What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Well, there's an archaic book of Tribal Laws call Leviticus filled will all kinds of rules and laws that were of the culture of that time. Some people read that book as if the laws were applicable to today. They read the phrase "word of God" as literal and not as an indication of how people 4000 years ago saw their deity.

Hmm.. Let's see, are laws relevant to humanity which were recognized 5000 years ago, still relevant today?

Let's test that... shall we?

Please go to the tallest structure you can find; preferably something over 6 stories... walk to the edge and pause... think of me... step off the structure while wildly flapping your arms.

Now... IF the "OLD LAW" is no longer relevant, you'll fly over the building and, when ready, you'll descend back to old Mother Earth as the mood strikes.

And IF the "OLD ARCHAIC LAW" is still in full force and effect, you'll plummet to the earth at terminal velocity... rendering your body into a bag of rapidly decaying soup. Hopefully there will be some strays around who can get some use out of your last great act of defiance, assuming the old law is still on the books and being enforced.

My guess is that it is.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

The next case will be the polygamists and they will use the exact same arguments as the gays, and with the gay precedent, they will also win.

Is this really where you want our society to go?
You're gonna have to live and think as a gay person after June?
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

Would think that especially in a time when overpopulation is causing greater and greater problems non-breeders would be encouraged. :) Shouldn't conservatives be their biggest fans being all about conserving? :)
If overpopulation is a problem...wtf is Obama opening our borders?

In a gay discussion thread your mind goes to sweaty Latinos and powerful black men? K...

Nope. Your's maybe....but I was offering a little sanity to your comment. If there are too many motherfuckers on the planet...why in the fuck do we keep rolling out the red carpet for them to come here, being overcrowded and all????

Sooner you come out, if only to yourself, sooner you'll be happier.

No thanks.

I'd rather jerk off.

Besides, smelling poop during sex isn't my idea of fun.
Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

The next case will be the polygamists and they will use the exact same arguments as the gays, and with the gay precedent, they will also win.

Is this really where you want our society to go?

I will do that b/c your opinion of "marriage isn't a right" has zero effect on what is or what isn't legal precedence. This upcoming ruling will have little, if any, impact on how you live or think. You will still be free to think whatever you wish about gays and live the life most suited to your ideals.

Polygamists will have every right to state their case before the courts and fight for their rights just like another American. And to be honest, I really do not have an issue with polygamists having access to recognized marriage so long all parties in the matter legally consent to the marriage.

your naivete is confirmed by your second paragraph.

Again, that is your opinion.

yes, and my opinion is supported by your naive postings.

Sorry, I don't care if polygamists get access to marriage.

as I said, naive.

but lets think about it for a moment, OK?

lets say that Bill, Tom, Jack, and Luke marry Joan, Louise, Kaneesha, and Amy. together they have 12 kids, 8 cars, 2 boats, a very large house, and 4 dogs.

Now, lets say that Tom and Joan decide that they want to divorce the rest of them, Since every man has screwed every woman the only way to decide which kids belong to Tom and Joan is to do a DNA test on all of them, then lets assume that Luke wants to object to the divorce.

Now, how many lawyers will be needed and how much court time will be wasted sorting this out?

The problem is not multiple marriage and multiple screwing, its the legal mess that would be created that we would all have to deal with, and pay for.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

The next case will be the polygamists and they will use the exact same arguments as the gays, and with the gay precedent, they will also win.

Is this really where you want our society to go?
You're gonna have to live and think as a gay person after June?

Not me. The government will never have thought control over my mind----------sorry about yours.

But if SCOTUS rules against you, will you accept that ruling and STFU?
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)
He also made poisonous mushrooms and rattlesnakes.

Didn't forbid them though.
That would have been too easy.

"To show your fidelity to me, don't eat poisonous stuff."

Easy peasy!

"To show your fidelity to me, don't eat bacon."

Bacon is the Devil!!!!


If loving bacon is wrong, I don't want to be right.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.
Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

LOL! Marriage is a right, wherein One Man Joins with One Woman.

As a result, there is no means for THAT right to be extended to a man and a goat, or a man and a car or a man and a man.

Let's Review: Marriage is the Joining of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.

(See how that works?)

