What exactly is wrong/broken with internet in the US? (Net Neutrality)

OP- the internet needs to be protected from greedy idiot corporations, ie the GOP. And great internet costs at least 4x as much here as in Europe, dingbat dupes. Etc etc.

Faster internet is better in many ways. Look it up, IDIOT.

And the biggest idiot on the board shows up. Again, what can theirs do that ours can't do?

We can stream movies
We can play Online games
we can look at webpages
we can download huge games in a few hours (and that is usually self limited by the downloading source, not the lines themselves).
We can stream music
We can run teleconferences.

Find something that we can't do that the South Koreans can.
Get cheaper faster Internet, dummy.

and again, how does that faster internet help them compared to our internet?
"TIME" is Money... this term fits.

I have the fastest internet you can buy in my region and you can't stream movies well, it takes forever for me to set up a listing for my shop and forever to upload the pictures for the items I am selling and forever for the customers to search and find items on the site my shop is on... when you have faster speeds then less time is wasted...

How do you know the slow-downs are on the pipes and not at the source/servers of the providers you are using?
edthecynic you dumb fuck, if it bothers you that much don't live there. You're argument is as white trash as if someone claimed living in Texas that the adverage tempature in their house is hotter than in the rest of the US thus the Government should force companies to sell air conditioning units for cheaper.... and then regulate power costs to keep the price "affordable."
You are the dumb fuck. If I buy a 1,500 BTU air conditioner, the government requires that it deliver 1,500 BTUs. The manufacturer cannot sell a 500 BTU air conditioner as a 3,000 BTU air conditioner, but without regulation an ISP can and does charge me for 20 Mbps and delivers only 1/3 of that.
Get it?

I had to go look, because I knew you are just chimp levels of intelligence. Does you're provider say "up to speeds of"?

If you buy 50Mbps and you get lets say 5Mbps.... Just downgrade and save money with the same speeds!
OP- the internet needs to be protected from greedy idiot corporations, ie the GOP. And great internet costs at least 4x as much here as in Europe, dingbat dupes. Etc etc.

Faster internet is better in many ways. Look it up, IDIOT.

And the biggest idiot on the board shows up. Again, what can theirs do that ours can't do?

We can stream movies
We can play Online games
we can look at webpages
we can download huge games in a few hours (and that is usually self limited by the downloading source, not the lines themselves).
We can stream music
We can run teleconferences.

Find something that we can't do that the South Koreans can.
Get cheaper faster Internet, dummy.

and again, how does that faster internet help them compared to our internet?
"TIME" is Money... this term fits.

I have the fastest internet you can buy in my region and you can't stream movies well, it takes forever for me to set up a listing for my shop and forever to upload the pictures for the items I am selling and forever for the customers to search and find items on the site my shop is on... when you have faster speeds then less time is wasted...

How do you know the slow-downs are on the pipes and not at the source/servers of the providers you are using?

I agree, it does not sound like it's an internet speed problem. You can have real time speeds of 1 billionMbps and still lag the fuck out if the server you go too is lazy as chit. She would have to have incredibly low speeds to have that problem, like, just past dialup.
I don't think I get even 5Mbs on a good day... shoot, broad band was not even available here just 3-4 years ago, we only had dial up, now we have 1 broadband service to buy from and no competition.

What the fuck are you not able to do on 5Mbps??????????????????????????? How many mother fucking HD's do you people have because you must fill that shit near daily.
I have a business that runs off the internet.

I'm sorry... Did you just make a fucking ass of yourself again? Do you bottle neck? What is your business? You could have 200, 400 web pages open on your computer and your speed won't matter. WTF lolz
you have no idea what you are talking about, so just stop.

Care4all, what does 2.9 Mbps prevent your business from doing?
Again that is not the point. Without competition the ISPs are charging for much more than 2.9 Mbps without delivering it. That is why regulation is needed since there is no competition.
edthecynic you dumb fuck, if it bothers you that much don't live there. You're argument is as white trash as if someone claimed living in Texas that the adverage tempature in their house is hotter than in the rest of the US thus the Government should force companies to sell air conditioning units for cheaper.... and then regulate power costs to keep the price "affordable."
You are the dumb fuck. If I buy a 1,500 BTU air conditioner, the government requires that it deliver 1,500 BTUs. The manufacturer cannot sell a 500 BTU air conditioner as a 3,000 BTU air conditioner, but without regulation an ISP can and does charge me for 20 Mbps and delivers only 1/3 of that.
Get it?

I had to go look, because I knew you are just chimp levels of intelligence. Does you're provider say "up to speeds of"?

If you buy 50Mbps and you get lets say 5Mbps.... Just downgrade and save money with the same speeds!
Except the ISP offer no downgrade. 20 Mbps is the "slowest" they offer even though they don't deliver anything even close to that speed.
What the fuck are you not able to do on 5Mbps??????????????????????????? How many mother fucking HD's do you people have because you must fill that shit near daily.
I have a business that runs off the internet.

I'm sorry... Did you just make a fucking ass of yourself again? Do you bottle neck? What is your business? You could have 200, 400 web pages open on your computer and your speed won't matter. WTF lolz
you have no idea what you are talking about, so just stop.

Care4all, what does 2.9 Mbps prevent your business from doing?
Again that is not the point. Without competition the ISPs are charging for much more than 2.9 Mbps without delivering it. That is why regulation is needed since there is no competition.

