What is the idea of a right-wing republic?

They are very different as they should be in a democracy. They both think they are right. Repuicans want to rule with authoritarianism without instructions like elections. That's not a republic. It's fascism. Trump proved that.
and how do democrats want to rule?....
But is is okay when authoritarian government officials demand control over a citizen's body, like abbott does? He thinks that he controls all female citizens and has ownership rights to their bodies.
is that not what is happening today with the shots.....
Conservatives are motivated primarily by ignorance and fear, fear of positive, beneficial change, fear of people, beliefs, and ideas that conservatives perceive to be different, and that ignorance and fear become hate.
motivated primarily by fear.....fear of peoples beliefs,and that ignorance and fear become hate.

you just described many democrats
you would never convince the die hards from each party that...they are very much alike....

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same bad government as we would get from the Democrats.

Example. Florida is a Republican controlled state. Super majority in the state legislature. None of those Republicans will ever tell you that support increased taxes like the Democrat filth. However, recently they passed a tax on Internet sales. That is the kind of shit we would expect from the Democrat scumbags.
Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same bad government as we would get from the Democrats.

Example. Florida is a Republican controlled state. Super majority in the state legislature. None of those Republicans will ever tell you that support increased taxes like the Democrat filth. However, recently they passed a tax on Internet sales. That is the kind of shit we would expect from the Democrat scumbags.
both parties are a lot alike.....
But is is okay when authoritarian government officials demand control over a citizen's body, like abbott does? He thinks that he controls all female citizens and has ownership rights to their bodies.

Now go ahead and tell the readers it’s not the same when Kid Strike *Joe demands everyone must take the vaccine so we can laugh at you.
I see that you have a lot of learning to do. Get over hating people who are different from you, get over your misplaced anger, and start appreciating the fact that they allow you to live your life as you please. Learn humility and gratitude. You might try a course in Constitutional Law, too. I've survived courses in all of these disciplines except economics and climate science. I did pretty well, too. Actually, my B.A. is in History and Political Science.
No need to give us your credentials. Your indoctrination is quite apparent.
But is is okay when authoritarian government officials demand control over a citizen's body, like abbott does? He thinks that he controls all female citizens and has ownership rights to their bodies.
Absolutely the women should have control over their own bodies, and if that is what abortion was then you would have an argument. However, the body that is affected not hers. When a person wants to kill someone we have a moral obligation to try and stop that person.
Conservatives are motivated primarily by ignorance and fear, fear of positive, beneficial change, fear of people, beliefs, and ideas that conservatives perceive to be different, and that ignorance and fear become hate.

You leftists, especially Kid Strike *Joe, have been installing positive beneficial change in the inner cities for over 60 years now. Conservatives have been telling you you’ll make them worse.
:rolleyes: Oh, bull. Explain the antics of abbott then. He wants to rule everything and dump his shitty "religion" on everyone who comes within his power no matter whether they believe in his religion, and his shitty politics, or not. No, we all will not worship according to his personal beliefs, run our sex and reproductive lives according to his personal beliefs, will ot vote according to his personal beliefs, and will not run our businesses according to his personal beliefs. Tell him to leave everyone else alone and do his damn job for a change.

One person. That’s it? With all your education and all inclusive leftism you pick one person and paint all conservatives the same.
This is why you’re an ignorant leftist.
Where individual Liberties are protected against government oppression.

For instance, the government can't take the money you earned and give it to somebody that didn't earn it.

Democracy is fine until the majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority. We Conservatives desire a Constitutional Republic that prevents the welfare queens from stealing our Liberty.

Right wing governments don't protect personal liberty. Personal liberties are a left wing thing. Right wing governments limit personal freedoms as the antithesis of conservative principles. Right wing governments closely protect their power and demand obedience from the populace. Monarchies being the most extreme right wing kinds of government. The people owe obedience to the king, and in return he provides protection for his subjects.

The notion of personal freedom is the antithesis of the conservative government. You need to stop drinking the Republican Kool-Aid.

You're the guys who want to be able to run down protestors in the streets, ban certain religions, or restrict rights for gays and non-Christians.

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