What is wrong with being gay exactly?

There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

Are there 330,000,000 homosexuals in the United States that I was not aware of? Recognizing that bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional do not dictate how anyone must live or think.

The Supreme Court routinely decides on what laws are constitutional and which are not- the Supreme Court decides whether gun laws and campaign finance laws are constitutional- and the Supreme Court has decided at least 3 times in the past whether or not marriage laws are constitutional.

Most famously '9 unelected farts' decided that states could not make it illegal for mixed race couples to marry. If we had left 'those kinds of decisions' to the people, Alabama would not have legalized mixed race marriage until the year 2000, and consensual sodomy would still be illegal in many states.

I find it sad that you label those who pursue justice through the courts 'Mafia'- do you label the NRA 'gun mafia'? Or is it only 'mafia' when you disagree with the group going to court to assert their rights?
Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

Let's Review: Marriage is the Joining of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.

And in 37 states, and the District of Columbia- marriage is the joining of one person and one person.

See how that works?
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.
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Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Yeah, you do that. Let 9 unelected old farts in black robes decide how 330,000,000 people must live and think.

The gay mafia may very well win this one. But I would prefer that the people make those kinds of decisions.

The next case will be the polygamists and they will use the exact same arguments as the gays, and with the gay precedent, they will also win.

Is this really where you want our society to go?
You're gonna have to live and think as a gay person after June?

But if SCOTUS rules against you, will you accept that ruling and STFU?

Oh if the Supreme Court rules that bans on same gender marriage are unconstitutional- I fully expect you- and your fellow travellers will call the Supreme Court 'black robed fascists' and similar ilk- while if they rule that such bans are constitutional, you will be lauding their wisdom.


Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules, I will accept it as binding- such as Citizen's United- but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it- but regardless I won't be calling the Supreme Court Justices names.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

It's a lie.

Being rationalized as a truth, because of the illusion that no one is harmed. Both of the individuals are harmed, because they've taken action to pursue satisfaction subsequent to a deviant craving.

It's the same craving and the same illusion, that sees an 8 year old boy and rationalizes that acceptance by the boy and the emotions common to friendship, are cues which justify pursuing sexual gratification. It harms the boy.

Same with the girls on that side of the gender equation.

It's a lie... and 'belief' that what is not true is true, is harmful... because it precludes one from making good choices, and as such risks the viability of the individual and by extension, the culture.

Why is it harmful? Saying because it prevents good choices is just essentially repeating the same thing

No, saying that it prevents one from making good choices, is WHY believing that which is false, to be true, IS harmful.

What more do ya need? The HIV? The Higher Rates of Depression and Suicide? The Child Molestation Charges, the certain death for having molested the child of a parent who doesn't consider the government as an authority relevant to his children, who simply goes to work carving up the respective deviant? The extended harm to the culture, wherein delusion becomes normalized?

Man if you can read any of these tens of thousands of threads, wherein the same species of reasoning that presents sexual deviancy in some and intellectual perversion in other with some being subjected to the unenviable COMBO... and not see 'the harm'... then I honestly don't see what there is to discuss.

The harm is being demonstrated everywhere ya LOOK! For God's sake man, the same perverse reasoning is being used to license Iran with nuclear weapons.

It's not even a debatable point.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)
He also made poisonous mushrooms and rattlesnakes.

And ticks, fleas and cockroaches.

No, I don't mean the radical, fundie RW kind.

Really, I can't think of even one reason why people should be so invested in harming gays. Live and let live, MYOB and all that.

So you have no problem with NAMBLA????
Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone, not being gay when you are gay does harm you.

Being a sexual deviant is harmful to the sexual deviant, in that the deviancy itself is a presentation of mental disorder. You could argue that Schizophrenia is not harmful... when in fact, having a disordered mind is just that... and in and of itself, that does not harm anyone; until the disordered or diseased mind manifests unacceptable behavior.

Now you do not feel that the manifestation of homosexual behavior is harmful. I disagree. And I need point no further than the discussion we're having right now, wherein you want to alter the NUCLEUS of CIVILIZATION to accommodate those presenting mental disorder.

It's a bad idea.. on a monumental scale.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

Good question Kaz...
Loving someone and wanting to spend the rest of your life with them is a beautiful thing. I've always lived and let live for my whole life... if you're happy then I think it's great. However as I've aged I've been able to differentiate between a healthy existence and one that is not so healthy for body and soul.

I think it's important to be kind to others no matter how they choose to live their life but I also have come to believe that gay sex is one of those not so healthy things for one's body and more importantly one's soul.

I don't come to this conclusion from a religious aspect and I am not a member of any church. I don't think God is against two men or two women living with and loving each other. But I do think when sex enters in to the equation God would not be supportive of that endeavor.

I don't think Homosexuals will be sent to hell but I believe when we die we all will see our life's scorecard. We will see our mistakes and our successes. We will see our wrong turns and our smart moves.

In short, I believe at the time of death we will be able to seriously scrutinize our life. I feel the less we have to feel bad about, and the less pain we have dished out not only to others but to ourselves the better your soul can rest. Love is forever...sex is over in minuets. I believe it is a mistake to confuse the two...Sex is not love and love is not sex.