No marriage is not a right. If you are single, you cannot demand your right to marriage. It may be against the Constitution to ban gay marriage, but that doesn't make it a right.
Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.
gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

The next case will be the polygamists and they will use the exact same arguments as the gays, and with the gay precedent, they will also win.

Is this really where you want our society to go?
You're gonna have to live and think as a gay person after June?

Sorry, but you can't force people to be gay.....
That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.

I am not saying the courts have ruled gay marriage is a right you dunce. I am saying that marriage is in fact a right. The courts will decide whether that right extends to gays in June. This isn't that hard to understand.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

It's a lie.

Being rationalized as a truth, because of the illusion that no one is harmed. Both of the individuals are harmed, because they've taken action to pursue satisfaction subsequent to a deviant craving.

It's the same craving and the same illusion, that sees an 8 year old boy and rationalizes that acceptance by the boy and the emotions common to friendship, are cues which justify pursuing sexual gratification. It harms the boy.

Same with the girls on that side of the gender equation.

It's a lie... and 'belief' that what is not true is true, is harmful... because it precludes one from making good choices, and as such risks the viability of the individual and by extension, the culture.

Why is it harmful? Saying because it prevents good choices is just essentially repeating the same thing
Um, I'm confused. Your last post was a direct response to my OP, now you seem not to have read the op. Are you the chick from 50 first dates?

I don't think gay is a sin, I think there's nothing wrong with it. What are you talking about?

You asked why God would make gays but then want them to be unhappy in the post that I answered, and my response was to that question. God warns against sin, you're implying that a gay person could only be happy if in a gay relationship, which most Christians would see as 'sin'. Isn't your op questioning why God would make someone a certain way, but then condemn the way He made them? But God made us all, and we all sin, we all are tempted and fall short, gay or not gay, so it's not like God made gay people any differently than anyone else. Aren't we all then 'condemned'? We're all people, we're all tempted by sin, we all fall short? I'm not sure why you seem to have this special category for gay people when it comes to God?

I don't think being 'gay' is a sin either, it's your actions and what's in your heart that causes sin.

This was what particularly confused me, "Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?" That contradicts everything I said, why would I think that?

Well, I'm confused too, because your op asked why God would make gays and then want them to be unhappy. That is a statement built upon multiple presumptions that may or may not be true. Who's to say that a gay person who accepts what God's word is and gives their lives over God would be unhappy? I assumed you were asking Christians that since they are for the most part against gay marriage, but believe in a loving God? My response is that we are all offered challenges and temptations in life, denying them doesn't necessarily lead to unhappiness. So if you are a Christian, you would see gay sex as a sin, i.e. sin outside of marriage, (same with two heterosexual people who are not married), and you wouldn't believe that God would advocate such a marriage, so you would see the gay person as someone who has challenges and temptations in life, same as everyone else, that they have to turn to God for in order to overcome. If you believe in God and what the Bible tells you, God can overcome anything, I just don't think you're looking at it from the perspective of a Christian.

I don't necessarily think it matters what the secular government/society does with regards to gay marriage, abortion has been legal for 40 years and God certainly wouldn't sanction that either. Jesus Christ is about salvation of the individual, not the society, and each individual will answer to Him for what they do or don't do, we can't control what society does.

Your question is basically the same as 'Why does God want single people to be unhappy?' Single people aren't supposed to have sex either, so if they follow God's word, will they be 'unhappy'? Is it an unreasonable expectation for humans to go without sex? And for the record, sex and love are two different things.

I think too many people think of God as being focused on being obsessed with tracking every mistake we make so he can nail us for it later, rather than God wanting us to learn and grow. Learning and growing involves making more mistakes. I'm a Red Wings fan, the Red Wings are known for continual rebuilding, we made the playoffs 24 straight seasons. Second is Pittsburgh with nine. The Wings are great obviously at developing young players.

