What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

We do not punish people by curbing their rights because they might do something.
In a polce state, they do. That's what he wants.
Do we have the right to run red lights? Steal from stores? Molest children? I guess we are a police state, though rational people consider us to be a nation of laws.
Look at you, completely unaware you responded with an non-seq.
Look at you, incapable of comprehending an on point comment (too abstract to break through your biases I see).
No. Your response had nothing to do with the comment.
None of the things you listed are an example of exercising a right; as such, they have nothing to do with restraining of the exercise of a right because someone migt commit a crime.
Thus, non seq.
it's all a fantasy. The vast maj of murders are by people who are known to the victim. Not because they are walking down the STREETS OF DODGE.

If anyone wants a firearm, they are widely available. LOL

Sorry, I can't see whatever post you're responding to. WHAT, exactly, is a fantasy? The idea that people you don't know might be dangerous to you? That you might become a victim of a violent crime while just walking down the street? Because if that's what you're trying to say, I'd like to tell you a story about the night I was walking down the street by my house and got assaulted by a man who later turned out to have killed two other people.
If someone is dangerous, then making it illegal for them to buy a gun is not going to make anyone any safer.
You would have to make the penalty for buying the gun illegally to be greater than that for committing the crime the gun was intended for, which is ridiculous and unjust.

Obviously dangerous people have to be locked up or supervised, not all the possible means by which they may want to multiply their danger.
Because that not only is impossible, but can only result in disarming the honest, which only makes things much worse.

Its like trying to prevent rape by demanding all the people who do not want to commit rape, to be celibate.
It can't possibly help at all.
OK let's take a new tack here

People say the right to bear arms is responsible for too many deaths and use the argument that you never know when a person is going to kill someone with a gun so no one should have guns, or no one should have certain types of guns, or no one should have a certain number of guns so to protect all people we must preemptively control the behavior of all people because they might kill.

So now let me give you thins information

Alcohol and Crime | SASC

Alcohol is a factor in 40% of all violent crimes today

Now if I use the same methodology I could argue that if we banned alcohol then we would see a 40% reduction in all violent crimes because anyone who drinks might commit a crime and you never know when it will happen.

OK let's take a new tack here

People say the right to bear arms is responsible for too many deaths and use the argument that you never know when a person is going to kill someone with a gun so no one should have guns, or no one should have certain types of guns, or no one should have a certain number of guns so to protect all people we must preemptively control the behavior of all people because they might kill.

So now let me give you thins information

Alcohol and Crime | SASC

Alcohol is a factor in 40% of all violent crimes today

Now if I use the same methodology I could argue that if we banned alcohol then we would see a 40% reduction in all violent crimes because anyone who drinks might commit a crime and you never know when it will happen.
No one is banning guns. That's the one sure thing the Sup Ct has told us.

You'd do better not assert facts that just aren't true. Such as the OP. Very few of the actual homicides happen because a person didn't have a pistole on their hip so they could outdraw their assailant.

You might ask the question as to whether a particular proposed regulation actually has at least the potential for a positive. For example, a gun sale that occurs within a family ... what good can arise from making that sale need a background check, and is any good possibly worth whatever burden occurs?.
OK let's take a new tack here

People say the right to bear arms is responsible for too many deaths and use the argument that you never know when a person is going to kill someone with a gun so no one should have guns, or no one should have certain types of guns, or no one should have a certain number of guns so to protect all people we must preemptively control the behavior of all people because they might kill.

So now let me give you thins information

Alcohol and Crime | SASC

Alcohol is a factor in 40% of all violent crimes today

Now if I use the same methodology I could argue that if we banned alcohol then we would see a 40% reduction in all violent crimes because anyone who drinks might commit a crime and you never know when it will happen.
No one is banning guns. That's the one sure thing the Sup Ct has told us.

You'd do better not assert facts that just aren't true. Such as the OP. Very few of the actual homicides happen because a person didn't have a pistole on their hip so they could outdraw their assailant.

You might ask the question as to whether a particular proposed regulation actually has at least the potential for a positive. For example, a gun sale that occurs within a family ... what good can arise from making that sale need a background check, and is any good possibly worth whatever burden occurs?.

I guess you missed all the other things I wrote to solely focus on that right? And yes some people want gun bans. Denying that is disingenuous.

And if a person draws on an assailant that is not a crime as it would fall under self defense laws.
That makes no sense at all.
First of all, states existed first.
Only existing states can create a national government that is a federation of independent states.

And the 2nd amendment, like all amendments in the Bill of Rights is ONLY a restriction on the federal government.
None of the amendments in the Bill of Rights is an explicit restriction on states.

