What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
Common man you live in Ohio a good percent of the Dems are carrying here. The funny thing is you would not want to carry in CA or New York and there is more likelyhood you will need it there. Dem does not equal Lib. It is not that simple. Hell a good percent of Ohioans were carrying before it was legal. Especially in small towns. If they did not have it on them it was on thier gun rack in their truck. Most the people I know are armed Democrat or Republican. Hell here is a democrat that has fishing poles, blankets,food,tent, hatchet, and yes gun in my jeep most the time. I am ready to camp,hunt,and fish at the drop of a hat. I also keep rain gear and carharts in there. Not really a protection thing for me, just a life style choice. I travel for work and have freinds all over the state that like to hunt. I normally do not have a pistol but there is typically a rifle and a shot gun in my vehicle.
It don’t get any more personal than individual firearm ownership... Individual fire them ownership by law abiding individuals is no one else’s business and certainly no the federal governments business
If so many aren't required to fill out that form before they purchase a gun, it can't do much to stop anyone. That's why we need universal background checks.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
Where are those at?
In South Dakota we have two cities Sioux Falls and Rapid City, and we have nine Indian reservations.
If you take out two cities and the nine Indian reservations we have next to no violent crime in the state.
Suicides do not count, it’s the most cowardly act anyone can do.
And accidental deaths do not count… Shit happens.

So your numbers are not adding up…

they are not mine, they are the CDCs
There are already laws on the books that are supposed to keep those who are deemed "mentally deficient" from obtaining a firearm. The BATF Form 4473 asks "have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective or committed to an institution?"

There is no law that "allows" a mentally-defective person to "carry" a firearm, much less to purchase one. In order to obtain a concealed carry permit, one has to go through a full criminal background check.

The BATF Form 4473 was instituted during the Gun Control Act of 1968, and was signed by Democrat, LBJ.

Are you saying that the Democrat's gun laws don't work?

If so many aren't required to fill out that form before they purchase a gun, it can't do much to stop anyone. That's why we need universal background checks.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.
Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.
Where is the game? When is the game?
Oh - you don't know?
You then have no idea of this is true or not
Why do you talk out of your ass?

How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
Again, no one is seeking to prohibit people from carrying firearms.

The mistake you make is to incorrectly infer that because there are those who lament our violent society, who lament gun crime and violence, and who lament the necessity of some to carry firearms the consequence of that crime and violence wish to deny citizens their right to indeed carry a firearm.

They do not.

Yes they do.
Gun control advocates are clear they want to totally outlaw the most common and popular firearms, like ARs, pistols, etc., and they would like to totally ban them from civilian ownership if they could.
The proof of that is that DC, Chicago, and many cities have made firearm ownership illegal in the past, not just concealed or open carry.
It is only expensive litigation that struck down these draconian anti gun fanatics.

I suppose there are some fringe who do want to eliminate all guns, but that is not a real concern. Common sense regulation is, well, common sense.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

You never know...

Two Dads Get In a Bloody Brawl Over Daughter's Softball Game
And add guns to that brawl and what happens?

Yea...dead people...dead kids

Just because you can't trust yourself to responsibly handle guns doesn't mean others can't. Stop projecting your own weaknesses onto others. Millions own and carry guns legally and responsibly with no problems, ever.
If so many aren't required to fill out that form before they purchase a gun, it can't do much to stop anyone. That's why we need universal background checks.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?

seems the end result is the same...death.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?

seems the end result is the same...death.
Except one is a crime and one is a choice
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.

"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.

You're the coward. That decision is for you to make.

Actually, no. It takes a certain amount of bravery for a man to take upon himself the responsibility for his own personal safety, and the safety of his loved ones.

A true "coward" would be those like yourself, who would rather become a murder victim than to protect themselves and their family members. History is full of cowards who had neither the tools nor the inclination to survive, and it's pretty obvious that you are of the same mindset.

If you are afraid to face the world without being armed 24/7, you are a coward.

I do not think that coward is the correct word for either side of the discussion.

I own a couple guns, do not carry, open or concealed unless I am going to shoot them. Have no need nor desire to have a firearm on my person at all times. Not because I am afraid of guns nor people who carry them, I just do not see the point at this place in my life.

But by the same token, I know a lot of people that are armed just about everywhere they go, to them slipping on their gun is no different than putting on their belt or shoes. None of them do it out of fear, anymore than locking your door in your car is done out of fear.

