as you you say?

Listened to criticism of the Republican Party and voted for major change.

No insults, WINGNUT. FACTS. When the last president was in office, he was barely sworn in before a pledge was made to make him a "one term president".

And was told repeatedly, "you're in charge, forget what you walked into".

Now this tax evading crook waltzes in, and has both the senate and the house under his control and can not even get out of his own way due to scandal after scandal....... but is taking credit for "unprecedented results"?

Wake the fuck up.

Please. Give us all some of that shit that you're smoking so we can be just as fucked up as you all are.
Actually if you’re a republican he’s completely delivered on what really matters. Conservative Supreme Court Justices, tax breaks for the rich, deregulation’s and did I mention tax breaks for the rich?
So we have 3 college wrestlers here. Unkotare, you and me. Interesting. I quit after the first year. Actually, I was a red shirt so technically I was never actually on the team but tell that to my nose and califlower ears. LOL.

Our assistant coach was olympic gold metalist Steve Fraser. He beat my ass for a year. I came out of that experience a much better wrestler and fighter. You'd have to be one big bad Jew Bear to beat me up. LOL.

Steve Fraser was a good one. A greco roman expert meaning he was very strong up top. Yeah, I don't see our jewish friend taking you with that kind of training. I watched him in the 84 olympics.


Whoa, take it easy there, champ. Don’t start badmouthing wrestling just because im2 is a racist douche. He was undoubtedly just a scrub hanger on anyway.
Don’t be racist towards blacks who stand up to white racists. It makes you look like the racist

YOU are the white racist, dumbass.
On buddy. If you can explain how this white standing up for blacks is the racist, go for it
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So we have 3 college wrestlers here. Unkotare, you and me. Interesting. I quit after the first year. Actually, I was a red shirt so technically I was never actually on the team but tell that to my nose and califlower ears. LOL.

Our assistant coach was olympic gold metalist Steve Fraser. He beat my ass for a year. I came out of that experience a much better wrestler and fighter. You'd have to be one big bad Jew Bear to beat me up. LOL.

Steve Fraser was a good one. A greco roman expert meaning he was very strong up top. Yeah, I don't see our jewish friend taking you with that kind of training. I watched him in the 84 olympics.


Whoa, take it easy there, champ. Don’t start badmouthing wrestling just because im2 is a racist douche. He was undoubtedly just a scrub hanger on anyway.
Don’t be racist towards blacks who stand up to white racists. It makes you look like the racist

YOU are the white racist, dumbass.
I love it how republicans like unkotare try to say it’s us liberal whites who defend blacks who are actually the racist whites. But they can’t really explain how or why
Lets face it. If we let all the indians in to do all the IT work, the nation will be just fine. It's just you will cry because IT is all you know. You remind me of a coal miner.

The nation is not fine. The middle class is suffering. THe working poor are being FUCKED.

Why do you not give a damn about your fellow Americans who are suffering?
Then why do you continue to believe Drumpf when he says its all good?

Because "The BLACK GUY is out of the "WHITE HOUSE"

I have been an Ideological and Partisan REpublican since the 1980s.

Only a drooling moron would think that Obama's skin color ranked as an issue for me.

You are all over different boards describing those on the left as "vile scum".

You are not "partisan" in your wildest dreams.

Save that nonsense for someone who is too stupid to see that you have "no clothes".

You place "political parties" over the good of America.


And yes, I do call the left, "vile scum" because, imo, that is what most of you are.

THUS, my point.

ONly a fucking drooling moron, would look at my opposition to Obama and conclude, "racist".
It’s looking like democrats have some blacks thinking they’re still victims, but they can’t give one example of being denied an opportunity.
I showed you how most of the CEOs in the Fortune 500s have made a diversity pledge and that most of them admit they aren’t even close to being as diverse as they hope to be. That means these big corporations admit we are right and you just want to keep the status quo that favors white men. Sorry
The nation is not fine. The middle class is suffering. THe working poor are being FUCKED.

Why do you not give a damn about your fellow Americans who are suffering?
Then why do you continue to believe Drumpf when he says its all good?

Because "The BLACK GUY is out of the "WHITE HOUSE"

I have been an Ideological and Partisan REpublican since the 1980s.

Only a drooling moron would think that Obama's skin color ranked as an issue for me.

You are all over different boards describing those on the left as "vile scum".

You are not "partisan" in your wildest dreams.

Save that nonsense for someone who is too stupid to see that you have "no clothes".

You place "political parties" over the good of America.


And yes, I do call the left, "vile scum" because, imo, that is what most of you are.

THUS, my point.

ONly a fucking drooling moron, would look at my opposition to Obama and conclude, "racist".
Nah. I think you’re a white racist. No doubt in my mind. No question no matter how slick you think you are.
The nation is not fine. The middle class is suffering. THe working poor are being FUCKED.

Why do you not give a damn about your fellow Americans who are suffering?

But #45 says we are in a "Thriving Economy".....thanks to him.

I do not believe that you are stupid enough to not understand how good macro economic numbers can hide significant negative trends for significant populations.

So, knock that shit off, and if you have a point to make, make it for real.

Save it dude. I understand the ebb and flow of economic trends far better than you do. I've seen far more than you over time.

NO, your previous post showed that you do not.

#45 is thumping his chest on the coattails of the previous administration and when it is convenient to do so, you loyal sheep support him, but you are actually suffering in silence.

Your insults are not a supporting argument, libtard.

Trump economy is pretty good, relative to the last 40 years. But there are underlying issues, such as wage stagnation, that have been normal, and need to be changed.

