CDZ What is White Privilege?

Do you subscribe to the idea of White Privilege

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I don't know who wrote them ... but seems like a valid question to me. If you're going to create a blanket excuse - the system kept me down - then that blanket has to cover everybody, right?

Let me ask this ... I know you're successful, and you've tutored several young blacks to be successful. When you see an unsuccessful white person, or an unsuccessful Hispanic, what do you attribute that to? You've often posited that 'white privilege can be overcome (you and your students are examples of that), so why can't, in theory, every young black overcome it? Is it because the 'system keeps them down', or is it that there just aren't enough like you to show them the way?

Your confusing circumstances with an excuse. An excuse is just a reason for giving up and any excuse will do. Circumstances are real and must be considered and accounted for. The facts are that our current system in this country is racial. Its racism defined simply because it was put into place by whites to the detriment of Blacks and to a lesser extent other races. when I see an unsuccessful white persons I attribute it to something horrific in childhood or laziness. With a Hispanic it depends on their race. If they are seen as white then the prior explanation applies. With other Hispanics I attribute it to the same thing that plagues my Black community which is in large part racism combined with lack of knowledge and inclination to quit..

Ok -- i see where you are coming from.

Racism, lack of knowledge, and the inclination to quit are at the root of problems in the black community. I think i got that right ... in fact, I agree with you. Now, where we disagree ...

What percentage is racism, what percentage is lack of knowledge, and what percentage is inclination to quit? And, do you believe those percentages have changed over the past 40 years?

Added note: Should we consider 'lack of personal responsibility' to that list?
Never really put a percentage to it but I would say it was the largest number as it effects the other 2 factors tremendously. Knowledge is lacking specifically because its not taught in our public schools. Historically accurate information has been omitted, denied or ridiculed. There is no reason not to teach this information and it effects Blacks the most. Regardless of it being intentional or not it is racism. Inclination to quit is rooted in your amount of hope. If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid you wont be too inclined to have it when you get older. I would think factors involved in the lack of personal responsibility could be distributed among these two things. Yes I think things have slightly gotten better only because the legality of racism is not as enforceable as it once was.

Ok, now I'm officially confused ...

1) When you spoke of 'lack of knowledge', I interpreted that to mean that the quality of education in the black community was so poor that young graduates were not equipped with the tools to succeed (I agree with that). Now, I get a sense that you're talking about race-specific knowledge - black history, etc. (You're gonna have to convince me how that keeps them from succeeding, but I'm willing to listen).

2) "If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid, you won't be too inclined ..." Who's killing their hopes? We're talking about young black kids who aren't exposed to whites on any consistent basis. Surely, you don't mean them. Are you talking about the black culture, and black adults being so beaten down that they kill the hopes of their own children? Isn't that what parents do? Help their children reach higher than they ever got? You can't reach the moon in one step, but you sure can make progress toward it every day. Is the problem that black adults are convincing the next generation that they CAN'T succeed, and are pointing to racism as the reason to not even try?

Just for the record ... I think the percentages are lack of will - 50%, lack of knowledge - 40% , and racism (interpreted as holding them back) as 10% of the problem. I'm not saying racism doesn't cause the other two ... rather that, overt racism blocking them is only 10% of the problem.
Its not just lack of racial knowledge, its also lack of functional knowledge that effects everyone. The one that I believe is crucial to Black kids as a first step is racial knowledge. Let me explain. If you are told the only thing you ever were was a savage and then a slave you dont have much to live up to. You have no tradition to uphold. I cite my parents instilling in me a knowledge of my racial heritage as a very solid foundation to my success. Its not really interesting to study math any way but the knowledge your ancestors used it and it is now the basis of everything invented in technology give it a little more appeal.

Their hopes are being killed by the media, the interaction with the cops, and yes sometimes with their parents caught in the cycle. No I am not talking about Black culture because thats not Black culture. If you see no way to reach the moon how do you expect someone to take steps toward getting there? There has to be a vision and a hope that you will succeed. Black children dont get to see that enough unless their parents are knowledgable enough to seek it out. Again its a cyclic thing.