You do that by letting them make mistakes and then learn from it, not by blasting them for mistakes and holding it against them You make mistakes and you may or may not go forward with the team depending how you learn and adapt. You play it safe and maybe you won't make any mistakes, but you will get cut for sure. I think God wants us to go for it. Just make sure you don't hurt people on purpose and you ... learn ... from them and I think you'll be fine. I don't think God thinks like us either, I think God puts it in our terms to help us. Too many people misunderstand that

Go Pens! :biggrin: Altho, we lost in freakin' overtime last night... :banghead:

Everyone obviously has different perceptions of "God", but a Christian is using the Bible as their guide, which is supposed to contain His word. Jesus Christ preached against sin over and over, so you're either walking towards Him, or you're walking away from Him, I don't believe there is any middle ground. You're either genuinely trying to follow His word or you're not. And sure, everyone is going to mess up and make mistakes from time to time, but there is a difference between making a mistake, i.e. screwing up, and blatantly just choosing to go your own way in spite of what His word tells you. Regarding sexual activity, it's pretty clear what God intended, and if you're not following His word on that, then you're choosing to go your own way and not listen to His word. What are the consequences of that, if any? Only God knows, right? But He will be able to say to you that He told you what was sin, and you didn't listen, and there will be no denying it. If you are a Christian. And I think you're right, that you should be growing and learning in your walk with God, and that means to me that you're getting closer to Him, not further away. The Bible says many times that sin separates you from God, so I'm not sure how a person could continually decide to go against God's word, i.e. sin, and yet still insist that they're walking with Him?

The Bible is a guide, but it's not an instruction manual. You still have to think it through. Though shalt not kill. What if someone breaks into your home and threatens your family? I think that's clearly not applicable. What if someone says they are going to do it and you believe them? Wow, that's gray. Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone, not being gay when you are gay does harm you. I'm not saying your point's not valid, but it's not that simple
Nothing as long as you don't mind AIDS.

What an amazingly ignorant statement.

Looking just at the gay population in the United States- and presuming that the gay population is equally split between gay men and gay women- approximately 18% of gay men are infected with HIV- so that means 82% are not.

And given that HIV is entirely preventable, any gay man who wants to can avoid contracting HIV.

And then of course- gay women, unless they are intravenous drug users, have almost no likelihood of contracting HIV.

A heterosexual woman is more likely to contract HIV than a lesbian.
Um, I'm confused. Your last post was a direct response to my OP, now you seem not to have read the op. Are you the chick from 50 first dates?

I don't think gay is a sin, I think there's nothing wrong with it. What are you talking about?

You asked why God would make gays but then want them to be unhappy in the post that I answered, and my response was to that question. God warns against sin, you're implying that a gay person could only be happy if in a gay relationship, which most Christians would see as 'sin'. Isn't your op questioning why God would make someone a certain way, but then condemn the way He made them? But God made us all, and we all sin, we all are tempted and fall short, gay or not gay, so it's not like God made gay people any differently than anyone else. Aren't we all then 'condemned'? We're all people, we're all tempted by sin, we all fall short? I'm not sure why you seem to have this special category for gay people when it comes to God?

I don't think being 'gay' is a sin either, it's your actions and what's in your heart that causes sin.

This was what particularly confused me, "Why do you think gays have a corner on the market when it comes to sin?" That contradicts everything I said, why would I think that?

Well, I'm confused too, because your op asked why God would make gays and then want them to be unhappy. That is a statement built upon multiple presumptions that may or may not be true. Who's to say that a gay person who accepts what God's word is and gives their lives over God would be unhappy? I assumed you were asking Christians that since they are for the most part against gay marriage, but believe in a loving God? My response is that we are all offered challenges and temptations in life, denying them doesn't necessarily lead to unhappiness. So if you are a Christian, you would see gay sex as a sin, i.e. sin outside of marriage, (same with two heterosexual people who are not married), and you wouldn't believe that God would advocate such a marriage, so you would see the gay person as someone who has challenges and temptations in life, same as everyone else, that they have to turn to God for in order to overcome. If you believe in God and what the Bible tells you, God can overcome anything, I just don't think you're looking at it from the perspective of a Christian.

I don't necessarily think it matters what the secular government/society does with regards to gay marriage, abortion has been legal for 40 years and God certainly wouldn't sanction that either. Jesus Christ is about salvation of the individual, not the society, and each individual will answer to Him for what they do or don't do, we can't control what society does.

