What Makes Socialism So Attractive?

Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

Vonnegut poke fun at the Left's demands for the impossible...

Perhaps the best way to reveal the insanity of the Left's campaign for their view of equality is to revisit the satirical exposition of equality, written in 1961 by Kurt Vonnegut….
"Harrison Bergeron" is a satirical and dystopian science-fiction short story written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and first published in October 1961…The satire raises a serious question concerning desirability of social equality and the extent to which society is prepared to go to achieve it.”
Harrison Bergeron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of the Government to make them so." This is the premise of the Showtime film adaption of Kurt Vonnegut's futuristic short story Harrison Bergeron. The film centers around a young man (Harrison) who is smarter than his peers, and is not affected by the usual "Handicapping" which is used to train all Americans so everyone is of equal intelligence.”
Harrison Bergeron (TV 1995) - IMDb

b. “Kurt Vonnegut begins Harrison Bergeron this way: The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal in every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was quicker or stronger than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.”
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut

c. The government forced each individual to wear “handicaps” to offset any advantage they had, so that everyone could be truly and fully equal. Beautiful people had to wear ugly masks, the strong had to wear weights, the graceful had to wear bags of birdshot, and those with above-average intelligence had to wear government transmitters in their ears that would emit sharp noises every twenty seconds “to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains.”
Kurt Vonnegut, “Harrison Bergeron.”

sounds like the socialist utopia envisioned by idiots like Sanders and AOC
you mean a plantation full of slaves. Train the dogs to come when you ring the bell.

As you've mentioned Pavlov's famous dog-training, that is exactly the socialist plan for society.

And, frankly, they've been largely successful via government schooling.

" In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.

“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”
Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.
“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733
HG Wells made a movie demonstrating the technique, 1960, it was called the time machine.
they don't have doctors, they have government employees who are there only to maintain the populace, it isn't for medical help. Why do you think all of these virus's come from china? The amount of stupid in here is amazing as always. Another Day Another Stupid, (ADAS) exposed.
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
Capitalism broken.

Right, which is why so many people are still clamoring to come here for a better life and why we are most prosperous and powerful nation in the world.

Sanders wants has already been done in every other modern country wake up and smell the coffee ignoramus.

And every other "modern" country lags behind us in a multitude of areas.

While the Trumpsters clumsily try to provide definitions of socialism to justify their screaming and to scare people, fewer and fewer people are afraid of it.

Fewer and fewer people are afraid of it because they are being indoctrinated. The snot nosed, pierced kids who make up the vast majority of the Bernie coalition have had their heads filled with mush since elementary school. This is how Socialism takes root in every country. Add in a little government controlled healthcare and the circle is complete. Only the ignorant and indoctrinated are incapable of seeing what is going on here.

Socialism in every other modern country works just great and it is because the people fight for their benefits and freedoms unlike our drones and dupes of the greedy idiot rich propagandists. Change the channel and learn something

You should change the channel. You are listening to Socialist propaganda. They claim to be wonderful, but come to us for help with nearly everything.

For example, what on earth would the great socialists countries who now have the coronavirus in their countries do without US pharmaceutical companies coming to their aid? Why didn't their superior healthcare system come up with a vaccine, after all, it is certainly a more immediate threat to them than the US. Why is the CDC seen around the world as the foremost leader in disease control? You guys are just dumb enough to believe anything and ignore the obvious even when it is right in front of your face.
every other modern country is socialist and has everything that Sanders wants us to have, like living wage paid parental leave health Care daycare cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share. They don't need GOP help anywhere. Always unfair to the non-rich lying thieving assholes and silly dupes like you... Is Canada that scary dumbass?
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
Capitalism broken.

Right, which is why so many people are still clamoring to come here for a better life and why we are most prosperous and powerful nation in the world.

Sanders wants has already been done in every other modern country wake up and smell the coffee ignoramus.

And every other "modern" country lags behind us in a multitude of areas.

While the Trumpsters clumsily try to provide definitions of socialism to justify their screaming and to scare people, fewer and fewer people are afraid of it.

Fewer and fewer people are afraid of it because they are being indoctrinated. The snot nosed, pierced kids who make up the vast majority of the Bernie coalition have had their heads filled with mush since elementary school. This is how Socialism takes root in every country. Add in a little government controlled healthcare and the circle is complete. Only the ignorant and indoctrinated are incapable of seeing what is going on here.

