What has Obama done so far to deserve to be re-elected?

Funny you should ask ...

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

pubs and bags are afraid to actually read this but that's okay.

How about those who think GObP?pubs are so much better post the same like about them?

Just kidding because we all know you can't and we all know WHY you can't - because the GObP/pubs do only two things - get in the way and rob the working class.


Prove it.
The Achievements

Defining what an achievement is in any administration, is itself an interesting issue. We decided that we would define it broadly to include executive orders,important legislation, and significant initiatives or outcomes of any kind, both foreign and domestic. We worked hard to screen out minor or subjective items whenever we had agreement on them. As anyone can see from this very impressive list, they weren’t needed.
Partisan hack site is partisan.

Really, dude. That site is not objective at all. They're a bunch of flaming Obamabots. They're calling EVERYTHING Obama's done an "achievement". :lol:

Translation: You did a search and this was the only list of Repub accomplishments you could find.

Political Irony › Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

Partisan hack site is partisan. Partisan hack poster who posts partisan hack site is retard.
Once again - all you Obama haters can't admit that our president has actually accomplished quite a lot of good for the country while your crooked GObP/pubs/bags members of the Party Of let Them Eat Cake have done nothing but obstruct and steal from the working class.

Thanks for proving me right again!

Once again - all you Obama haters can't admit that our president has actually accomplished quite a lot of good for the country while your crooked GObP/pubs/bags members of the Party Of let Them Eat Cake have done nothing but obstruct and steal from the working class.

Thanks for proving me right again!


yeah yeah, they've been SO GOOD over half the people don't feel he DESERVES to be reelected.

gawd you obamabots are sad..and live in some twilight zone..
Once again - all you Obama haters can't admit that our president has actually accomplished quite a lot of good for the country while your crooked GObP/pubs/bags members of the Party Of let Them Eat Cake have done nothing but obstruct and steal from the working class.

Thanks for proving me right again!


Ahh boy. Another kool-drinking Obama sycophant.
Yes obstruction. You people are interested in what government can take from others and give to you.
Bunch of freeloaders.
Here's an idea. If you want something, EARN IT.
Oh, horseshit. Yeah, I know you're full of it, Davey...no need to preamble your posts. Opposition to Obama is driven by his policies and his intent, not him personally. A lie....as is demonstrated by the GOP and their parrots when Obama continues policies from the last administration but gets NO credit for it, and how even when Obama puts forth policies ORIGINATED AND INITATED BY THE GOP, clowns like YOU are vehemetly against it. And definitely not his race, despite what you who are unable to defend those policies insist.

Really? Because it was the GOP punditry that starting getting cute with "magic negro" and "messiah" crap....and when the racist posters started showing up at Tea Party rallies, you practically had to light a fire under GOP politicos to get them to denounce such. So you're only kidding yourself in this matter, Davey boy.
You've been fed a carefully-crafted vision of the TEA Party -- crafted by people with an agenda.

No, I've READ material by various Tea Party members and their politcal allies and I've VIEWED the videos and photos by various news sources and eye witnesses. In short, the Tea Party screwed themselves via their own words and actions. Whether YOU acknowledge that reality or not is irrelevent.

Because you're not bright, you swallowed it unthinkingly and unquestioningly.

You're projecting again, Davey.....like a typical neocon parrot you squawk that the whole world is lying EXCEPT Fox News or Clear Channel or NewsMax or Limbaugh or Maulkin or Kristol. Yeah, keep telling yourself that Davey....because NO ONE put those signs or words into the teabaggers mouths and hands to be recorded for all posterity.
Couple that with your irrational hatred of conservatives, and you wind up with...you.

Neocons are NOT your Daddy's conservatives, Davey boy.....and since you CANNOT logically or factually disprove what I stated previously, you're just blowing smoke as usual. Carry on.
Maher's a moron.

Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.

So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
He changed the Rules of Engagement insuring that more Americans get killed.

And with Bin Ladin and Qaddafi dead, with more Al Qaeda heads dead under his watch, with terrorist wanna-be's prosecuted and jailed under his watch, just how in the hell did you arrive at your absurd conclusion?
Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.

So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
You're making this personal because?
Stop projecting, Daveman. Although you or I may not agree with the man all the time, Maher occasionally makes a valid point, as he did here. That YOU can't handle valid observations if of little consequence regarding their accuracy.
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.

So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
No..I stated very clearly that Maher is a flaming liberal hack.
Not a shred of balance on his show.
What the fuck does FNC have to do with anything?
What has Obama done so far to deserve to be re-elected?

Well he um.....he ahh......well there's.........I got nothing.

I think the auto industry would agree that you've got nothing.

so Obama saved the ENTIRE auto industry, eh?
you idiots crack me up when you spew this stupid shit..

And of course, dear Stephanie can provide valid, documented proof that the auto industry was doing just swell at the end of the Shrub's reign, and was well on the way to recovery WITHOUT gov't intervention under Obama.

If she can't, then old Steph is just sputtering and fuming in frustration like the good little neocon toadie that she is! :badgrin:
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.

So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
You're making this personal because?

Because of your historically documented disdain and condescending attitude towards anyone who supports Obama on ANYTHING, much less liberals in general.

If you've suddenly had a change of heart, then my apologies. :eusa_angel:
Bill Maher hasn't made a valid point since he became a flaming liberal hack.

So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
No..I stated very clearly that Maher is a flaming liberal hack.
Not a shred of balance on his show.
What the fuck does FNC have to do with anything?

Your opinion is but a piss in the wind, as it does nothing to address the accuracy of Maher's criticism of Obama. Anyone who has watched Maher over the years KNOWS that he's taken the SAME viewpoints and attitudes of the neocon cabal (a'la' Fox News, WND, NewsMax, Kristol, Crowley, Levin, Hannity, Maulkin, etc., etc.) on MANY issues...thus making him an equal opportunity offender to liberals and conservatives alike.

My points and Maher's observation is valid...if YOU can provide examples that disprove either, please do.
So Maher is valid so long as he's a neocon parrot along with the rest of the Fox Noise crew?

Not only is there no spoon, but no brain as well.
No..I stated very clearly that Maher is a flaming liberal hack.
Not a shred of balance on his show.
What the fuck does FNC have to do with anything?

Your opinion is but a piss in the wind, as it does nothing to address the accuracy of Maher's criticism of Obama. Anyone who has watched Maher over the years KNOWS that he's taken the SAME viewpoints and attitudes of the neocon cabal (a'la' Fox News, WND, NewsMax, Kristol, Crowley, Levin, Hannity, Maulkin, etc., etc.) on MANY issues...thus making him an equal opportunity offender to liberals and conservatives alike.

My points and Maher's observation is valid...if YOU can provide examples that disprove either, please do.

Well, anyone that would ban religion if they could is a tyrant...

I don't believe Maher has much respect for civil liberties given his opinions. I respect his right to have opinions, however I believe Bill would have no problem enforcing his ideas via dictation.

I think some people - er most people - cannot distinguish the line between morals and ethics and I think Maher is one of them..
The very fact that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize shows that he deserves to be reelected
The very fact that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize shows that he deserves to be reelected

That is really quite profound if you think about it.

He did nothing to get the Nobel. He admits that himself.
He did nothing to get reelected. That's why he's not running on his record.
The very fact that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize shows that he deserves to be reelected

That is really quite profound if you think about it.

He did nothing to get the Nobel. He admits that himself.
He did nothing to get reelected. That's why he's not running on his record.

President Obama is a humble man who does not like to brag about himself. His......Aw, shucks, I don't deserve this shows his humility

Great man, great President

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