What has Obama done so far to deserve to be re-elected?

Bill Maher said it best:

"He's got to understand that with the Republicans, it's not the entree they don't like. They don't like the waiter"
"Stop trying to make everyone like you. You can give all the money to the rich, they will still call you a socialist. They are never going to like him. He could personally save them from drowning, but they would still not like him. He is the wrong age, the wrong party, the wrong color. He will never pry their irrational fears from their cold, dead minds and he should just stop that tactic"

"Flip the script, make them nervous. Grow your hair out," Maher advised the President.

Bill Maher: Obama Is "The Wrong Color" For GOP | RealClearPolitics

Maher's a moron.

Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Oh, horseshit. Opposition to Obama is driven by his policies and his intent, not him personally. And definitely not his race, despite what you who are unable to defend those policies insist.
Barry hasn't done much to revive the economy. He Pelosi and Reid foisted Obamacare on America when most Americans clearly didn't want it. They know best though. Who are we to decide whats best for us??

His policies have failed. He's now looking to get re-elected and he sure as hell can't run on his sucky record. Instead he's doing the old class warfare bit. The rich are evil.

Around 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction so I'd say his failure is pretty evident.
Maher's a moron.

Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Oh, horseshit. Yeah, I know you're full of it, Davey...no need to preamble your posts. Opposition to Obama is driven by his policies and his intent, not him personally. A lie....as is demonstrated by the GOP and their parrots when Obama continues policies from the last administration but gets NO credit for it, and how even when Obama puts forth policies ORIGINATED AND INITATED BY THE GOP, clowns like YOU are vehemetly against it. And definitely not his race, despite what you who are unable to defend those policies insist.

Really? Because it was the GOP punditry that starting getting cute with "magic negro" and "messiah" crap....and when the racist posters started showing up at Tea Party rallies, you practically had to light a fire under GOP politicos to get them to denounce such. So you're only kidding yourself in this matter, Davey boy.
Barry hasn't done much to revive the economy. He Pelosi and Reid foisted Obamacare on America when most Americans clearly didn't want it. They know best though. Who are we to decide whats best for us??

His policies have failed. He's now looking to get re-elected and he sure as hell can't run on his sucky record. Instead he's doing the old class warfare bit. The rich are evil.

Around 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction so I'd say his failure is pretty evident.

You offer NOTHING but a bunch of Limbaugh hyperbole...yet the very economic indicators that folk like you and the GOP SWORE by under the Shrub are now showing Obama's policies have put a STOP on the free fall of our economy that the Shrub put us in. Just ask the auto industry, it you have the guts.

As for the "polls", it all depends on who is asking what questions to whom, now isn't it?

Or maybe you prefer out-sourced jobs, tax cuts favoring the rich, a busted auto-industry, etc., etc./
I was the OP on this ancient thread way back in June.

still don't have a clue
Im still waiting to learn what he had done to deserve being elected to begin with.

Good answer--

Barry hasn't done much to revive the economy. He Pelosi and Reid foisted Obamacare on America when most Americans clearly didn't want it. They know best though. Who are we to decide whats best for us??

His policies have failed. He's now looking to get re-elected and he sure as hell can't run on his sucky record. Instead he's doing the old class warfare bit. The rich are evil.

Around 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction so I'd say his failure is pretty evident.

That is going to change very soon.

The Republican Party has no bullets left, and Mr. Boehner just stepped in shit.
Obama set to make history.

Worst president to get another term in office.

Most terrible prez are one -and-out.
Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Oh, horseshit. Yeah, I know you're full of it, Davey...no need to preamble your posts. Opposition to Obama is driven by his policies and his intent, not him personally. A lie....as is demonstrated by the GOP and their parrots when Obama continues policies from the last administration but gets NO credit for it, and how even when Obama puts forth policies ORIGINATED AND INITATED BY THE GOP, clowns like YOU are vehemetly against it. And definitely not his race, despite what you who are unable to defend those policies insist.

Really? Because it was the GOP punditry that starting getting cute with "magic negro" and "messiah" crap....and when the racist posters started showing up at Tea Party rallies, you practically had to light a fire under GOP politicos to get them to denounce such. So you're only kidding yourself in this matter, Davey boy.
You've been fed a carefully-crafted vision of the TEA Party -- crafted by people with an agenda.

Because you're not bright, you swallowed it unthinkingly and unquestioningly.

Couple that with your irrational hatred of conservatives, and you wind up with...you.
Bill Maher said it best:

"He's got to understand that with the Republicans, it's not the entree they don't like. They don't like the waiter"
"Stop trying to make everyone like you. You can give all the money to the rich, they will still call you a socialist. They are never going to like him. He could personally save them from drowning, but they would still not like him. He is the wrong age, the wrong party, the wrong color. He will never pry their irrational fears from their cold, dead minds and he should just stop that tactic"

"Flip the script, make them nervous. Grow your hair out," Maher advised the President.

Bill Maher: Obama Is "The Wrong Color" For GOP | RealClearPolitics

Maher's a moron.

Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 7 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 20 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
The results, deficits, unemployment, the facts of the economic health of country say different.
You'll be voting for Obama. He'll lose.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

But 6 years later, we were doing just fine. Hmmm? What happened in January of 2007? Gee.:eusa_doh: Oh Yeah. Democrats took over Congress.

Funny you should ask ...

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

pubs and bags are afraid to actually read this but that's okay.

How about those who think GObP?pubs are so much better post the same like about them?

Just kidding because we all know you can't and we all know WHY you can't - because the GObP/pubs do only two things - get in the way and rob the working class.


Prove it.
The Achievements

Defining what an achievement is in any administration, is itself an interesting issue. We decided that we would define it broadly to include executive orders,important legislation, and significant initiatives or outcomes of any kind, both foreign and domestic. We worked hard to screen out minor or subjective items whenever we had agreement on them. As anyone can see from this very impressive list, they weren’t needed.
Partisan hack site is partisan.

Really, dude. That site is not objective at all. They're a bunch of flaming Obamabots. They're calling EVERYTHING Obama's done an "achievement". :lol:

Funny you should ask ...

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

pubs and bags are afraid to actually read this but that's okay.

How about those who think GObP?pubs are so much better post the same like about them?

Just kidding because we all know you can't and we all know WHY you can't - because the GObP/pubs do only two things - get in the way and rob the working class.


Prove it.
The Achievements

Defining what an achievement is in any administration, is itself an interesting issue. We decided that we would define it broadly to include executive orders,important legislation, and significant initiatives or outcomes of any kind, both foreign and domestic. We worked hard to screen out minor or subjective items whenever we had agreement on them. As anyone can see from this very impressive list, they weren’t needed.
Partisan hack site is partisan.

Really, dude. That site is not objective at all. They're a bunch of flaming Obamabots. They're calling EVERYTHING Obama's done an "achievement". :lol:

Translation: You did a search and this was the only list of Repub accomplishments you could find.

Political Irony › Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

What has Obama done so far to deserve to be re-elected?

Well he um.....he ahh......well there's.........I got nothing.

Close 68 power plants, put thousands of people out of work. If you're a lib, that's pretty good.

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