CDZ What is White Privilege?

Do you subscribe to the idea of White Privilege

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"White Privilege" is a trigger phrase used by Leftists in order to assign collective guilt to all white people who don't support their ideology.
No thats not it. white privilege is basically Jim Crow gone underground. You cant legislate how people feel.

B'loney. It's a made up phrase used to intimidate white people who disagree with your politics.

That is the typical leftwing political maneuver: Deniable Intimidation.
What is White Privilege?

No snarky one liner comments. No adhominems. I want nothing other than an legit argument on this topic so I can understand the minds of those who subscribe to this idea. For those of you who don't know what an argument is, or is not, see below.

The excuse the black community provides for being at the bottom of the barrel and not taking personal responsibility for their own failure. I mean, as a whole, the Americans of Asian descendants, are the most economically successful segment of US society. Yet you don't hear Asian privilege!
"White Privilege" is a trigger phrase used by Leftists in order to assign collective guilt to all white people who don't support their ideology.
No thats not it. white privilege is basically Jim Crow gone underground. You cant legislate how people feel.

B'loney. It's a made up phrase used to intimidate white people who disagree with your politics.

That is the typical leftwing political maneuver: Deniable Intimidation.
Just because you get intimidated dont think everyone else does. I dont need a phrase to intimidate anyone. If you can be intimidated by words that speaks to a lack of courage.
Says the guy who thinks gangsta raps an insignificant part of the culture.
More suburban white people by far purchase gangsta rap than any other demographic. No telling how many get it boot leg. Come on dog.
That's a bunch of malarky.
Sorry dog. You better wake up. This is just Jay-Z

Meet The King Of Rap - CBS News

"According to Lyor Cohen, who distributes Jay-Z's CDs, more than 80 percent of those sales were to suburban white kids. As the chairman of Island Def Jam records, Cohen has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling rap music to suburbia.

"Sixty-five percent, maybe 70 percent of all of rap music sales are purchased by white people," says Cohen."
Says the guy who thinks gangsta raps an insignificant part of the culture.
More suburban white people by far purchase gangsta rap than any other demographic. No telling how many get it boot leg. Come on dog.
That's a bunch of malarky.
Sorry dog. You better wake up. This is just Jay-Z

Meet The King Of Rap - CBS News

"According to Lyor Cohen, who distributes Jay-Z's CDs, more than 80 percent of those sales were to suburban white kids. As the chairman of Island Def Jam records, Cohen has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling rap music to suburbia.

"Sixty-five percent, maybe 70 percent of all of rap music sales are purchased by white people," says Cohen."
Cool, but besides the point. You don't see suburban white kids identifying with gangsta rap. How could they.
Alleged examples of white privilege:
1. Because of white privilege, you’ll never have to worry about becoming the victim of law enforcement officers.
It's my brain, not my skin color, that keeps me from assaulting cops, to then warrant any such "abuse".

2. Thankfully, you’ll never have to know what it feels like to see your teenage son’s death being mocked.
Right, because....

Alleged examples of white privilege:
1. Because of white privilege, you’ll never have to worry about becoming the victim of law enforcement officers.
It's my brain, not my skin color, that keeps me from assaulting cops, to then warrant any such "abuse".

2. Thankfully, you’ll never have to know what it feels like to see your teenage son’s death being mocked.
Right, because....

What is the source for those "examples" of WP?
So you are the only white person in the entire nation?

That isn't how this works. That you erroneously believe that is how it works means that you don't understand what WP is all about.
Blacks, and minorities or whoever, are saying there's 'white privilege' in the US and so I'm trying to understand what they're talking about out of basic respect. I'm looking for specific examples of 'white privilege' and see if those examples apply to me in the hopes that maybe I'll have a "holy crap, they're right" moment and see the issue from their eyes.

So far, non of the examples I've seen apply to me, so I'm having a hard time relating to 'black suffrage'. I just don't get it.

What is the source for those "examples" of WP?
I don't know I just Googled some random shit. I'd have to Google a sample of that post to find the source again.
Explaining 'white privilege' to a broke white person.
From the list of examples:
  • "I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented."
I don't see how that would be a privilege, and I'm seeing a lot of black people in the news anyway.
  • "When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization,” I am shown that people of my color made it what it is."
I'm actually told about how the evil white people came and murdered all the natives and raped the land using black slaves.
  • "If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven’t been singled out because of my race."
I'm pretty sure it's because I was speeding.
  • "I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time."
That's anyone.
  • "If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area, which I can afford and in which I would want to live."
That's anyone.
  • "I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me."
LOL hell no that's not true even a tiny little bit.
  • "I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed."
When I lived in CA I was followed and harassed because I was white, so this one's another fail.
  • "If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege."
So can anyone with a computer.

So far there's no evidence that 'white privilege' exists at all.
I'm watching the Steelers vs Bengals. Every player is a millionaire. I see much more black privilege than white privilege.
There is no such thing as "White privilege." Just as there is no such thing as Black "under-privilege."

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