What is the Deep State?

Well, George Soros, supreme leftist in the USA, did his best to destroy Great Britain's economy 10 years ago by switching his funds around to hurt them. His fluffers--Obama insults the Royal Family. I guess it's best for him to help the Democrats do to America what he may like to do, considering his power and who he fluffs back.

There seems to be something in it for him if he can get the Democrats to wreck America too.

What a creepy world the elite are, trying to do away with the American founders, having the Democrats control the world using criminals like John Dean to destroy President Trump and in general, the America our fathers gave us. The Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy the American people's faith in government by pretending everything that happens is bad, the military is bad, the Republicans are bad, the Republican President is bad: Bad, bad, bad.
The Ds are part of the problem, just as the Rs are. I doubt very much Donnie is our savior. It is more likely he is just playing his part as directed by higher powers, the Deep State.

I find it rather instructive that many on the Left dispute that it even exists. They think this way because the DNCMSM has told them it doesn’t exist, which is most convenient for their cause. Adherents of the MSM apparently can’t see the transparent effort to deceive them. It is not only instructive of the success of the DNCMSM to deceive some Americans for the benefit of their bosses, it is also rather amusing that some Americans can’t see the elephant in the room. They must be blind on purpose.

Doug Casey spells it out...please read the entire column.

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

Who Is Part of the Deep State?

The American Deep State is a real, but informal, structure that has arisen to not just profit from, but control, the State.

The Deep State has a life of its own, like the government itself. It’s composed of top-echelon employees of a dozen Praetorian agencies, like the FBI, CIA, and NSA… top generals, admirals, and other military operatives… long-term congressmen and senators… and directors of important regulatory agencies.

But the Deep State is much broader than just the government. It includes the heads of major corporations, all of whom are heavily involved in selling to the State and enabling it. That absolutely includes Silicon Valley, although those guys at least have a sense of humor, evidenced by their “Don’t Be Evil” motto. It also includes all the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities, which act as Deep State recruiting centers… all the top media figures, of course… and many regulars at things like Bohemian Grove and the Council on Foreign Relations. They epitomize the status quo, held together by power, money, and propaganda.

Altogether, I’ll guess these people number a thousand or so. You might analogize the structure of the Deep State with a huge pack of dogs. The people I’ve just described are the top dogs.

But there are hundreds of thousands more who aren’t at the nexus, but who directly depend on them, have considerable clout, and support the Deep State because it supports them. This includes many of the wealthy, especially those who got that way thanks to their State connections… the 1.5 million people who have top secret clearances (that’s a shocking, but accurate, number)… plus top players in organized crime, especially the illegal drug business, little of which would exist without the State. Plus mid-level types in the police and military, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.

These are what you might call the running dogs.

so the deep state is what you all used to call GLOBALISTS?

Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil

I am of the opinion that all of you, save the OP, believe the deep state does NOT exist.

OK then, got a question for you------------>

QUESTION...……………...if even 60% of what appears is coming out is true, and they can't tie it to Obama, then that means that--------->all the people who pulled this off are UNELECTED OFFICIALS. Is that not true?

So then, since if it is proven that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, logically therefore, there must be a deep state, yes or no?

Remember-----------> You can NOT have it both ways! Once ANYTHING is proven by release; and we are all smart enough to know that something is coming...…...either Obama and his Administration; with HIS blessing was involved and did it, or that UNELECTED OFFICIALS did it without his knowledge, and that is the very definition of the DEEP STATE!
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I find it rather instructive that many on the Left dispute that it even exists. They think this way because the DNCMSM has told them it doesn’t exist, which is most convenient for their cause. Adherents of the MSM apparently can’t see the transparent effort to deceive them. It is not only instructive of the success of the DNCMSM to deceive some Americans for the benefit of their bosses, it is also rather amusing that some Americans can’t see the elephant in the room. They must be blind on purpose.

Doug Casey spells it out...please read the entire column.

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

Who Is Part of the Deep State?

