What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

You sound like a fucking idiot as usual but that par for the course with you.
Why thank you.

Obama is the one that made national healthcare a reality instead of a talking point.
Actually, Obama had nothing to do with it. I never even heard it mentioned in his 2008 campaign. Can you link me to his promising it before he was elected as something he ran on? As best as I can recall, it was actually created after the fact through the Pelosi House and Reid Senate mainly done and created in the background by a group of third party operatives. Remember Nancy saying that even she would have to vote on it first before she even knew what was in it? If Nancy didn't even know then certainly Obama knew even less, though of course he merely signed it into law as a follow democrat thinking socializing 1/6th of the economy as a good thing.

The people, all people wanted it.
Is that why hoards of people, businesses and insurance companies were heavily against it then and still now?

Obama is the one that started My Brothers Keeper
I neither want nor need the government "keeping" me. Remember the flag: "Don't Tread On Me?" That flies in direct opposition to what this country was founded on: WE THE PEOPLE. Not WE THE STATE.

I dont know about this Keyes dude
Then you owe it to yourself to learn more about him.

Alan Keyes - Wikipedia
Alan Keyes on the Issues

You might not agree with everything he says, but maybe you will take serious some of his opinions.

but again you sound like an idiot.
Always nice to be appreciated.
I'll still wait for the day any democrat shows me enough "disenfranchised" voters in even a single county to change the vote let alone a state or national election.
You sound like a fucking idiot as usual but that par for the course with you.
Why thank you.

Obama is the one that made national healthcare a reality instead of a talking point.
Actually, Obama had nothing to do with it. I never even heard it mentioned in his 2008 campaign. Can you link me to his promising it before he was elected as something he ran on? As best as I can recall, it was actually created after the fact through the Pelosi House and Reid Senate mainly done and created in the background by a group of third party operatives. Remember Nancy saying that even she would have to vote on it first before she even knew what was in it? If Nancy didn't even know then certainly Obama knew even less, though of course he merely signed it into law as a follow democrat thinking socializing 1/6th of the economy as a good thing.

The people, all people wanted it.
Is that why hoards of people, businesses and insurance companies were heavily against it then and still now?

Obama is the one that started My Brothers Keeper
I neither want nor need the government "keeping" me. Remember the flag: "Don't Tread On Me?" That flies in direct opposition to what this country was founded on: WE THE PEOPLE. Not WE THE STATE.

I dont know about this Keyes dude
Then you owe it to yourself to learn more about him.
View attachment 223176

Alan Keyes - Wikipedia
Welcome - Loyal To Liberty
Alan Keyes on the Issues

You might not agree with everything he says, but maybe you will take serious some of his opinions.

but again you sound like an idiot.
Always nice to be appreciated.
I'll still wait for the day any democrat shows me enough "disenfranchised" voters in even a single county to change the vote let alone a state or national election.
Youre welcome. Its a good sign you know youre an idiot and comfortable with it.

No one cares what you heard. The facts are that ACA was one of his campaign promises. See what happens when you are ignorant of the facts?

Barack Obama: Remarks in Hartford, Connecticut: "A Politics of Conscience"

" I have made a solemn pledge that I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president.."
-Obama June 23 2007

No one asked you what you needed. Your claim was that he had done nothing for Black people. To no ones surprise you were wrong yet again.

If you support Keyes I doubt he holds any views that have merit. More than likely he is step n fetch it coonin sellout. I wll check him out though.
Youre welcome. Its a good sign you know youre an idiot and comfortable with it.
I try within the confines and limitations of my white privilege.

No one cares what you heard.
I do.

The facts are that ACA was one of his campaign promises. See what happens when you are ignorant of the facts?
Then you won't mind easily linking me to one of his videos where he actually spoke of and promised it. I saw no mention of it in a scan of your 10,000 word link, which doesn't prove he ever actually promised it in his public campaign. I know I'm just a dumb, white slob, but please humor me.

No one asked you what you needed.
I did.

If you support Keyes I doubt he holds any views that have merit. More than likely he is step n fetch it coonin sellout. I wll check him out though.
I never said I supported him though I think I kinda did for a time back then. He was out of the mainline of other conservative people. Back then he had a lot of good ideas I liked. I think if he would have had the chance to seriously run, he might have made a very good president, but his fatal flaw was that he lacked the charisma and stage presence of an electable person to ever get the financial backing he needed. Unfortunately, the public is driven more by the superficiality of the cult of personality than they are the details of an astute leader with sound fiscal judgement.
Youre welcome. Its a good sign you know youre an idiot and comfortable with it.
I try within the confines and limitations of my white privilege.

No one cares what you heard.
I do.

The facts are that ACA was one of his campaign promises. See what happens when you are ignorant of the facts?
Then you won't mind easily linking me to one of his videos where he actually spoke of and promised it. I saw no mention of it in a scan of your 10,000 word link, which doesn't prove he ever actually promised it in his public campaign. I know I'm just a dumb, white slob, but please humor me.

