What is it that ideas and people are 'left' or 'right' of?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
The freedom of the individual contrasted with the good of the group.
Individual freedom is greatly influenced by how things are for the group. A happy, satisfied group means more scope of possibilities. An angry, frustrated group limits dynamics for the individual. It is in the interest of freedom that the group prosper. The group need not be as interested in the individual. That puts the group in the center, yes, but the individual is in orbit around it, not simply to the right or left.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
Social evolution.

I don't think the monarch was the axis. It was social evolution. In the original meaning, the monarch and those seated to the right were impediments to social evolution. I don't think much has changed.
Individual freedom is greatly influenced by how things are for the group.
Really? I'm repeatedly told that America is the free-est nation in the world, if that is the case, is its group the most equitable?

edit...Oh, is it the case?
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
Social evolution.

I don't think the monarch was the axis. It was social evolution. In the original meaning, the monarch and those seated to the right were impediments to social evolution. I don't think much has changed.
Social evolution does not exclude positive contributions from a strong central authority, such as a monarch. In a social construct of families and clans, violence and feuds arise. Central authority resolves these, to the benefit of the weak and defenseless. This same authority can organize works such as irrigation, defense, etc. By itself, authority is not inherently antithetic to social evolution. History shows the excesses of authoritarianism, surely, but does not show it to be entirely repressive.
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As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
/——/ Mostly Left or right of the original intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Individual freedom is greatly influenced by how things are for the group.
Really? I'm repeatedly told that America is the free-est nation in the world, if that is the case, is its group the most equitable?

edit...Oh, is it the case?
Such arguments are too subjective to discuss without immediately falling into conflict; how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word? Is France 'free-er' than the U.S.? A person's criteria supports one or the other, while true objectivity remains almost impossible.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
/——/ Mostly Left or right of the original intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Can that be applied on a world wide level?
how do we compare freedom without a firm definition of the word?
I'm happy with this one, you?

freedom noun 1 the condition of being free to act, move, etc without restriction.
Not to be antagonistic, but what about the presence of gravity, for example?
No, freedom may have to include discovering what 'restrictions' genuinely exist while rejecting those that are simply imposed.
As time has passed, many nouns and descriptions have become so over-used as to have at best very vague meanings.
'Right' and 'left' originally referred to positions with a monarch at the center. Today, what do 'right' and 'left' mean? In relation to what do they derive their orientation?
/——/ Mostly Left or right of the original intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
This, in fact, illustrates exactly the problem of the shift concepts. The American form adopted at the birth of the nation was about as far left as existed at the time.
No, freedom may have to include discovering what 'restrictions' genuinely exist while rejecting those that are simply imposed.
How can a restriction not exist because it has been imposed? One would take from that true restrictions are voluntary.
/——/ Mostly Left or right of the original intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
This, in fact, illustrates exactly the problem of the shift concepts. The American form adopted at the birth of the nation was about as far left as existed at the time.
Not to mention ignoring completely what is meant by the concepts of left and right.

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