Socialism in every other modern country works just great and it is because the people fight for their benefits and freedoms unlike our drones and dupes of the greedy idiot rich propagandists. Change the channel and learn something

You should change the channel. You are listening to Socialist propaganda. They claim to be wonderful, but come to us for help with nearly everything.

For example, what on earth would the great socialists countries who now have the coronavirus in their countries do without US pharmaceutical companies coming to their aid? Why didn't their superior healthcare system come up with a vaccine, after all, it is certainly a more immediate threat to them than the US. Why is the CDC seen around the world as the foremost leader in disease control? You guys are just dumb enough to believe anything and ignore the obvious even when it is right in front of your face.
every other modern country is socialist and has everything that Sanders wants us to have, like living wage paid parental leave health Care daycare cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share. They don't need GOP help anywhere. Always unfair to the non-rich lying thieving assholes and silly dupes like you... Is Canada that scary dumbass?
you're too stupid to know that entry level wages are not wages one can live on. If you had a brain, your head wouldn't hurt so much.
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
Capitalism broken.

Right, which is why so many people are still clamoring to come here for a better life and why we are most prosperous and powerful nation in the world.

Sanders wants has already been done in every other modern country wake up and smell the coffee ignoramus.

And every other "modern" country lags behind us in a multitude of areas.

While the Trumpsters clumsily try to provide definitions of socialism to justify their screaming and to scare people, fewer and fewer people are afraid of it.

Fewer and fewer people are afraid of it because they are being indoctrinated. The snot nosed, pierced kids who make up the vast majority of the Bernie coalition have had their heads filled with mush since elementary school. This is how Socialism takes root in every country. Add in a little government controlled healthcare and the circle is complete. Only the ignorant and indoctrinated are incapable of seeing what is going on here.

Socialism in every other modern country works just great and it is because the people fight for their benefits and freedoms unlike our drones and dupes of the greedy idiot rich propagandists. Change the channel and learn something

You should change the channel. You are listening to Socialist propaganda. They claim to be wonderful, but come to us for help with nearly everything.

For example, what on earth would the great socialists countries who now have the coronavirus in their countries do without US pharmaceutical companies coming to their aid? Why didn't their superior healthcare system come up with a vaccine, after all, it is certainly a more immediate threat to them than the US. Why is the CDC seen around the world as the foremost leader in disease control? You guys are just dumb enough to believe anything and ignore the obvious even when it is right in front of your face.
every other modern country is socialist and has everything that Sanders wants us to have, like living wage paid parental leave health Care daycare cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share. They don't need GOP help anywhere. Always unfair to the non-rich lying thieving assholes and silly dupes like you... Is Canada that scary dumbass?
you're too stupid to know that entry level wages are not wages one can live on. If you had a brain, your head wouldn't hurt so much.
50% of Americans now earn $18,000 or less a year dumbass and they try to live on it. Sanders wants $30,000 minimum wage. Then they can live on it. your GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else has turned us into a banana republic. Great job!
Capitalism broken.

Right, which is why so many people are still clamoring to come here for a better life and why we are most prosperous and powerful nation in the world.

Sanders wants has already been done in every other modern country wake up and smell the coffee ignoramus.

And every other "modern" country lags behind us in a multitude of areas.

While the Trumpsters clumsily try to provide definitions of socialism to justify their screaming and to scare people, fewer and fewer people are afraid of it.

Fewer and fewer people are afraid of it because they are being indoctrinated. The snot nosed, pierced kids who make up the vast majority of the Bernie coalition have had their heads filled with mush since elementary school. This is how Socialism takes root in every country. Add in a little government controlled healthcare and the circle is complete. Only the ignorant and indoctrinated are incapable of seeing what is going on here.

Socialism in every other modern country works just great and it is because the people fight for their benefits and freedoms unlike our drones and dupes of the greedy idiot rich propagandists. Change the channel and learn something

You should change the channel. You are listening to Socialist propaganda. They claim to be wonderful, but come to us for help with nearly everything.