I would expect someone not familiar with the issues to access the situation as such. I hold no malice but I will tell you that you are wrong.

Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time I was wrong ...

I understand everything you say ... and, in large part, I agree with you. But, I would suggest that while you primarily blame society - media, education, etc - you had the very thing that most young blacks don't have ... parents who cared, parents who gave you a foundation. Don't misunderstand - I'm not saying black parents are irresponsible. But, I am saying that they, as a group, seem to be ineffective. We all know about the lack of responsibility by fathers in the black community, we all know that the mothers accept that (or have to). I suspect you came from a very strong family background - something that is becoming less and less in all communities, white or black, but has reached epidemic levels in the black community. Twelve year old kids shooting up neighborhoods and hauling drugs isn't something whitey can fix. Parents have to take responsibility for raising kids right - whether they be white or black.

But, here's the thing ... while it's okay to blame whitey for what happened, you can't use that as an excuse not to step up. The black community has to solve its own problems ... the white community can't do it for you. We've tried it several times - and fucked it up every time.

Primarily-black schools get more money per student than primarily-white schools. I just raised an issue at the local school board. 90% of all black students tested at the 10th grade level were not proficient, compared to 48% white students. Did I see a hullabaloo in the black community? Guess how many people complained to the school board? One - me. Guess what color I am? White. Where the hell were all those parents? Why wasn't the black community up in arms about that? Do they not care enough? Then, I saw the uproar over Michael Brown - lots of black people there. They cared enough about that to protest - but not enough about their children coming out of school functionally illiterate. I don't see protests over black-on-black crime, only when there's a white person to blame.

My point is simple --- do you have a right to be upset with the white community for what they did? Absolutely. But, you need to direct your anger into the black community ... because that is where the problem is today. You need to aggressively confront that school board, that police department, that tv station, whatever the hell you think is promoting racism. But, more important than that, you need to aggressively confront that deadbeat dad, that drug dealer on the corner, and that parent who lets their kid run wild.

Wanna help those kids? Fix their parents.

PS. Sermons make me sleepy - even when I'm writing them. Take care.
It's an excuse used by some to rationalize why they have not achieved as much as someone else has.
That tends to happen when the people they are comparing themselves against had a 400 year head start in building their achievements and legally kept the other group from establishing the same foundation.

the problem with that is that there are no 400 year old people
Your confusing circumstances with an excuse. An excuse is just a reason for giving up and any excuse will do. Circumstances are real and must be considered and accounted for. The facts are that our current system in this country is racial. Its racism defined simply because it was put into place by whites to the detriment of Blacks and to a lesser extent other races. when I see an unsuccessful white persons I attribute it to something horrific in childhood or laziness. With a Hispanic it depends on their race. If they are seen as white then the prior explanation applies. With other Hispanics I attribute it to the same thing that plagues my Black community which is in large part racism combined with lack of knowledge and inclination to quit..

Ok -- i see where you are coming from.

Racism, lack of knowledge, and the inclination to quit are at the root of problems in the black community. I think i got that right ... in fact, I agree with you. Now, where we disagree ...

What percentage is racism, what percentage is lack of knowledge, and what percentage is inclination to quit? And, do you believe those percentages have changed over the past 40 years?

Added note: Should we consider 'lack of personal responsibility' to that list?
Never really put a percentage to it but I would say it was the largest number as it effects the other 2 factors tremendously. Knowledge is lacking specifically because its not taught in our public schools. Historically accurate information has been omitted, denied or ridiculed. There is no reason not to teach this information and it effects Blacks the most. Regardless of it being intentional or not it is racism. Inclination to quit is rooted in your amount of hope. If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid you wont be too inclined to have it when you get older. I would think factors involved in the lack of personal responsibility could be distributed among these two things. Yes I think things have slightly gotten better only because the legality of racism is not as enforceable as it once was.

Ok, now I'm officially confused ...

1) When you spoke of 'lack of knowledge', I interpreted that to mean that the quality of education in the black community was so poor that young graduates were not equipped with the tools to succeed (I agree with that). Now, I get a sense that you're talking about race-specific knowledge - black history, etc. (You're gonna have to convince me how that keeps them from succeeding, but I'm willing to listen).

