What It Is To Be a Man


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
Definition of Man

a philosophical thesis by Matthew Bissonnette

History is one long story of man's ascension from primitive tribal societies to a technological civilization, but that story includes countless billions of protagonists who will be forgotten in history but whose contribution to humanity was essential. For the cause of humanity was about the work of many men whose hard work and toil provided for all, yet such an endeavor was an inglorious and some times unrewarding for those who lived such lives. The humanities survival always depended on both men and women who's unrecorded lives of hardship and work provided both food and other benefits. Though the past was not an idealistic existence, but men historically showed perhaps a sometimes unintentional dedication to certain ideals. Ethics such about commitment to family, perhaps being a good husband or a committed father; contributing to society with honest hard work and sometimes being a pillar of the community. Though such ideals may have not been practiced widely either historically or present, some more egalitarian values may still be held by a few. I do not advocate some patriarchal society where men represent all spheres of power both political and economic, but maybe for some individuals to talk of the subject of what characteristics or principles define what it is to be a man. Values like the view that marriage and family are obligations and not easily abandoned when a man discovers it is not to his liking. Beliefs like the pursuit of money or wealth should be about providing for those who it is your responsibility to care for rather then for personal benefit. A realization that he is a role model to his own young and that how he acts will go a long way to determining who is children will be when they are adults. Life is not some lone pursuit of what ever it is you seek, but often times life is more about persevering over the problems and difficulties in life and protecting and providing for those whom who's care has been entrusted to you. Though life and what we all sometimes encounter in it may make some commitments hard to follow, are ideals such as fidelity to your spouse or integrity in your actions wrong to equate with manhood. I think men better then myself should ask themselves about what they perceive manhood to be and by what ideals guide their lives.
You hate men....You don't like it that men are leaders and have worked hard to earn what we have.
My opinion is that a man is a mature male. That would about sum it up in my opinion...

Peace and may God Bless you.
My reference was to an ideal, something to aspire to. A real man.

I don't buy into the "real man" talk that is common sometimes. I believe that that thinking is symptomatic of "fallen man" as described in the Bible...


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