What have Democrats done for blacks?

You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.
You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.

So was Goldwater. The GOP rewarded his vote against the Civil Rights Act with the presidential nomination in 1964.
You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.

So was Goldwater. The GOP rewarded his vote against the Civil Rights Act with the presidential nomination in 1964.


The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber's Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

More importantly, it was Republicans that ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted "Aye" versus 69 percent of Democrats.
You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.

So was Goldwater. The GOP rewarded his vote against the Civil Rights Act with the presidential nomination in 1964.


The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber's Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

More importantly, it was Republicans that ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted "Aye" versus 69 percent of Democrats.

You mean it was supported by all representatives except those from the south?
You can focus on either the last 8 years or the last 50 years. But the evidence is conclusive: Democratic policies have impoverished blacks and reduced them to second class citizens by every measure. Democrats fight intiatives like charter schools and school choice that would actually help blacks get a decent education. They push affirmative action programs that destroy black achievment. They push the line that all blacks' problems are caused by an inherently racist white society, allowing blacks an excuse for their poor performance.
What else?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.

So was Goldwater. The GOP rewarded his vote against the Civil Rights Act with the presidential nomination in 1964.


The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber's Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

More importantly, it was Republicans that ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted "Aye" versus 69 percent of Democrats.

You mean it was supported by all representatives except those from the south?

You tell me. The South was solidly Democrat at that time, and had been since the Civil War, when they attempted to preserve slavery.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, white trash? How about the Voting Rights Act?

Thank Everett Dirksen for that. He was a Republican.

So was Goldwater. The GOP rewarded his vote against the Civil Rights Act with the presidential nomination in 1964.


The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber's Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

More importantly, it was Republicans that ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted "Aye" versus 69 percent of Democrats.

You mean it was supported by all representatives except those from the south?

You tell me. The South was solidly Democrat at that time, and had been since the Civil War, when they attempted to preserve slavery.
I think you are starting to understand.

It was the south that was racist not the Democrats

Republicans in the south also opposed integration
Most at the time opposed integration. That's why the vote was such a big thing.

I'm originally from New York, and within that time period. I did not see a single black person in my life there outside of "Amos & Andy" episodes and Tarzan movies. So much for the North being diverse.

It wasn't until we moved to Virginia in 1958 that I saw real black people, and the Catholic schools I attended there were already integrated.
In their never-ending stupidity right wingers swing back and forth in their feeble attempts to gain blacks' trust and wrest their support away from democrats.....

One minute right wingers call blacks lazy and too dependent on democrats' handouts........and the next minute they state that democrats do nothing for blacks.

However, right wingers' tacit disdain for minorities ALWAYS manages to poke through......AND, blacks well know it.
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In their never-ending stupidity right wingers swing back and forth in their feeble attempts to gain blacks' trust and wrest their support away from democrats.....

One minute right wingers call blacks lazy and too dependent on democrats' handouts........and the next minute they state that democrats do nothing for blacks.

However, right winger's tacit disdain for minorities ALWAYS manages to poke through......AND, blacks well know it.

Republicans know where their bread is buttered

They realize they will never regain the black vote so pandering to the racist extremists that cling to the far right is a better bet
Not just blacks . All minorities , including Jewish people.

The GOP likes to think the dems "trick" minorities . Truth is , people see the republicans for what they are . A haven for the hate-folk.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.

We have a black President, we have black folks in Congress, we have black judges, we have black CEOs and have moved more black folks into the middle class than any "Republican" policy post civil war.
Not just blacks . All minorities , including Jewish people.

The GOP likes to think the dems "trick" minorities . Truth is , people see the republicans for what they are . A haven for the hate-folk.

...and by stating that Dems "trick" minorities, their disdain for any group who can be easily "tricked," underscore their tacit accusation and belief of lower intelligence.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
According to JoeB they still have absolutely no access to hospitals and grocery stores.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
LOL. Even with your list of "achievements" they still manage to end up on the pokey. :lol:
Wonder how many blacks have been incarcerated since Obama's been in office?
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons
LOL. Even with your list of "achievements" they still manage to end up on the pokey. :lol:
Wonder how many blacks have been incarcerated since Obama's been in office?

Excellent point

Obama has been fighting against excessive drug sentences that were imposed by conservatives in their failed war on drugs
Most at the time opposed integration. That's why the vote was such a big thing.

I'm originally from New York, and within that time period. I did not see a single black person in my life there outside of "Amos & Andy" episodes and Tarzan movies. So much for the North being diverse.

It wasn't until we moved to Virginia in 1958 that I saw real black people, and the Catholic schools I attended there were already integrated.

You probably lived outside of New York City.

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