What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

YOU are the white racist, dumbass.
I love it how republicans like unkotare try to say it’s us liberal whites who defend blacks who are actually the racist whites......

Condescending, presumptuous, mindlessly ignorant, racist hypocrite leftists are generally too stupid to even take notice of what they are doing and saying. They are so sure that their every thought has been purified by the simple standard of being leftists that they feel no need for reflection or honesty about themselves. In other words, democrats are scumbag idiots. Currently and historically the worst racists of all.
Why do blacks here agree with me and hate you?....

"They" don't. Only a few misguided racists like yourself do.
Name one black here who agrees with your version of racism.

I have no version of racism. I am not a racist like you are.
Why do blacks here agree with me and hate you? Oh yea that’s right there racists too.

You’re too simple to have an intellectually honest conversation. You’d rather just be a moron dickhead

You complain a lot
Yea but at least you can have a conversation with me. I ask questions you answer. You ask I answer. Lots of people can’t stand stand unkotare. He’s the worst.........

You could change but you won’t even try.

It's not my fault you're stupid.

Yes actually it is your fault. Because you can’t have a conversation I don’t take you seriously so I say stupid shit just to fuck with your sorry excuse for a life. Irish Asian wannabe weirdo.
I love it how republicans like unkotare try to say it’s us liberal whites who defend blacks who are actually the racist whites......

Condescending, presumptuous, mindlessly ignorant, racist hypocrite leftists are generally too stupid to even take notice of what they are doing and saying. They are so sure that their every thought has been purified by the simple standard of being leftists that they feel no need for reflection or honesty about themselves. In other words, democrats are scumbag idiots. Currently and historically the worst racists of all.
Why do blacks here agree with me and hate you?....

"They" don't. Only a few misguided racists like yourself do.
Name one black here who agrees with your version of racism.

I have no version of racism. I am not a racist like you are.
Yes you are you just don’t admit it. Just cause you say you aren’t don’t mean you aren’t. Your politics say racist
Racist or the exploitation of racism, what cha gonna do wid'em or wid'it ??

You can be on here forever reading and maybe trying to get people to somehow get away from the skin color thing altogether, and better yet to focus more on character as Martin Luther King once spoke about in his speech, but people just keep on using the color of a person's skin to either beat each other down with it or they use it to get some kind of gain from it or they become an instant victim with it.

It's ridiculous.

Why is it you guys keep misquoting King?

That's what is ridiculous.
Condescending, presumptuous, mindlessly ignorant, racist hypocrite leftists are generally too stupid to even take notice of what they are doing and saying. They are so sure that their every thought has been purified by the simple standard of being leftists that they feel no need for reflection or honesty about themselves. In other words, democrats are scumbag idiots. Currently and historically the worst racists of all.
Why do blacks here agree with me and hate you?....

"They" don't. Only a few misguided racists like yourself do.
Name one black here who agrees with your version of racism.

I have no version of racism. I am not a racist like you are.
Yes you are you just don’t admit it. Just cause you say you aren’t don’t mean you aren’t. Your politics say racist

Wrong on all counts. An absurd accusation.
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Can I give women and minorities some advice? Go into Human Resources and get your masters from a good school. My brothers company is trying to find a diversity candidate because they just lost their female vp to another company paying her double.

They keep trying to get my brother to take the job but he’s a white male and he doesn’t want it.

My point to my black brothers and sisters is go to college. Corporations are looking for diversity candidates even though affirmative action is gone companies are still committed to diversity.
Why do blacks here agree with me and hate you?....

"They" don't. Only a few misguided racists like yourself do.
Name one black here who agrees with your version of racism.

I have no version of racism. I am not a racist like you are.
Yes you are you just don’t admit it. Just cause you say you aren’t don’t mean you aren’t. Your politics say racist

Wrong on all counts, idiot.
Come on! Use your words. I’m your huckleberry
Racist or the exploitation of racism, what cha gonna do wid'em or wid'it ??

You can be on here forever reading and maybe trying to get people to somehow get away from the skin color thing altogether, and better yet to focus more on character as Martin Luther King once spoke about in his speech, but people just keep on using the color of a person's skin to either beat each other down with it or they use it to get some kind of gain from it or they become an instant victim with it.

It's ridiculous.

Why is it you guys keep misquoting King?

That's what is ridiculous.
I like on Blackish they talk about the other half of mlks speech they don’t talk about. I think they were kidding. It was not all koombiya
You have everything at your disposal that whites do. That's how people can ask that question.
I don't have to address any of that. We have equal opportunity laws, we have empowerment zones, we have headstart, we have quotas, we have every law at our disposal. Everyone in the U.S. is equal by law. Period. Stop whining.

You can't address them because you know it hasn't ended. You know the laws aren't followed and quotas do not exist. Stop lying.
I'm not lying. I didn't say I cant address them, I said I don't need to address them. You made the accusation, you need to prove your case. Logically and unbiased. I am also not going to waste my time with a whiner. Laws are followed. You just want more than others. Somehow you think you are due.

