What liberals dont understand.....

What are you guys gonna do, just walk into crowded places and start shooting people?

Blow up state capitol buildings and media outlets and IRS offices? Boom!

If you can't beat them with intelligence and ideas and at the ballot box, that's it.

You'd better look to your thought leaders for some better ideas, if they actually have any.

Uhm they are allowing illegals to vote in some local school elections now, kind of hard to fight that indoctrination by our youth.

So you're giving up?

You can fight a lot of things except entitlements

What are you guys gonna do, just walk into crowded places and start shooting people?

Blow up state capitol buildings and media outlets and IRS offices? Boom!

If you can't beat them with intelligence and ideas and at the ballot box, that's it.

You'd better look to your thought leaders for some better ideas, if they actually have any.

Uhm they are allowing illegals to vote in some local school elections now, kind of hard to fight that indoctrination by our youth.

So you're giving up?

You can fight a lot of things except entitlements

Ultimately you'll have to do what the Left has done: Change hearts & minds over time.

But the problem is -- and I really don't mean this as an insult -- the thought leaders on the Right have completely neglected to show their listeners how to do that. Why would they? Slogans and platitudes and insults aren't going to be enough. As of this moment, the Right is completely unequipped to change hearts & minds.
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The Liberals are already engaging in violence.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence since Trump is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays...no matter how many times Fox shows that stupid antifa thing in Berkeley.

Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.
What are you guys gonna do, just walk into crowded places and start shooting people?

Blow up state capitol buildings and media outlets and IRS offices? Boom!

If you can't beat them with intelligence and ideas and at the ballot box, that's it.

You'd better look to your thought leaders for some better ideas, if they actually have any.
Lol, liberals want to do away with the electoral college and are wanting illegals to vote. Yes if that happens. There will be violence.

Could you show where Democrats want illegals to vote...

Sorry corrupt elections is a GOP thing:
  • Russia
  • Voter Suppression
  • Vote Intimidation
Nothing I said was a lie and you know it. And the more the left reveal themselves like they did in the last two debates, the more people are seeing just how radical and destructive they are to our republic. So keep it up.
I don't know it since you just made some shoot-from-hip accusations. Also, everything you said could be applied to the GOP without any problem.

As to what people want:
  • Even Republican voters seemed to disagree with certain conservative ideology on health care. The Hill-HarrisX survey found that 26 percent of GOP voters said they wanted the government to stop paying for health care, while a total of 53 percent favored some form of universal government-provided insurance. Twenty-one percent said they want to keep the current health care system in place.
  • The issue of expanded government health care has also played out at the state level, where some GOP-controlled legislatures have seen their positions against Medicaid expansion under the 2010 Affordable Care Act overturned by voters in ballot measures. Republican officials in Idaho and Utah are currently seeking to curtail voter-approved Medicaid expansions amid legal threats against their efforts.
What are you guys gonna do, just walk into crowded places and start shooting people?

Blow up state capitol buildings and media outlets and IRS offices? Boom!

If you can't beat them with intelligence and ideas and at the ballot box, that's it.

You'd better look to your thought leaders for some better ideas, if they actually have any.
Lol, liberals want to do away with the electoral college and are wanting illegals to vote. Yes if that happens. There will be violence.

Could you show where Democrats want illegals to vote...

Sorry corrupt elections is a GOP thing:
  • Russia
  • Voter Suppression
  • Vote Intimidation
Sanctuary cities? Putting illegals before your own citizens. You need new suckers to vote Democrat, because you cannot win on ideas. There is a video on one of the forums, where one of your kind calls a baby. A parasite, disgusting.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence since Trump is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays...no matter how many times Fox shows that stupid antifa thing in Berkeley.

Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.
The big difference is ANTIFA has been condemned by all senior Democrats representatives... Trump found it hard to critize a group white supremacists who killed a woman.
Also look at this board and you can see Trump Supporters saying that violence might be needed against what they perceive enemies of Trump...
But the problem is -- and I really don't mean this as an insult -- the thought leaders on the Right have completely neglected to show their listeners how to do that. Why would they? Slogans and platitudes and insults aren't going to be enough. As of this moment, the Right is completely unequipped to change hearts & minds.

