What if capitalist defeated commies? What would be outcomes for entire world? AND what if commies defeated capitalism? What would be outcome ?

Alright, you finger your pussy and be attention seeking whore. But unfortunately your not only one in this world who should be given all attention and wasted time upon.

I was here for some knowledge. But you spoiled it all with your whorehood. If want so much cocks than play with blacks and make your as usual rascit games and they wil give you what you seek with me.
i’ve answered all your questions

you didn’t come here for knowledge…you came her too troll
Your Gurus Are Classmates of Their Gurus

Really? Common Netrix grammar makes me feel the same way about the posts of anyone who follows the ignorant and dysfunctional NewSpeak flooded into everybody's mind by the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords, especially the copycat minds of Conservatives who don't realize that their own language has been controlled by these same wizards.
O man of knowledge, what you do seek to gain here?
So you meant to say that entire world is your forefathers property ? Huh?

Anyways you're right. By hook or crook you made sign others into trap of imf and world Bank. So you're right.

I don't bitch about it, but here is lovely face of it. And I will see how you survive the poor commies this time.

I would enjoy the show.
The World Bank Turned the Ruble Into Rubble

Yeltsin's following the advice of simple-minded Globalist American banksters is how Russia's economy got wrecked before Putin straightened it out. And that's not the only Western degeneracy he wants to eradicate.
i’ve answered all your questions

you didn’t come here for knowledge…you came her too troll
You don't have any knowledge yourself but fun is you answered with cross questions?

Thank you for trolling me alot. Now I can't take you serious anymore.
It's an fact. That these poor commies enjoys it. But i just am asking the consequences if any of them came into full power.

What can Or would happen to this world?
An obviously foreign poster wants to envision a scenario in the U.S. about a fantasy involving a communist takeover. How did it work out in your country veta?
An obviously foreign poster wants to envision a scenario in the U.S. about a fantasy involving a communist takeover. How did it work out in your country veta?
It's fine if you don't want to answer anything.

Neither I do expect from any of you as well.

And what an stupid I am, who is asking from those who don't have common sense. But just thinks that they're the winners.
What would new which will happen or come if any of these come to full power?

I meant how it would help the world? And make it utopia?
Capitalism already won except on GOP propaganda machine, now we just have to make it fair capitalism and always democratic. Socialism as known everywhere but English speaking countries.
It's fine if you don't want to answer anything.

Neither I do expect from any of you as well.

And what an stupid I am, who is asking from those who don't have common sense. But just thinks that they're the winners.
You can't "answer" a fantasy scenario. You can only get mired in bull shit. How did it work out in your country?
What would new which will happen or come if any of these come to full power?

I meant how it would help the world? And make it utopia?
Communism is already dead. Even China has elements of free market. The only commie country left is north Korea. With out support from Russia and China they would collapse. The place is a shit hole.
You can't "answer" a fantasy scenario. You can only get mired in bull shit. How did it work out in your country?
My country is not on the top of the world. Or else we all would be talking about it instead of America.

Anyways, it's all waste of time only.
Some time ago I read an article that was not official suggesting that the people pushing a world government system was leaning towards the China way. They have tried pure Communism and Socialism with so so results. They need people to produce with all elements of it working efficiently in all ways. China has awakened in a huge way the last thirty years or so. I would believe there would be rights for employees, but it will not be like some of the unions we have here or in Europe. We in America would be taking a downsizing a bit in this scenario. Probably not the way they will go. But it seems to work. And there are many people not living well in the world who would do that for a better life.
A Peasant Is Easy to Piss On

First the Globalist Heiristocracy has to destroy the will, energy, pride, and genius of White people. When they finish that, we're finished.
Thats not because of capitalism, dumbass. Thats because the corporatists in the duopoly dont want to import cheaper medicine, all to keep big pharma donors happy.
Please stop spreading propaganda, comrade.

That is EXACTLY what capitalism is, the profit motive, by any means possible.
We had thousands of years of dictator monarchs because that is the most profitable, for them and the mercenaries they can afford to hire.

When you have laws to prevent price fixing and monopolies, that is socialism.
When you have the people form their own company, like we often do for utilities, the post office, schools, etc., that is communism.

If you think capitalism is freedom and communism is a central dictatorship, you don't know anything about them.
Capitalism would always revert to slavery if allowed, and communism really does not exist unless it is local and popular.
The World Bank Turned the Ruble Into Rubble

Yeltsin's following the advice of simple-minded Globalist American banksters is how Russia's economy got wrecked before Putin straightened it out. And that's not the only Western degeneracy he wants to eradicate.

Obviously Putin is a capitalist.
He is working on the profit motivation.
That is EXACTLY what capitalism is, the profit motive, by any means possible.
We had thousands of years of dictator monarchs because that is the most profitable, for them and the mercenaries they can afford to hire.

When you have laws to prevent price fixing and monopolies, that is socialism.
When you have the people form their own company, like we often do for utilities, the post office, schools, etc., that is communism.

If you think capitalism is freedom and communism is a central dictatorship, you don't know anything about them.
Capitalism would always revert to slavery if allowed, and communism really does not exist unless it is local and popular.
They govt wont let us import drugs. Which means, they RESTRICT the market. That isnt capitalism. Goddamn.
Such a simple concept and many cant even grasp it. Blows my mind.
A Peasant Is Easy to Piss On

First the Globalist Heiristocracy has to destroy the will, energy, pride, and genius of White people. When they finish that, we're finished.

White people are actually just a type of inbred Black.
We are all Black about 100,000 years ago, when we came out of Africa, the cradle of human life.

But human culture, technology, science, math, etc., did not come from whites.
It all came from dark races like Arabs, Egyptians, Nubians, Berbers, etc.
The Germanic races were way behind and did not catch up until after the Romans were defeated.
They govt wont let us import drugs. Which means, they RESTRICT the market. That isnt capitalism. Goddamn.
Such a simple concept and many cant even grasp it. Blows my mind.

The private corporations took over the politicians with bribes, in order to illegally pen corrupt legislation designed to create illegal monopolies.
That is the profit motivation of capitalism.
Whether or not something is done by government has NOTHING at to do with whether it is capitalist or communist.
For example, Atilla the Hun obviously was profit motivated, so was capitalist.
He was also the government.
But so what?
Unregulated Capitalism is just as bad a Communism...

Just look at the price of insulin, a drug developed over a 100 years ago.

US has no real relationship with Communism... Actually accusations of it should tell us the accuser is an idiot and ignored from then on.

US has many Social Democratic programs which are good and generally popular (Roads, Bridges, Medicare, Police force....). Pure Capitalism means these would end much like pure Communism would mean personal ownership would end..

Can you provide an example? 100 years ago insuluing was extracted from horse pancreases, and it was very very expensive. It was also prone to carrying diseases. The insuline we use now was created using genetic engineering. It doesn't have diseases. furthmore, what socialist country developed insulin? Answer: none. Bio-engineered insulin is a product of capitalism, not socialism.

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