What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."

I read the link, There is nothing RACIST at all with voter ID or with disallowing "same day registration".. The ONLY possible racist provision in that law was eliminating early voting.. But the claim that it disproportionately affects blacks doesn't explain how working whites don't avail themselves of it in higher numbers.

Also don't believe that govt is competent enough to HANDLE the pandamonium of allowing out of precinct voting and "same day registration". Precinct REPORTING is important for political analysis. And the registrars are STILL REQUIRED to tally votes BY PRECINCT.

Govt is too stupid to cope with those niceties. And the 90 yr olds staffing the precincts on voting day are NOT the people to handle the inevitable problems that are gonna happen..

But then again,, the left would LOVE to have things go wrong on election day in their precincts -- wouldn't they?
Bullshit. When you target a specific demographic based on race its voter suppression. This is the finding of the court not some random opinion. The court found that they selectively targeted Black voters. The court used the words "surgical precision" in describing the incident. Sorry but your explanation holds no water.

"North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said."
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."

I read the link, There is nothing RACIST at all with voter ID or with disallowing "same day registration".. The ONLY possible racist provision in that law was eliminating early voting.. But the claim that it disproportionately affects blacks doesn't explain how working whites don't avail themselves of it in higher numbers.

Also don't believe that govt is competent enough to HANDLE the pandamonium of allowing out of precinct voting and "same day registration". Precinct REPORTING is important for political analysis. And the registrars are STILL REQUIRED to tally votes BY PRECINCT.

Govt is too stupid to cope with those niceties. And the 90 yr olds staffing the precincts on voting day are NOT the people to handle the inevitable problems that are gonna happen..

But then again,, the left would LOVE to have things go wrong on election day in their precincts -- wouldn't they?
Bullshit. When you target a specific demographic based on race its voter suppression. This is the finding of the court not some random opinion. The court found that they selectively targeted Black voters. The court used the words "surgical precision" in describing the incident. Sorry but your explanation holds no water.

"North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said."

Flacaltenn is an idiot. He actually thinks this voter ID stuff is really about voter fraud.
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."

I read the link, There is nothing RACIST at all with voter ID or with disallowing "same day registration".. The ONLY possible racist provision in that law was eliminating early voting.. But the claim that it disproportionately affects blacks doesn't explain how working whites don't avail themselves of it in higher numbers.

Also don't believe that govt is competent enough to HANDLE the pandamonium of allowing out of precinct voting and "same day registration". Precinct REPORTING is important for political analysis. And the registrars are STILL REQUIRED to tally votes BY PRECINCT.

Govt is too stupid to cope with those niceties. And the 90 yr olds staffing the precincts on voting day are NOT the people to handle the inevitable problems that are gonna happen..

But then again,, the left would LOVE to have things go wrong on election day in their precincts -- wouldn't they?
Bullshit. When you target a specific demographic based on race its voter suppression. This is the finding of the court not some random opinion. The court found that they selectively targeted Black voters. The court used the words "surgical precision" in describing the incident. Sorry but your explanation holds no water.

"North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said."

You obviously did not click thru your linked article to the PREVIOUS article about the rulings. There was no real data or analysis cited in the decision. It was retribution for dropping the sanctions against Southern States in the 68 CRAct. The ENTIRE premise was -- They were RACIST -- THey probably STILL ARE racist and therefore any design changes to their voting system MUST be racist.

U.S. Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina's Voter ID Law

This April, a federal judge ruled that the law served a "legitimate state interest" and concluded there was not sufficient evidence of discriminatory intent.

That judge's opinion was hefty — 485 pages, packed with factual findings.

The 4th Circuit wasn't impressed.

"We appreciate and commend the [lower] court on its thoroughness," the panel wrote, but "the court seems to have missed the forest in carefully surveying the many trees."

The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature "requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices" — then, data in hand, "enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans."

"Our conclusion does not mean, and we do not suggest, that any member of the General Assembly harbored racial hatred or animosity toward any minority group," the ruling reads. It adds:

"But the totality of the circumstances — North Carolina's history of voting discrimination; the surge in African American voting; the legislature's knowledge that African Americans voting translated into support for one party; and the swift elimination of the tools African Americans had used to vote and imposition of a new barrier at the first opportunity to do so — cumulatively and unmistakably reveal that the General Assembly used [the 2013 law] to entrench itself. It did so by targeting voters who, based on race, were unlikely to vote for the majority party. Even if done for partisan ends, that constituted racial discrimination."


That's prejudice right there in the #5 font. It's profiling based on history..

Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."

I read the link, There is nothing RACIST at all with voter ID or with disallowing "same day registration".. The ONLY possible racist provision in that law was eliminating early voting.. But the claim that it disproportionately affects blacks doesn't explain how working whites don't avail themselves of it in higher numbers.

Also don't believe that govt is competent enough to HANDLE the pandamonium of allowing out of precinct voting and "same day registration". Precinct REPORTING is important for political analysis. And the registrars are STILL REQUIRED to tally votes BY PRECINCT.