No son, you claim that racism is over with your comments. Therefore you must prove it.
First off I am not your son. I couldn’t possibly come from someone as openly racist an ignorant as you. The burden of proof is on the accuser ( you ). Your talking points are hallow, rife with bias and ignorant drivel. You always post a bold statement but never delve into what the statements actually mean. You’re a whiny little racist punk that thinks they are owed something. You aren’t. The playing field is level, deal with it. If you want to help your race, teach them to make something of themselves, stop having babies like rabbits, aspire to greatness and realize that they are the answer to their fate. Until you do that, you are a detriment to your race.

I really don't listen to a member of the race who has received the most handouts in US history trying to tell me what I need to do.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin
"They" don't. Only a few misguided racists like yourself do.
Name one black here who agrees with your version of racism.

I have no version of racism. I am not a racist like you are.
Yes you are you just don’t admit it. Just cause you say you aren’t don’t mean you aren’t. Your politics say racist

Wrong on all counts, idiot.
Come on! Use your words. I’m your huckleberry

You are wrong. Those are words. You're a chokecherry.
You can't address them because you know it hasn't ended. You know the laws aren't followed and quotas do not exist. Stop lying.
I'm not lying. I didn't say I cant address them, I said I don't need to address them. You made the accusation, you need to prove your case. Logically and unbiased. I am also not going to waste my time with a whiner. Laws are followed. You just want more than others. Somehow you think you are due.

No son, you claim that racism is over with your comments. Therefore you must prove it.
First off I am not your son. I couldn’t possibly come from someone as openly racist an ignorant as you. The burden of proof is on the accuser ( you ). Your talking points are hallow, rife with bias and ignorant drivel. You always post a bold statement but never delve into what the statements actually mean. You’re a whiny little racist punk that thinks they are owed something. You aren’t. The playing field is level, deal with it. If you want to help your race, teach them to make something of themselves, stop having babies like rabbits, aspire to greatness and realize that they are the answer to their fate. Until you do that, you are a detriment to your race.

I really don't listen to a member of the race who has received the most handouts in US history trying to tell me what I need to do.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin

Unkotare is a waste of time.
Explains why you’re not married....not that there is anything wrong with that

Never wanted to. Never felt financially secure until about 3 years ago. By that point it was too late but damn I now have a lot of money.

I could tell you a million reasons. I remember when I was a kid fearing the idea of getting a divorce and losing half my shit and ruining my life plus the lives of my kids.

It's a stupid concept.

I could never meet anyone worth getting married. Oh I met women who I would have married but then they wouldn't marry me. THey had looks, money and great personalities. They could and did do much better than me.

I get sick of women fast. I'm dating a 25 year old hot Belarusian woman right now. I'm even getting sick of her. I'm not ready to break up with her but I don't get excited about seeing her like I did a couple weeks ago.

She asked if she could move in. The next day we talked and both decided that would kill the relationship.

Why did you get married? Did you want to have kids? Can you not stand being alone?

If you offered me 10 Trillion or my kids. i'd take my kids.

Why did I or people in general? My wife was and is a traditional person and she wanted a family and marriage. I would have been happy just living together. In terms of kids, I like them and in general I think people tend to have kids because of fear of their own mortality.

I like kids too and if I would have felt like I could afford them in my early 30's I probably would have had some. Finances also stopped me from wanting to get married. OR, finances stopped women from wanting to marry me. Now they all are like WHOA who's this guy. All these older women at church (I'm 47) are like who's the guy in the nice suit with the nice truck and pontoon boat?

LOL. I like to throw in the pontoon boat because unkotare is extremely jealous of all the toys I have. I paid $25,500 cash for it this summer without even blinking an eye.

Now I want to retire not have kids. I could probably have kids now that I have $ but I got used to having money.
What part of Michigan?
I live in metro Detroit but right now I’m way up north near boyne mountain. My brother has 65 acres hunting property
Just wondered. I was raised in Traverse City, that's where most of my kin are. I moved to Louisiana in 1973 and now in Arkansas since 1997.
I'm not lying. I didn't say I cant address them, I said I don't need to address them. You made the accusation, you need to prove your case. Logically and unbiased. I am also not going to waste my time with a whiner. Laws are followed. You just want more than others. Somehow you think you are due.

No son, you claim that racism is over with your comments. Therefore you must prove it.
First off I am not your son. I couldn’t possibly come from someone as openly racist an ignorant as you. The burden of proof is on the accuser ( you ). Your talking points are hallow, rife with bias and ignorant drivel. You always post a bold statement but never delve into what the statements actually mean. You’re a whiny little racist punk that thinks they are owed something. You aren’t. The playing field is level, deal with it. If you want to help your race, teach them to make something of themselves, stop having babies like rabbits, aspire to greatness and realize that they are the answer to their fate. Until you do that, you are a detriment to your race.

I really don't listen to a member of the race who has received the most handouts in US history trying to tell me what I need to do.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin

Unkotare is a waste of time.

Im2 is a shameless racist

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