No one asked you what you needed.
I did.

If you support Keyes I doubt he holds any views that have merit. More than likely he is step n fetch it coonin sellout. I wll check him out though.
I never said I supported him though I think I kinda did for a time back then. He was out of the mainline of other conservative people. Back then he had a lot of good ideas I liked. I think if he would have had the chance to seriously run, he might have made a very good president, but his fatal flaw was that he lacked the charisma and stage presence of an electable person to ever get the financial backing he needed. Unfortunately, the public is driven more by the superficiality of the cult of personality than they are the details of an astute leader with sound fiscal judgement.
Thats great.

I know you do. I'm just saying no one cares.

Sure no problem. Is it because you had trouble reading the link I already provided or is it because you are lazy? You cant start at the 26:30 mark until you hear the quote I already provided you a link to.

What you asked yourself has no bearing on the point. The point was that you claimed Obama did nothing for Black people and you were proven wrong...again.

Keyes lack of charisma and or stage presence is his fault. Obama did nothing to him simply for the fact he wasnt in Obamas league.
You cant start at the 26:30 mark until you hear the quote I already provided you a link to.

OK, fine. He DID say it once to an all-liberal New England audience and they applauded him as he LIED to them, telling them by socializing healthcare, it would lower premiums. It had the exact opposite effect. Lowered it for a tiny few and raised it enormously for millions others.
You cant start at the 26:30 mark until you hear the quote I already provided you a link to.

OK, fine. He DID say it once to an all-liberal New England audience and they applauded him as he LIED to them, telling them by socializing healthcare, it would lower premiums. It had the exact opposite effect. Lowered it for a tiny few and raised it enormously for millions others.

You already knew he said it long before he was elected because I gave you the link before I linked the video. Now you want to move the goal posts like a petulant child. :rolleyes:
You cant start at the 26:30 mark until you hear the quote I already provided you a link to.

OK, fine. He DID say it once to an all-liberal New England audience and they applauded him as he LIED to them, telling them by socializing healthcare, it would lower premiums. It had the exact opposite effect. Lowered it for a tiny few and raised it enormously for millions others.

You already knew he said it long before he was elected because I gave you the link before I linked the video. Now you want to move the goal posts like a petulant child. :rolleyes:

Just really insist on claiming you really know what's in other people's minds like you really believe you can know that! Then you can't help but act on your own assumptions with childish name calling. Meantime, that video was the first evidence I've ever seen that he even mentioned it during his campaign at all, and all it really proves is that he MENTIONED IT, in passing, it was one sentence, said at one event. I never saw or heard the topic come up in all the months I saw him on TV, in all the articles and interviews I read or in any of the discussions about him during his campaign! Nor do I recall him talking about it during the McCain debates. So whatever his stand, it does not appear it was ever a major piece of his campaigning. But either way, it was the work of other people, the idea of other people he merely went along with and signed into law. I bet he didn't even know what was all in it either when he signed it.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Why would any black person in Michigan vote for this or any other Republican?

GOP Senate Candidate In Michigan Admits 'Terrible Error' For Showing Swastika In Ad | HuffPost

He's the one honest Republican who put a swastika in one of his ads.
Depends on intent. Here is one in a church in Ethiopia. Long before white people made it a symbol of hate it was a symbol of energy.


Trump was right.

Was Georgia’s Election System Hacked in 2016?

Rigged elections

Georgia to be sued for purging minority voters ahead of the midterm elections

But that's not what I came here to talk about. I came to talk about this

Georgia County Orders Elderly Black Voters Off Bus Taking Them To The Polls | HuffPost

Dozens of black senior citizens in rural Georgia were ordered off a bus bound for the polls after county officials said the event constituted prohibited “political activity.”

White people telling us who to learn about.


Why can't we learn more about this guy?


And why is Kaye West supposed to be so great now?

How about this guy?


Why do we need to listen to Candice Owen?

Instead of this lady?


Who is really trying to put us on a plantation?
You cant start at the 26:30 mark until you hear the quote I already provided you a link to.

OK, fine. He DID say it once to an all-liberal New England audience and they applauded him as he LIED to them, telling them by socializing healthcare, it would lower premiums. It had the exact opposite effect. Lowered it for a tiny few and raised it enormously for millions others.

You already knew he said it long before he was elected because I gave you the link before I linked the video. Now you want to move the goal posts like a petulant child. :rolleyes:

Just really insist on claiming you really know what's in other people's minds like you really believe you can know that! Then you can't help but act on your own assumptions with childish name calling. Meantime, that video was the first evidence I've ever seen that he even mentioned it during his campaign at all, and all it really proves is that he MENTIONED IT, in passing, it was one sentence, said at one event. I never saw or heard the topic come up in all the months I saw him on TV, in all the articles and interviews I read or in any of the discussions about him during his campaign! Nor do I recall him talking about it during the McCain debates. So whatever his stand, it does not appear it was ever a major piece of his campaigning. But either way, it was the work of other people, the idea of other people he merely went along with and signed into law. I bet he didn't even know what was all in it either when he signed it.