Isn't that exactly the same problem that the left has? ACA passed with slim, utterly partisan, support. They don't even seem to be trying for broad appeal. I'd LOVE an excuse to vote for a Democrat (if I thought it would get Trump out of there). And I'm not asking for a complete reversal of their policies. Just some recognition that not all voters are socialists, that some of us still care about freedom.

This next election might be the most important our country has ever faced and I'm gonna have to sit it out (ie vote third-party) because it will be a choice between fascism and socialism.
But the problem is -- and I really don't mean this as an insult -- the thought leaders on the Right have completely neglected to show their listeners how to do that. Why would they? Slogans and platitudes and insults aren't going to be enough. As of this moment, the Right is completely unequipped to change hearts & minds.

Isn't that exactly the same problem that the left has? ACA passed with slim, utterly partisan, support. They don't even seem to be trying for broad appeal. I'd LOVE an excuse to vote for a Democrat (if I thought it would get Trump out of there). And I'm not asking for a complete reversal of their policies. Just some recognition that not all voters are socialists, that some of us still care about freedom.

This next election might be the most important our country has ever faced and I'm gonna have to sit it out (ie vote third-party) because it will be a choice between fascism and socialism.
Sure, a problem that both ends share is that they're now under the control of their lunatics. My point is that, if the Right wants to make some real progress, it will have to do a much better job of messaging than it is now.

Here's what REALLY concerns me: Since the day Trump was elected, my worry has been that the reaction to his behaviors and his policies would be so severe that we'd see a replay of 2016 in the other direction, going too far to the Left, even though I lean Left.

I'm in the same boat, the parties have gone so loopy that it's tough to see supporting either at a national level.
What are you guys gonna do, just walk into crowded places and start shooting people?

Blow up state capitol buildings and media outlets and IRS offices? Boom!

If you can't beat them with intelligence and ideas and at the ballot box, that's it.

You'd better look to your thought leaders for some better ideas, if they actually have any.
Lol, liberals want to do away with the electoral college and are wanting illegals to vote. Yes if that happens. There will be violence.

Could you show where Democrats want illegals to vote...

Sorry corrupt elections is a GOP thing:
  • Russia
  • Voter Suppression
  • Vote Intimidation

Democrats gave the right to illegals to vote in some places.

And what kind of liar are you, the Chicago Democrat machine is legend.

Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.
The big difference is ANTIFA has been condemned by all senior Democrats representatives... Trump found it hard to critize a group white supremacists who killed a woman.
Also look at this board and you can see Trump Supporters saying that violence might be needed against what they perceive enemies of Trump...


Biden supports them.
Let’s pay this out . You don’t rather illegals not have access to healthcare? You’d have people just die at the hospital door?

Might as well offer insurance plans to everyone who can’t get them at work . Who cares about their immigration status .
You would have us pay for the health care for every poverty stricken person on the damn planet.
promote the general welfare not the general warfare and abolish our useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

Dear danielpalos
IN ADDITION to Promoting General Welfare,
the Govt must also respect CIVIL LIBERTIES of individuals
and not deprive citizens of liberty, property or INCOME without DUE PROCESS OF LAWS.

In cases of CIVIL or CRIMINAL PENALTIES - if a PERSON has violated laws
and owes restitution YES the GOVT/LAWS can require and force payment.

However danielpalos if citizens have NOT committed any crime, abuse or violation,
there must be Democratic process to ensure CONSENT of TAXPAYERS
to prevent tyrannical abuse of Govt.

That's part of Constitutional laws the Govt is ALSO required to follow.
Not just promoting general welfare without any checks or balances.
There has to be
* compelling interest proven (ie which citizens CONSENT to, not Govt imposed)



“Requiring a State to demonstrate a compelling interest and show that it has adopted the least restrictive means of achieving that interest is the most demanding test known to constitutional law.”
City of Boerne v. Flores, 1997 US Lexis 4035, 46

“When the State enacts legislation that intentionally or unintentionally places a burden upon religiously motivated practice, it must justify that burden by showing that it is the least restrictive means of achieving some compelling state interest.’”
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520, 578, (1993)

“Court recognized the State’s interest in restricting the ballot to parties with demonstrated public support, the Court took the requirement for statewide contests as an indication that the more onerous standard for local contests was not the least restrictive means of advancing that interest.”
Norman v. Reed, 502 U.S. 279, 292, (1992)

