What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.

"Fair share" only means one thing, more. That's why liberals will never set a value, because then they couldn't demand more and still hide behind "fair share".

I'd say setting a share is very difficult. I'm sure if you got a team working on how much things cost and how much people would have to spend, and how much they do spend etc, then you might get an idea. However this is very complex.
Fifty percent of people with jobs pay NOTHING! in Federal income tax. NOTHING!

I'm guessing you can't prove that.

Basic EITC Eligibility Requirements
Determining eligibility for EITC is complicated. You must make over 20 separate determinations. This tool kit presents the basic qualifiers. Refer to the EITC Home Page on irs.gov IRS for more detailed information on who qualifies for EITC.

EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts, and Tax Law Updates
Income and family size determine the amount of the EITC. The income amounts and the amount of EITC are adjusted for inflation each year.

It is close to 50% of people working. Gotta file a tax return to qualify. Republicans led by Ryan want to increase the numbers to around 53% eligible.
"Fair share" only means one thing, more. That's why liberals will never set a value, because then they couldn't demand more and still hide behind "fair share".

I'd say setting a share is very difficult. I'm sure if you got a team working on how much things cost and how much people would have to spend, and how much they do spend etc, then you might get an idea. However this is very complex.

Say thanks to the republicans God saint Ronnie Reagan for greatly expanding the EITC. Ronnie LOVED that program.

Say thanks to Ronnie goolforit. He gave you a big tax refund this year.

You so stupid you think Obama gave it to you.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.

Fair is where everyone who earns more than you do pays a higher rate than everyone else
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?
"Fair share" only means one thing, more. That's why liberals will never set a value, because then they couldn't demand more and still hide behind "fair share".

I'd say setting a share is very difficult. I'm sure if you got a team working on how much things cost and how much people would have to spend, and how much they do spend etc, then you might get an idea. However this is very complex.
Even a generic answer is almost impossible to come by. The term really is something to hide behind and isn't really about fair at all.
Fifty percent of people with jobs pay NOTHING! in Federal income tax. NOTHING!

I'm guessing you can't prove that.

Basic EITC Eligibility Requirements
Determining eligibility for EITC is complicated. You must make over 20 separate determinations. This tool kit presents the basic qualifiers. Refer to the EITC Home Page on irs.gov IRS for more detailed information on who qualifies for EITC.

EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts, and Tax Law Updates
Income and family size determine the amount of the EITC. The income amounts and the amount of EITC are adjusted for inflation each year.

It is close to 50% of people working. Gotta file a tax return to qualify. Republicans led by Ryan want to increase the numbers to around 53% eligible.

EITC doesn't eliminate federal income tax.
What is the fair share that the 40% who have only TWO TENTHS of a percent of our wealth be vs the ten percent who have 72% of our wealth?

Fifty percent of people with jobs pay NOTHING! in Federal income tax. NOTHING!

I'm guessing you can't prove that.
In 2015, 45 Percent Of Americans Will Pay No Federal Income Taxes. The number of individuals and married couples paying no federal income tax has risen to 45.3 percent — up five percentage points from the Tax Policy Center's original estimate two years ago_Oct 7, 2015

In 2015, 45 Percent Of Americans Will Pay No Federal Income Taxes
Fifty percent of people with jobs pay NOTHING! in Federal income tax. NOTHING!

I'm guessing you can't prove that.

Basic EITC Eligibility Requirements
Determining eligibility for EITC is complicated. You must make over 20 separate determinations. This tool kit presents the basic qualifiers. Refer to the EITC Home Page on irs.gov IRS for more detailed information on who qualifies for EITC.

EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts, and Tax Law Updates
Income and family size determine the amount of the EITC. The income amounts and the amount of EITC are adjusted for inflation each year.

It is close to 50% of people working. Gotta file a tax return to qualify. Republicans led by Ryan want to increase the numbers to around 53% eligible.

EITC doesn't eliminate federal income tax.

It does for a lot of people and in fact for some it means they not only get back the taxes taken from their paychecks but they get an additional payment as well

It is a refundable tax credit
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

The first dollar you earn is taxed at a lower rate than the millionth dollar you earn. That first dollar is much, much more critical to you
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

The first dollar you earn is taxed at a lower rate than the millionth dollar you earn. That first dollar is much, much more critical to you
An income taxe is unconstitutional, any progressive tax is ridiculous.
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

The first dollar you earn is taxed at a lower rate than the millionth dollar you earn. That first dollar is much, much more critical to you
An income taxe is unconstitutional, any progressive tax is ridiculous.

Yes I get that but since it won't be done away with any time soon we should at least make it fair and the only fair tax is a flat percentage
]Obama keeps pushing his "fair share" of taxes in his speeches. What is fair? Fair is a relative term which means different things to different people. There is no set rule for what one thinks is fair. Is it fair that over forty percent of potential taxpayers pay absolutley no taxes at all? They probably think that is fair. But, do people who pay all the taxes think that is fair? Probably not! Is it fair that people who make more the a million dollars a year pay the largest portion of the federal income taxes? You probably think it is fair but they think they are already paying more than their fair share. So, you can see this is a fruitless debate. It all comes down to there is no way for the government to raise people in lower income brackets to higher ones. Each individual can only do that themselves. Since government can not raise these people to higher levels, in their misguided thinking the only thing they can do is knock the higher income people down as far as they can through tax rates. That at best is un-American and at worst tyrannical government.
Let's see...

If someone struggles to feed their family, pay the rent, pay the doctor bills.....is it fair that they have to use what meager income is left to pay the tax bill?

Is it fair that the wealthy pay a lower tax rate on investment income than someone pays through the sweat of their labor?

Is it fair for our wealthy to pay at the lowest tax rate in 70 years while we run up $19 trillion in debt?

Tell me what other tax is based on ability to pay?

The gas tax nope
real estate tax nope
sales taxes nope
Any of the myriad of federal taxes on all kinds of shit nope

So why should income taxes be any different?

If you earn a dollar then that dollar should be taxed
And all dollars should be taxed at the same rate just like every gallon of gas is
Most of the free world taxes on ability to pay....try to keep up

Do you think a family making $18,000 a year should pay the same as someone making $10 million? Is that what you call fair?

So that's your answer?

What makes tax on an earned dollar any different than a tax on a gallon of gas or an acre of land?

And no they should not pay the same amount but they should pay the same percentage

Just like they pay the same percentage on a gallon of gas
Why should they pay the same percentage?
The first dollar you earn is much, much more critical to your survival than your millionth dollar

Why should they be taxed the same?

No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?

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