What if capitalist defeated commies? What would be outcomes for entire world? AND what if commies defeated capitalism? What would be outcome ?

Unregulated Capitalism is just as bad a Communism...

Just look at the price of insulin, a drug developed over a 100 years ago.

US has no real relationship with Communism... Actually accusations of it should tell us the accuser is an idiot and ignored from then on.

US has many Social Democratic programs which are good and generally popular (Roads, Bridges, Medicare, Police force....). Pure Capitalism means these would end much like pure Communism would mean personal ownership would end..
dude thats regulated capitalism that caused the insulin problem,,
Can you provide an example? 100 years ago insuluing was extracted from horse pancreases, and it was very very expensive. It was also prone to carrying diseases. The insuline we use now was created using genetic engineering. It doesn't have diseases. furthmore, what socialist country developed insulin? Answer: none. Bio-engineered insulin is a product of capitalism, not socialism.

You do have a point in that the profit motive is efficient.
Socialism and communist are not as innovative or flexible.
But capitalism also is vastly more dangerous, with temptations like price fixing, monopolies, etc., that require careful regulation.

But if you look at most advances, they were funded by socialism because the profits are too distant and unsure.
Like the Salk Vaccine for Polio.
Never would have happened without government funding that was not profit motivated.
The private corporations took over the politicians with bribes, in order to illegally pen corrupt legislation designed to create illegal monopolies.
That is the profit motivation of capitalism.
Whether or not something is done by government has NOTHING at to do with whether it is capitalist or communist.
For example, Atilla the Hun obviously was profit motivated, so was capitalist.
He was also the government.
But so what?
Thats some of the stupidest shit i have heard today.
There is literally an economic theory for that. Aaaaaaaaaaand it isnt Capitalism ;)
For a good example of how bad capitalism is, all we have to do is look at covid.
It was obviously created by capitalist funding, and prevented from ending for over a year, so that capitalists could make billions from fake vaccines.
There would be no motivation for socialists or communists to do any of that.
Socialists or communists are just paid to do what they do, and are not working for a % of the profits.
Thats some of the stupidest shit i have heard today.
There is literally an economic theory for that. Aaaaaaaaaaand it isnt Capitalism ;)

All dictators, monarchs, tyrants, etc., are all profit motivated and therefore capitalists.
Its very simple.
The highest return on investment is always to buy the most means of force possible, so that you can then dictate.
There is no higher form of capitalism than that.
Why bother making a product and trying to sell it if you can make more by directly stealing it.
And by the way, all criminals, thieves, etc., are all capitalists too.
All dictators, monarchs, tyrants, etc., are all profit motivated and therefore capitalists.
Its very simple.
The highest return on investment is always to buy the most means of force possible, so that you can then dictate.
There is no higher form of capitalism than that.
Why bother making a product and trying to sell it if you can make more by directly stealing it.
And by the way, all criminals, thieves, etc., are all capitalists too.
Jesus Christ Almighty 🥴
That is EXACTLY what capitalism is, the profit motive, by any means possible.
Hmm... that's not in the definition of capitalism. You're entitled to you own very special definitions, I suppose, but no one else is obligated to follow you.
When you have the people form their own company, like we often do for utilities, the post office, schools, etc., that is communism.
Again, you seem to have an entire vocabulary of your own. Maybe you should publish a dictionary?
If you think capitalism is freedom and communism is a central dictatorship, you don't know anything about them.
Same back at ya. If you don't agree with me, it's because you're ignorant.
You do have a point in that the profit motive is efficient.
Socialism and communist are not as innovative or flexible.
But capitalism also is vastly more dangerous, with temptations like price fixing, monopolies, etc., that require careful regulation.

But if you look at most advances, they were funded by socialism because the profits are too distant and unsure.
Like the Salk Vaccine for Polio.
Never would have happened without government funding that was not profit motivated.
Or really? Did socialism fund any of these: telephone, telegraph, penicillin, automobile, electric light, radio, television, transistor, plastic, diesel engine, 4 stroke engine, 2 stroke engine, electric motor, generator, AC current, DC current, reaper, combine, power loom, airplane, rifle, revolver, elevator, sewing machine, air conditioning, photography, helicopter, motion pictures, sound on motion pictures, zipper, television, aqualung?
For a good example of how bad capitalism is, all we have to do is look at covid.
It was obviously created by capitalist funding, and prevented from ending for over a year, so that capitalists could make billions from fake vaccines.
How is the U.S. government giving money to a Chinese lab "capitalist funding?"
Rigby's Very Special Dictionary:


noun: capitalism

Everything bad, mkay?
Hmm... that's not in the definition of capitalism. You're entitled to you own very special definitions, I suppose, but no one else is obligated to follow you.

