What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

"Fair share" only means one thing, more. That's why liberals will never set a value, because then they couldn't demand more and still hide behind "fair share".

I'd say setting a share is very difficult. I'm sure if you got a team working on how much things cost and how much people would have to spend, and how much they do spend etc, then you might get an idea. However this is very complex.
Even a generic answer is almost impossible to come by. The term really is something to hide behind and isn't really about fair at all.

So because you can't measure fair so easily, it should be as unfair as possible then?
If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not buying a house, that is not a fair system.

If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not having kids, that is not a fair system.

If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not owning the right kind of refrigerator, that is not a fair system.

That is the system we have today.

A fair system is one in which people who earn identical incomes pay identical taxes. A fair system is one in which the government does not pick the winners and losers. A fair system is one in which the government does not perpetrate a massive behavioral control program on its citizens.

You left out when people get checks after having paid 0 in taxes. It isn't "fair" until everyone has some skin in the game.
Think about the person that makes $10 hr and every time they spend $1 they are taxed 6 cents. That is a huge chunk of their income. You want to tax them more? How much of their $280 a week take home do you want?

Hey moron, that's a sales tax. Take it up with his city. The discussion is federal income tax. You might want to saunter on over to the General Discussion forum and discuss your favorite music or gardening tips while the grown ups are talking here.
They pay into social security, right?

I clearly stated FEDERAL INCOME TAX in my post. Try and keep up.
Whatever the tax rates were before Bush got into office. Roll everything he did back. Didn't work. What is fair share? What works. What worked before. Hit the reset button baby!

I'll tell you what's not fair. Romney paying 12% and us paying 35% is not fair.

And yet his 12% for one year is probably greater than your 35% over your lifetime.
So what? See, this is the stupid arguments Republicans make. So you want Trump to pay the same amount as someone who makes $12,000 a year? Anything more you would consider "unfair"? Dummy

A little slow on the uptake? Because your response to my post didn't address what I said. The rich guy actually pays a hell of a lot more in taxes than you or me. 47% of Americans pay 0 in taxes. That leaves the other 53% to pick up their slack. Out of that 53%, who do you think pays the lion's share of the tax the government takes in? Hint, it isn't Joe Plumber. I never said that the rich shouldn't pay a lot......because they already do. I'll repeat what I said and maybe you'll understand it this time. "And yet his 12% for one year is probably greater than your 35% over your lifetime." If he pays more in one year than you do in a lifetime, why are you bitching? Why do you feel entitled to someone else's money? Fairness? No, envy.
Because have you seen the debt? You're asking us all to pay more?

Like I said, what works? And the rich are doing just fine. It's the system they made it in. The rich before them paid their fair share and so why do you say that share isn't fair now? Are they greedy? Are you ignorant to buy it?

Yes a rich person will pay more in taxes this year than you will pay in a lifetime. Are you suggesting they shouldn't?

"Yes a rich person will pay more in taxes this year than you will pay in a lifetime. Are you suggesting they shouldn't?"

No. I'm suggesting you quit whining because you don't think it is enough. They contribute a hell of a lot more than you do every year. There money isn't yours to take just because you think they have too much. Do you want them to say that since you pay so little, you should only get to ride a bicycle in the gutter instead of take a lane of the street? You both paid for the road, he just paid a hell of a lot more than you.
"Fair share" only means one thing, more. That's why liberals will never set a value, because then they couldn't demand more and still hide behind "fair share".

I'd say setting a share is very difficult. I'm sure if you got a team working on how much things cost and how much people would have to spend, and how much they do spend etc, then you might get an idea. However this is very complex.
Even a generic answer is almost impossible to come by. The term really is something to hide behind and isn't really about fair at all.

So because you can't measure fair so easily, it should be as unfair as possible then?
How do you get that conclusion from that premise?
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents
Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
The government always takes its cut first, no matter what.
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people
Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It doesn't matter what the dollar is used for the value of it is the same as any other dollar

If there is going to be an income tax then it should be applied like every other tax and every dollar should be taxed at the same rate

You don't pay a higher sales tax on your second third or fourth TV do you?
You don't pay a higher tax on your 200th gallon of gas do you?
So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up

That's not made up
No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people

What does it matter?

The fact remains obama fucked the poor.

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up

Facts slap you in the face again?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people

What does it matter?

The fact remains obama fucked the poor.

He expanded healthcare, unemployment benefits, equal pay legislation, raised minimum wage

How is that fucking them
It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people

What does it matter?

The fact remains obama fucked the poor.

He expanded healthcare, unemployment benefits, equal pay legislation, raised minimum wage

How is that fucking them

He didn't expand health care

Insurance and health care are two completely different things
What he did do was force young people who might choose to go without insurance or who would but minimalist policies to pay far more than they should so as to prop up his subsidies and giveaways
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people

What does it matter?

The fact remains obama fucked the poor.

He expanded healthcare, unemployment benefits, equal pay legislation, raised minimum wage

How is that fucking them

He didn't expand health care

Insurance and health care are two completely different things
What he did do was force young people who might choose to go without insurance or who would but minimalist policies to pay far more than they should so as to prop up his subsidies and giveaways
He expanded healthcare to those under 26 on their parents policy, expanded Medicaid for low income workers and provided subsidies

11 million more are insured. That is expansion
EITC doesn't eliminate federal income tax.

You are correct. It is better than eliminating the tax. People get a larger refund than the amount of tax paid in. Sweet. Add a couple kids, real sweet.

This program lifts some people above the poverty threshold. Which was the intention.
And republicans gave it to lower income workers. But they never seem very proud of that.

It rewards work. It improves people's lives. What's wrong with the EITC?

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