Govt is too stupid to cope with those niceties. And the 90 yr olds staffing the precincts on voting day are NOT the people to handle the inevitable problems that are gonna happen..

But then again,, the left would LOVE to have things go wrong on election day in their precincts -- wouldn't they?
Bullshit. When you target a specific demographic based on race its voter suppression. This is the finding of the court not some random opinion. The court found that they selectively targeted Black voters. The court used the words "surgical precision" in describing the incident. Sorry but your explanation holds no water.

"North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision," the court said."

Flacaltenn is an idiot. He actually thinks this voter ID stuff is really about voter fraud.

Nawww.. The idiots are the folks who are STILL USING "binders of voters" and sitting in chairs organized by the first letter of your name at the polling stations. It's insane. It's govt ineptness and incompetence on FULL display..

If it were up to me -- you could waltz in a bathing suit with no wallet and vote on election day. Or at early voting. And the 90 yr old senior looking at your ballot request slip would be sitting at a NON Internet networked, secure computer that had been preloaded with the FULL registration data. Information that CONTAINS your photo ID and all registration items checked off. And they would simply smile and hand you the pass to vote.

But the govt sucks at this MOST BASIC task. And prefers to use it as a political football to kick around fear and mistrust.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Why would any black person in Michigan vote for this or any other Republican?

GOP Senate Candidate In Michigan Admits 'Terrible Error' For Showing Swastika In Ad | HuffPost

He's the one honest Republican who put a swastika in one of his ads.
...obsolete economic technology from last millennium.
Wait! The story gets better. The Republican who had a swastika in his commercial?


Why are all the black Republicans so fucking stupid?
Black Republicans remind me of gay wrestlers. They don't want to be the gay wrestler but if that's their foot in the door and if that's a way to a great life of being a rich famous wrestler fuck it. Who's dick do I have to suck to get some ring time. LOL.

So these black Republicans are just slick conmen looking for an angle. No white is taking a black liberal seriously but when a black conservative speaks out boy do white conservatives come to their side and support them.

Of course they won't elect them to any high offices. For example Condi, Colon, Herman and Ben were never elected by Republicans. They were used or appointed to be tokens. The most popular black Republicans. The only ones I can name, were never elected. Think about that.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Why would any black person in Michigan vote for this or any other Republican?

GOP Senate Candidate In Michigan Admits 'Terrible Error' For Showing Swastika In Ad | HuffPost

He's the one honest Republican who put a swastika in one of his ads.
Depends on intent. Here is one in a church in Ethiopia. Long before white people made it a symbol of hate it was a symbol of energy.

The democrat party has been devastating to black society. Offering people money to not get married was an epic disaster. The dems created dependency, and then they told the people they harmed that everyone but democrats hates you. I understand where people are coming from who say it insulting to say black people have been manipulated. It is in no way saying people are stupid for voting democrat. I think many dismiss the constant barrage for decades that everyone hates you but democrats. I don't think it is reasonable to say this wouldn't have an effect on people. Again, it isn't saying people are stupid. It was a targeted campaign against a people the democrats themselves harmed more than any other. It was insidious and intentional. How evil is it to harm a people, tell the people you harmed they can't live without you, and then say everyone else hates you. That is just plain messed up.
The democrat party has been devastating to black society. Offering people money to not get married was an epic disaster. The dems created dependency, and then they told the people they harmed that everyone but democrats hates you. I understand where people are coming from who say it insulting to say black people have been manipulated. It is in no way saying people are stupid for voting democrat. I think many dismiss the constant barrage for decades that everyone hates you but democrats. I don't think it is reasonable to say this wouldn't have an effect on people. Again, it isn't saying people are stupid. It was a targeted campaign against a people the democrats themselves harmed more than any other. It was insidious and intentional. How evil is it to harm a people, tell the people you harmed they can't live without you, and then say everyone else hates you. That is just plain messed up.
Its not the Dem party thats been devastating to Black people. Its white people in general. Both parties have racists. Repub racists are just way easier to spot than Dem racists.
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At least republicans aren't trying to sell entire blocks of voters that they can not succeed. Despite what dems are preaching, you don't have to be born rich to succeed. Everybody has a chance, and a better chance than you would get in most other places in the world. Why do democrats try so hard to make people believe there is no 'American Dream' and convince people they have no chance to have a good life. That is twisted.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals.

If you didn't have your head so far up your ass, the question you OUGHT to be asking is what have Democrats done for you all these years? You say you have all these problems yet you vote and vote and vote again and again for the Democrats! And they keep promising you shit! Where is it? If there is no democratic plantation, it is because the Republicans busted it to pieces. If you think Blacks are able to think for themself, you are not thinking for yourself ---- you are still thinking for the democrats.

And if there is any kind of worthwhile reform other than cheap talk to bring about REAL equality, there is none better than economic freedom! And that has all been the Republicans trying to help blacks be able to better raise themselves up in autonomy, while your leftist masters keep you enslaved in government programs, handouts, and glib bullshit promises.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals.

