What Is Racism?

In essence, they made something of themselves REGARDLESS of where they came from and what color their skin was. But to you and IM2, they are uncle toms. Just as candace is, just as denzel is, just as morgan is, just as carson is, etc etc etc. ANY black that rises above and refuses to get involved with the bullshit BLM/Antifa/AngryBlackMan syndrome is automatically dismissed as an uncle tom. This is why I refuse to debate with you. You are blind, dreaf and dumb. You are IM2s puppet, sharptons puppet, jacksons puppet, etc. Like attracts like. Good luck. Eventually you will be just an old black man with a black heart that stays angry until you die.
You assume some things about me that are not so because you are ignorant and radicalized white supremacist.

I have an AA in Management .
BS and MS in Sociology.
I worked at the executive level in the Not for Profit field for 28 years.
I now am working on my own project.

So you see, it is you who is the failure. You are nothing without latching on to a man. The blacks you describe are losers. They have no pride or backbone. The black you love stand for nothing and are failures as humam beings. Yet these are the blacks whites like you tell us we should be like and teach our kids to be like. You do so because as long as you can control us, you can coninue with your racism.

In my community, I am highly respected. If you walked into my town and told somebody black or white that I was an uncle tom, you'd end up a customer at the local medical center. You've got every ass backwards an wrong, but that's why you're a white wo,an who does not have equal rightds by law to this day, defending the men who refuse to allow you equality.
In essence, they made something of themselves REGARDLESS of where they came from and what color their skin was.

Black people should not have to start the 100m race 10m behind everyone.

Are white people that pathetic that you don't believe you can compete at the same start line with blk ppl ?

But sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the foundational blk Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

But to you and IM2, they are uncle toms. Just as candace is, just as denzel is, just as morgan is, just as carson is, etc etc etc.

An uncle tom is simply a black person who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

ANY black that rises above and refuses to get involved with the bullshit BLM/Antifa/AngryBlackMan syndrome is automatically dismissed as an uncle tom.

I repeat

An uncle tom is simply a black person who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

This is why I refuse to debate with you.

Is that supposed to offend,me ?

You are blind, dreaf and dumb. You are IM2s puppet, sharptons puppet, jacksons puppet, etc. Like attracts like. Good luck. Eventually you will be just an old black man with a black heart that stays angry until you die.

I have said this many many times

You're assuming I'm trying to persuade you. I'm not. This is why you're starting to get disrespecful "your dumb" "your stupid"

You expect me (A black man) to write to the white POV.

As if there are not enough people doing that already.
The mob has been killing for over a century. Just face reality. Whites have been to most violent a criminal group in America.
The Mob are italians. Brown people, not white. Italy. You know. That place shaped like a boot? Hello???
In my community, I am highly respected. If you walked into my town and told somebody black or white that I was an uncle tom, you'd end up a customer at the local medical center. You've got every ass backwards an wrong, but that's why you're a white wo,an who does not have equal rightds by law to this day, defending the men who refuse to allow you equality.
Again...tolja. Violent. Oh, and it's woman, not wo,an.
Just sayin'.
The mob has been killing for over a century. Just face reality. Whites have been to most violent a criminal group in America.

Black gangsters kill more black people in Chicago alone, in a year, than whitey murders in 20 years.

You are full of shit.

Literally full of shit.
Black people should not have to start the 100m race 10m behind everyone.

Are white people that pathetic that you don't believe you can compete at the same start line with blk ppl ?
Oh...you mean like lowering IQ tests, math skills, job abilities for blacks because they can't keep up?
In essence, they made something of themselves REGARDLESS of where they came from and what color their skin was.

Black people should not have to start the 100m race 10m behind everyone.

Are white people that pathetic that you don't believe you can compete at the same start line with blk ppl ?

But sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the foundational blk Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

But to you and IM2, they are uncle toms. Just as candace is, just as denzel is, just as morgan is, just as carson is, etc etc etc.