2) "If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid, you won't be too inclined ..." Who's killing their hopes? We're talking about young black kids who aren't exposed to whites on any consistent basis. Surely, you don't mean them. Are you talking about the black culture, and black adults being so beaten down that they kill the hopes of their own children? Isn't that what parents do? Help their children reach higher than they ever got? You can't reach the moon in one step, but you sure can make progress toward it every day. Is the problem that black adults are convincing the next generation that they CAN'T succeed, and are pointing to racism as the reason to not even try?

Just for the record ... I think the percentages are lack of will - 50%, lack of knowledge - 40% , and racism (interpreted as holding them back) as 10% of the problem. I'm not saying racism doesn't cause the other two ... rather that, overt racism blocking them is only 10% of the problem.
Its not just lack of racial knowledge, its also lack of functional knowledge that effects everyone. The one that I believe is crucial to Black kids as a first step is racial knowledge. Let me explain. If you are told the only thing you ever were was a savage and then a slave you dont have much to live up to. You have no tradition to uphold. I cite my parents instilling in me a knowledge of my racial heritage as a very solid foundation to my success. Its not really interesting to study math any way but the knowledge your ancestors used it and it is now the basis of everything invented in technology give it a little more appeal.

Their hopes are being killed by the media, the interaction with the cops, and yes sometimes with their parents caught in the cycle. No I am not talking about Black culture because thats not Black culture. If you see no way to reach the moon how do you expect someone to take steps toward getting there? There has to be a vision and a hope that you will succeed. Black children dont get to see that enough unless their parents are knowledgable enough to seek it out. Again its a cyclic thing.

I would expect someone not familiar with the issues to access the situation as such. I hold no malice but I will tell you that you are wrong.

Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time I was wrong ...

I understand everything you say ... and, in large part, I agree with you. But, I would suggest that while you primarily blame society - media, education, etc - you had the very thing that most young blacks don't have ... parents who cared, parents who gave you a foundation. Don't misunderstand - I'm not saying black parents are irresponsible. But, I am saying that they, as a group, seem to be ineffective. We all know about the lack of responsibility by fathers in the black community, we all know that the mothers accept that (or have to). I suspect you came from a very strong family background - something that is becoming less and less in all communities, white or black, but has reached epidemic levels in the black community. Twelve year old kids shooting up neighborhoods and hauling drugs isn't something whitey can fix. Parents have to take responsibility for raising kids right - whether they be white or black.

But, here's the thing ... while it's okay to blame whitey for what happened, you can't use that as an excuse not to step up. The black community has to solve its own problems ... the white community can't do it for you. We've tried it several times - and fucked it up every time.

Primarily-black schools get more money per student than primarily-white schools. I just raised an issue at the local school board. 90% of all black students tested at the 10th grade level were not proficient, compared to 48% white students. Did I see a hullabaloo in the black community? Guess how many people complained to the school board? One - me. Guess what color I am? White. Where the hell were all those parents? Why wasn't the black community up in arms about that? Do they not care enough? Then, I saw the uproar over Michael Brown - lots of black people there. They cared enough about that to protest - but not enough about their children coming out of school functionally illiterate. I don't see protests over black-on-black crime, only when there's a white person to blame.

My point is simple --- do you have a right to be upset with the white community for what they did? Absolutely. But, you need to direct your anger into the black community ... because that is where the problem is today. You need to aggressively confront that school board, that police department, that tv station, whatever the hell you think is promoting racism. But, more important than that, you need to aggressively confront that deadbeat dad, that drug dealer on the corner, and that parent who lets their kid run wild.

Wanna help those kids? Fix their parents.

PS. Sermons make me sleepy - even when I'm writing them. Take care.
Thank you for your objectivity as well as still expressing you point.with respect.
Your confusing circumstances with an excuse. An excuse is just a reason for giving up and any excuse will do. Circumstances are real and must be considered and accounted for. The facts are that our current system in this country is racial. Its racism defined simply because it was put into place by whites to the detriment of Blacks and to a lesser extent other races. when I see an unsuccessful white persons I attribute it to something horrific in childhood or laziness. With a Hispanic it depends on their race. If they are seen as white then the prior explanation applies. With other Hispanics I attribute it to the same thing that plagues my Black community which is in large part racism combined with lack of knowledge and inclination to quit..

