What have Democrats done for blacks?

Obama is window dressing. An empty suit.

If "window dressing" and "empty suit" beat your right wing ass all over the field, what does THAT say about your ilk's relevance?
Where are the jobs, hospitals and grocery stores in the black communities?

Good point

Why aren't Republicans rebuilding minority communities with jobs and infrastructure?
Why didn't the democrat majority under the Obama administration when they had the chance?

They were to busy repairing all the damage caused by Conservative/Christian Hero George W. Bush.
What has republicans done for blacks? Oh'yesss, lock more of then in prison for smoking a leaf and tell them that they can't have more educational funding for the intercity. Cut, slash and burn sucks!
You do realize that Obama tried to cut funding for a charter school in Washington? He had to fund it after the minorities raised Cain about it. Republicans want school choice, vouchers, and charter schools. Liberals are against them.
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

So, in looking over these programs and the state of the urban black community after 60+ years of such Democrat assistance, what improvements have there been in the state of the urban black community?

Judging by current situations in the Democrat-run urban areas; the jobless rate among blacks, the crime rates and the piss-poor product their public schools turn out, things are as bad as ever, or worse.
What has happened to the urban black community is they have been abandoned by the manufacturers.

Nope. They have been abandoned by the Democrats, who never did anything for them anyway.

The Democrats have a new girlfriend, one which they believe will ultimately give them overwhelming vote totals.

If Republucans care about the black vote, all they need to do is bring in jobs to those struggling communities. That is what Republicans say they do best. If they did, blacks would vote Republican forever

Why won't Republucans even try?
I think we all know
and if the democrats were any better the city would be flooded with jobs.
think the problem might be the business owners? maybe its easier to get trucks in and out of less crowded streets? easier for people to be to work on time? a higher education level in the rural areas vs the inner city? not as much of a threat of the business being robbed or vandalized?
could be that the business has more options for larger parcels of land outside of the city, or maybe there are lower property taxes outside of the city.
Bottom line is that you can say the republicans have failed at bringing jobs in but the reality is that those jobs still do not come in under democrat leadership. As a matter of fact, those jobs left Baltimore under the failed leadership of Martin O'Malley because of his high taxes.
maybe its time for the blacks in those neighborhoods to look at their own actions and try to figure out why companies wont move into their areas.
So Democrats have done nothing positive for blacks. And yet they continue to claim they represent black's interests better than whites.
The House version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by only 61 percent of that Chamber's Democrats versus 80 percent of the Republicans.

More importantly, it was Republicans that ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a vote on this bill in the Senate. 82 percent of Republicans voted for cloture versus 66 percent of Democrats.

In the final Senate vote on the Act, 82 percent of Republicans voted "Aye" versus 69 percent of Democrats.

Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats voted "Aye"

Conservatives voted against -- conservatives -- mostly all White Southern Christian Conservative Democrats
What has republicans done for blacks? Oh'yesss, lock more of then in prison for smoking a leaf and tell them that they can't have more educational funding for the intercity. Cut, slash and burn sucks!
You do realize that Obama tried to cut funding for a charter school in Washington? He had to fund it after the minorities raised Cain about it. Republicans want school choice, vouchers, and charter schools. Liberals are against them.

Band aids for the entire educational system

Vouchers and school choice are another way of saying..... I don't want my child in the same school as those negroes
Most at the time opposed integration. That's why the vote was such a big thing.

I'm originally from New York, and within that time period. I did not see a single black person in my life there outside of "Amos & Andy" episodes and Tarzan movies. So much for the North being diverse.

It wasn't until we moved to Virginia in 1958 that I saw real black people, and the Catholic schools I attended there were already integrated.

If you did not see black people in 1958 NYC you lived in a white racist neighborhood
We have a black President, we have black folks in Congress, we have black judges, we have black CEOs and have moved more black folks into the middle class than any "Republican" policy post civil war.

Republicans appointed some of those black judges. Republicans vote for black candidates. We have seen black CEOs who are Republicans

Nixon had liberal Housing policies that aided black families
So Democrats have done nothing positive for blacks. And yet they continue to claim they represent black's interests better than whites.


Once again, Rabbi comes in with the self declared victories
Nothing self declared here. It is simply fact. Blacks are worse off now than they were 8 years ago. Thanks, Dems!

But wait! we had a Republican House since 2010 and a Republican Senate since 2014. So why are they still worse off?

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