What if Nazis won WW2?

Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

God says the Jews are his chosen people, now what, dork?

A matter of semantics, and manipulations.

The religion before Christ should be considered (Judeo-Christian) neither Jewish, or Christian.

Modern Jews hijacked the history, and the name.

But, they are against Christ, their writings prove it, their attitudes prove it.

They are the #1 enemy, they're the Globalists.

I am #1!?!! Yes!!!
You're sort of ambiguous. The US is under threat from leftists and globalists.

So is Europe. So you do have a point.

Leave the Jews out of that one.

So, explain who's hateful enough of Western White Christians, and powerful enough to have hijacked Western culture?

Rothschild's spoke of a NWO, so has Soros, both are Chosen.

The media, Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Youtube, are all Chosen.

1/2 of Democrat money comes from Chosen sources.

There is a quote that goes you know who rules you by who you can't insult.
Well, you can insult Whites, but not Chosen people.

With these new Democrat debates, it's become a lot more painfully obvious, that they're not evolving naturally, or rationally but desperately as puppets of the Globalists.

Absolutely, they the Globalists, can only be Chosen, and their collaborators.

There's no way that for example Brits, or Germans are the Globalists seeking to destroy Western culture.
Why would they seek such a thing?

Although over time, they have become more Globalist too, because of the hijacking of their nations by the puppets of the Chosen.

The fact, that countries like Poland, Hungary, and even Russia are behaving more anti-Globalist, is
because they're less Chosen, and also more used to being against the Chosen people.
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.
Jesus was crucified by the Romans and voluntarily died on the cross and then by his own power rose on the 3rd day. The Church was born on the day of Pentecost as a Jewish Sect, after Christ had ascended. Even while Paul was converting Gentiles to Christianity, he continued as an observant Jew, worshipped in the Jewish temple and continued to engage in the animal sacrificial system of devout Judaism.

Paul took the men, and the next day, purifying himself along with them, went into the temple giving notice of the completion of the days of purification, until the sacrifice was offered for each one of them” (Acts 21:23-26).​
So, explain who's hateful enough of Western White Christians, and powerful enough to have hijacked Western culture?

Rothschild's spoke of a NWO, so has Soros, both are Chosen.

The media, Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Youtube, are all Chosen.

1/2 of Democrat money comes from Chosen sources.

There is a quote that goes you know who rules you by who you can't insult.
Well, you can insult Whites, but not Chosen people.

With these new Democrat debates, it's become a lot more painfully obvious, that they're not evolving naturally, or rationally but desperately as puppets of the Globalists.

Absolutely, they the Globalists, can only be Chosen, and their collaborators.

There's no way that for example Brits, or Germans are the Globalists seeking to destroy Western culture.
Why would they seek such a thing?

Although over time, they have become more Globalist too, because of the hijacking of their nations by the puppets of the Chosen.

The fact, that countries like Poland, Hungary, and even Russia are behaving more anti-Globalist, is
because they're less Chosen, and also more used to being against the Chosen people.
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.
Jesus was crucified by the Romans and voluntarily died on the cross and then by his own power rose on the 3rd day. The Church was born on the day of Pentecost as a Jewish Sect, after Christ had ascended. Even while Paul was converting Gentiles to Christianity, he continued as an observant Jew, worshipped in the Jewish temple and continued to engage in the animal sacrificial system of devout Judaism.

Paul took the men, and the next day, purifying himself along with them, went into the temple giving notice of the completion of the days of purification, until the sacrifice was offered for each one of them” (Acts 21:23-26).​

That's not what the New Testament says.
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

God says the Jews are his chosen people, now what, dork?

A matter of semantics, and manipulations.

The religion before Christ should be considered (Judeo-Christian) neither Jewish, or Christian.

Modern Jews hijacked the history, and the name.

But, they are against Christ, their writings prove it, their attitudes prove it.

They are the #1 enemy, they're the Globalists.
I don't vote for "globalists" I vote for folks that intend to represent their own constituents.
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.
Jesus was crucified by the Romans and voluntarily died on the cross and then by his own power rose on the 3rd day. The Church was born on the day of Pentecost as a Jewish Sect, after Christ had ascended. Even while Paul was converting Gentiles to Christianity, he continued as an observant Jew, worshipped in the Jewish temple and continued to engage in the animal sacrificial system of devout Judaism.