The American Deep State is a real, but informal, structure that has arisen to not just profit from, but control, the State.

The Deep State has a life of its own, like the government itself. It’s composed of top-echelon employees of a dozen Praetorian agencies, like the FBI, CIA, and NSA… top generals, admirals, and other military operatives… long-term congressmen and senators… and directors of important regulatory agencies.

But the Deep State is much broader than just the government. It includes the heads of major corporations, all of whom are heavily involved in selling to the State and enabling it. That absolutely includes Silicon Valley, although those guys at least have a sense of humor, evidenced by their “Don’t Be Evil” motto. It also includes all the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities, which act as Deep State recruiting centers… all the top media figures, of course… and many regulars at things like Bohemian Grove and the Council on Foreign Relations. They epitomize the status quo, held together by power, money, and propaganda.

Altogether, I’ll guess these people number a thousand or so. You might analogize the structure of the Deep State with a huge pack of dogs. The people I’ve just described are the top dogs.

But there are hundreds of thousands more who aren’t at the nexus, but who directly depend on them, have considerable clout, and support the Deep State because it supports them. This includes many of the wealthy, especially those who got that way thanks to their State connections… the 1.5 million people who have top secret clearances (that’s a shocking, but accurate, number)… plus top players in organized crime, especially the illegal drug business, little of which would exist without the State. Plus mid-level types in the police and military, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.

These are what you might call the running dogs.

so the deep state is what you all used to call GLOBALISTS?
globalists or the illuminati or the one world order, or The Free Mason's, skull and bones type of secret societies???
Thank you, but we know you are one of the blind ones. And now you resort to the usual tactic of ridicule.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil

Kind of like the patriarchy of the feminist theory? Oh wait, that's actually white males.

The deep state is simply put, the people in power who have turned their backs on Americans to enrich themselves and their interest groups at expense of others. It's really simple... How many times in history has this group been hanged before?
OK...now we are getting somewhere

There are people in power in the government who are accepting bribes to enrich themselves on behalf of special interest groups

Are we talking elected or civil servants?

If they are accepting money and not declaring it, they can be prosecuted
Why isn’t Trump investigating and prosecuting this illegal activities

You realize you sound like Joe McCarthy don’t you?
Well, George Soros, supreme leftist in the USA, did his best to destroy Great Britain's economy 10 years ago by switching his funds around to hurt them. His fluffers--Obama insults the Royal Family. I guess it's best for him to help the Democrats do to America what he may like to do, considering his power and who he fluffs back.

There seems to be something in it for him if he can get the Democrats to wreck America too.

What a creepy world the elite are, trying to do away with the American founders, having the Democrats control the world using criminals like John Dean to destroy President Trump and in general, the America our fathers gave us. The Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy the American people's faith in government by pretending everything that happens is bad, the military is bad, the Republicans are bad, the Republican President is bad: Bad, bad, bad.
The Ds are part of the problem, just as the Rs are. I doubt very much Donnie is our savior. It is more likely he is just playing his part as directed by higher powers, the Deep State.

I find it rather instructive that many on the Left dispute that it even exists. They think this way because the DNCMSM has told them it doesn’t exist, which is most convenient for their cause. Adherents of the MSM apparently can’t see the transparent effort to deceive them. It is not only instructive of the success of the DNCMSM to deceive some Americans for the benefit of their bosses, it is also rather amusing that some Americans can’t see the elephant in the room. They must be blind on purpose.

Doug Casey spells it out...please read the entire column.

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

Who Is Part of the Deep State?

The American Deep State is a real, but informal, structure that has arisen to not just profit from, but control, the State.

The Deep State has a life of its own, like the government itself. It’s composed of top-echelon employees of a dozen Praetorian agencies, like the FBI, CIA, and NSA… top generals, admirals, and other military operatives… long-term congressmen and senators… and directors of important regulatory agencies.