Your question is basically the same as 'Why does God want single people to be unhappy?' Single people aren't supposed to have sex either, so if they follow God's word, will they be 'unhappy'? Is it an unreasonable expectation for humans to go without sex? And for the record, sex and love are two different things.

I think too many people think of God as being focused on being obsessed with tracking every mistake we make so he can nail us for it later, rather than God wanting us to learn and grow. Learning and growing involves making more mistakes. I'm a Red Wings fan, the Red Wings are known for continual rebuilding, we made the playoffs 24 straight seasons. Second is Pittsburgh with nine. The Wings are great obviously at developing young players.

You do that by letting them make mistakes and then learn from it, not by blasting them for mistakes and holding it against them You make mistakes and you may or may not go forward with the team depending how you learn and adapt. You play it safe and maybe you won't make any mistakes, but you will get cut for sure. I think God wants us to go for it. Just make sure you don't hurt people on purpose and you ... learn ... from them and I think you'll be fine. I don't think God thinks like us either, I think God puts it in our terms to help us. Too many people misunderstand that
You can't rebuild a prolapsed anus.

And apparently you can't rebuild a prolapsed brain.
that link has been posted before and debunked before. Got anything new? There is no science that supports gay behavior as normal in humans or animals. It is always an aberatiion of normal----always.

Hey dipshit. Stop conflating "natural" with "normal" and maybe you will actually hear what is being explained to you.

And while you are at it, stop conflating "abnormal" with "wrong".

abnormal is not wrong, its abnormal. normal is natural. normal is determined by society as a whole. in some societies polygamy is normal, in ours it is not.

whether homosexuality is normal and acceptable is for society as a whole to determine, not those who practice it.

minority rights are fine and should be demanded by all, but minority dictates are wrong and should be rejected by all.

Thats the issue here, not homosexuality or gay marriage.

'minority dictates'? What the hell are 'minority dictates' as opposed to minorities asserting those 'minority rights' that you say are fine?
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

Marriage is indeed a right in the United States. You may disagree- you may pretend that it isn't but the Supreme Court says otherwise- and the Supreme Court actually has authority- and you do not.

Loving v Virginia

"The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

"Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

Zablocki v. Rehail

Although Loving arose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.

Maynard v. Hill,125 U. S. 190(1888), the Court characterized marriage as "the most important relation in life,"id.at125 U. S. 205, and as "the foundation of the family and of society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress,"

InMeyer v. Nebraska,262 U. S. 390(1923), the Court recognized that the right "to marry, establish a home and bring up children" is a central part of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause,

InGriswold v. Connecticut,381 U. S. 479(1965), the Court observed:

"We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights -- older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."

Carey v. Population Services International,431 U. S. 678(1977)

"While the outer limits of [the right of personal privacy] have not been marked by the Court, it is clear that among the decisions that an individual may make without unjustified government interference are personal decisions 'relating to marriage,

Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur

"This Court has long recognized that freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment"
What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Nothing. That is why there should be no special privileges for a lifestyle that is very common and leaving no victims.
You are welcome to your opinion- a totally unsubstantiated opinion. To me it is as valid as if I were to say that homophobia is a disease just as being bi-polar is.

there is no such thing as homophobia-----------fear of homsexuals. Homo--------phobia. Think about the word, idiot.
You and most others on the right fear change, diversity, and dissent – hence your hostility toward gay Americans and your desire to disadvantage them through force of law.

Call it what you will – but it ultimately comes down to being hateful, ignorant, wrong, and un-Constitutional.

not true at all. its you on the left that are full of hate and fear. you hate and fear anyone who dares take issue with your far left socialist, anything-goes agenda.

You want anyone who disagrees with you punished by the government. you hate freedom and free speech and want to curtail both.

This from the guy who keeps attacking gays as 'abnormal', in the most derogatory connotation of that word.

the sexual behavior of gays is abnormal. Butt fucking is not a normal human activity. The human anus was not designed to have a cock rammed up it repeatedly.

Why do you care? Really- why are you obsessing about who has anal sex?

The reality is unless you have installed some perv cam in the bedrooms of people, you don't know who is having anal sex- and who is not. Not all gay men have anal sex, and a surprisingly large number of heterosexuals do have anal sex.

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