“[T]he Court of Appeals concluded that it was unclear whether Resolution 66-156 directly advanced the State’s asserted interests and whether, if it did, it was the least restrictive means to that end.”
Board of Trustees of the State Univ. of New York v. Fox, 492 U.S. 469, 473, (1989)

“The Government may, however, regulate the content of constitutionally protected speech in order to promote a compelling interest if it chooses the least restrictive means to further the articulated interest.”
Sable Communis. of California, Inc. v. FCC, 492 U.S. 115, 126, (1989)

“[H]e contends that the State must establish that the disclosure requirement directly advances the relevant governmental interest and that it constitutes the least restrictive means of doing so.”
Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of Ohio
471 U.S. 626, 650, (1985)

“The state may justify an inroad on religious liberty by showing that it is the least restrictive means of achieving some compelling state interest.”
Thomas v. Review Bd. of the Indiana Empl. Sec. Div., 450 U.S. 707, 718, (1981)


“The state may justify a limitation on religious liberty by showing that it is essential to accomplish a overriding government interest.”
United States v. Lee, 455 US 252, 257, (1982)

“The Court of Appeals found the injunction to be content based and neither necessary to serve a compelling interest nor narrowly drawn to achieve that end.”
Madsen v. Women’s Health Center, 512 US __, __, (1994)

“[W]e think it clear that a government regulation is sufficiently justified . . . if the incidental restriction on the alleged First Amendment freedom is no greater than is essential to that [governmental] interest.”
Barnes v. Glen Theatre Inc., 501 US 560, 567, (1991)

“For the state to enforce a content-based exclusion it must show that its regulation is necessary to serve a compelling state interest and that it is narrowly drawn to achieve that end.”
Perry Ed. Assn. v. Perry Local Ed. Assn., 460 US 37, 45, (1983)

“It [the university] must show that its regulation is necessary to serve a compelling state interest and that it is narrowly drawn to achieve that end.”
Widmar v. Vincent, 454 US 263, 270, (1981)

“[The] appellees were exercising a constitutional right, and any classification which serves to penalize the exercise of that right, unless shown to be necessary to promote a compelling government interest, is unconstitutional.”
Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 US 618, 634, (1969)

“[W]e think it clear that a government regulation is sufficiently justified . . . if the incidental restriction on the alleged First Amendment freedom is no greater than is essential to that [governmental] interest.”
United States v. O’Brien, 391 US 367, 377, (1968)
equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can solve most of our problems.

Yes and no danielpalos
If it's done through the State that's different from Federal govt
that is harder to reach terms of agreement on.

As for economic improvements
* Bernie Sanders and his supporters advocate for
* Nonprofit Health Care Cooperatives will also
cut costs of health care, reduce dependence on larger groups or on govt
to just the minimum that actually works cost effectively, while shifting
more of the JOBS, training and management to LOCALLY OWNED
programs where people would MAXIMIZE control of choices.

So there are BETTER OPTIONS than just depending on federal govt
which is best reserved for just the policies that are so uniform and
neutral across the board the whole nation can agree. All the rest
concerning HEALTH CARE, education and related economics
are best managed on local levels to ensure democratic participation and representation.
It COSTS LESS and WORKS BETTER than trying to govern
diverse populations and needs of 50 states all through Congress and centralized govt.

The more we work out solutions democratically, cost effectively
and sustainably on local levels, then just the UNIVERSALLY agreed policies
and programs can be reserved for federal govt that shouldn't involve individualized choices
better suited to local and state.
equal protection of the law in our at-will employment States means Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

what drawbacks are there?
emilynghiem danielpalos lives for japanese massage parlors and leftist shilling and wants the girls to do it for free. It doesn't work like that. They deserve to make their money.
i believe in the socialism of equality and equal protection of the law so women can also simply apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed under capitalism.

then, women can do "do it for free".

Not going to happen, numbnuts.

Women are people too. You are the ultimate misogynist of all time and everything.
equal protection of the law is the concept. you simply have nothing but fallacy.
Only on the propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence since Trump is against blacks Jews Muslims and gays...no matter how many times Fox shows that stupid antifa thing in Berkeley.

Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.

ANTIFA has been around since the Nazi days. They're straight up communists, a terrorist organization, and should be hunted down and eliminated in the US.
They throw firebombs in other countries.
Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.

ANTIFA has been around since the Nazi days. They're straight up communists, a terrorist organization, and should be hunted down and eliminated in the US.
They throw firebombs in other countries.