In more and more places you have choices between cable and DSL. Isn't that competition? Also remember that most of the cost savings overseas where the speeds are higher is due to their ability to offer wifi broadband in concentrated urban areas, something that can work in only a few large cities in the US.
What the fuck are you not able to do on 5Mbps??????????????????????????? How many mother fucking HD's do you people have because you must fill that shit near daily.
I have a business that runs off the internet.

I'm sorry... Did you just make a fucking ass of yourself again? Do you bottle neck? What is your business? You could have 200, 400 web pages open on your computer and your speed won't matter. WTF lolz
you have no idea what you are talking about, so just stop.

Care4all, what does 2.9 Mbps prevent your business from doing?
Again that is not the point. Without competition the ISPs are charging for much more than 2.9 Mbps without delivering it. That is why regulation is needed since there is no competition.

Do you really want to give 10 internet companies the ability to run wires wherever they have customers? The wires would block the sun.
What the fuck are you not able to do on 5Mbps??????????????????????????? How many mother fucking HD's do you people have because you must fill that shit near daily.
I have a business that runs off the internet.

I'm sorry... Did you just make a fucking ass of yourself again? Do you bottle neck? What is your business? You could have 200, 400 web pages open on your computer and your speed won't matter. WTF lolz
you have no idea what you are talking about, so just stop.

Care4all, what does 2.9 Mbps prevent your business from doing?
Again that is not the point. Without competition the ISPs are charging for much more than 2.9 Mbps without delivering it. That is why regulation is needed since there is no competition.

I don't get it....

Hey Care4all, whatever you're selling your prices are bullshit. I demand more competition so you have to lower your prices!

I now get to get Government to pass a law fucking you because... well.... edthecynic agrees I should....


I'm not defending evil corporations, you guys are simple mentally retarded.
Somebody mentioned "the government" and "the internet" in the same sentence. Nutters took sides on net neutrality with no more information than that.

Silly nutters.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, why is there even a giant FCC ruling and political debate going on about the "freedom of the internet." There is nothing wrong with the fucking internet in the United States. Why on earth do we suddenly need a major government intervention where there is no problem?
The Internet in the US is bullshit. Overpriced, corporate, slow, and often unavailable at any decent speed or at all. Time to grow up, as usual, America.

My internet is just fine. Dial up?
OP- the internet needs to be protected from greedy idiot corporations, ie the GOP. And great internet costs at least 4x as much here as in Europe, dingbat dupes. Etc etc.

Faster internet is better in many ways. Look it up, IDIOT.
No it needs to be protected from the government.
People it doesn't take 300+ pages of regulations to manage internet bandwidth, and that's just for starters. And why is this 300+ page monstrosity not been released for public review?
Considering we are probably larger in size than all of the people above us combined, as well as far more de-centralized, it's impressive that we are that high on the list.

The South Koreans need all that bandwidth for StarCraft, nothing more.
Spin away...

it's not spin, it's engineering, distance, and materials. Smaller countries can have more people closer to larger nodes. Considering they also are newer when it comes to said networks, they do not have the legacy infrastructure that we currently use because it is perfectly acceptable, and still within its usable lifespan.

Our internet works just fine, the metrics you are yammering about are of interest to Otaku and other wire-geeks, nothing more.
Our Internet is BS. We invented it and theirs is better than ours. That is a common problem with America. We invent it and everyone else does it better. That's known as stupidity.

you are only using one metric to define "better." and it's one that backs up your irrelevant rant about how much our internet sucks.

What can South Koreans do that we can't because their speed is faster?
We'll never know now will we, because we don't have their speeds even though we invented it.

What a dumbass.We'll just have to wait to see whats in it?
You're going to fall for that shit again?
And the biggest idiot on the board shows up. Again, what can theirs do that ours can't do?

We can stream movies
We can play Online games
we can look at webpages
we can download huge games in a few hours (and that is usually self limited by the downloading source, not the lines themselves).
We can stream music
We can run teleconferences.

Find something that we can't do that the South Koreans can.
Get cheaper faster Internet, dummy.

and again, how does that faster internet help them compared to our internet?
"TIME" is Money... this term fits.

I have the fastest internet you can buy in my region and you can't stream movies well, it takes forever for me to set up a listing for my shop and forever to upload the pictures for the items I am selling and forever for the customers to search and find items on the site my shop is on... when you have faster speeds then less time is wasted...

How do you know the slow-downs are on the pipes and not at the source/servers of the providers you are using?

I agree, it does not sound like it's an internet speed problem. You can have real time speeds of 1 billionMbps and still lag the fuck out if the server you go too is lazy as chit. She would have to have incredibly low speeds to have that problem, like, just past dialup.
Exactly, the fastest servers I have ever downloaded from, like a system upgrade from Apple, were 3Mbps, so I asked Optimum if they offered a 3 Mbps for less than the 20 Mbps they were charging me for. I pointed out that I am a senior and am the only person using the internet and don't need more than 3 Mbps. But they will only sell me 20 Mbps while only delivering less than 7 Mbps.

The ISPs are crooks, and if you weren't only interested in going against Obama, you would never defend being forced to pay for what you aren't getting.
Liberals...knowing full well they'll never succeed in life,throw their hopes on government intervention for success.
Because it's all they got.

Seriously though liberals? Why the rush to give control of your life to the government?
History has shown again and again that thats a bad idea.

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