For example, what on earth would the great socialists countries who now have the coronavirus in their countries do without US pharmaceutical companies coming to their aid? Why didn't their superior healthcare system come up with a vaccine, after all, it is certainly a more immediate threat to them than the US. Why is the CDC seen around the world as the foremost leader in disease control? You guys are just dumb enough to believe anything and ignore the obvious even when it is right in front of your face.
every other modern country is socialist and has everything that Sanders wants us to have, like living wage paid parental leave health Care daycare cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share. They don't need GOP help anywhere. Always unfair to the non-rich lying thieving assholes and silly dupes like you... Is Canada that scary dumbass?
you're too stupid to know that entry level wages are not wages one can live on. If you had a brain, your head wouldn't hurt so much.
50% of Americans now earn $18,000 or less a year dumbass and they try to live on it. Sanders wants $30,000 minimum wage. Then they can live on it. your GOP give away to the rich and screwjob for everyone else has turned us into a banana republic. Great job!
again, entry level job wages were never and have never been living wages. high school children don't need to make the money their parents earn. but hey, you stay stupid.
Capitalism broken.

Right, which is why so many people are still clamoring to come here for a better life and why we are most prosperous and powerful nation in the world.

Sanders wants has already been done in every other modern country wake up and smell the coffee ignoramus.

And every other "modern" country lags behind us in a multitude of areas.

While the Trumpsters clumsily try to provide definitions of socialism to justify their screaming and to scare people, fewer and fewer people are afraid of it.

Fewer and fewer people are afraid of it because they are being indoctrinated. The snot nosed, pierced kids who make up the vast majority of the Bernie coalition have had their heads filled with mush since elementary school. This is how Socialism takes root in every country. Add in a little government controlled healthcare and the circle is complete. Only the ignorant and indoctrinated are incapable of seeing what is going on here.

Socialism in every other modern country works just great and it is because the people fight for their benefits and freedoms unlike our drones and dupes of the greedy idiot rich propagandists. Change the channel and learn something

You should change the channel. You are listening to Socialist propaganda. They claim to be wonderful, but come to us for help with nearly everything.

For example, what on earth would the great socialists countries who now have the coronavirus in their countries do without US pharmaceutical companies coming to their aid? Why didn't their superior healthcare system come up with a vaccine, after all, it is certainly a more immediate threat to them than the US. Why is the CDC seen around the world as the foremost leader in disease control? You guys are just dumb enough to believe anything and ignore the obvious even when it is right in front of your face.
every other modern country is socialist and has everything that Sanders wants us to have, like living wage paid parental leave health Care daycare cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly they tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share. They don't need GOP help anywhere. Always unfair to the non-rich lying thieving assholes and silly dupes like you... Is Canada that scary dumbass?

You're lying again.

Myth: Socialism works spectacularly in Nordic countries.

The problem here is the equating socialist redistribution programs, with socialist economies. The Scandinavian nations are not socialist economies; Denmark has a freer economy than does the USA. Higher tax rates to support the redistributionist part, but far less business regulation than America.

“Speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

“The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security for its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish,” he added.

The PM’s comments come after US presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton used part of the first Democratic debate to discuss how the United States could emulate Scandinavia.” Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.

Communists are socialists until they accumulate enough weapons.

That's the only difference.
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron, just like we have today but with health Care day Care living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Jesus you are a brainwashed idiot....just like every other rich country and we are the richest country of all and have none of that because of scumbag GOP and stupid idiotic brainwashed shift heads like you.... Like Canada real scary stupid.
When Haitian refugees flee their island, do they aim for Cuba (53 miles), Turks and Caicos (110 miles), Jamaica (124 miles), the Cayman Islands ( 440 miles), or Florida (523 miles ) ?

Why is that?
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron, just like we have today but with health Care day Care living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Jesus you are a brainwashed idiot....just like every other rich country and we are the richest country of all and have none of that because of scumbag GOP and stupid idiotic brainwashed shift heads like you.... Like Canada real scary stupid.
again, dumb fk, entry wage positions were never living wage jobs. what is it about that you can't figure out? why is it you think sixteen year olds should make what their parents make? you're fking brainless.
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron, just like we have today but with health Care day Care living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Jesus you are a brainwashed idiot....just like every other rich country and we are the richest country of all and have none of that because of scumbag GOP and stupid idiotic brainwashed shift heads like you.... Like Canada real scary stupid.
move out of America we are not a socialist country.. take a hike ..it doesn’t work
The problem as the "socialists" see it is income inequality.
Why should Bloomberg have $62b and they are in debt and are working for slave wages?
Why should the US devolve toward a few hundred "oligarch billionaires" and the rest of us "peons"?
We must band together to set things right, we must tax the rich and distribute the income more fairly.
IMHO the Republicans can't keep winning elections, so what happens when the democrats eventually win?