But the Deep State is much broader than just the government. It includes the heads of major corporations, all of whom are heavily involved in selling to the State and enabling it. That absolutely includes Silicon Valley, although those guys at least have a sense of humor, evidenced by their “Don’t Be Evil” motto. It also includes all the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities, which act as Deep State recruiting centers… all the top media figures, of course… and many regulars at things like Bohemian Grove and the Council on Foreign Relations. They epitomize the status quo, held together by power, money, and propaganda.

Altogether, I’ll guess these people number a thousand or so. You might analogize the structure of the Deep State with a huge pack of dogs. The people I’ve just described are the top dogs.

But there are hundreds of thousands more who aren’t at the nexus, but who directly depend on them, have considerable clout, and support the Deep State because it supports them. This includes many of the wealthy, especially those who got that way thanks to their State connections… the 1.5 million people who have top secret clearances (that’s a shocking, but accurate, number)… plus top players in organized crime, especially the illegal drug business, little of which would exist without the State. Plus mid-level types in the police and military, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.

These are what you might call the running dogs.

so the deep state is what you all used to call GLOBALISTS?

Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil

I am of the opinion that all of you, save the OP, believe the deep state does NOT exist.

OK then, got a question for you------------>

QUESTION...……………...if even 60% of what appears is coming out is true, and they can't tie it to Obama, then that means that--------->all the people who pulled this off are UNELECTED OFFICIALS. Is that not true?

So then, since if it is proven that Obama had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, logically therefore, there must be a deep state, yes or no?

Remember-----------> You can NOT have it both ways! Once ANYTHING is proven by release; and we are all smart enough to know that something is coming...…...either Obama and his Administration; with HIS blessing was involved and did it, or that UNELECTED OFFICIALS did it without his knowledge, and that is the very definition of the DEEP STATE!
We do not believe anything was "Pulled Off", we believe Trump and his minions in congress helping him, have created some bizarre conspiracy theory that everyone was out to get him, When all polling said he had absolutely NO CHANCE of winning, simply because they didn't like him, and not because it was their DUTY to investigate the connections between the Trump campaign and the Russians who were interfering in our election.... Mueller report lists 140 plus contacts between the Trump campaign and the very Russians who were interfering in our election.

the whole conspiracy is bat shat crazy.... in our minds.... made up... to deflect from what the Trump campaign actually did, they welcomed the Russian interference.

could someone or a couple of someones, somewhere in our intelligence agencies have made a mistake or a wrong choice here or there... certainly, after all, we are only human.....
Casey, the author seems to be a nihilist and reviles almost everyone.

The State
very idea of the State itself is poisonous, evil, and intrinsically destructive

The Deep state
The Deep State controls the political and economic essence of the U.S. ...

It includes the heads of major corporations... the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities

50% of the remaining people
You might call this level of people, the vast majority of the population, whipped dogs. They both love and fear their master, they’ll do as they’re told, and they’ll roll over on their backs and wet themselves..

He doesn't think much of humanity. Casey considers himself a "Lone Wolf". If everyone were to embrace his philosophy, there would be chaos. The deep state sounds like a dark conspiracy, but it is out in the open, so I think the adjective "deep" is quite inappropriate. It is just a meme to scare people.

Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
Snowden had a great definition:
"the deep state is not just the intelligence agencies, it is really a way of referring to the career bureaucracy of government. These are officials who sit in powerful positions, who don't leave when presidents do, who watch presidents come and go ... they influence policy, they influence presidents."

But the economic instability is separate issue, to be blamed solely on capitalism itself..

Trump administration appointed plenty of deep state: H. R. McMaster, John Kelly and James Mattis.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil

Kind of like the patriarchy of the feminist theory? Oh wait, that's actually white males.

The deep state is simply put, the people in power who have turned their backs on Americans to enrich themselves and their interest groups at expense of others. It's really simple... How many times in history has this group been hanged before?
OK...now we are getting somewhere

There are people in power in the government who are accepting bribes to enrich themselves on behalf of special interest groups

Are we talking elected or civil servants?