Again, you seem to have an entire vocabulary of your own. Maybe you should publish a dictionary?

Same back at ya. If you don't agree with me, it's because you're ignorant.
Here is the dictionary defintion of capitalism.
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state:
When a dictator then uses force, in order to demand personal unearned profits, that is capitalism.
In fact, when a bankrobber holds up a bank, that is capitalism.
Or really? Did socialism fund any of these: telephone, telegraph, penicillin, automobile, electric light, radio, television, transistor, plastic, diesel engine, 4 stroke engine, 2 stroke engine, electric motor, generator, AC current, DC current, reaper, combine, power loom, airplane, rifle, revolver, elevator, sewing machine, air conditioning, photography, helicopter, motion pictures, sound on motion pictures, zipper, television, aqualung?

Without having took them all up, the general answer is yes, it was likely socialism that funded almost all technological advances.
That is because no individual scientist who can come up with an idea, can afford the factory to produce it wholesale.
So almost always the government does that.
Like with the Wright Brothers inventing the airplane, but the Navy putting their research into production.
How is the U.S. government giving money to a Chinese lab "capitalist funding?"

Because it was Pfizer and Moderna who wanted the Chinese to produce something violent, and it was they who ordered the project.
The fact they did it in China, through WHO mechanisms, was just plausible deniability.
Rigby's Very Special Dictionary:


noun: capitalism

Everything bad, mkay?

Capitalism is the profit motivation, aka GREED, so then yes, is at the root of almost all evil.

The only good thing you can say about capitalism is that since people are all a little greedy, it is a strong motivator and does produce a lot of innovation and rapid development.
Here is the dictionary defintion of capitalism.
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state:
When a dictator then uses force, in order to demand personal unearned profits, that is capitalism.
In fact, when a bankrobber holds up a bank, that is capitalism.
Don't be absurd. Under capitalism transactions are voluntary. otherwise it isn't capatialism, What you describe is socialism. Soiclaism is the system founded on the use of force.

BTW, a dictator is the government, not a private owner.
Because it was Pfizer and Moderna who wanted the Chinese to produce something violent, and it was they who ordered the project.
The fact they did it in China, through WHO mechanisms, was just plausible deniability.

"They wanted" doesn't mean jack shit in business. They didn't order anything. By plausible deniability" you mean actual deniability. You obviously have no proof that they did what you claim.
Capitalism is the profit motivation, aka GREED, so then yes, is at the root of almost all evil.

Don't be absurd. Under capitalism transactions are voluntary. otherwise it isn't capatialism, What you describe is socialism. Soiclaism is the system founded on the use of force.

BTW, a dictator is the government, not a private owner.

Not at all.
Since capitalism is only the PROFIT motivation, transactions do NOT at all have to be voluntary.
When a robber holds up a bank, that obviously is pure capitalism.

Socialism is the oppositive of force, because socialism is where an individual does not do something on their own, for profit, and instead get input and shared resources into the project, with the expectation of shared results.

Anyone who things socialism is at all involuntary, does not at all have even the vaguest clue.
Don't be absurd. Under capitalism transactions are voluntary. otherwise it isn't capatialism, What you describe is socialism. Soiclaism is the system founded on the use of force.

BTW, a dictator is the government, not a private owner.

A dictator controls the means of force, like police, so then is a private owner.
Dictators can never be socialist, at all, in any way.
What is a dictator motivated by?
If it is personal profit, then that is capitalism.
Without having took them all up, the general answer is yes, it was likely socialism that funded almost all technological advances.
No it wasn't, moron.

That is because no individual scientist who can come up with an idea, can afford the factory to produce it wholesale.So almost always the government does that.
He gets investors. That's how Elon Musk did it. You are totally ignorant about the economic history of this country. The bottom line is that government didn't get involved in stuff like that until WW II

Like with the Wright Brothers inventing the airplane, but the Navy putting their research into production.

So you admit that the Wright brothers got no funding before they had produced a product. After that they had willing buyers.

What did government do to develope the telephone or the light bulb?

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