Certainly, what you say is true, and the most commonly attributed of socialism...

Dennis Prager has written
  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

But there is more....there is need to claim that they are different from others who may be able to point to more accomplishments.
You cannot haven equality without tyranny. They go hand in hand.
That is communism again dumbass dupe. Socialists just want fairness and a safety net in their capitalism. Does Canada scare you that much s*** head? Wake up and smell the coffee.
you can't define fairness. please, define it for me.
For the billionth time, brainwashed functional moron, just like we have today but with health Care day Care living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Jesus you are a brainwashed idiot....just like every other rich country and we are the richest country of all and have none of that because of scumbag GOP and stupid idiotic brainwashed shift heads like you.... Like Canada real scary stupid.

".... taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share."

You guys sure don't put your Dinaro where you put your dinner......

Why is it that conservatives are far more charitable than Liberals/socialists?????

1."'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.

2. Arthur Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

3. ...those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.

4. Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year.

5. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. ... "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

6. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

7. ...young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

8. "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving,"...
The Giving Gap

Another custard pie in your ugly kisser, huh?
The OP poses a great question. The economy is doing very well. Unemployment is at record lows for everyone. Retirement plans are through the roof. Gas prices have yet to go over $3 under Trump. Even if you hate Trump, why would you not want 4 more years of America doing well? Even more so, with the all positive the economic factors, why change to socialism under Bernie Sanders?

I get the healthcare argument. I hate to see people who are in need to healthcare be denied. But wasn't that what Obamacare was supposed to fix? Obama, Reid and Pelosi pushed Obamacare through using the nuclear option (The rued that day when Kavanaugh was sworn in). But now Democrats are talking like Obamacare never happened. Did it not fix healthcare?
Trump was elected, at least partially, on the promise of a better healthcare plan than Obamacare. Once elected he and GOP offered no plan, they only chipped away at the ACA. You break it you bought it.

there was nothing wrong with the healthcare we had before obozocare. No one was denied medical care before ACA, even those here illegally. Those of us who paid for insurance covered those who did not or could not. Same as under ACA, except that now we have a huge expensive government agency that we also have to pay for.

There was no healthcare crisis in 2008, ACA was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, it was nothing but an failed attempt to allow the government to take over a large portion of our economy.
If you look at other countries you'd see that our healthcare is way more expensive than it needs to be and provides only mediocre results. Of course, if you're rich you'll get excellent care, if you're not, good luck.

yes, it is too expensive. No it is not mediocre. Healthcare in China, Iran, most of Africa, Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, and even the UK and Canada is mediocre, Healthcare is mediocre or worse in every socialist nation, and in every nation that has government run medicine.

Now, why is healthcare expensive in the USA?

1. Big Pharma is raping us with exorbitant drug prices, and they continue to buy politicians who allow that
2. the idea that every medical visit should be paid for has raised the cost of insurance
3. the best treatments are expensive
4. New technology is expensive

Bottom line, you get what you pay for. Unless you are in a socialist country where you are taxed to death for below average care.
I'd be ecstatic if I got the health care I pay for:

Among 11 countries, US ranks last for health outcomes, equity and quality

The U.S. has spends more on healthcare than any high-income country, yet Americans have poor health outcomes and a worsening life expectancy when compared with other countries, according to a report from the The Commonwealth Fund.
All of America’s biggest issue is because of big government.. enough! Shut them down
Soooo.....lots of poor folks are hiring?



Gads, you're a dunce.
he doesn't get that the guys with the mobile phones idea created soooooo many jobs for sooo many years that they'd lose their minds knowing that number. it's almost in the hundreds of million number. Amazon wouldn't exist without it.

How about those guys with the cars?
Barron Trump is probably a multi-millionaire, how many jobs has he created?
when he's old enough to share his talents, one doesn't know yet. But he has the capital to invest in any idea a friend might have and create jobs off that idea. you still don't even understand you loser. you're so lost in your hate, your head suffers.
Just don't tell the race is fair if some get to start the race at the finish line.

Where is it written that everything in life must be "fair"? all that is guaranteed is an equal opportunity to succeed. Yes, the road is much harder for some than others, Ask Ben Carson about coming from nothing to being very successful. Or you could ask Earth Kitt, conceived by rape, forced to live in the crawl space with the dogs, shunned by her family, but worked hard and achieved much success and fame.

Equal opportunity does not mean equal results.

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