Ok -- i see where you are coming from.

Racism, lack of knowledge, and the inclination to quit are at the root of problems in the black community. I think i got that right ... in fact, I agree with you. Now, where we disagree ...

What percentage is racism, what percentage is lack of knowledge, and what percentage is inclination to quit? And, do you believe those percentages have changed over the past 40 years?

Added note: Should we consider 'lack of personal responsibility' to that list?
Never really put a percentage to it but I would say it was the largest number as it effects the other 2 factors tremendously. Knowledge is lacking specifically because its not taught in our public schools. Historically accurate information has been omitted, denied or ridiculed. There is no reason not to teach this information and it effects Blacks the most. Regardless of it being intentional or not it is racism. Inclination to quit is rooted in your amount of hope. If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid you wont be too inclined to have it when you get older. I would think factors involved in the lack of personal responsibility could be distributed among these two things. Yes I think things have slightly gotten better only because the legality of racism is not as enforceable as it once was.

Ok, now I'm officially confused ...

1) When you spoke of 'lack of knowledge', I interpreted that to mean that the quality of education in the black community was so poor that young graduates were not equipped with the tools to succeed (I agree with that). Now, I get a sense that you're talking about race-specific knowledge - black history, etc. (You're gonna have to convince me how that keeps them from succeeding, but I'm willing to listen).

2) "If your hopes are killed a million times a day as a kid, you won't be too inclined ..." Who's killing their hopes? We're talking about young black kids who aren't exposed to whites on any consistent basis. Surely, you don't mean them. Are you talking about the black culture, and black adults being so beaten down that they kill the hopes of their own children? Isn't that what parents do? Help their children reach higher than they ever got? You can't reach the moon in one step, but you sure can make progress toward it every day. Is the problem that black adults are convincing the next generation that they CAN'T succeed, and are pointing to racism as the reason to not even try?

Just for the record ... I think the percentages are lack of will - 50%, lack of knowledge - 40% , and racism (interpreted as holding them back) as 10% of the problem. I'm not saying racism doesn't cause the other two ... rather that, overt racism blocking them is only 10% of the problem.
Its not just lack of racial knowledge, its also lack of functional knowledge that effects everyone. The one that I believe is crucial to Black kids as a first step is racial knowledge. Let me explain. If you are told the only thing you ever were was a savage and then a slave you dont have much to live up to. You have no tradition to uphold. I cite my parents instilling in me a knowledge of my racial heritage as a very solid foundation to my success. Its not really interesting to study math any way but the knowledge your ancestors used it and it is now the basis of everything invented in technology give it a little more appeal.

Their hopes are being killed by the media, the interaction with the cops, and yes sometimes with their parents caught in the cycle. No I am not talking about Black culture because thats not Black culture. If you see no way to reach the moon how do you expect someone to take steps toward getting there? There has to be a vision and a hope that you will succeed. Black children dont get to see that enough unless their parents are knowledgable enough to seek it out. Again its a cyclic thing.

I would expect someone not familiar with the issues to access the situation as such. I hold no malice but I will tell you that you are wrong.

Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time I was wrong ...

I understand everything you say ... and, in large part, I agree with you. But, I would suggest that while you primarily blame society - media, education, etc - you had the very thing that most young blacks don't have ... parents who cared, parents who gave you a foundation. Don't misunderstand - I'm not saying black parents are irresponsible. But, I am saying that they, as a group, seem to be ineffective. We all know about the lack of responsibility by fathers in the black community, we all know that the mothers accept that (or have to). I suspect you came from a very strong family background - something that is becoming less and less in all communities, white or black, but has reached epidemic levels in the black community. Twelve year old kids shooting up neighborhoods and hauling drugs isn't something whitey can fix. Parents have to take responsibility for raising kids right - whether they be white or black.