Paul took the men, and the next day, purifying himself along with them, went into the temple giving notice of the completion of the days of purification, until the sacrifice was offered for each one of them” (Acts 21:23-26).​

That's not what the New Testament says.
Do you think the book of Acts is in the Old Testament?
If the Nazis won WWII, Poland would be slaves as inferior people

Poles were basically slaves once Soviets took over, and probably won't even exist, along with the rest of Western culture if the Globalists have their way.
Poland did better under the USSR than they would under the Nazis
Poland's very smart. Now they want to build Fort Trump!

Trump said he wants to reward Poland for its contribution to NATO, and send a signal to Germany for not keeping up its commitments.

The Polish government will pay for any infrastructure needed to support the additional troops. Polish leaders have been hoping for a permanent US base which they've proposed naming "Fort Trump."

As Russian aggression continues to rattle the region, the US will also be sending a squadron of Reaper drones to aid in Poland's self-defense.​

Poland Wants to Create 'Fort Trump' as President Promises 1,000 Troops for US Ally

That's about the only dumb thing Poland's done.... Considering the Globalists are America, not Russia.

But, at least Poland gets 99% of things correct.

I can't blame Poles for being suspicious of Russians.

But, at the end of the day, it's the Globalist West which is the #1 enemy.
Who are the #1 friends?
So, explain who's hateful enough of Western White Christians, and powerful enough to have hijacked Western culture?

Rothschild's spoke of a NWO, so has Soros, both are Chosen.

The media, Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Youtube, are all Chosen.

1/2 of Democrat money comes from Chosen sources.

There is a quote that goes you know who rules you by who you can't insult.
Well, you can insult Whites, but not Chosen people.

With these new Democrat debates, it's become a lot more painfully obvious, that they're not evolving naturally, or rationally but desperately as puppets of the Globalists.

Absolutely, they the Globalists, can only be Chosen, and their collaborators.

There's no way that for example Brits, or Germans are the Globalists seeking to destroy Western culture.
Why would they seek such a thing?

Although over time, they have become more Globalist too, because of the hijacking of their nations by the puppets of the Chosen.

The fact, that countries like Poland, Hungary, and even Russia are behaving more anti-Globalist, is
because they're less Chosen, and also more used to being against the Chosen people.
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, that was a Roman soldier, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400 years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archaeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I may not know it all, but I do know some things about this world, and it ticks like a clock, baby.

When God tried Abraham with the killing of Isaac, that was a test to see if any of us were worth it. Abraham the Jew, passed that test and we're all saved if we want to be because of it. God knew he was going to sacrifice his son for us years later. God ain't stupid.

Bolsheviks are Jewish Communists. Not all Jews are Bolsheviks.
Last edited:
Antisemitism and racism rots your brain.

We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I'm not saying whether I believe it or not.

But He seems to me to be a nebulous character floating in and out of the gospels. And there are so many contradictions.

I recommend a movie called "The Body", which raises so many ideas and arguments.
We were doing fine, before the Chosen taught people like you to think anti-Semitism, and Racism were wrong.
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I'm not saying whether I believe it or not.

But He seems to me to be a nebulous character floating in and out of the gospels. And there are so many contradictions.

I recommend a movie called "The Body", which raises so many ideas and arguments.

Fuck a movie called "The Body", what about all recorded history and The Bible?

All recorded history from all civilizations and The Bible against this movie called "The Body", k?

I recommend all recorded history from every civilization imaginable and The Bible against that movie. I bet it's made by a Bolshevik.

Even American Indians and South Americans have testimony of Jesus Christ, they even knew things out of The Bible and couldn't even read. It was just handed down orally through the generations. Get real. I'm from the planet that God created, baby. Where you from?

You messed up with this one, because I will be hammering you about it.

What year was this stupid movie you adore produced?
Last edited:
Actually it was Christ, a Jew, who taught me that devaluing others is the first step in the sin of murder.

In Matthew 5:21, Jesus recalled the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In characteristic fashion, Jesus took the old law one step further by explaining the true significance of the law—a deeper, spiritual meaning they had never seen.

First, Jesus warns that the very act of murder finds its roots in an angry, murderous spirit: “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:22a). God, who examines the very thoughts and intents of the heart, will issue judgment on unrighteous anger. Next, Jesus warns against name-calling, using “raca” as an example (verse 22b). Then He issues a third warning against those who call someone a “fool” (verse 22c).

The first-century Jews recognized that “anyone who murders will be subject to judgment” (Matthew 5:21), but Jesus warns that even calling another person insulting names such as “raca” is sinful. Murder begins in the heart, and epithets such as “raca” are signs that there is hatred lurking within. The hatred that causes one person to hurl insults is the same hatred that causes another to commit murder. The attitude of the heart is the same, and it’s this attitude that makes a person morally guilty before God.