Read the Bill of Rights. For example, the 1st amendment. It says:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of ....
Clearly all the amendments in the Bill of Rights were written with the same intent.
It is all only restriction on the federation, not the states.
After the Civil War and the 14th amendment, only then did the SCOTUS start to try to imply individual rights from the Bill of Rights, and start curtailing abuses by states.
But that is indirect and very controversial.

The 2nd Amendment was 'incorporated' into Law applicable to the States. It is 'Fully Incorporated'. The 5th, 6th and 8th are partially so and the 3rd and 7th are not incorporated at all.

Where did you get this notion ^^^?

14th Amendment

Sec. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Criminals Won't follow yet more gun laws. Nor will they stop using guns in violent crime. Why disarm the law abiding and put them even more at risk of being helpless victims?
It's people like you who have proved gun control is not only sufficient but necessary.
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders mostly… Attacking law abiding citizens in rural America does nothing other than separate the country more

As I proposed, let the people of each state decide on gun control, or no gun control.
So you're OK with putting all rights up for a vote?

Straw man. How many have been killed by the other nine Bill of Rights?

Not a straw man at all

Are all the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights equivalent or not?

Why not let states vote on the legality of abortion or public accommodation laws or whether or not you have freedom of religion and speech in that state?

You can't selectively enforce the Constitution

Statement: "You can't selectively enforce the Constitution"

Response: True, I can't. However five of nine members of the Supreme Court do so regularly.
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas by repeat offenders mostly… Attacking law abiding citizens in rural America does nothing other than separate the country more

As I proposed, let the people of each state decide on gun control, or no gun control.
So you're OK with putting all rights up for a vote?

Straw man. How many have been killed by the other nine Bill of Rights?

Not a straw man at all

Are all the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights equivalent or not?

Why not let states vote on the legality of abortion or public accommodation laws or whether or not you have freedom of religion and speech in that state?

You can't selectively enforce the Constitution

Statement: "You can't selectively enforce the Constitution"

Response: True, I can't. However five of nine members of the Supreme Court do so regularly.

No they don't they vote upon an issue and the result is one ruling or do you think all votes have to be unanimous to count?

And FYI the Supreme Court does not enforce laws
We do not punish people by curbing their rights because they might do something.
In a polce state, they do. That's what he wants.
Do we have the right to run red lights? Steal from stores? Molest children? I guess we are a police state, though rational people consider us to be a nation of laws.
Look at you, completely unaware you responded with an non-seq.

Look at you, incapable of comprehending an on point comment (too abstract to break through your biases I see).

No. Your response had nothing to do with the comment.
None of the things you listed are an example of exercising a right; as such, they have nothing to do with restraining of the exercise of a right because someone migt commit a crime.
Thus, non seq.

Sure they do. You're confusing a right and a privilege. The privilege is the license, driving with a license is a right, regulated by the vehicle code.
In a polce state, they do. That's what he wants.
Do we have the right to run red lights? Steal from stores? Molest children? I guess we are a police state, though rational people consider us to be a nation of laws.
Look at you, completely unaware you responded with an non-seq.

Look at you, incapable of comprehending an on point comment (too abstract to break through your biases I see).

No. Your response had nothing to do with the comment.
None of the things you listed are an example of exercising a right; as such, they have nothing to do with restraining of the exercise of a right because someone migt commit a crime.
Thus, non seq.

Sure they do. You're confusing a right and a privilege. The privilege is the license, driving with a license is a right, regulated by the vehicle code.

I haven't seen more consistently wrong posts by one person like this in a long time. Wow. Scary.
No one is banning guns. That's the one sure thing the Sup Ct has told us.
CA has. NY NJ MD CT have.
The relevant US circuit courts said it was OK for them to do so.
You'd do better not assert facts that just aren't true.
You'd do better not assert facts that just aren't true. Such as the OP.
You cannot cite anything form me that's not true.
As I proposed, let the people of each state decide on gun control, or no gun control.
So you're OK with putting all rights up for a vote?

Straw man. How many have been killed by the other nine Bill of Rights?

Not a straw man at all

Are all the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights equivalent or not?

Why not let states vote on the legality of abortion or public accommodation laws or whether or not you have freedom of religion and speech in that state?

You can't selectively enforce the Constitution

Statement: "You can't selectively enforce the Constitution"

Response: True, I can't. However five of nine members of the Supreme Court do so regularly.

No they don't they vote upon an issue and the result is one ruling or do you think all votes have to be unanimous to count?