But, here's the thing ... while it's okay to blame whitey for what happened, you can't use that as an excuse not to step up. The black community has to solve its own problems ... the white community can't do it for you. We've tried it several times - and fucked it up every time.

Primarily-black schools get more money per student than primarily-white schools. I just raised an issue at the local school board. 90% of all black students tested at the 10th grade level were not proficient, compared to 48% white students. Did I see a hullabaloo in the black community? Guess how many people complained to the school board? One - me. Guess what color I am? White. Where the hell were all those parents? Why wasn't the black community up in arms about that? Do they not care enough? Then, I saw the uproar over Michael Brown - lots of black people there. They cared enough about that to protest - but not enough about their children coming out of school functionally illiterate. I don't see protests over black-on-black crime, only when there's a white person to blame.

My point is simple --- do you have a right to be upset with the white community for what they did? Absolutely. But, you need to direct your anger into the black community ... because that is where the problem is today. You need to aggressively confront that school board, that police department, that tv station, whatever the hell you think is promoting racism. But, more important than that, you need to aggressively confront that deadbeat dad, that drug dealer on the corner, and that parent who lets their kid run wild.

Wanna help those kids? Fix their parents.

PS. Sermons make me sleepy - even when I'm writing them. Take care.
I pretty much agree with what you say except for one point: all the things you have attributed to the black community are just as much a problem in the white community.

I live in a mid-western city of ~250,000 which is predominantly white (~85%) so most of the deadbeat dads, drug dealers and irresponsible parents are white (and there are a lot). Our "inner city" if you will is predominantly white. The racism we see in the headlines doesn't appear to be as big of a problem here. The whites and the blacks who are confronting the police (predominantly white) are equal opportunity offenders. Since most confrontations are with whites the blacks don't feel "singled out". I may be blind but I feel the community is fairly integrated but I'm a white man in a predominantly white community. I feel the minorities have pretty much an equal opportunity (here) and it is evident in the schools and workplace.

The white racism I see here is predominantly due to ignorance by the white population. Most of the white racists are of the type that won't associate with blacks because everything they think they "know" is based on what they see in the media. If I grew up with that impression your damn right I would be "scared" of the black community. The politicians and community leaders (black and white) fan the flames by trotting out examples of injustice (sometimes warranted, sometimes not) which the media (mostly white) immediately jump on because they are inflammatory and boost their ratings. They (politicians, leaders, media) pounce on the story and stoke it to a frenzy and wait for the bubble to pop so they can "report it live". So in the example of Ferguson the "news" becomes a small minority of criminals burning and looting under the guise of protest with hundreds of cameras trained on them (I think I saw more a lot more cameras than crimes) while the majority peacefully protest in obscurity. The ignorant whites watching the news shake their heads and say "there go those n*****s again!), I hate to say it but the majority (though not overwhelming) of the whites here are of the ignorant variety. Their attitudes won't change but I try to explain this to them where I can.

The black racism I see here is from a minority of blacks who see their peers who are leading productive and improving lives and label them as "cow-towing to the white man", "uncle toms", etc. Their attitudes won't change and I don't know how to address that other than not being ignorant.

As a side note I will add that I grew up lower middle class in a small town that was all white. In third grade a black family moved to my community from Philadelphia. I learned later that the father just wanted to get his family the f*** out. He had I think four boys and two girls. One of the boys (the youngest) was in my class and we became friends and eventually graduated high-school together. So my first impression of blacks was from friendship. I went to college, racked up some debt, flunked out, joined the military and then went back to school. I have had friends and enemies of many colors but was fortunate to always be in environments where everyone was trying to improve and race just wasn't that important. All my role models have always been people I know. I think I owe more to that black father and his bravery than I ever realized. Oh yeah, both of my parents were always there and taught me to work hard for what I wanted.
I don't feel like there is such a thing anymore, depends on how you present yourself and what privileges you are seeking. It may be racist but I think a majority of African Americans in poor communities just want the privilege to do whatever the hell they want, and look cool doing it (of course all really poor communities whether white or black have people who are proud to be "ghetto").
I think there may be a White only scholarship program out there somewhere, but I know for sure there are Black only ones. And I for one would like the privilege to go to college just because I'm white.