An uncle tom is simply a black person who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

ANY black that rises above and refuses to get involved with the bullshit BLM/Antifa/AngryBlackMan syndrome is automatically dismissed as an uncle tom.

I repeat

An uncle tom is simply a black person who puts a black face on white supremacist opinion and power.

This is why I refuse to debate with you.

Is that supposed to offend,me ?

You are blind, dreaf and dumb. You are IM2s puppet, sharptons puppet, jacksons puppet, etc. Like attracts like. Good luck. Eventually you will be just an old black man with a black heart that stays angry until you die.

I have said this many many times

You're assuming I'm trying to persuade you. I'm not. This is why you're starting to get disrespecful "your dumb" "your stupid"

You expect me (A black man) to write to the white POV.

As if there are not enough people doing that already.
You're, not your.
I expect nothing from you except what you have shown. Ignorance, blindness, anger towards everyone else except where the problem is. You and those like you that are doing MORE to keep the black people down than any other race on this earth. YOU.
Successful, not sucessful.
No, most of what you write is not plagarized. You do at least put the original author in...sometimes. But you have no original thought in your head and MUST find someone else's words since you do not have the capacity to write it from your own thick head.

Meanwhile...... :auiqs.jpg: at the rest of your drivel.
And when you can't win a debate, play spelling and grammar nazi.

The only person between you and I who does not have an original thought is you. All you do is rreopeat the same right wing bromides time after time. The Angry black man. The violent black. The black person who just has to be blaming whites for ther failures because we present evidence of continuing white racism. The "successful" black who agrees with everything you believe or the so called independent thinking black person who just happens to believe everything you do verbatim.

You're a joke Grace. Now find a misspelled word so you can pretend you're intelligent.
And when you can't win a debate, play spelling and grammar nazi.

The only person between you and I who does not have an original thought is you. All you do is rreopeat the same right wing bromides time after time. The Angry black man. The violent black. The black person who just has to be blaming whites for ther failures because we present evidence of continuing white racism. The "successful" black who agrees with everything you believe or the so called independent thinking black person who just happens to believe everything you do verbatim.

You're a joke Grace. Now find a misspelled word so you can pretend you're intelligent.
Truth sure does piss you off, doesn't it? Don't like what I say? Put me on ignore. I will not do the same for you. You make me laugh.
Oh...you mean like lowering IQ tests, math skills, job abilities for blacks because they can't keep up?
Actually they lowered qualifications so that white females could get into jobs formerly held by men. White women have benefitted most from AA. Besides there are 190 years of laws made by white men that excluded eveerybody else because white men knew they couldn't keep up.

Drop the delusions of grandeur wpman, because if not for blacks you'd be baking biscuits right now.
Shut up and face the truth of history.

Wow.. I wanna give you a hug.

I already UNDERSTAND the "history".. And I'll leave like you asked with this..

The economics or privileges of my GRANDPARENTS and GREAT GRANDPARENTS really had no impact on my life trajectory. My father's dad fell off an MGM camera truck doing a movie shoot in NYC. Lived the rest of their lives on Soc Sec, welfare, and an embarrassing small pension from MGM. They had a fine life, but their situation didn't affect any NEXT gen outcomes. Pretty much the same on mom's side, except they WERE middle class and my Grandma there got married multiple times. But all the money she collected was spent on her last years with cancer.

Neither of my parents went to college. My mom got an RPNurse diploma about the time I went to college. My dad leveraged military service into a lucrative career with a fortune 500 engineering company WITHOUT college. And found himself working on the space program and nuclear plants.

IN short -- and this is seen in EVERY COLOR demographic including blacks - HAD the chance to escape the binding of their Grandparents. Either thru misfortune or circumstances beyond their control..

Black Wall Street was created by college educated SONS of former SLAVES. This unhappy ending story tells how QUICKLY real change can come. And granted -- it was taken from them by a horde of lunatic white fanatics motivated solely by hate.