And FYI the Supreme Court does not enforce laws

Of course they do; think about it. Link below.

"The first time the U.S. Congress ever met, they signed into law the Judiciary Act of 1789. This law established the federal courts and a law enforcement service to protect them and enforce their decisions.

How U.S. Marshals Work
In a polce state, they do. That's what he wants.
Do we have the right to run red lights? Steal from stores? Molest children? I guess we are a police state, though rational people consider us to be a nation of laws.
Look at you, completely unaware you responded with an non-seq.

Look at you, incapable of comprehending an on point comment (too abstract to break through your biases I see).

No. Your response had nothing to do with the comment.
None of the things you listed are an example of exercising a right; as such, they have nothing to do with restraining of the exercise of a right because someone migt commit a crime.
Thus, non seq.

Sure they do. You're confusing a right and a privilege. The privilege is the license, driving with a license is a right, regulated by the vehicle code.
Driving on the roads is a privilege granted by the state, not a right.
Thus, non-seq.
OK let's take a new tack here

People say the right to bear arms is responsible for too many deaths and use the argument that you never know when a person is going to kill someone with a gun so no one should have guns, or no one should have certain types of guns, or no one should have a certain number of guns so to protect all people we must preemptively control the behavior of all people because they might kill.

So now let me give you thins information

Alcohol and Crime | SASC

Alcohol is a factor in 40% of all violent crimes today

Now if I use the same methodology I could argue that if we banned alcohol then we would see a 40% reduction in all violent crimes because anyone who drinks might commit a crime and you never know when it will happen.
No one is banning guns. That's the one sure thing the Sup Ct has told us.

You'd do better not assert facts that just aren't true. Such as the OP. Very few of the actual homicides happen because a person didn't have a pistole on their hip so they could outdraw their assailant.

You might ask the question as to whether a particular proposed regulation actually has at least the potential for a positive. For example, a gun sale that occurs within a family ... what good can arise from making that sale need a background check, and is any good possibly worth whatever burden occurs?.

I guess you missed all the other things I wrote to solely focus on that right? And yes some people want gun bans. Denying that is disingenuous.

And if a person draws on an assailant that is not a crime as it would fall under self defense laws.
No one is going to be able to ban guns. It's quite possible however that a city may ban sales of AR-15 type weapons for example, but the effect on self-defense is less than negligible.

And yes I notice background checks, and personally I think in-family sales should be exempt. However, private sales between people unrelated have seen guns used in crimes, including mass killings.

The OP began with an absurd false statement concerning unarmed citizens being gunned down on the streets. It happens, esp in crimes that start out as thefts and escalate. But that represents a small fraction of the number of homicides. There is a fantasy bordering on porn among some people and the notion that desperados are going to ride into town and gun them down and they won't be able to legally have firearms to defend themselves.
So you're OK with putting all rights up for a vote?

Straw man. How many have been killed by the other nine Bill of Rights?

Not a straw man at all

Are all the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights equivalent or not?

Why not let states vote on the legality of abortion or public accommodation laws or whether or not you have freedom of religion and speech in that state?

You can't selectively enforce the Constitution

Statement: "You can't selectively enforce the Constitution"

Response: True, I can't. However five of nine members of the Supreme Court do so regularly.

No they don't they vote upon an issue and the result is one ruling or do you think all votes have to be unanimous to count?

And FYI the Supreme Court does not enforce laws

Of course they do; think about it. Link below.

"The first time the U.S. Congress ever met, they signed into law the Judiciary Act of 1789. This law established the federal courts and a law enforcement service to protect them and enforce their decisions.

How U.S. Marshals Work

The Supreme court was established by the Constitution the lesser courts are not the Supreme Court and are established by Congress

They are 2 entirely different beasts with different responsibilities.

Tell me when was the last time the Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant?
No one is going to be able to ban guns. It's quite possible however that a city may ban sales of AR-15 type weapons for example, but the effect on self-defense is less than negligible.
I love how you contradict yourself. Well done.
The OP began with an absurd false statement concerning unarmed citizens being gunned down on the streets.
No one is going to be able to ban guns. It's quite possible however that a city may ban sales of AR-15 type weapons for example, but the effect on self-defense is less than negligible.
I love how you contradict yourself. Well done.
The OP began with an absurd false statement concerning unarmed citizens being gunned down on the streets.
No place will ever be able to ban all guns. Is that simple enough for you to read-comprehend?
And where is this place where violence is so bad people cannot carry firearms necessary to protect themselves? And to prove that, you need more than "some" people being killed in street crime. You need to show citizens petitioning the gummit to let them have their guns on their hips.

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