Do you support fascism? If you don't, by your logic you are a communist.
Nobody cares about the young punks but Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.

ANTIFA has been around since the Nazi days. They're straight up communists, a terrorist organization, and should be hunted down and eliminated in the US.
They throw firebombs in other countries.

Do you support fascism? If you don't, by your logic you are a communist.
There is no fascism in the US, next! ;)
But the problem is -- and I really don't mean this as an insult -- the thought leaders on the Right have completely neglected to show their listeners how to do that. Why would they? Slogans and platitudes and insults aren't going to be enough. As of this moment, the Right is completely unequipped to change hearts & minds.

Isn't that exactly the same problem that the left has? ACA passed with slim, utterly partisan, support. They don't even seem to be trying for broad appeal. I'd LOVE an excuse to vote for a Democrat (if I thought it would get Trump out of there). And I'm not asking for a complete reversal of their policies. Just some recognition that not all voters are socialists, that some of us still care about freedom.

This next election might be the most important our country has ever faced and I'm gonna have to sit it out (ie vote third-party) because it will be a choice between fascism and socialism.


I am going to break the news to everyone... US has plenty of socialist programs... The Roads, Police, Military, Boarder Security, etc.... Actually ACA was one of the less socialist ideas, NHS while being far more efficient is also to the left of ACA...

By the way, the Boarder Wall proposed by Trump is also one big Socialist Spend... Anytime the Government spends money it is effectively socialism...

Yes there is a balance of how much between both sides... But saying that we want no socialism is to say we want to be Somalia... It is stupid, it is saying we want no Government... All the top economies have this balance. Some more left(Sweden) and some more right(Switzerland)... But mainly we are all in the middle.

Then there is US... It is the most right wing of first world... The essential difference between US and EU (Western), US look at GDP growth to figure how they are doing, EU looks to how we are treating the most vulnerable in our society...
But the problem is -- and I really don't mean this as an insult -- the thought leaders on the Right have completely neglected to show their listeners how to do that. Why would they? Slogans and platitudes and insults aren't going to be enough. As of this moment, the Right is completely unequipped to change hearts & minds.

Isn't that exactly the same problem that the left has? ACA passed with slim, utterly partisan, support. They don't even seem to be trying for broad appeal. I'd LOVE an excuse to vote for a Democrat (if I thought it would get Trump out of there). And I'm not asking for a complete reversal of their policies. Just some recognition that not all voters are socialists, that some of us still care about freedom.

This next election might be the most important our country has ever faced and I'm gonna have to sit it out (ie vote third-party) because it will be a choice between fascism and socialism.


I am going to break the news to everyone... US has plenty of socialist programs... The Roads, Police, Military, Boarder Security, etc.... Actually ACA was one of the less socialist ideas, NHS while being far more efficient is also to the left of ACA...

By the way, the Boarder Wall proposed by Trump is also one big Socialist Spend... Anytime the Government spends money it is effectively socialism...

Yes there is a balance of how much between both sides... But saying that we want no socialism is to say we want to be Somalia... It is stupid, it is saying we want no Government... All the top economies have this balance. Some more left(Sweden) and some more right(Switzerland)... But mainly we are all in the middle.

Then there is US... It is the most right wing of first world... The essential difference between US and EU (Western), US look at GDP growth to figure how they are doing, EU looks to how we are treating the most vulnerable in our society...

Those young punks are terrorists carrying out your agenda. They are assaulting people and defaming communities. Why don’t you care about that? Yea you call them punks but that’s probably a term of endearment.
You have been fear mongered all to hell about them LOL young college kids and they not going to last and they don't do anything once a year maybe they fight white supremacists and Nazis. And I think they're going to lose so stupid

ANTIFA is a product of the Left and you are pushing their propaganda that they fight white supremacists and Nazis..... those are yes the Left refers to everyone who does not think like them.

ANTIFA has been around since the Nazi days. They're straight up communists, a terrorist organization, and should be hunted down and eliminated in the US.
They throw firebombs in other countries.

Do you support fascism? If you don't, by your logic you are a communist.

There is no fascism in the US, next! ;)

There definitely is fascism in America, it commenced on Jan 20th, 2017. But I digress, you didn't respond to my question, but the reader and I can infer your claim that you deny being a fascist, thus by your own logic, you are a communist.

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