What have Democrats done for blacks?

Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
You missed the premise of the thread, Nutjobber. No surprise because you're really dense.
All of those things have resulted in life that is WORSE for blacks, not better. If Democrats had done NOTHING blacks would be better off. Poverty in the black community was about 80% in 1940. By 1960 is was about 40%. By 1980 it was about 37%. Blacks were better off without those programs.
Of course they have not made things worse

All these programs have provided opportunities and a safety net for minority families

Even conservative icon Ben Carson benefitted from these programs
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers.

Nope. They have been abandoned by the Democrats, who never did anything for them anyway.

The Democrats have a new girlfriend, one which they believe will ultimately give them overwhelming vote totals.

If Republucans care about the black vote, all they need to do is bring in jobs to those struggling communities. That is what Republicans say they do best. If they did, blacks would vote Republican forever

Why won't Republucans even try?
I think we all know
Most of those places have been run by Democrats for decades. In places run by Republicans blacks are much better off.

Doesn't answer the question

Where are Repbublicans in those communities? They don't even try
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
You missed the premise of the thread, Nutjobber. No surprise because you're really dense.
All of those things have resulted in life that is WORSE for blacks, not better. If Democrats had done NOTHING blacks would be better off. Poverty in the black community was about 80% in 1940. By 1960 is was about 40%. By 1980 it was about 37%. Blacks were better off without those programs.
Of course they have not made things worse

All these programs have provided opportunities and a safety net for minority families

Even conservative icon Ben Carson benefitted from these programs
Your version of reality is at odds with the facts.
Those programs have impoverished blacks and kept them subservient. Black achievement is lower today than it was 25 years ago.
When the Haldol kicks in post again.
Facts arent your friends, Nutwinger.
So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers.

Nope. They have been abandoned by the Democrats, who never did anything for them anyway.

The Democrats have a new girlfriend, one which they believe will ultimately give them overwhelming vote totals.

If Republucans care about the black vote, all they need to do is bring in jobs to those struggling communities. That is what Republicans say they do best. If they did, blacks would vote Republican forever

Why won't Republucans even try?
I think we all know
Most of those places have been run by Democrats for decades. In places run by Republicans blacks are much better off.

Doesn't answer the question

Where are Repbublicans in those communities? They don't even try
Shut out by black and Democrat politicians telling people Republicans suck. Of course when Republicans like Giuliani get in things tend to improve. But no one wants to talk about that.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind

All they have left are those safety net programs that Republucans seek to take away with no available jobs to fill the void
Nice narrative. But untrue. If it were true whites would show the same characteristics because more whites worked in industry than blacks. But they dont.
Facts suck for you, Nutsucker.

Are you celebrating white flight from urban communities? Those with the economic ability to leave...did
Those without...stayed
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind

All they have left are those safety net programs that Republucans seek to take away with no available jobs to fill the void
Nice narrative. But untrue. If it were true whites would show the same characteristics because more whites worked in industry than blacks. But they dont.
Facts suck for you, Nutsucker.

Are you celebrating white flight from urban communities? Those with the economic ability to leave...did
Those without...stayed
Aer you saying blacks are too poor and stupid to leave? You are surely a shining example of the black man's friend, Nutjobber.
Sucks to be you.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers.

Nope. They have been abandoned by the Democrats, who never did anything for them anyway.

The Democrats have a new girlfriend, one which they believe will ultimately give them overwhelming vote totals.

If Republucans care about the black vote, all they need to do is bring in jobs to those struggling communities. That is what Republicans say they do best. If they did, blacks would vote Republican forever

Why won't Republucans even try?
I think we all know
Most of those places have been run by Democrats for decades. In places run by Republicans blacks are much better off.

Doesn't answer the question

Where are Repbublicans in those communities? They don't even try
Shut out by black and Democrat politicians telling people Republicans suck. Of course when Republicans like Giuliani get in things tend to improve. But no one wants to talk about that.
Republicans can't speak for themselves?

