What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

The OP poses a great question. The economy is doing very well. Unemployment is at record lows for everyone. Retirement plans are through the roof. Gas prices have yet to go over $3 under Trump. Even if you hate Trump, why would you not want 4 more years of America doing well? Even more so, with the all positive the economic factors, why change to socialism under Bernie Sanders?

I get the healthcare argument. I hate to see people who are in need to healthcare be denied. But wasn't that what Obamacare was supposed to fix? Obama, Reid and Pelosi pushed Obamacare through using the nuclear option (The rued that day when Kavanaugh was sworn in). But now Democrats are talking like Obamacare never happened. Did it not fix healthcare?
Trump was elected, at least partially, on the promise of a better healthcare plan than Obamacare. Once elected he and GOP offered no plan, they only chipped away at the ACA. You break it you bought it.

there was nothing wrong with the healthcare we had before obozocare. No one was denied medical care before ACA, even those here illegally. Those of us who paid for insurance covered those who did not or could not. Same as under ACA, except that now we have a huge expensive government agency that we also have to pay for.

There was no healthcare crisis in 2008, ACA was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, it was nothing but an failed attempt to allow the government to take over a large portion of our economy.
If you look at other countries you'd see that our healthcare is way more expensive than it needs to be and provides only mediocre results. Of course, if you're rich you'll get excellent care, if you're not, good luck.

yes, it is too expensive. No it is not mediocre. Healthcare in China, Iran, most of Africa, Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, and even the UK and Canada is mediocre, Healthcare is mediocre or worse in every socialist nation, and in every nation that has government run medicine.

Now, why is healthcare expensive in the USA?

1. Big Pharma is raping us with exorbitant drug prices, and they continue to buy politicians who allow that
2. the idea that every medical visit should be paid for has raised the cost of insurance
3. the best treatments are expensive
4. New technology is expensive

Bottom line, you get what you pay for. Unless you are in a socialist country where you are taxed to death for below average care.
I'd be ecstatic if I got the health care I pay for:

Among 11 countries, US ranks last for health outcomes, equity and quality

The U.S. has spends more on healthcare than any high-income country, yet Americans have poor health outcomes and a worsening life expectancy when compared with other countries, according to a report from the The Commonwealth Fund.

Another lie from the eternal liar.

How to judge healthcare:

a) life expectancy: many people die for reasons that can’t be controlled the medical profession, such as auto accidents, murder, etc., and once you factor out care crashes and homicides, the US ranks number one in worldwide life expectancy!

“One often-heard argument, voiced by the New York Times' Paul Krugman and others, is that America lags behind other countries in crude health outcomes. But such outcomes reflect a mosaic of factors, such as diet, lifestyle, drug use and cultural values. It pains me as a doctor to say this, but health care is just one factor in health.

In The Business of Health, Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.

And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.

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She cites a study by Professors Ohsfeldt and Schneider at the University of Iowa, which shows that, if you leave out people who are victims of homicide or who die in automobile accidents, Americans live longer than people in any other Western country.


" The standardized estimate of life expectancy at birth is the mean of the predicted value for each country over the period 1980–99. As shown in table 1-5, the raw (not standardized) mean life expectancy at birth for the United States over this period was 75.3 years, compared to 78.7 years for Japan, 78.0 years for Iceland, and 77.7 years for Sweden. However, after accounting for the unusually high fatal-injury rates in the United States, the estimate of standardized life expectancy at birth is 76.9 years, which is higher than the estimates for any other OECD country." http://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/-the-business-of-health_110115929760.pdf

b) How about the result of having food? With so much food, so many choices (tell me about it), we Americans are eating ourselves to death: obesity. Is this the fault of poor healthcare?

From a NYTimes article about ‘Sicko,’ and Cuba:
“Because they don’t have up-to-date cars, they tend to have to exercise more by walking,” he said. “And they may not have a surfeit of food, which keeps them from problems like obesity, but they’re not starving, either.”
‘Sicko,’ Castro and the ‘120 Years Club’

Clearly you were born for one purpose only.....to reveal me as brilliant....compared to you.
Soooo.....lots of poor folks are hiring?



Gads, you're a dunce.
he doesn't get that the guys with the mobile phones idea created soooooo many jobs for sooo many years that they'd lose their minds knowing that number. it's almost in the hundreds of million number. Amazon wouldn't exist without it.

How about those guys with the cars?
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
he doesn't get that the guys with the mobile phones idea created soooooo many jobs for sooo many years that they'd lose their minds knowing that number. it's almost in the hundreds of million number. Amazon wouldn't exist without it.

How about those guys with the cars?
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Sure thing.....