If they are accepting money and not declaring it, they can be prosecuted
Why isn’t Trump investigating and prosecuting this illegal activities

You realize you sound like Joe McCarthy don’t you?

We can start on how the government gave billions and billions to their banker friends and work from there. I don't know where you got that all the activity needs to be illegal - these people write the laws so why would it?

But sure in the case of Clinton and her bleach bitting of the email server... clearly that's illegal as well.

Trump should appoint that special prosecutor as he promised.
Casey, the author seems to be a nihilist and reviles almost everyone.

The State
very idea of the State itself is poisonous, evil, and intrinsically destructive

The Deep state
The Deep State controls the political and economic essence of the U.S. ...

It includes the heads of major corporations... the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities

50% of the remaining people
You might call this level of people, the vast majority of the population, whipped dogs. They both love and fear their master, they’ll do as they’re told, and they’ll roll over on their backs and wet themselves..

He doesn't think much of humanity. Casey considers himself a "Lone Wolf". If everyone were to embrace his philosophy, there would be chaos. The deep state sounds like a dark conspiracy, but it is out in the open, so I think the adjective "deep" is quite inappropriate. It is just a meme to scare people.

Works for me.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Please leave my thread. No one wants your dumb opinions.
I find it rather instructive that many on the Left dispute that it even exists. They think this way because the DNCMSM has told them it doesn’t exist, which is most convenient for their cause. Adherents of the MSM apparently can’t see the transparent effort to deceive them. It is not only instructive of the success of the DNCMSM to deceive some Americans for the benefit of their bosses, it is also rather amusing that some Americans can’t see the elephant in the room. They must be blind on purpose.

Doug Casey spells it out...please read the entire column.

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

Who Is Part of the Deep State?

The American Deep State is a real, but informal, structure that has arisen to not just profit from, but control, the State.

The Deep State has a life of its own, like the government itself. It’s composed of top-echelon employees of a dozen Praetorian agencies, like the FBI, CIA, and NSA… top generals, admirals, and other military operatives… long-term congressmen and senators… and directors of important regulatory agencies.

But the Deep State is much broader than just the government. It includes the heads of major corporations, all of whom are heavily involved in selling to the State and enabling it. That absolutely includes Silicon Valley, although those guys at least have a sense of humor, evidenced by their “Don’t Be Evil” motto. It also includes all the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities, which act as Deep State recruiting centers… all the top media figures, of course… and many regulars at things like Bohemian Grove and the Council on Foreign Relations. They epitomize the status quo, held together by power, money, and propaganda.

Altogether, I’ll guess these people number a thousand or so. You might analogize the structure of the Deep State with a huge pack of dogs. The people I’ve just described are the top dogs.

But there are hundreds of thousands more who aren’t at the nexus, but who directly depend on them, have considerable clout, and support the Deep State because it supports them. This includes many of the wealthy, especially those who got that way thanks to their State connections… the 1.5 million people who have top secret clearances (that’s a shocking, but accurate, number)… plus top players in organized crime, especially the illegal drug business, little of which would exist without the State. Plus mid-level types in the police and military, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.

These are what you might call the running dogs.

so the deep state is what you all used to call GLOBALISTS?
globalists or the illuminati or the one world order, or The Free Mason's, skull and bones type of secret societies???
Thank you, but we know you are one of the blind ones. And now you resort to the usual tactic of ridicule.
I think all those groups mentioned are REAL, the deep state is some illusionary, undescriptive group, that no one can define the purpose of or hierarchy order , and changes daily with whom the boogeyman is today or at the moment...

it sounds like what was once called ''the globalists'' or the ''NWO- new world order'' to me.
I find it rather instructive that many on the Left dispute that it even exists. They think this way because the DNCMSM has told them it doesn’t exist, which is most convenient for their cause. Adherents of the MSM apparently can’t see the transparent effort to deceive them. It is not only instructive of the success of the DNCMSM to deceive some Americans for the benefit of their bosses, it is also rather amusing that some Americans can’t see the elephant in the room. They must be blind on purpose.