If you didn't have your head so far up your ass, the question you OUGHT to be asking is what have Democrats done for you all these years? You say you have all these problems yet you vote and vote and vote again and again for the Democrats! And they keep promising you shit! Where is it? If there is no democratic plantation, it is because the Republicans busted it to pieces. If you think Blacks are able to think for themself, you are not thinking for yourself ---- you are still thinking for the democrats.

And if there is any kind of worthwhile reform other than cheap talk to bring about REAL equality, there is none better than economic freedom! And that has all been the Republicans trying to help blacks be able to better raise themselves up in autonomy, while your leftist masters keep you enslaved in government programs, handouts, and glib bullshit promises.
"If you didn't have your head so far up your ass, the question you OUGHT to be asking is what have Democrats done for you all these years?"

When I ask myself that question two answers come to mind immediately.

They put a Black man in the office of the POTUS.
They fight to keep the repubs from enacting poll taxes and other voting suppression tactics aimed at Black people.
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
Yeah yeah, just like districts get redrawn in order to give favor to one group or another, but that's ok eh ?? Then we see groups abusing the favors given unto them... Does it ever end ??
What do blacks have to offer republicans?
Votes so repubs can do their jobs and serve their constituents. Thats pretty much all they should expect.
Which ones, the Russians or the Saudis? Because, they are tone deaf to what Americans want.
Youre right. Repubs done want Black votes. I guess thats why they are actively trying to suppress the Black vote.

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"The U.S. Supreme Court has once again declined to reinstate North Carolina's strict voter ID law, which was struck down last year after a court ruled it was intentionally designed to stop African-Americans from voting."
Yeah yeah, just like districts get redrawn in order to give favor to one group or another, but that's ok eh ?? Then we see groups abusing the favors given unto them... Does it ever end ??
The GOP are the kings of gerrymandering. Please. :rolleyes:
A: same thing they offer everyone else.

Q: why do BLACKS want to be treated DIFFERENTLY?

A: the black Dems are BIGOTS who love their government checks and state sponsored racial preferences
They put a Black man in the office of the POTUS.
They nominated him. The people put him in office. And that did exactly SQUAT for the average Black, in fact, Blacks suffered and declined overall under Obama's time. Further, I would have gladly put a black man in office, a republican named Alan Keyes. If you never heard of him, a brilliant, wonderful man who Obama cheated and ripped off and stole from in order to make his way into the Senate. So before you thank the democrats too much, they and Obama actually kept a far better man, Keyes, from possibly getting to the White House. Democrats aren't for Blacks, just ask Keyes, they are only for Blacks they can use for their own pawns.

They fight to keep the repubs from enacting poll taxes and other voting suppression tactics aimed at Black people.
Total garbage nonsense you've been fed and swallowed whole. I'm still waiting for the Democrats to come forth with even TEN people who wanted to vote and were actually stopped through some improper means. If you have the ID to buy a pack of cigarettes, you can vote anywhere.
They put a Black man in the office of the POTUS.
They nominated him. The people put him in office. And that did exactly SQUAT for the average Black, in fact, Blacks suffered and declined overall under Obama's time. Further, I would have gladly put a black man in office, a republican named Alan Keyes. If you never heard of him, a brilliant, wonderful man who Obama cheated and ripped off and stole from in order to make his way into the Senate. So before you thank the democrats too much, they and Obama actually kept a far better man, Keyes, from possibly getting to the White House. Democrats aren't for Blacks, just ask Keyes, they are only for Blacks they can use for their own pawns.

They fight to keep the repubs from enacting poll taxes and other voting suppression tactics aimed at Black people.
Total garbage nonsense you've been fed and swallowed whole. I'm still waiting for the Democrats to come forth with even TEN people who wanted to vote and were actually stopped through some improper means. If you have the ID to buy a pack of cigarettes, you can vote anywhere.
You sound like a fucking idiot as usual but that par for the course with you. The dems were the reason Obama was POTUS and my net worth was at a all time high under his presidency like many other Blacks I know. Obama is the one that made national healthcare a reality instead of a talking point. The people, all people wanted it. Obama is the one that started My Brothers Keeper, Obama is the one that got the Black Farmers their payout after a decade of fighting with the government. I dont know about this Keyes dude but again you sound like an idiot. Obama is a liberal not a con so how did he steal anything from this dude and why hasnt the repubs put him in office?

Your failure to debunk anything I said about voter suppression tells me youre just another retarded repub. An appeals court found that repubs were doing it and they specifically targeted Black people with "surgical precision".

Supreme Court Declines Republican Bid To Revive North Carolina Voter ID Law

"In its ruling, the appeals court said the law was intentionally designed to discriminate against black people. North Carolina legislators had requested data on voting patterns by race and, with that data in hand, drafted a law that would "target African-Americans with almost surgical precision,"

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