It wasn't until govt got SO LARGE and intrusive, starting under FDR that this equation changed for SOME Americans, especially black Americans. With the dependence on govt and the minimizing of the importance of faith and family, this MOBILITY became harder to achieve as WHITE DEMOCRATICS cranked up the "torture rack" of segregation.. Building entirely segregated black welfare housing and penalizing financially the whole structure of family.

We were getting PAST all that AFTER 1965 -- until these new PROGRESSIVE Democrats started supporting the career victimhood industry. And TODAY, when mostly White LEFTISTS are the PRINCIPLE support for the ultimate "victimhood" excuse of CRT which aims to build EQUITY (instead of EQUALITY) thru making victims (the oppressed) an ASSET by virtue of skin color and NOTHING ELSE.

Going in the WRONG directions to FIX anything -- and you LOVE that dontcha?
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Truth sure does piss you off, doesn't it? Don't like what I say? Put me on ignore. I will not do the same for you. You make me laugh.
Except you're not telling any truth. Seems that the truth has triggered you this evening.
I expect nothing from you except what you have shown. Ignorance, blindness, anger towards everyone else except where the problem is. You and those like you that are doing MORE to keep the black people down than any other race on this earth. YOU.

It's your need to try and avert attention from the racist cause of the current effects of black people with statements that basically boil down to this:

“The cause of your condition is your lack of willingness to implement my solution”

This is, of course, is a logical misrepresentation. A solution and a cause are two separate concepts.

If boxer one is beating up boxer two. The CAUSE of boxer two's black eye is not that he didn’t try hard enough to fight back. The CAUSE is not that he couldn’t box fast enough to get away. Those all represent SOLUTIONS, not causes.

Similarly, the CAUSE of the present condition of Black people in the U.S. is not that they haven’t availed themselves of any number of possible solutions, the CAUSE (for the most part) is still racism.

But you're attention is skewed in one direction. In the case of so called Black pathologies its Black people.

Yes… By all means have the discussion about why so many Black people appear to be caught up in perceived negative social and economic disorders.

But if you are also not prepared to focus the same attention discussing the perceived causes, (i.e racism) then you are either being disingenuous or not really serious.
Name the colleges or uni's that are lowering the levels to let all these undeserving dumb blk ppl in ?

Pretty much all of them. The entire UC system is abandoning SAT and ACT testing because blacks score so poorly on them.

You morons institutionalize stupidity instead of trying to get better.

Blacks aren't stupider than whites, but the inner city blacks, for the most part, don't want to work hard to better their situation.

The rare exceptions are called uncle toms by you idiots. Why don't you leave the successful hard working black kids alone?

Let them succeed. They will if you people would leave them alone.
Actually they lowered qualifications so that white females could get into jobs formerly held by men. White women have benefitted most from AA. Besides there are 190 years of laws made by white men that excluded eveerybody else because white men knew they couldn't keep up.

White females benefitted out of sheer DICTATION of numbers. THEY were as qualified for the jobs as BEFORE they had the benefit of AA. But the boom of woman entering the workforce and the "2 working parent households" was MORE driven by Women's Rights activity and a lot of ACTIVISTS that denigrated moms that did NOT achieve and join the workforce. And from economic pressures on ALL families regardless of skin to get past inflation and stagnant wages in the 60s/70s..
IM2 and Paul seem to get off on TRYING to piss off the white folks with their strawman bullshit and only getting some laughter with a scant few TRYING to debate them with facts.....so...since I have already made them eat a bit of crow along with a few others...it's time to let them stew in their own hate...until another round of bitching and nagging by either one.

Toodles for now. Hopefully I will find a good movie on tv starring a few "uncle toms".
Pretty much all of them. The entire UC system is abandoning SAT and ACT testing because blacks score so poorly on them. You morons institutionalize stupidity instead of trying to get better.

Name the colleges or uni's that are lowering the levels to let all these undeserving dumb blk ppl in ?

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