What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

Obama and his reelection.

Ohh and the fact the main Stream press gives the Democrats a pass on a total lack of leadership and failure to pass a budget in 5 years.

1) The Presidential Elections of 2008 and 2012.
2) Obama spending us nearly $6 trillion into debt.
3) Obamacare
4) The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare
5) The Welfare state
6) The IRS, NSA, and DOJ scandals
7) Our President lying about all three
8) The treatment of our veterans at their own memorials
9) Social justice
10) Affirmative action
11) Our treatment of Israel
12) Anthropogenic Global Warming
13) The American Mainstream Media
14) Benghazi
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From a European perspective: The Great Global Warming Scam. The European Union and the near destruction of democracy, ancient nations and freedom.
1) W's false war with Iraq costing the american people trillions and countless american hero's lives.
2) The GOP shitting all over the constitution and freedom to implement their huge government patriot act
3) The W/GOP tax cuts to the rich which tanked the economy on epic proportions.
4) The Koch's hijacking the tea party and turning it into a radical right wing fascist extension of their daddy's John Birch Society dream for the nation.
5) The GOP letting their big banker cronies run wild creating the housing nightmare.
6) To add insult to injury, W and the GOP bailed out their big banker cronies on taxpayer dime while telling everyone they screwed over to go to hell.
7) Reagan making illegal arms deals with terrorists in Iran/Contra
8) Reagan essentially creating the taliban, brought them to the white house, and called them the moral equivalents to america's founding fathers.
9) Trickle down economics
10) Bush 1's all out war on the first amendment with musical artists.

and I could go on and on,...Simply put, the greatest travesty to modern politics is the modern fascist party, once known as the republicans.
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!) The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party
2) The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party
3) The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party.

1. The fact that professional politicians lie to our face regularly
2. The fact that professional politicians (and their "followers") utilize spin, hyperbole, diversion, deflection & distortion regularly
3. The fact that professional politicians put fundraising and re-election above everything else regularly
4. The fact that their partisan "followers" forgive them for all of the above regularly
5. The fact that the country is clearly willing to put up with all the above

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Liberalism in general. It's the cancer that's destroying everything that made us great.

Yet another "intelligent" post from the plague that is destroying america. The brainwashed, ignorant, radical right. :cuckoo:
Liberalism in general. It's the cancer that's destroying everything that made us great.

Yet another "intelligent" post from the plague that is destroying america. The brainwashed, ignorant, radical right. :cuckoo:

Yeah, those radical kooks want to shrink government, let people keep money they've earned, and leave everyone alone.
The nerve. What society ever became great without an overwhelming and expensive government??
I'd assume in our lifetime is the Op.

1. Nixon off the Gold Standard.
2. Repeal of the Glass Steigal Act.
3. Carter's handling of the Iranian Crisis helping to start the Radical Islam Movement.
4. Carter again allowing our people to remain hostage for over a year.
5. Our Government getting into the housing business.
6. The Bail outs. Should have let them go under and restructure so others could have taken over.
7. Helicopter Berneke, along with Paulson spraying FIAT MONEY over the Markets.
8. Expanded Gov't under Bush and Obama.
Liberalism in general. It's the cancer that's destroying everything that made us great.

Yet another "intelligent" post from the plague that is destroying america. The brainwashed, ignorant, radical right. :cuckoo:

Yeah, those radical kooks want to shrink government, let people keep money they've earned, and leave everyone alone.
The nerve. What society ever became great without an overwhelming and expensive government??

This is interesting that everyone on this thread has made a legitimate post to the OP for the conversation, minus you and your buttbuddy S.J. that are doing nothing but dumping BS that you are told by your propaganda masters like the ignorant sheep you are. "Iz da libs fault 4 everything!" :cuckoo:

Have you ever thought about thinking for yourself? Or has Hannity's pee-wee football got you too intrigued?
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Yet another "intelligent" post from the plague that is destroying america. The brainwashed, ignorant, radical right. :cuckoo:

Yeah, those radical kooks want to shrink government, let people keep money they've earned, and leave everyone alone.
The nerve. What society ever became great without an overwhelming and expensive government??

This is interesting that everyone on this thread has made a legitimate post to the OP for the conversation, minus you and your buttbuddy S.J. that are doing nothing but dumping BS that you are told by your propaganda masters like the ignorant sheep you are. "Iz da libs fault 4 everything!" :cuckoo:

Have you ever thought about thinking for yourself? Or has Hannity's pee-wee football got you too intrigued?

Ironic post is ironic.
the elections of 08 and 12
harry reid
nancy pelosi
17 trillion in debt
IRS spying on americans
NSA spying on americans
obama spying on americans
jimmy carter
AGW and the prophet algore

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