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," NAFTA: Canada agrees to join U.S., Mexico in new trade agreement

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron, just like we have today but with health Care day Care living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Jesus you are a brainwashed idiot....just like every other rich country and we are the richest country of all and have none of that because of scumbag GOP and stupid idiotic brainwashed shift heads like you.... Like Canada real scary stupid.
again, dumb fk, entry wage positions were never living wage jobs. what is it about that you can't figure out? why is it you think sixteen year olds should make what their parents make? you're fking brainless.
Of course like most other countries in the modern world, we will have another minimum wage for teenagers. Silly bastard. How many times do you have to hear this to get it through your thick brainwashed GOP idiot skull? The real problem we have now is that we have no money to invest in education and training for the good jobs that globalism produces for modern countries like us. so they go to Germany and intelligent countries that don't have a stupid GOP and idiotic dupes like you. Every other modern country manages all these things, it's not rocket science except for fear mongered brainwashed chumps of greedy idiot asshole GOP mega-rich....
he doesn't get that the guys with the mobile phones idea created soooooo many jobs for sooo many years that they'd lose their minds knowing that number. it's almost in the hundreds of million number. Amazon wouldn't exist without it.

How about those guys with the cars?
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Freedom is more valuable then any money in the World. Just ask all the blacks in America’s major cities with all the money lol getting shot in shit every day, girls getting raped.. freedom!
he doesn't get that the guys with the mobile phones idea created soooooo many jobs for sooo many years that they'd lose their minds knowing that number. it's almost in the hundreds of million number. Amazon wouldn't exist without it.

How about those guys with the cars?
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
name one
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Sure thing.....

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," NAFTA: Canada agrees to join U.S., Mexico in new trade agreement

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
Stop spamming the board with total b******* propaganda. Obama had better growth and job production his last three years than Trump has had. Wage growth is barely more than the new inflation we have... Upward mobility and inequality just keep getting worse with this garbage.
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.

Communists are socialists until they accumulate enough weapons.

That's the only difference.
So Canadian liberals are stockpiling weapons for their revolution? You're totally out of your tiny little mind.
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
name one
You. And half the American public.
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
name one
You. And half the American public.
nothing, as usual.
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Sure thing.....

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," NAFTA: Canada agrees to join U.S., Mexico in new trade agreement

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
Stop spamming the board with total b******* propaganda. Obama had better growth and job production his last three years than Trump has had. Wage growth is barely more than the new inflation we have... Upward mobility and inequality just keep getting worse with this garbage.

Let's get this straight: everything I post is 100% true, accurate and correct. It is proven so because it is all linked, sourced and doctumented.

Bet you wish you could say that, Vladimir.
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Sure thing.....

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," NAFTA: Canada agrees to join U.S., Mexico in new trade agreement

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
Stop spamming the board with total b******* propaganda. Obama had better growth and job production his last three years than Trump has had. Wage growth is barely more than the new inflation we have... Upward mobility and inequality just keep getting worse with this garbage.

Income inequality has been growing at a much slower pace over the past ten years. Has anyone noticed?

Beyond stabilizing, according to some measures, inequality has actually fallen since the beginning of the Great Recession.

Income inequality after government transfers is down since 2007, according to CBO's measure. pic.twitter.com/mqm1MO9Jsl

— Michael R. Strain (@MichaelRStrain) June 2, 2018

You wouldn’t know this from the rhetoric and policy agenda of the Democratic party. If anything, the Democrats seem more invested in fighting inequality heading into the 2020 presidential election.
Clearly you were born for one purpose only.....to reveal me as brilliant....compared to you.
You can't even do a good cut & paste job (check your links)
The United States is ranked 13th in the quality of life index at 176.77. The US safety index and health care index are relatively low compared to other nations with a very high quality of life.

You didn't check the 'source' of the lies, did you.

They don't make 'em as gullible as you are, do they.
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
name one
My friend John. He got sick as a child and had to have major surgery which it turned out he didn't need. He missed a year of school and never caught up.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Sure thing.....

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," NAFTA: Canada agrees to join U.S., Mexico in new trade agreement

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."
Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”
Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low
86. “Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump” Record 158,510,000 Americans Employed in October; 23rd Record for Trump
87. “Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low”
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
88. “Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied to record levels on Friday, reaching 28,000 for the first time ever…” Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak
89. “Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones. Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000

90. “CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years
(CNN)As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.’” US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN poll finds - CNNPolitics

91." Appointing conservative judges is the one objective that unites the Republican Party. It is one of the few things the Senate can do without the House.

And it is something that immediately impacts public policy because, during times of divided government, many political fights end up being resolved judicially.