Also I applied to this burger joint called The Habit and they only hire Hispanics by the looks of it, but I applied for a cook position anyways because they needed help. Well I didn't even get a phone call. A freaking burger joint, how American/white does it get?!

And even bigger picture, we all get the privilege to pay taxes but not the privilege to a quality education. By quality I mean one that actually prepares you to succeed on any basic level. So this leads to obtaining privileges based on who you know rather than just being white. Like Jewish people in America for instance, they are white-ish but they don't like to share with other white folk instead they keep it in the community. I mean look at the S.A.G. if that isn't the most ridiculously hard union to get into.

P.S. As a white American I feel a sense of isolation from my fellow white people (<- main point, the rest is just a rant). And with all the racial crap the media spews forth it really demonizes whites to the point where we lose our pride and identity. Which sucks because there are tons of cops who don't care what color you are when deciding to beat you up.

Sorry I sound ignorant, but I just call it how I've seen it. Except the stuff I haven't seen, like cops beating people. But I tensed up while being cuffed once and the cop got ready to wrastle the shit out of me.
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I don't feel like there is such a thing anymore, depends on how you present yourself and what privileges you are seeking. It may be racist but I think a majority of African Americans in poor communities just want the privilege to do whatever the hell they want, and look cool doing it (of course all really poor communities whether white or black have people who are proud to be "ghetto").
I think there may be a White only scholarship program out there somewhere, but I know for sure there are Black only ones. And I for one would like the privilege to go to college just because I'm white.

Also I applied to this burger joint called The Habit and they only hire Hispanics by the looks of it, but I applied for a cook position anyways because they needed help. Well I didn't even get a phone call. A freaking burger joint, how American/white does it get?!

And even bigger picture, we all get the privilege to pay taxes but not the privilege to a quality education. By quality I mean one that actually prepares you to succeed on any basic level. So this leads to obtaining privileges based on who you know rather than just being white. Like Jewish people in America for instance, they are white-ish but they don't like to share with other white folk instead they keep it in the community. I mean look at the S.A.G. if that isn't the most ridiculously hard union to get into.

P.S. As a white American I feel a sense of isolation from my fellow white people (<- main point, the rest is just a rant). And with all the racial crap the media spews forth it really demonizes whites to the point where we lose our pride and identity. Which sucks because there are tons of cops who don't care what color you are when deciding to beat you up.

Sorry I sound ignorant, but I just call it how I've seen it. Except the stuff I haven't seen, like cops beating people. But I tensed up while being cuffed once and the cop got ready to wrastle the shit out of me.

I, too, have seen the police harass white people. Teenagers in most instances. I've known kids when in high school who were stopped while walking down the street, made to empty their pockets, etc.

I guess the question is, do we want the police to be actively searching for things to prevent a crime from occurring, or do we want them to only be around if there is crime being committed? It's really kind of a thin line.
Honestly i wish everyone was allowed to carry a handgun.
oops off topic, i mean “i wish all white people carried guns”
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I don't feel like there is such a thing anymore, depends on how you present yourself and what privileges you are seeking. It may be racist but I think a majority of African Americans in poor communities just want the privilege to do whatever the hell they want, and look cool doing it (of course all really poor communities whether white or black have people who are proud to be "ghetto").
I think there may be a White only scholarship program out there somewhere, but I know for sure there are Black only ones. And I for one would like the privilege to go to college just because I'm white.

Also I applied to this burger joint called The Habit and they only hire Hispanics by the looks of it, but I applied for a cook position anyways because they needed help. Well I didn't even get a phone call. A freaking burger joint, how American/white does it get?!

And even bigger picture, we all get the privilege to pay taxes but not the privilege to a quality education. By quality I mean one that actually prepares you to succeed on any basic level. So this leads to obtaining privileges based on who you know rather than just being white. Like Jewish people in America for instance, they are white-ish but they don't like to share with other white folk instead they keep it in the community. I mean look at the S.A.G. if that isn't the most ridiculously hard union to get into.