All Republicans need to say is ....we don't suck, we brought you all these jobs and economic prosperity

But they haven't. All Republicans bring is more prisons
Three strikes
More Prisons
Harsh sentencing laws
The war on drugs
disenfranchised voting
1 in black men will go to prison
poor wages when leaving prison

Law and order legislation is a preoccupation of Republicans and those policies have hurt much more than helped people of color.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind

All they have left are those safety net programs that Republucans seek to take away with no available jobs to fill the void
Nice narrative. But untrue. If it were true whites would show the same characteristics because more whites worked in industry than blacks. But they dont.
Facts suck for you, Nutsucker.

Are you celebrating white flight from urban communities? Those with the economic ability to leave...did
Those without...stayed
Aer you saying blacks are too poor and stupid to leave? You are surely a shining example of the black man's friend, Nutjobber.
Sucks to be you.

Seems it is you spouting your usual hate Rabbi
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
You missed the premise of the thread, Nutjobber. No surprise because you're really dense.
All of those things have resulted in life that is WORSE for blacks, not better. If Democrats had done NOTHING blacks would be better off. Poverty in the black community was about 80% in 1940. By 1960 is was about 40%. By 1980 it was about 37%. Blacks were better off without those programs.
Of course they have not made things worse

All these programs have provided opportunities and a safety net for minority families

Even conservative icon Ben Carson benefitted from these programs
Your version of reality is at odds with the facts.
Those programs have impoverished blacks and kept them subservient. Black achievement is lower today than it was 25 years ago.
When the Haldol kicks in post again.
Facts arent your friends, Nutwinger.

Maybe if you weren't playing Southern Strategy "The Board Game" during those 25 years????
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind

All they have left are those safety net programs that Republucans seek to take away with no available jobs to fill the void
Nice narrative. But untrue. If it were true whites would show the same characteristics because more whites worked in industry than blacks. But they dont.
Facts suck for you, Nutsucker.

Are you celebrating white flight from urban communities? Those with the economic ability to leave...did
Those without...stayed
Aer you saying blacks are too poor and stupid to leave? You are surely a shining example of the black man's friend, Nutjobber.
Sucks to be you.
And you are obviously ignorant of red lining and the refusal of suburbs to allow blacks to live witin their borders...
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
LOL. Even with your list of "achievements" they still manage to end up on the pokey. :lol:
You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind

All they have left are those safety net programs that Republucans seek to take away with no available jobs to fill the void
Nice narrative. But untrue. If it were true whites would show the same characteristics because more whites worked in industry than blacks. But they dont.
Facts suck for you, Nutsucker.

The saddest thing is that it appears The Rabbi does the goose-stepping racist reaction assuming rightwinger made a racial defense of blacks being left behind. Nothing can be further from the truth.

All rightwinger did was point out a few truths : blacks "have been abandoned by the manufacturers. Blacks flocked to the cities for jobs. When corporations saw greener pastures, they abandoned those cities leaving blacks and minorities behind" -- nothing racial or race baiting in that.

I've seen the results since moving to Southern California. In Long /beach, Compton, Inglewood, and more neighborhoods blacks were left behind. Early history shows most of them working in factories and being part of America's middle class.

What some call ghettos in LA County look much different than what I'd call a ghetto back east. Homes...and yards...and remains of a thriving class of manufacturing worker.

I don't see rightwinger calling it a racist conspiracy, but let us be honest, the manufacturing exodus from areas like those mentioned affected black people more than it affected whites -- for a number of reasons that are tinged with racism.

Whites left behind exhibit the same characteristics, only with less reasons if Rabbi's ideas are considered. Whites had it far better when the exodus came about

Rabbi is a true asswipe
You missed the premise of the thread, Nutjobber. No surprise because you're really dense.

All of those things have resulted in life that is WORSE for blacks, not better. If Democrats had done NOTHING blacks would be better off.

Poverty in the black community was about 80% in 1940. By 1960 is was about 40%.

By 1980 it was about 37%. Blacks were better off without those programs.
Drawing correlations and assuming they speak to cause and effect will always make an ass out of folks like you.

posting facts out of context? what happened in all those years between 1940 and 1960? there were no Great Society programs? ? Without those programs to stem the growing trend downwards, what would the world have looked like? You have a magical crystal ball that can look at possible outcomes?
Maybe blacks vote Democrat because it's that other party and its followers who cannot for the life of them figure out who is the bad guy in this video...


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