Jesus not only warns us against expressing unrighteous anger, which can lead to murder, but clearly commands that disparaging denunciations and name-calling be avoided. Such abusive words reveal the true intents of one’s heart and mind for which we will be held in judgment: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10; cf. 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9).

These are things that all of us struggle with and need keep under control.

They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I'm not saying whether I believe it or not.

But He seems to me to be a nebulous character floating in and out of the gospels. And there are so many contradictions.

I recommend a movie called "The Body", which raises so many ideas and arguments.

Fuck a movie called "The Body", what about all recorded history and The Bible?

All recorded history from all civilizations and The Bible against this movie called "The Body", k?

I recommend all recorded history from every civilization imaginable and The Bible against that movie. I bet it made by a Bolshevik.

Watch it, and then make up your mind.
They the Chosen killed Christ, the Chosen also believe Jesus is boiling in Excrement.

Christ founded Christianity.

Judas Iscariot founded the Synagogue of Satan.

Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I'm not saying whether I believe it or not.

But He seems to me to be a nebulous character floating in and out of the gospels. And there are so many contradictions.

I recommend a movie called "The Body", which raises so many ideas and arguments.

Fuck a movie called "The Body", what about all recorded history and The Bible?

All recorded history from all civilizations and The Bible against this movie called "The Body", k?

I recommend all recorded history from every civilization imaginable and The Bible against that movie. I bet it made by a Bolshevik.

Watch it, and then make up your mind.

Oh, GF! My mind ain't about to change, but link? :link:

Ain't no Hollywood changing my cracker ass mind, I know what's what, as did my ancestors 400 years ago. It don'
t change just like that. I will pick apart that Hollywood movie though, bet.

Who was here first, Hollywood or my people? It was my people, and Hollywood don't make none of our world go 'round ary a bit. Bet.

What year is the movie from? Again. Or provide a link so I can further ridicule this lunacy that a Hollywood movie is better than all written history and The Bible.

Did you believe "National Treasure" was true? :dunno:

That movie made me want to stick my finger down my throat at times, and I'm not even bulemic!

I suffered through it, but my BS meter redlined so many times, last time anything redlined like that I was riding amotobike across a many miles long bridge at as fast as it would go. :auiqs.jpg:
Last edited:
Can't you give it a rest? :102:

The Romans killed Christ.

Do you think he actually existed?

I do, do you have some kind of proof to the contrary? I have plenty to that he did. Nevertheless, it wasn't a Hebrew soldier piercing his side with a spear and killing him, but it was a select group of Jews that placed the Ark of the Covenant underneath where that happened 400years prior, so that when God cracked the ground open after the Roman soldier killed him, his blood would fall on the Ark on The Covenant, thereby completing God's covenant with man.

You don't have to believe it, but I do.

This old historian found the ark right under Golgotha.

Archeologists find things that prove the Bible true all the time. It gets downplayed due to the Bolshevik media.

I'm not saying whether I believe it or not.

But He seems to me to be a nebulous character floating in and out of the gospels. And there are so many contradictions.

I recommend a movie called "The Body", which raises so many ideas and arguments.

Fuck a movie called "The Body", what about all recorded history and The Bible?

All recorded history from all civilizations and The Bible against this movie called "The Body", k?

I recommend all recorded history from every civilization imaginable and The Bible against that movie. I bet it made by a Bolshevik.

Watch it, and then make up your mind.

Oh, GF! My mind ain't about to change, but link? :link:

Ain't no Hollywood changing my cracker ass mind, I know what's what, as did my ancestors 400 years ago. It don'
t change just like that. I will pick apart that Hollywood movie though, bet.

Who was here first, Hollywood or my people? It was my people, and Hollywood don't make none of our world go 'round ary a bit. Bet.

What year is the movie from? Again. Or provide a link so I can further ridicule this lunacy that a Hollywood movie is better than all written history and The Bible.

Did you believe "National Treasure" was true? :dunno:

That movie made me want to stick my finger down my throat at times, and I'm not even bulemic!

I'm not trying to change your cracker arse about anthing. So calm down.

I like challenging arguments, even my own, when I'd probably return to the original premise. This film raises the question of the Resurrection. Filmed in Israel.

But please yourself.

The Body (2001) - IMDb
Would the World be a lot different, a lot better, a lot worse, or not much different?

What would be the outcome?

In my opinion.
I'm going to say if Nazis won things would be different, indeed.