P.S. As a white American I feel a sense of isolation from my fellow white people (<- main point, the rest is just a rant). And with all the racial crap the media spews forth it really demonizes whites to the point where we lose our pride and identity. Which sucks because there are tons of cops who don't care what color you are when deciding to beat you up.

Sorry I sound ignorant, but I just call it how I've seen it. Except the stuff I haven't seen, like cops beating people. But I tensed up while being cuffed once and the cop got ready to wrastle the shit out of me.
You must be white of course and trying to tell Black people what is really going on since you must obviously know having been Black in a past life right?
I don't feel like there is such a thing anymore, depends on how you present yourself and what privileges you are seeking. It may be racist but I think a majority of African Americans in poor communities just want the privilege to do whatever the hell they want, and look cool doing it (of course all really poor communities whether white or black have people who are proud to be "ghetto").
I think there may be a White only scholarship program out there somewhere, but I know for sure there are Black only ones. And I for one would like the privilege to go to college just because I'm white.

Also I applied to this burger joint called The Habit and they only hire Hispanics by the looks of it, but I applied for a cook position anyways because they needed help. Well I didn't even get a phone call. A freaking burger joint, how American/white does it get?!

And even bigger picture, we all get the privilege to pay taxes but not the privilege to a quality education. By quality I mean one that actually prepares you to succeed on any basic level. So this leads to obtaining privileges based on who you know rather than just being white. Like Jewish people in America for instance, they are white-ish but they don't like to share with other white folk instead they keep it in the community. I mean look at the S.A.G. if that isn't the most ridiculously hard union to get into.

P.S. As a white American I feel a sense of isolation from my fellow white people (<- main point, the rest is just a rant). And with all the racial crap the media spews forth it really demonizes whites to the point where we lose our pride and identity. Which sucks because there are tons of cops who don't care what color you are when deciding to beat you up.

Sorry I sound ignorant, but I just call it how I've seen it. Except the stuff I haven't seen, like cops beating people. But I tensed up while being cuffed once and the cop got ready to wrastle the shit out of me.
You must be white of course and trying to tell Black people what is really going on since you must obviously know having been Black in a past life right?
Someones gotta do it.
I don't feel like there is such a thing anymore, depends on how you present yourself and what privileges you are seeking. It may be racist but I think a majority of African Americans in poor communities just want the privilege to do whatever the hell they want, and look cool doing it (of course all really poor communities whether white or black have people who are proud to be "ghetto").
I think there may be a White only scholarship program out there somewhere, but I know for sure there are Black only ones. And I for one would like the privilege to go to college just because I'm white.

Also I applied to this burger joint called The Habit and they only hire Hispanics by the looks of it, but I applied for a cook position anyways because they needed help. Well I didn't even get a phone call. A freaking burger joint, how American/white does it get?!

And even bigger picture, we all get the privilege to pay taxes but not the privilege to a quality education. By quality I mean one that actually prepares you to succeed on any basic level. So this leads to obtaining privileges based on who you know rather than just being white. Like Jewish people in America for instance, they are white-ish but they don't like to share with other white folk instead they keep it in the community. I mean look at the S.A.G. if that isn't the most ridiculously hard union to get into.

P.S. As a white American I feel a sense of isolation from my fellow white people (<- main point, the rest is just a rant). And with all the racial crap the media spews forth it really demonizes whites to the point where we lose our pride and identity. Which sucks because there are tons of cops who don't care what color you are when deciding to beat you up.