Doug Casey spells it out...please read the entire column.

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

Who Is Part of the Deep State?

The American Deep State is a real, but informal, structure that has arisen to not just profit from, but control, the State.

The Deep State has a life of its own, like the government itself. It’s composed of top-echelon employees of a dozen Praetorian agencies, like the FBI, CIA, and NSA… top generals, admirals, and other military operatives… long-term congressmen and senators… and directors of important regulatory agencies.

But the Deep State is much broader than just the government. It includes the heads of major corporations, all of whom are heavily involved in selling to the State and enabling it. That absolutely includes Silicon Valley, although those guys at least have a sense of humor, evidenced by their “Don’t Be Evil” motto. It also includes all the top people in the Fed, and the heads of all the major banks, brokers, and insurers. Add the presidents and many professors at top universities, which act as Deep State recruiting centers… all the top media figures, of course… and many regulars at things like Bohemian Grove and the Council on Foreign Relations. They epitomize the status quo, held together by power, money, and propaganda.

Altogether, I’ll guess these people number a thousand or so. You might analogize the structure of the Deep State with a huge pack of dogs. The people I’ve just described are the top dogs.

But there are hundreds of thousands more who aren’t at the nexus, but who directly depend on them, have considerable clout, and support the Deep State because it supports them. This includes many of the wealthy, especially those who got that way thanks to their State connections… the 1.5 million people who have top secret clearances (that’s a shocking, but accurate, number)… plus top players in organized crime, especially the illegal drug business, little of which would exist without the State. Plus mid-level types in the police and military, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.

These are what you might call the running dogs.

so the deep state is what you all used to call GLOBALISTS?
globalists or the illuminati or the one world order, or The Free Mason's, skull and bones type of secret societies???
Thank you, but we know you are one of the blind ones. And now you resort to the usual tactic of ridicule.
I think all those groups mentioned are REAL, the deep state is some illusionary, undescriptive group, that no one can define the purpose of or hierarchy order , and changes daily with whom the boogeyman is today or at the moment...

it sounds like what was once called ''the globalists'' or the ''NWO- new world order'' to me.
Okay. Fine.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Every one of you clowns are unaccountable...It's why hacks like Lois Lerner can tell congressional committees to go fuck themselves, and walk away with impunity.

And don't insult my intelligence about upholding the Constitution.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Please leave my thread. No one wants your dumb opinions.
Tired of getting your ass kicked?
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Every one of you clowns are unaccountable...It's why hacks like Lois Lerner can tell congressional committees to go fuck themselves, and walk away with impunity.

And don't insult my intelligence about upholding the Constitution.
Every career government employee swears an oath to uphold the Constitution
Same oath the military and the President takes
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Every one of you clowns are unaccountable...It's why hacks like Lois Lerner can tell congressional committees to go fuck themselves, and walk away with impunity.

And don't insult my intelligence about upholding the Constitution.
Every career government employee swears an oath to uphold the Constitution
Same oath the military and the President takes
Good God you’re a dumbass.
Nobody can define what the Deep State is or specifically what they do

They just know it is there and it is evil
They are the tens of thousands of permanent, unelected, unaccountable, un-terminatable bureaucrats/technocrats, who are all planted in their positions for life, no matter who gets elected to what.

This is what oligarchy looks like, bub.
I was one of them. 33 year Civil Servant

Agency heads are political appointees. They are the ones who are unaccountable

Those career employees have a long list of rules and regulations that they are required by law to follow. Violations can result in dismissal or prosecution
If you think they are violating these requirements, then prosecute them
Your problem seems to be those political appointees that come in and demand they violate existing laws and regulations

Those career employees have seen political appointees come and go. They know their jobs, understand the rules and are sworn to uphold the Constitution
Every one of you clowns are unaccountable...It's why hacks like Lois Lerner can tell congressional committees to go fuck themselves, and walk away with impunity.

And don't insult my intelligence about upholding the Constitution.
Be nice to rightwinger. The US postal service was his only option.

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