There are reasonable times to be armed, but if anyone feels the need to be armed 24/7, and they are not a cop, military, or have a special reason to feel threatened, they are either nuts or a coward.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
Where are those at?
In South Dakota we have two cities Sioux Falls and Rapid City, and we have nine Indian reservations.
If you take out two cities and the nine Indian reservations we have next to no violent crime in the state.
Suicides do not count, it’s the most cowardly act anyone can do.
And accidental deaths do not count… Shit happens.

So your numbers are not adding up…

they are not mine, they are the CDCs
Like I said... We have two urban areas in the state, and nine Indian reservations controlled by the federal government… Basically forced socialism on those. That is where all of the crime in the state is. That should tell you something… Right?
If so many aren't required to fill out that form before they purchase a gun, it can't do much to stop anyone. That's why we need universal background checks.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?
Suicides and accidental deaths do not count.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.

The possibility of one's getting shot in the face by a gun-owning homeowner is the only thing keeping the suburbs from becoming like downtown Beruit. Same with the rural areas.
"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.

You're the coward. That decision is for you to make.

Actually, no. It takes a certain amount of bravery for a man to take upon himself the responsibility for his own personal safety, and the safety of his loved ones.

A true "coward" would be those like yourself, who would rather become a murder victim than to protect themselves and their family members. History is full of cowards who had neither the tools nor the inclination to survive, and it's pretty obvious that you are of the same mindset.

If you are afraid to face the world without being armed 24/7, you are a coward.

I do not think that coward is the correct word for either side of the discussion.

I own a couple guns, do not carry, open or concealed unless I am going to shoot them. Have no need nor desire to have a firearm on my person at all times. Not because I am afraid of guns nor people who carry them, I just do not see the point at this place in my life.

But by the same token, I know a lot of people that are armed just about everywhere they go, to them slipping on their gun is no different than putting on their belt or shoes. None of them do it out of fear, anymore than locking your door in your car is done out of fear.

There are reasonable times to be armed, but if anyone feels the need to be armed 24/7, and they are not a cop, military, or have a special reason to feel threatened, they are either nuts or a coward.
I don't know anyone who sleeps with their gun on them so in reality no one is armed 24/7
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.
Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.
Where is the game? When is the game?
Oh - you don't know?
You then have no idea of this is true or not
Why do you talk out of your ass?

How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
Again, no one is seeking to prohibit people from carrying firearms.

The mistake you make is to incorrectly infer that because there are those who lament our violent society, who lament gun crime and violence, and who lament the necessity of some to carry firearms the consequence of that crime and violence wish to deny citizens their right to indeed carry a firearm.

They do not.

Yes they do.
Gun control advocates are clear they want to totally outlaw the most common and popular firearms, like ARs, pistols, etc., and they would like to totally ban them from civilian ownership if they could.
The proof of that is that DC, Chicago, and many cities have made firearm ownership illegal in the past, not just concealed or open carry.
It is only expensive litigation that struck down these draconian anti gun fanatics.

I suppose there are some fringe who do want to eliminate all guns, but that is not a real concern. Common sense regulation is, well, common sense.
Progressives have no common sense, and they are not the authority/credibility on the issue
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?

seems the end result is the same...death.
Blame it on the individual not the firearm... Suicide is the most cowardly act anyone can do
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

You never know...

Two Dads Get In a Bloody Brawl Over Daughter's Softball Game
And add guns to that brawl and what happens?

Yea...dead people...dead kids
Blame the individuals not the firearm

Exactly. Gun nuts are scary. Most of them that I know, and I know a lot, would benefit from the Barney rule. Allow them one bullet, but they have to keep it in their shirt pocket.
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul... fact

Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?

seems the end result is the same...death.
Firearms are the very least of our worries in South Dakota... Socialism is the biggest threat to South Dakota by a longshot
Oh, I agree. Most frivolous gun control laws don't. But the ones we have here have save countless lives. When each year, they send over 100 convicted violent felons trying to buy guns back to prison then background checks are working. And don't go into the Cite, Cite crap again. I already provided you with the stats from 2016 for the State of Colorado awhile back so don't deny it and that exact number was 127.
States like South Dakota are rolling back frivolous gun control laws, and it’s making the state safer place to live

South Dakota has more gun deaths per 1000 people than Illinois! :21::21::21:
How many are suicides?

seems the end result is the same...death.
Blame it on the individual not the firearm... Suicide is the most cowardly act anyone can do

I have never blamed the firearm, do try and keep up. Just like I do not blame a car when someone dies in a car wreck

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