Sorry I sound ignorant, but I just call it how I've seen it. Except the stuff I haven't seen, like cops beating people. But I tensed up while being cuffed once and the cop got ready to wrastle the shit out of me.
You must be white of course and trying to tell Black people what is really going on since you must obviously know having been Black in a past life right?
Someones gotta do it.
To bad no one that matters believes you know what you are talking about.
But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
Who is glamorizing a destructive lifestyle? It takes a Black person to be accurate about the reality a Black person lives in. I dont really care what some white guy that listens to rap tells me. Its obvious you are listening to the wrong rap.
But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
Who is glamorizing a destructive lifestyle? It takes a Black person to be accurate about the reality a Black person lives in. I dont really care what some white guy that listens to rap tells me. Its obvious you are listening to the wrong rap.
Plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models, not just blacks. It's just more visible in the black communities, not to mention that unless you listen to will smith or hopsin or rappers like that then you are constantly drilled with messages about abusing women and drugs. A white or purple person can live a “black” life too. Which is why I made sure to mention that.
But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
Who is glamorizing a destructive lifestyle? It takes a Black person to be accurate about the reality a Black person lives in. I dont really care what some white guy that listens to rap tells me. Its obvious you are listening to the wrong rap.
Plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models, not just blacks. It's just more visible in the black communities, not to mention that unless you listen to will smith or hopsin or rappers like that then you are constantly drilled with messages about abusing women and drugs. A white or purple person can live a “black” life too. Which is why I made sure to mention that.
You sound confused, ignorant and young. I know plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models. I listen to all types of rap and I never became a drug dealer. Try listening to some real rap like The Roots. Its Now Or Never.

Stop it. No a white person cannot live a Black life. You aren't Black. You skin color will not elicit the same reaction from the world that a Black persons would provoke.
But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
Who is glamorizing a destructive lifestyle? It takes a Black person to be accurate about the reality a Black person lives in. I dont really care what some white guy that listens to rap tells me. Its obvious you are listening to the wrong rap.
Plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models, not just blacks. It's just more visible in the black communities, not to mention that unless you listen to will smith or hopsin or rappers like that then you are constantly drilled with messages about abusing women and drugs. A white or purple person can live a “black” life too. Which is why I made sure to mention that.
You sound confused, ignorant and young. I know plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models. I listen to all types of rap and I never became a drug dealer. Try listening to some real rap like The Roots. Its Now Or Never.

Stop it. No a white person cannot live a Black life. You aren't Black. You skin color will not elicit the same reaction from the world that a Black persons would provoke.
I must be from a different planet then, first off, im always around blacks. There was a time when blacks tried to emulate white mannerisms. But now the world emulates black swagger because it's the chill thing to do. Cops are different because they have to profile. Popular hiphop just reinforces a world view, if everyone who listened to rap became a dealer....well who'd buy the shit? And ur right about good rap, but it's not mainstream.
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But seriously, glamourizing a destructive lifestyle to the point where kids become killers isn't right. And it doesn't take a tupac reincarnate white boy to know that, smartass. Off topic.
Who is glamorizing a destructive lifestyle? It takes a Black person to be accurate about the reality a Black person lives in. I dont really care what some white guy that listens to rap tells me. Its obvious you are listening to the wrong rap.
Plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models, not just blacks. It's just more visible in the black communities, not to mention that unless you listen to will smith or hopsin or rappers like that then you are constantly drilled with messages about abusing women and drugs. A white or purple person can live a “black” life too. Which is why I made sure to mention that.
You sound confused, ignorant and young. I know plenty of people grow up with drug dealers as role models. I listen to all types of rap and I never became a drug dealer. Try listening to some real rap like The Roots. Its Now Or Never.

Stop it. No a white person cannot live a Black life. You aren't Black. You skin color will not elicit the same reaction from the world that a Black persons would provoke.
I must be from a different planet then, first off, im always around blacks. There was a time when blacks tried to emulate white mannerisms. But now the world emulates black swagger because it's the chill thing to do. Cops are different because they have to profile. Popular hiphop just reinforces a world view, if everyone who listened to rap became a dealer....well who'd buy the shit? And ur right about good rap, but it's not mainstream.
You being around Blacks doesn't make you Black. I had to let go of a white girlfriend of mine because of that. Be yourself. There is nothing wrong with being white and enjoying Black culture. However, you need to understand that rap is only a small part of Black culture and gangsta rap is even a smaller insignificant part. No matter how hard you try you cant be Black. Just be yourself. Open your eyes and educate yourself.
"White Privilege" is a trigger phrase used by Leftists in order to assign collective guilt to all white people who don't support their ideology.

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