His policies, if fully implemented, should reverse the reasons for that, and lead to long term wage growth.

What have YOU done to show your concern for those who are "suffering" as you you say?

Listened to criticism of the Republican Party and voted for major change.

No insults, WINGNUT. FACTS. When the last president was in office, he was barely sworn in before a pledge was made to make him a "one term president".

And was told repeatedly, "you're in charge, forget what you walked into".

Now this tax evading crook waltzes in, and has both the senate and the house under his control and can not even get out of his own way due to scandal after scandal....... but is taking credit for "unprecedented results"?

Wake the fuck up.

Please. Give us all some of that shit that you're smoking so we can be just as fucked up as you all are.

Obama got partisan opposition as was right and proper, and Trump's scandals are you libs and your deep state allies, trying to implement a coup.
He is addressing the factors that have caused the long term issues for the middle class and working poor.

I have seen signs that it is having an impact.

I fully expect to see significant increases in wages before long.
Well you cant have it both ways. Either you accept that the middle class is doing great due to Obamas policies or you admit they are doing bad due to Drumpfs.
Not Obama’s Policies.
Most middle aged people I know started being hired about 6 months into Trump.
Yeah. Drumpfs policies wont start kicking in until about next month through March. Thanks for admitting it was Obamas polices though.
Confidence has caused people to start hire.
Hell, Americans are getting programming jobs for the first time since 2004.
They didnt just start hiring 6 months ago though. They unemployment rate has steadily fallen under Obamas policies.
Due to food service.
But #45 says we are in a "Thriving Economy".....thanks to him.

I do not believe that you are stupid enough to not understand how good macro economic numbers can hide significant negative trends for significant populations.

So, knock that shit off, and if you have a point to make, make it for real.

Save it dude. I understand the ebb and flow of economic trends far better than you do. I've seen far more than you over time.

NO, your previous post showed that you do not.

#45 is thumping his chest on the coattails of the previous administration and when it is convenient to do so, you loyal sheep support him, but you are actually suffering in silence.

Your insults are not a supporting argument, libtard.

Trump economy is pretty good, relative to the last 40 years. But there are underlying issues, such as wage stagnation, that have been normal, and need to be changed.

His policies, if fully implemented, should reverse the reasons for that, and lead to long term wage growth.

What have YOU done to show your concern for those who are "suffering" as you you say?

Listened to criticism of the Republican Party and voted for major change.

No insults, WINGNUT. FACTS. When the last president was in office, he was barely sworn in before a pledge was made to make him a "one term president".

And was told repeatedly, "you're in charge, forget what you walked into".

Now this tax evading crook waltzes in, and has both the senate and the house under his control and can not even get out of his own way due to scandal after scandal....... but is taking credit for "unprecedented results"?

Wake the fuck up.

Please. Give us all some of that shit that you're smoking so we can be just as fucked up as you all are.

Obama got partisan opposition as was right and proper, and Trump's scandals are you libs and your deep state allies, trying to implement a coup.
You mean trumps birthed movement wasn’t racist? Fuck you
But #45 says we are in a "Thriving Economy".....thanks to him.

I do not believe that you are stupid enough to not understand how good macro economic numbers can hide significant negative trends for significant populations.

So, knock that shit off, and if you have a point to make, make it for real.

Save it dude. I understand the ebb and flow of economic trends far better than you do. I've seen far more than you over time.

NO, your previous post showed that you do not.

#45 is thumping his chest on the coattails of the previous administration and when it is convenient to do so, you loyal sheep support him, but you are actually suffering in silence.

Your insults are not a supporting argument, libtard.

Trump economy is pretty good, relative to the last 40 years. But there are underlying issues, such as wage stagnation, that have been normal, and need to be changed.

His policies, if fully implemented, should reverse the reasons for that, and lead to long term wage growth.

What have YOU done to show your concern for those who are "suffering" as you you say?

Listened to criticism of the Republican Party and voted for major change.

No insults, WINGNUT. FACTS. When the last president was in office, he was barely sworn in before a pledge was made to make him a "one term president".

And was told repeatedly, "you're in charge, forget what you walked into".

Now this tax evading crook waltzes in, and has both the senate and the house under his control and can not even get out of his own way due to scandal after scandal....... but is taking credit for "unprecedented results"?

Wake the fuck up.

Please. Give us all some of that shit that you're smoking so we can be just as fucked up as you all are.
Actually if you’re a republican he’s completely delivered on what really matters. Conservative Supreme Court Justices, tax breaks for the rich, deregulation’s and did I mention tax breaks for the rich?

Immigration down, new trade deals, manufacturing employment up, unemployment down...
I make good money now and it’s obvious your logic is cloudy by anti-White racism.
I'm white idiot! I know right from wrong. I know what's fair. And so it's funny as fuck for you to tell me that my logic is clouded by anti white racism when I'm a fucking white man you fool!!! OMG.

Could it possibly be that you are the racist and you like the way things are because they favor you?

You know I've agreed with you on not shipping in indians to compete with Americans right? That has nothing to do with making sure the executive boardrooms all have about 20% minorities and 40% women.
Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.
I know tons of people who own their own businesses and they can’t financially be forced to hire and keep anyone who can’t do what they need to do when it needs to be done.
Women want equal pay so large businesses fire the men.
I totally agree small businesses struggling shouldn’t be saddled with this bullshit. This is Fortune 500s trying to do the right thing
You’re in sales so you start to believe your own mantra.
Big Corps are out to please stock holders and if that means hiring cheaper labor of a darker skin tone, so be it.

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