Trump may not have the “best people” representing him or running his White House, but he’s picking them to be judges. Indeed, “based solely on objective legal credentials,” left-leaning Vox’s Ian Millhiser says, “the average Trump appointee has a far more impressive résumé than any past president’s nominees.”
Approximately 40 percent of Trump’s appellate nominees clerked for a Supreme Court justice, and about 80 percent clerked on a federal court of appeals. That compares to less than a quarter of Obama’s nominees who clerked on the Supreme Court, and less than half with a federal appellate clerkship."
All We Want for Christmas is More Judges: Ho, Ho, Ho

92. “China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years
China’s economy was weighed down by U.S. tariffs…” China Says Economic Growth Fell to Lowest in 30 Years | Breitbart

93. “Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History” Boom! Trump Has The Lowest Average Unemployment Rate of Any President in Recorded History

94. “Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics. That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists…” Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years

95. “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government,
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments. These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.” Trump Budget Cuts Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
Stop spamming the board with total b******* propaganda. Obama had better growth and job production his last three years than Trump has had. Wage growth is barely more than the new inflation we have... Upward mobility and inequality just keep getting worse with this garbage.

Income inequality has been growing at a much slower pace over the past ten years. Has anyone noticed?

Beyond stabilizing, according to some measures, inequality has actually fallen since the beginning of the Great Recession.

Income inequality after government transfers is down since 2007, according to CBO's measure. pic.twitter.com/mqm1MO9Jsl

— Michael R. Strain (@MichaelRStrain) June 2, 2018

You wouldn’t know this from the rhetoric and policy agenda of the Democratic party. If anything, the Democrats seem more invested in fighting inequality heading into the 2020 presidential election.
the last thing a demofk wants is people equal.
America was built upon more Socialist principles than Capitalistic ones. Everyone pay taxes, pooling a portion of their income, to build and maintain infrastructure, military, economy. The country was built upon that. Cooperative society compared to individualism. So all this Conservative railing about Socialism bad bad bad is ridiculous and just ignorant.

Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.
Agreed, equal opportunity does not mean equal results. I also agree that "fair" means an equal opportunity to succeed. You can throw out plenty of people anecdotes but there are many more of people that fail due conditions beyond their control.
name one
My friend John. He got sick as a child and had to have major surgery which it turned out he didn't need. He missed a year of school and never caught up.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. are you saying he had his brain removed?
America was built upon more Socialist principles than Capitalistic ones. Everyone pay taxes, pooling a portion of their income, to build and maintain infrastructure, military, economy. The country was built upon that. Cooperative society compared to individualism. So all this Conservative railing about Socialism bad bad bad is ridiculous and just ignorant.

Especially to the young?

Why are the young so enamored with Socialism/Communism/Liberalism?
It may not be what seems to be the answer, free stuff.

The Answer may be something inherent to the human condition: a desire to be unique, and independent, and to make your own rules, and not have to answer to anyone else.

1.When Albert Camus wrote “The Rebel,” he put his finger on an aspect of human nature that most of us have, more so as youth, but, still, throughout our lives. We yearn to stand out, to be different, …we see it when the prettiest girl runs off with the ‘bad boy,’ or when the wild haired radical is the one everyone is talking about. True, family, and the desire for success often smooths the edges off, moderates how ‘different’ one chooses to be, and sometimes, later on, when we’ve given up most of that rebellion, we might come to resent those who actually carry it off…..but in our youth, we have it.

It’s all about the degree and desire to rebel.

2. Freud claimed he could document and explain that need to rebel, relating it to a biological phenomenon…. “The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes” The Rebel Instinct: How Each Generation's Need To Out-Rebel The Previous Generation Is Pushing Society To Wild Extremes

But whether it is psychological or biological…….it appears, most significantly, to be political.

3. A tip of the hat to Freud: there is no disputing the desire to stop taking orders from parents. OK. But it grows, in many, to the desire to not have to show respect, take orders from, or to mirror the style and tradition of an older, more successful generation. Perhaps the claim that socialists/communists are all about greed, to take from the successful without the work that went into that success...’You didn’t build that!’ …isn’t just to get the material things…

........it’s the psychological reward of rebellion.

Perhaps the rebel wants to gain that success by a different path, one that doesn’t require looking like, sounding like, and behaving like, our elders, that explains the 50% of Democrats who are socialists. Enter Bernie Sanders, stage Left.

Now…..get this, the fly in their ointment:

The problem for those rebels is that they have given up the intellect and the education that reveals what Socialism, Communism, Progressivism produces for societies, always:

....serfs, slaves….or corpses.
oh bullshit. this country was built over hard work and spilled blood. Capitalism is about hard work that is rewarded with money. The more success, the more money. The socialist wish to deter that hard work by taking control of the money. a driver to venezuela. and that's that.

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