What is the idea of a right-wing republic?

But is is okay when authoritarian government officials demand control over a citizen's body, like abbott does? He thinks that he controls all female citizens and has ownership rights to their bodies.
Abbott is not authoritarian. You will know when that happens because those who violate their dictums will be severely punished, destroyed and even killed. About abortions. You kept expanding it. And people became flippant about non protective sex and we average one million abortions a year. That is bad.
Respect for the Constitution, secure borders, respect for the Flag and the Anthem and tradition. Respect for Police Officers and enforcement of the law. What else do you need to define the "right wing"?
and how do democrats want to rule?....

The name itself itself should tell you how they operate.
Remember, it was republicans who smashed the capitol attempting to overthrow democracy. Clearly, that is how you want to rule.
It was democrats who organised and supported it. Not one.
You've got a short mermory son.
America is not "a democracy''

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of ''a Democracy'' is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.

In ''a Democracy'', The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be ''a Direct Democracy'', or ''a Representative Democracy.''

These two forms of government: "a Democracy" and ''a Republic'', are not only dissimilar but antithetical.

America is a compound Republic.

I'd like to see where you read that bullshit.
In a country where everyone has a option to vote it's a democracy. Put any spin on it you like boy but that will never change.
Of course that's not the case when all the parties are the same.
So all those people who stayed together in a massive low tax nation and married were pure suckers before we entered an age that we can do what we want. Authoritarianism is expanding now because of what you think is freedom.

You seem a little confused about it all.
America has always been a democracy and always will be.
Trump was the closest thing to fascism ever elected.
Just because Biden was elected and you're stupid enough to call him a communist, doesn't mean authoritarianism is taking over. You are coming from an ignorant hate based doctrine. Apart from being mentally ill.
The name itself itself should tell you how they operate.
Remember, it was republicans who smashed the capitol attempting to overthrow democracy. Clearly, that is how you want to rule.
It was democrats who organised and supported it. Not one.
You've got a short mermory son.
why dont you improve my memory and show me were were i support what you are implying son?....
I'd like to see where you read that bullshit.
In a country where everyone has a option to vote it's a democracy. Put any spin on it you like boy but that will never change.
Of course that's not the case when all the parties are the same.

You should stick to how you do things in Europe.

This discussion is clearly out of your league. You're clearly not of the capacity to contribute to this dialogue fruitfully. And you possess no fundamental grasp of the mechanics of our American Republic, observably.

And you have the wrong temperament. Nor is it consistent with the fundamental ideals of proper human relations.

Boy. Heh heh...
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You should stick to how you do things in Europe.

This discussion is clearly out of your league. You're clearly not of the capacity to contribute to this dialogue fruitfully. And you possess no fundamental grasp of the mechanics of our American Republic, observably.

And you have the wrong temperament. Nor is it consistent with the fundamental ideals of proper human relations.

Boy. Heh heh...

I thought You might have something to refute my claim but instead focus on your personal opinion of me.
Maybe you're just peeved because I continually expose the lies and hypocrisy by a country full of right wing hate filled intellectual vacuums, but I could be wrong.

Can you check with the authorities if that would fall into your definition of proper human relations.
Maybe you could issue instructions on the subject since you appear to be an expert on it. You could also shut you ignorant mouth instead of making a goose of yourself because you have nothing to say.
Formally speaking, the republican system is democracy, which means that Republicans and Democrats are no different from each other. However, Republicans say they are right. What is the idea of a right-wing republic?
In the case of the United States, a "right-wing" republic translates into: "White makes right" .
I thought You might have something to refute my claim but instead focus on your personal opinion of me.

Firstly, I highly doubt you get paid to think. So it doesn't matter what you think. Not to me anyway. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day. In fact, my only interest in the initial communication with you was to correct you for the benefit of casual passers-by. This was a courtesy on my part and was in no way an interest in you particularly, other than the fact that you just happened to be the half-wit who didn't know what he was talking about in the moment.

And you don't have a valid claim. The only thing you've ever exposed here is your own ignorance, an over-eagerness to purposefully interfere with and dimish intelligent, civil dialogue as well as consistently display a slimy demeanor.

Placing that aside, and revisiting my previous communication, you'd fare better sticking to debating how they do things in your part of the world.

This isn't Europe.

You clearly know nothing about our Republic here in America, its heritage or its governmental structure. And a dictionary isn't going to help you.

Anyway. You're a very low-value poster, observably. A detriment to, as well as a distraction from fruitful dialogue. You're nothing more than a reflection of the low bar that's been set for new board membership combined with the increasing tolerance among staff for low value posters who purposefully function to interject in and discourage fruitful, civil discussion/debate before it has an oportunity to naturally evolve. It's probably gonna be off to the iggy hole for you as far as I'm concerned. At the risk of sounding prideful, you're simply beneath my level of intellect and good form and therefore unimportant.
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Firstly, I highly doubt you get paid to think. So it doesn't matter what you think. Not to me anyway. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day. In fact, my only interest in the initial communication with you was to correct you for the benefit of casual passers-by. This was a courtesy on my part and was in no way an interest in you particularly, other than the fact that you just happened to be the half-wit who didn't know what he was talking about in the moment.

And you don't have a valid claim. The only thing you've ever exposed here is your own ignorance, an over-eagerness to purposefully interfere with and dimish intelligent, civil dialogue as well as consistently display a slimy demeanor.

Placing that aside, and revisiting my previous communication, you'd fare better sticking to debating how they do things in your part of the world.

This isn't Europe.

You clearly know nothing about our Republic here in America, its heritage or its governmental structure. And a dictionary isn't going to help you.

Anyway. You're a very low-value poster, observably. A detriment to, as well as a distraction from fruitful dialogue. You're nothing more than a reflection of the low bar that's been set for new board membership combined with the increasing tolerance among staff for low value posters who purposefully function to interject in and discourage fruitful, civil discussion/debate before it has an oportunity to naturally evolve. It's probably gonna be off to the iggy hole for you as far as I'm concerned. At the risk of sounding prideful, you're simply beneath my level of intellect and good form and therefore unimportant.
Thank you for your kind words.
I understand fully that you dislike others taking you politics to pieces I would also if I was as wrong as often as you are.

Again, don't attempt to determine my intelligence and instruct me to do anything. It's not as if intelligence has permanent residence in your head.

Cut you silly out downs and get on with the debate. If you have nothing to say but shooting the messenger, say nothing.

So many of you broken arsed republicans view detractors as less intelligence to yourselves. You're two replies confirm that is not the case.
Don't think your mealy mouthed condescending advice with stop me posting. So take your instruction etc and shove them up your butt. I am going no where and you are not an intellectual mountain as you project. Youre just another brain dead hate filled Republican.

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go dickhead.

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