I really love watching white people lie. You do it so effortlessly and without any shame or guilt. :rolleyes:

White people telling us who to learn about.


Why can't we learn more about this guy?


And why is Kaye West supposed to be so great now?

How about this guy?


Why do we need to listen to Candice Owen?

Instead of this lady?


Who is really trying to put us on a plantation?

Racist or the exploitation of racism, what cha gonna do wid'em or wid'it ??

You can be on here forever reading and maybe trying to get people to somehow get away from the skin color thing altogether, and better yet to focus more on character as Martin Luther King once spoke about in his speech, but people just keep on using the color of a person's skin to either beat each other down with it or they use it to get some kind of gain from it or they become an instant victim with it.

It's ridiculous.
I wouldnt say I like them but I dont dislike them. I love watching Tatum
We know you love Tatum

Explains why you’re not married....not that there is anything wrong with that

Never wanted to. Never felt financially secure until about 3 years ago. By that point it was too late but damn I now have a lot of money.

I could tell you a million reasons. I remember when I was a kid fearing the idea of getting a divorce and losing half my shit and ruining my life plus the lives of my kids.

It's a stupid concept.

I could never meet anyone worth getting married. Oh I met women who I would have married but then they wouldn't marry me. THey had looks, money and great personalities. They could and did do much better than me.

I get sick of women fast. I'm dating a 25 year old hot Belarusian woman right now. I'm even getting sick of her. I'm not ready to break up with her but I don't get excited about seeing her like I did a couple weeks ago.

She asked if she could move in. The next day we talked and both decided that would kill the relationship.

Why did you get married? Did you want to have kids? Can you not stand being alone?

If you offered me 10 Trillion or my kids. i'd take my kids.

Why did I or people in general? My wife was and is a traditional person and she wanted a family and marriage. I would have been happy just living together. In terms of kids, I like them and in general I think people tend to have kids because of fear of their own mortality.

I like kids too and if I would have felt like I could afford them in my early 30's I probably would have had some. Finances also stopped me from wanting to get married. OR, finances stopped women from wanting to marry me. Now they all are like WHOA who's this guy. All these older women at church (I'm 47) are like who's the guy in the nice suit with the nice truck and pontoon boat?

LOL. I like to throw in the pontoon boat because unkotare is extremely jealous of all the toys I have. I paid $25,500 cash for it this summer without even blinking an eye.

Now I want to retire not have kids. I could probably have kids now that I have $ but I got used to having money.
What part of Michigan?
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Why don't you shut he hell up with that shit white boy. Because this is not true. The problem is white boys like you who vote for this because you actually believe your punk asses are being left the fuck out.
The entire post is in your defense except for the last part. And it's true that you darkies and women won't show up to vote for the party that is in favor of diversity. I pick on women more than I do blacks because you are truly a minority. Women make up 50% of the population and they benefit most from Affirmative Action yet they vote GOP who's against it or they too don't show up.

Did you misread my post or did you just get mad at the last part? Because it's fucking true. White men will show up in droves this November to vote for Trump. Hell, so will white women. So white women will vote for Trump and you idiots won't show up because you don't think voting matters. You think the democrats let you down. Well guess what? You let the Democrats down in 2010, 2014 and 2018.

I will show up and vote for diversity. I'm a white male. Why do I do this when so many colored don't show up?

Let me break it down to your stupid white ass. 88 percent of the blacks who voted in the 2016 election did not vote for rump. 8 percent is what he got. So blacks did not elect Trump into office. Bill Clinton got fewer black votes for both his victories. So again blacks are not the reason why Trump became president. Your white ass is doing us no favors and we certainly don't need your defense. The problem were whites, to include you white men, who voted for Obama that switched. Get it?

We fought and died so we could vote bitch. We vote. White progressives don't vote in mid terms. That's the problem. But regardless the party whites always look to blame everybody else.
Thats ironic, you blame whites for everything negative in the world.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?
What exactly have the Ds done for blacks?

It is apparent both parties don’t give two shits about blacks, much like they treat the rest of the population. The exception is the ruling class. They get whatever they want, since they have all the money.

More than republicans. Lincoln didn't even really free blacks. And we would be fools to join a party full of people like you and most of these other republicans here.
Not an R dummy.

You criticize Dishonest Abe yet you support the Ds, who during Abe’s time enslaved your ancestors. You really need to think before posting.

I am not supporting the democratic party of 1860.
But you think white people are just like they were in 1860.

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