While, there probably would be more inhumane actions, less freedom, and some groups would tragically disappear.

There also would probably be a lot less multiculturalism, as well as a stronger, and a wealthier White people.

A better environment, and technology further than we have.

I hate to say it.... But, Nazis losing wasn't necessarily a blessing.
To me there's not much of a benefit, or loss from Nazis losing.

While, different, the problems, and blessings would be pretty similar in caliber.

But..... With Nazis I think they would've solve the Globalist issue, the collapse of Western culture by the Globalists, less pollution, deforestation, environmental destruction.

So.... I hate to say it... But Nazis were probably very slightly better than we have in the long run.

What if...

Amazon.com: Watch The Man In the High Castle - Season 1 | Prime Video
Would the World be a lot different, a lot better, a lot worse, or not much different?

What would be the outcome?

In my opinion.
I'm going to say if Nazis won things would be different, indeed.

While, there probably would be more inhumane actions, less freedom, and some groups would tragically disappear.

There also would probably be a lot less multiculturalism, as well as a stronger, and a wealthier White people.

A better environment, and technology further than we have.

I hate to say it.... But, Nazis losing wasn't necessarily a blessing.
To me there's not much of a benefit, or loss from Nazis losing.

While, different, the problems, and blessings would be pretty similar in caliber.

But..... With Nazis I think they would've solve the Globalist issue, the collapse of Western culture by the Globalists, less pollution, deforestation, environmental destruction.

So.... I hate to say it... But Nazis were probably very slightly better than we have in the long run.
I don't think they should have held on to Europe for long. A revolution was bound to happen soon, and they would have been spread thin.
Would the World be a lot different, a lot better, a lot worse, or not much different?

What would be the outcome?

In my opinion.
I'm going to say if Nazis won things would be different, indeed.

While, there probably would be more inhumane actions, less freedom, and some groups would tragically disappear.

There also would probably be a lot less multiculturalism, as well as a stronger, and a wealthier White people.

A better environment, and technology further than we have.

I hate to say it.... But, Nazis losing wasn't necessarily a blessing.
To me there's not much of a benefit, or loss from Nazis losing.

While, different, the problems, and blessings would be pretty similar in caliber.

But..... With Nazis I think they would've solve the Globalist issue, the collapse of Western culture by the Globalists, less pollution, deforestation, environmental destruction.

So.... I hate to say it... But Nazis were probably very slightly better than we have in the long run.

Had the Nazis won you would have never been born and Poland would have been destroyed...
Would the World be a lot different, a lot better, a lot worse, or not much different?

What would be the outcome?

In my opinion.
I'm going to say if Nazis won things would be different, indeed.

While, there probably would be more inhumane actions, less freedom, and some groups would tragically disappear.

There also would probably be a lot less multiculturalism, as well as a stronger, and a wealthier White people.

A better environment, and technology further than we have.

I hate to say it.... But, Nazis losing wasn't necessarily a blessing.
To me there's not much of a benefit, or loss from Nazis losing.

While, different, the problems, and blessings would be pretty similar in caliber.

But..... With Nazis I think they would've solve the Globalist issue, the collapse of Western culture by the Globalists, less pollution, deforestation, environmental destruction.

So.... I hate to say it... But Nazis were probably very slightly better than we have in the long run.

Had the Nazis won you would have never been born and Poland would have been destroyed...

Would have been part of the glorious Reich.

There are movements still today, who want those territories back.
Would the World be a lot different, a lot better, a lot worse, or not much different?

What would be the outcome?

In my opinion.
I'm going to say if Nazis won things would be different, indeed.

While, there probably would be more inhumane actions, less freedom, and some groups would tragically disappear.

There also would probably be a lot less multiculturalism, as well as a stronger, and a wealthier White people.

A better environment, and technology further than we have.

I hate to say it.... But, Nazis losing wasn't necessarily a blessing.
To me there's not much of a benefit, or loss from Nazis losing.

While, different, the problems, and blessings would be pretty similar in caliber.

But..... With Nazis I think they would've solve the Globalist issue, the collapse of Western culture by the Globalists, less pollution, deforestation, environmental destruction.

So.... I hate to say it... But Nazis were probably very slightly better than we have in the long run.
If you don't mind a corrupt bigoted dictatorship secret police and death camps etc LOL
I wonder how long this thread will last. It doesn't seem to break any rules, yet I suspect the topic will be scorned.

By the way, put me on the USA side of WWII. Also, what about the Japanese?
The Japanese said: Fuck this. Lets build some motorcycles !

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