What measures would you support to fight terrorism?

Select those measures you would support to fight terrorism

  • Religious extremism registry

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Complete ban on religous attire in public (Burqa bans but yarmulke, crosses too)

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Increased restrictions on religious speech (amending 1st Amendment to permit)

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Outright bans on religion: Not just their's, but your's as well, can pray at home but no where else

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Internment camps for suspected extremists

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Forced deportation of undesireables

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • 'Other'

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
Could probably make the case for identify concealing versions but not others. But I've no love for religion in general so would be ok either way. :)
How far are you willing to go to feel safe in your own country?
I'm willing to go so far as to suggest that depraved programming be removed from the media so that terrorists aren't so afraid of our depravity spilling over into their culture, causing them to easily recruit their young radicals, similarly shocked and willing to die to erase what they surely see as an unstoppable tide of depravity heading their way. The US leads world trends, dontcha know...

I'm willing to go that far. But when you think about it, the FCC does have a lot of power to stop this terror war. When pornography inches its way into prime time, the world will react. Best to get at a weed at its roots.

What would you choose if push came to shove? Curbing Hollywood's Rainbow Iron Fist, or sparking the flames of global destruction because we don't know how to tell ourselves when enough is enough on depravity?
How far are you willing to go to feel safe in your own country?
I'm willing to go so far as to suggest that depraved programming be removed from the media so that terrorists aren't so afraid of our depravity spilling over into their culture, causing them to easily recruit their young radicals, similarly shocked and willing to die to erase what they surely see as an unstoppable tide of depravity heading their way. The US leads world trends, dontcha know...

I'm willing to go that far. But when you think about it, the FCC does have a lot of power to stop this terror war. When pornography inches its way into prime time, the world will react. Best to get at a weed at its roots.

Our depravity? Guess whose countries can't be bothered to outlaw child pornography?
The measures taken since 9/11 are too far.

can you be more specific?

There nothing, absolutely nothing, patriotic about the Patriot Act.

Let's start there...

Ok ---lets start there-----to what detail of the PATRIOT ACT----do you object?

All of it.

would you like explain yourself a bit? My impression of the PATRIOT act is-----perhaps ?? flawed ?? It is that cops and homeland security guys can monitor
via telephone taps and ---computer "taps" etc-----the doings and communications
of persons suspected of being involved in terrorism. Logically that would mean that
they can "tap" just about anyone----------somehow it does not bother me
Our depravity? Guess whose countries can't be bothered to outlaw child pornography?

Why don't you tell me? We see the bar pushed lower and lower on explicit material aired where children can view it in American media, in shows and publications pitched to pique their curiosity. How far is it really from there to turning a blind eye to child pornography? Maybe we're about 10 years out from that still. But it's coming. That's where all the signs in media are pointing..
What ever it takes. Under what pretense is the war against organized crime,Waco, Ruby Ridge, any different than that of domestic terrorism.
If you don't understand the roots of terrorism (backlash-fear on behalf of the terrorists), you will never weed it out. That's why whack-a-mole is getting so exhausting. You have to understand why their emotions are so extreme before you can understand why their actions are so extreme.

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