What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

According to the RWnuts, fair share means corporations should pay no income taxes,

but the person making minimum wage should have some 'skin in the game'.

So what if corps pay no income taxes?

Every cent of corporate money gets paid out to people so it will be taxed then

English please.

What about that didn't you understand? It was a pretty simple sentence

All sorts of income and profit gets taxed more than once. What makes corporate profit special?
According to the RWnuts, fair share means corporations should pay no income taxes,

but the person making minimum wage should have some 'skin in the game'.

So what if corps pay no income taxes?

Every cent of corporate money gets paid out to people so it will be taxed then

English please.

What about that didn't you understand? It was a pretty simple sentence

All sorts of income and profit gets taxed more than once. What makes corporate profit special?

How much of your income gets taxed more than once?
According to the RWnuts, fair share means corporations should pay no income taxes,

but the person making minimum wage should have some 'skin in the game'.

So what if corps pay no income taxes?

Every cent of corporate money gets paid out to people so it will be taxed then

English please.

What about that didn't you understand? It was a pretty simple sentence

All sorts of income and profit gets taxed more than once. What makes corporate profit special?

How much of your income gets taxed more than once?

I'm retired. When I worked, all of my taxable income that I spent on taxable purchases got taxed twice.
So what if corps pay no income taxes?

Every cent of corporate money gets paid out to people so it will be taxed then

English please.

What about that didn't you understand? It was a pretty simple sentence

All sorts of income and profit gets taxed more than once. What makes corporate profit special?

How much of your income gets taxed more than once?

I'm retired. When I worked, all of my taxable income that I spent on taxable purchases got taxed twice.

no it did not

You paid your income tax and then you bought something with your nontaxable income and you paid your sales tax your taxable income did not get taxed twice
So what if corps pay no income taxes?

Every cent of corporate money gets paid out to people so it will be taxed then

English please.

What about that didn't you understand? It was a pretty simple sentence

All sorts of income and profit gets taxed more than once. What makes corporate profit special?

How much of your income gets taxed more than once?

I'm retired. When I worked, all of my taxable income that I spent on taxable purchases got taxed twice.

You don't pay any taxes since you are sucking off the taxpayers. You merely perform a book keeping transaction where you subtract an amount from the tax money you receive.
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.

We should remove ALL deductions and tax everyone at a lower flat rate
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it back
Whatever the tax rates were before Bush got into office. Roll everything he did back. Didn't work. What is fair share? What works. What worked before. Hit the reset button baby!

I'll tell you what's not fair. Romney paying 12% and us paying 35% is not fair.

And yet his 12% for one year is probably greater than your 35% over your lifetime.
So what? See, this is the stupid arguments Republicans make. So you want Trump to pay the same amount as someone who makes $12,000 a year? Anything more you would consider "unfair"? Dummy

A little slow on the uptake? Because your response to my post didn't address what I said. The rich guy actually pays a hell of a lot more in taxes than you or me. 47% of Americans pay 0 in taxes. That leaves the other 53% to pick up their slack. Out of that 53%, who do you think pays the lion's share of the tax the government takes in? Hint, it isn't Joe Plumber. I never said that the rich shouldn't pay a lot......because they already do. I'll repeat what I said and maybe you'll understand it this time. "And yet his 12% for one year is probably greater than your 35% over your lifetime." If he pays more in one year than you do in a lifetime, why are you bitching? Why do you feel entitled to someone else's money? Fairness? No, envy.
Because have you seen the debt? You're asking us all to pay more?

Like I said, what works? And the rich are doing just fine. It's the system they made it in. The rich before them paid their fair share and so why do you say that share isn't fair now? Are they greedy? Are you ignorant to buy it?

Yes a rich person will pay more in taxes this year than you will pay in a lifetime. Are you suggesting they shouldn't?
If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not buying a house, that is not a fair system.

If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not having kids, that is not a fair system.

If your neighbor earns the same income you do, but one of you pays more taxes than the other because you are being punished for not owning the right kind of refrigerator, that is not a fair system.

That is the system we have today.

A fair system is one in which people who earn identical incomes pay identical taxes. A fair system is one in which the government does not pick the winners and losers. A fair system is one in which the government does not perpetrate a massive behavioral control program on its citizens.

You left out when people get checks after having paid 0 in taxes. It isn't "fair" until everyone has some skin in the game.
Think about the person that makes $10 hr and every time they spend $1 they are taxed 6 cents. That is a huge chunk of their income. You want to tax them more? How much of their $280 a week take home do you want?

Hey moron, that's a sales tax. Take it up with his city. The discussion is federal income tax. You might want to saunter on over to the General Discussion forum and discuss your favorite music or gardening tips while the grown ups are talking here.
They pay into social security, right?
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.

We should remove ALL deductions and tax everyone at a lower flat rate
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it back
Trump says he wants to make America great again. What era was that? And my second question is did we have a flat tax back then? You know back when we were great?
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it ba

I thought you had a business?
Ever hear of "cash flow"?

Governments need cash flow.
Collecting income taxes provides cash flow.

And giving it back costs money so just collect less and keep it all

Tell me if you ran a business would you charge your customers more just so you could send them a refund check every month?
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.

We should remove ALL deductions and tax everyone at a lower flat rate
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it back
Trump says he wants to make America great again. What era was that? And my second question is did we have a flat tax back then? You know back when we were great?

Hey if you want to go back to the "good ol' days" of the 90% bracket just remember that back then a 30K income put you in the 47% bracket
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.

We should remove ALL deductions and tax everyone at a lower flat rate
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it back
Trump says he wants to make America great again. What era was that? And my second question is did we have a flat tax back then? You know back when we were great?

Hey if you want to go back to the "good ol' days" of the 90% bracket just remember that back then a 30K income put you in the 47% bracket
I don't remember paying 47% of my income in taxes
I think if you benefit most from the government's handouts then you should have to pay them.

Hate to tell you this but the multi millionaire that writes off 750k in mortgage interest, that write off is much greater than the 2k that comes back to a MW worker getting the EITC.

But I doubt you are thinking of removing the interest deductions for mortgages for the ultra wealthy. Right?

You want to ding the low wage worker. Right?

Paul Ryan and the republicans budget proposal that they can't pass, EXPANDS the EITC. Again.

Sanders wants more people to pay taxes and would cut the EITC.

We should remove ALL deductions and tax everyone at a lower flat rate
It makes no sense at all to take money from people only to give some of it back
Trump says he wants to make America great again. What era was that? And my second question is did we have a flat tax back then? You know back when we were great?

Hey if you want to go back to the "good ol' days" of the 90% bracket just remember that back then a 30K income put you in the 47% bracket
I don't remember paying 47% of my income in taxes

You still don't understand marginal tax brackets huh?
Fifty percent of people with jobs pay NOTHING! in Federal income tax. NOTHING!
The top ten percent of income earners by eighty percent of ALL FEDERAL income tax.
That leaves twenty percent of Federal income taxes being paid by forty percent of wage earners to pay the balance.
Do the math.

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