When it comes down to cross gender issues where surgical procedures are utilized to change one's sexual appearance. I feel that is a very bad thing for the same reasons I stated above. I feel that it is physical mutilation so that would put it squarely in the bad for one's body and soul category.
Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.

I am not saying the courts have ruled gay marriage is a right you dunce. I am saying that marriage is in fact a right. The courts will decide whether that right extends to gays in June. This isn't that hard to understand.

Yeah you said it liar, you want to back down now that's fine.
How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

LOL! Marriage is a right, wherein One Man Joins with One Woman.

As a result, there is no means for THAT right to be extended to a man and a goat, or a man and a car or a man and a man.

Let's Review: Marriage is the Joining of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN.

(See how that works?)

No, it isn't. Marriage is whatever the People of a DEMOCRATIC society decide it is.

Can you describe the system of government that allows the rulers to define marriage without regard to the will of the People?
How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.)
No response is needed to this stupidity.
How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.)

Jesus was celibate. Explain to us why celibacy is not deviancy.
How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.)
No response is needed to this stupidity.

It's good to keep him talking. Normal people read USMB on a regular basis. It's good that they are exposed to what the mainstream of conservatism really believes.
Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.

I am not saying the courts have ruled gay marriage is a right you dunce. I am saying that marriage is in fact a right. The courts will decide whether that right extends to gays in June. This isn't that hard to understand.

As with any other right, where such exists, it rests upon the responsibility which sustains the right. And a "right" to marry, would at the very least be sustained by the responsibility to abide by the standards which define marriage. Wherein nature requires that Marriage IS: The Joining of One Man and One Woman.
What more do ya need? The HIV?

Then there's on the straight side the syphilis

The Higher Rates of Depression and Suicide?

Never heard this, but even if it's true, you have to compare gays who have gay sex to gays who don't because we're discussing gays having gay sex or not, you can't make them straight

The Child Molestation Charges

Irrelevant to the discussion, I specifically asked for the harm in consentual adult gay sex, not a crime with a victim

the certain death for having molested the child of a parent who doesn't consider the government as an authority relevant to his children, who simply goes to work carving up the respective deviant? The extended harm to the culture, wherein delusion becomes normalized?


Man if you can read any of these tens of thousands of threads, wherein the same species of reasoning that presents sexual deviancy in some and intellectual perversion in other with some being subjected to the unenviable COMBO... and not see 'the harm'... then I honestly don't see what there is to discuss.

Loaded question

The harm is being demonstrated everywhere ya LOOK! For God's sake man, the same perverse reasoning is being used to license Iran with nuclear weapons


It's not even a debatable point.

Clearly it is
Redfish claimed married wasn't a right. The courts have ruled on numerous occasions that marriage is a right. Whether that right will be expanded to include gays is what the courts will be ruling on very recently. It is likely they will not rule in your favor.

I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.

I am not saying the courts have ruled gay marriage is a right you dunce. I am saying that marriage is in fact a right. The courts will decide whether that right extends to gays in June. This isn't that hard to understand.

As with any other right, where such exists, it rests upon the responsibility which sustains the right. And a "right" to marry, would at the very least be sustained by the responsibility to abide by the standards which define marriage. Wherein nature requires that Marriage IS: The Joining of One Man and One Woman.

The Mormons are Christian. The genuine Mormons support polygamy as a religious mandate.

Prove that God doesn't endorse their belief.
How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.)
No response is needed to this stupidity.

It's good to keep him talking. Normal people read USMB on a regular basis. It's good that they are exposed to what the mainstream of conservatism really believes.


A lovely concession...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Now Reader let's review:

How is Homosexual harmful?

Examine the public profession of a homosexual, where the issue is a governor standing up for the natural standards of Marriage: One Man Joining with One Woman...

Of course he is....gay marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).

(Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful". In this instance Homosexuality is ADVISING THE READERSHIP OF THIS BOARD, that EVERYONE is secretly a Sexual Deviant.)
There is nothing wrong with being gay. If you are gay, be gay and shut the fuck up about it.

Gays would shut up about a lot of it if you bigots would just shut up and grant them their rights.

gays have every right that straight people have. marriage is not a right.

Marriage is indeed a right in the United States. You may disagree- you may pretend that it isn't but the Supreme Court says otherwise- and the Supreme Court actually has authority- and you do not.

Loving v Virginia

"The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

"Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

Zablocki v. Rehail

Although Loving arose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.

Maynard v. Hill,125 U. S. 190(1888), the Court characterized marriage as "the most important relation in life,"id.at125 U. S. 205, and as "the foundation of the family and of society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress,"

InMeyer v. Nebraska,262 U. S. 390(1923), the Court recognized that the right "to marry, establish a home and bring up children" is a central part of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause,

InGriswold v. Connecticut,381 U. S. 479(1965), the Court observed:

"We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights -- older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."

Carey v. Population Services International,431 U. S. 678(1977)

"While the outer limits of [the right of personal privacy] have not been marked by the Court, it is clear that among the decisions that an individual may make without unjustified government interference are personal decisions 'relating to marriage,

Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur

"This Court has long recognized that freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment"

Due Process, Liberty, not a right. If it was a right no one would have to be single, they could demand their right.

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